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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

34.1.2 Amine and Acyl Chloride Reactions

In A-level Chemistry, the study of organic compounds like amines and acyl chlorides is fundamental. This section delves into their interaction, particularly focusing on the formation of amides, a critical reaction in the realm of organic synthesis.

Introduction to Amine-Acyl Chloride Reactions

Amines are versatile organic compounds that react with acyl chlorides to form amides. This reaction is pivotal in synthetic chemistry, especially in the formation of amide bonds, which are integral components in numerous biological molecules, including proteins, peptides, and some types of plastics.

Detailed Reaction Conditions

Temperature and Environmental Conditions

  • The reaction between amines and acyl chlorides typically occurs at room temperature, usually around 20-25°C.
  • The reaction does not require additional heating or cooling, making it energy efficient and straightforward.

Choice of Solvent

  • It's typically conducted in a non-aqueous solvent, like dichloromethane or ether, to prevent the acyl chloride from reacting with water.
  • The solvent must be dry and free of moisture to avoid any undesired side reactions.

Reaction Mechanism and Pathway

Nucleophilic Attack and Intermediate Formation

  • The reaction begins with the nucleophilic nitrogen atom of the amine attacking the electrophilic carbon of the acyl chloride.
  • This attack results in the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate, a temporary structure in the reaction pathway.

Displacement of the Chloride Ion

  • The chloride ion, attached to the acyl group, is a good leaving group and is displaced in the next step of the reaction.
  • The departure of the chloride ion leads to the formation of the amide bond.

Formation of Hydrochloric Acid

  • Concurrently, hydrochloric acid (HCl) is produced as a by-product.
  • The presence of HCl can sometimes necessitate the use of a base to neutralise the acidic environment, especially in sensitive reactions.
Reaction of Amine with Acyl chloride to produce amide

Image courtesy of Homework.Study.com

Types of Amines and Resulting Amides

Primary Amines

  • When primary amines are used, primary amides are formed.
  • For instance, the reaction between methylamine and ethanoyl chloride will yield N-methylethanamide.

Secondary Amines

  • Secondary amines react to form secondary amides.
  • An example is the reaction of diethylamine with propanoyl chloride to produce N,N-diethylpropanamide.
Types of amines- primary, secondary and tertiary amines

Primary, secondary and tertiary amines

Image courtesy of

Structural Influences on the Reaction

Steric Hindrance

  • Bulky amines might show reduced reactivity due to steric hindrance, which makes the approach of the amine to the acyl chloride difficult.

Electronic Effects

  • Amines with electron-donating groups increase the nucleophilicity of the nitrogen, thus making the amine more reactive towards acyl chlorides.

Practical Applications in Industry and Medicine

Pharmaceutical Synthesis

  • The amide bond formation is crucial in pharmaceutical chemistry, used in synthesising a variety of drugs, including pain relievers like paracetamol.
Paracetamol tablets in a container

Image courtesy of Steve Smith

Industrial Uses

  • In the industrial sector, this reaction is integral to the production of certain types of polymers and plastics, where amide bonds provide structural stability and functional properties.

Safety and Environmental Aspects

Handling and Precautions with Acyl Chlorides

  • Acyl chlorides are reactive and corrosive. Proper handling includes wearing gloves and goggles and working in a fume hood.
  • The release of HCl gas during the reaction necessitates good ventilation and appropriate gas scrubbing facilities.

Responsible Disposal

  • Neutralising acidic by-products is crucial for environmental safety.
  • Organic solvents and residues should be disposed of following local regulations and environmental guidelines.

Experimental Techniques and Tips

Monitoring the Reaction Progress

  • Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) is an effective method to monitor the reaction’s progress and completion.
  • The appearance of new spots on the TLC plate indicates the formation of the amide.

Purification Strategies

  • Amides formed can be purified using techniques like recrystallisation, which involves dissolving the crude product in a hot solvent and then allowing it to crystallise as it cools.
  • This method helps in obtaining amides in a purer form, free from impurities and by-products.

Maximising Yield

  • Employing an excess of the amine can drive the reaction to completion, thereby improving the yield of the desired amide.
  • Careful control of reaction conditions, such as temperature and solvent choice, also contributes to higher yields.

In conclusion, the reaction between amines and acyl chlorides to form amides is a key reaction in organic chemistry, with wide-ranging applications in pharmaceuticals and industrial manufacturing. Its simplicity, occurring at room temperature, makes it an accessible and widely used method in both laboratory and industrial settings. Understanding the mechanism, conditions, and applications of this reaction is essential for A-level chemistry students, as it provides a foundation for further studies in organic chemistry and its practical applications.


The solvent plays several critical roles in the reaction between amines and acyl chlorides. Firstly, it provides a medium in which the reactants can dissolve and interact more effectively. A suitable solvent should dissolve both the amine and the acyl chloride, facilitating their collision and reaction. Secondly, the solvent helps to control the temperature and rate of the reaction. By choosing a solvent with appropriate boiling and freezing points, chemists can ensure that the reaction occurs at an optimal rate and under controlled conditions. Thirdly, the solvent's polarity can influence the reaction's mechanism and outcome. For example, a non-polar solvent can reduce the reactivity of the acyl chloride, while a polar solvent can enhance it. Finally, the solvent must not react with either the amine or the acyl chloride, as this could lead to unwanted side reactions and reduce the yield of the desired amide.

Hydrochloric acid (HCl) is formed as a by-product in the reaction between amines and acyl chlorides due to the displacement of the chloride ion from the acyl chloride. In the reaction mechanism, the amine nucleophilically attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride, forming a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate then collapses, leading to the expulsion of the chloride ion. The chloride ion, being a good leaving group, is released as a chloride anion. Concurrently, a proton (H⁺) is transferred from the amine to the chloride anion, forming HCl. This proton transfer can occur in the reaction medium or during work-up procedures, especially when a basic medium is used to neutralize the acid. The formation of HCl is a characteristic feature of reactions involving acyl chlorides and is an important consideration for reaction conditions and safety measures.

The reactivity of acyl chlorides can significantly influence the formation of amides with amines. Acyl chlorides vary in their reactivity based on their structure and substituents. Electron-withdrawing groups on the acyl chloride, such as nitro or cyano groups, increase its electrophilicity, making it more reactive towards nucleophilic attack by the amine. Conversely, electron-donating groups, like alkyl groups, can decrease the electrophilicity of the acyl chloride, slowing down the reaction. The steric hindrance around the acyl group also plays a role; bulky groups near the carbonyl carbon can hinder the approach of the amine and reduce the reaction rate. Additionally, the stability of the acyl chloride in the reaction medium can affect the reaction. More stable acyl chlorides may have a longer shelf-life and be less prone to decomposition, leading to higher yields of amides. Understanding the reactivity of different acyl chlorides is crucial for selecting the appropriate reactants and conditions to efficiently synthesize the desired amide.

Scaling up the amine-acyl chloride reaction for industrial purposes presents several challenges and limitations. One major challenge is the handling of acyl chlorides, which are highly reactive and often corrosive, requiring special equipment and safety protocols. Large-scale reactions may produce significant amounts of hydrochloric acid gas, which necessitates robust gas handling and scrubbing systems. Another challenge is the control of reaction conditions, such as temperature and pressure, on a large scale, which is crucial for achieving high yields and product purity. The reaction’s exothermic nature can lead to runaway reactions if not properly managed. Additionally, the use of organic solvents on a large scale raises environmental concerns, as these solvents need to be recovered and recycled to minimize environmental impact. Finally, the scalability of the reaction is limited by the availability and cost of the starting materials, especially when synthesizing complex amides for pharmaceuticals or specialty chemicals. Overcoming these challenges requires careful process design and optimization to ensure safety, efficiency, and environmental sustainability.

Tertiary amines do not react with acyl chlorides to form amides, primarily due to the lack of a hydrogen atom attached to the nitrogen atom. In primary and secondary amines, the hydrogen atoms on the nitrogen are crucial for the formation of amides, as they allow the nitrogen to act as a nucleophile. In tertiary amines, however, the nitrogen atom is fully substituted with alkyl or aryl groups, leaving no hydrogen atoms. This full substitution hinders the nitrogen atom's ability to donate its lone pair electrons effectively to the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride. Furthermore, steric hindrance from the bulky alkyl groups also prevents the close approach necessary for effective nucleophilic attack. Consequently, tertiary amines are incapable of undergoing the typical amide formation reaction with acyl chlorides.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the reaction between a primary amine and an acyl chloride to form an amide. Include all relevant steps and the types of chemical bonds involved.

The reaction mechanism begins with the nucleophilic attack of the lone pair electrons on the nitrogen atom of the primary amine towards the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride. This forms a tetrahedral intermediate. In this step, a new sigma bond is formed between the nitrogen and the carbonyl carbon, while the double bond between the carbonyl carbon and oxygen shifts to form a lone pair on the oxygen, temporarily creating a negatively charged oxygen atom. Following this, the chloride ion, being a good leaving group, is expelled from the intermediate, leading to the reformation of the double bond between the carbonyl carbon and the oxygen atom. This expulsion results in the formation of the amide product and the release of a chloride ion. Throughout the process, an interplay of sigma and pi bonds occurs, with a new sigma bond forming in the final amide product.

Explain why the reaction of amines with acyl chlorides to form amides is typically carried out in a non-aqueous solvent.

The reaction of amines with acyl chlorides to form amides is typically carried out in a non-aqueous solvent to prevent the acyl chloride from reacting with water. Acyl chlorides are highly reactive towards water, and their reaction with water would lead to the formation of carboxylic acids instead of the desired amide. This side reaction is undesirable as it reduces the yield of the amide. Using a non-aqueous solvent like dichloromethane or ether prevents this hydrolysis reaction. Moreover, these solvents provide a stable environment for the reaction to occur efficiently, ensuring the formation of amides with high purity and yield.

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