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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

24.2.3 Cell Potential Calculations

In A-Level Chemistry, a deep understanding of cell potential calculations is fundamental for mastering electrochemistry. This section aims to elucidate the methods of calculating standard cell potentials by combining standard electrode potentials. It will guide students through the process of deducing electrode polarity, understanding the direction of electron flow, and assessing the feasibility of electrochemical reactions.

Introduction to Standard Cell Potentials

Defining Standard Cell Potential

  • Standard cell potential (E°_cell): The electric potential difference measured under standard conditions (1 Molar solution, 1 atmosphere pressure, 25°C) between two half-cells in an electrochemical cell.
  • It represents the ability of a cell to drive an electric current through an external circuit.

Fundamentals of Electrode Potentials

  • Standard electrode potential (E°): The voltage of a half-cell in relation to a standard hydrogen electrode, measured under standard conditions.
  • It indicates the tendency of a species to gain or lose electrons (oxidise or reduce).

Calculating Standard Cell Potentials

Theoretical Basis

  • Standard cell potential is calculated using the standard electrode potentials of the cathode and anode.
  • Formula: E°_cell = E°_cathode - E°_anode

Example Calculation

  • Consider a cell composed of a standard hydrogen electrode and a copper electrode.
  • E° for hydrogen electrode = 0.00 V (by definition).
  • E° for copper electrode (Cu²⁺/Cu) = +0.34 V.
  • E°_cell = +0.34 V - 0.00 V = +0.34 V.

Electrode Polarity and Electron Flow

Understanding Cathode and Anode

  • Cathode: The site of reduction (gain of electrons). It has a higher E° value.
  • Anode: The site of oxidation (loss of electrons). It has a lower E° value.

Determining Electron Flow

  • Electrons always move from the anode to the cathode.
  • This movement is driven by the potential difference between the two electrodes.

Assessing Reaction Feasibility

Spontaneity of Reactions

  • A positive E°_cell indicates that the reaction can occur spontaneously under standard conditions.
  • Conversely, a negative E°_cell suggests that the reaction is non-spontaneous, requiring external energy to proceed.

Influence of Conditions

  • Deviations from standard conditions (changes in concentration, pressure, temperature) can affect both the cell potential and the reaction's spontaneity.

In-Depth Examples and Problems

Detailed Example: Silver and Lead Cell

  • Consider a cell with silver and lead electrodes.
  • E° for Ag⁺/Ag = +0.80 V, and for Pb²⁺/Pb = -0.13 V.
  • E°_cell = +0.80 V - (-0.13 V) = +0.93 V.
  • Interpretation: Positive E°_cell implies a spontaneous reaction, with Ag as the cathode and Pb as the anode. Electrons flow from Pb to Ag.

Practice Problem: Al/Mn Cell

  • Given: E° for Al³⁺/Al = -1.66 V, E° for Mn²⁺/Mn = -1.18 V.
  • Task: Calculate E°_cell and discuss reaction feasibility.
  • Method: Identify cathode/anode, calculate E°_cell, and interpret the result.

Challenging Problem: Mixed Electrode Cell

  • Scenario: A cell with a Fe³⁺/Fe²⁺ half-cell and a Sn⁴⁺/Sn²⁺ half-cell.
  • Data: E° for Fe³⁺/Fe²⁺ = +0.77 V, E° for Sn⁴⁺/Sn²⁺ = +0.15 V.
  • Objective: Calculate E°_cell and predict reaction direction and feasibility.

Advanced Topics in Cell Potentials

Redox Equations and Electrode Potentials

  • Importance of balancing electrons in half-reactions.
  • Constructing overall redox reactions using individual half-equations.

Applications in Real-world Scenarios

  • Predicting the behaviour of batteries and fuel cells.
  • Understanding the electrochemical principles in corrosion and metallurgy.

Nernst Equation Relevance

  • Brief mention of the Nernst Equation for non-standard conditions (covered in detail in another subtopic).

Practice Exercises

Exercise Set

  • A series of calculated problems involving different metal and non-metal electrodes.
  • Problems designed to enhance understanding of standard cell potential calculations and their applications in various electrochemical scenarios.


This comprehensive guide provides an in-depth look at calculating standard cell potentials, determining electrode polarity, electron flow, and assessing the feasibility of reactions. These are essential concepts for A-Level Chemistry students, enabling them to understand and predict the behaviour of electrochemical cells in a variety of contexts. Students are encouraged to engage with the practice problems to solidify their understanding and application of these fundamental principles.


A cell with a negative standard cell potential (E°_cell) under standard conditions is typically non-spontaneous, meaning it will not operate without external energy input. However, it's possible for such a cell to operate under certain non-standard conditions. Adjusting factors like concentration, pressure, and temperature can shift the reaction equilibrium, potentially making the cell reaction feasible. For instance, increasing the concentration of reactants or decreasing the concentration of products can increase the cell potential. Similarly, applying external energy, such as electrical energy in electrolysis, can drive a non-spontaneous reaction. This principle is widely used in industrial applications, where non-spontaneous reactions are made feasible through external energy input or by altering reaction conditions.

Changes in concentration can affect the standard cell potential (E°_cell) of an electrochemical cell, a phenomenon explained by the Nernst equation. The Nernst equation states that the cell potential is dependent on the concentrations of the reactants and products involved in the electrochemical reaction. As the concentration of reactants increases, or the concentration of products decreases, the cell potential typically increases, indicating a greater tendency for the reaction to proceed towards the products. This is in line with Le Chatelier's principle, which states that a system at equilibrium will adjust to counteract changes in concentration, pressure, or temperature. The Nernst equation provides a quantitative method to calculate the new cell potential when concentrations deviate from standard conditions (1 M). This effect is particularly important in batteries and other real-world electrochemical systems, where the concentrations of reactants and products change continuously during operation.

The standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) is used as a reference electrode in electrochemistry due to its stable and reproducible electrode potential. It has been assigned a potential of exactly 0.00 volts under standard conditions (1 atm hydrogen gas pressure, 1 Molar solution at 25°C). The SHE consists of a platinum electrode in contact with both 1 M H⁺ ions (usually in the form of a strong acid like HCl) and hydrogen gas at 1 atm pressure. The hydrogen gas is bubbled over the platinum electrode, which acts as a catalyst for the half-reaction:

$( \text{H}_2(g) \rightarrow 2\text{H}^+(aq) + 2\text{e}^- )$

This half-reaction is reversible, and its potential is unaffected by the nature of the ions in the solution or the material of the electrode, making it an ideal reference. By comparing other half-cell potentials to the SHE, a consistent and universal scale of electrode potentials is established, allowing for the comparison and calculation of cell potentials in various electrochemical cells.

Temperature can significantly impact the standard cell potential (E°_cell) of an electrochemical cell, primarily due to its effect on the reaction kinetics and equilibrium. At higher temperatures, the increased kinetic energy of particles can accelerate reaction rates, potentially shifting the equilibrium position. This shift can either increase or decrease the cell potential depending on the reaction specifics. For example, in an exothermic reaction, increasing the temperature typically shifts the equilibrium towards the reactants, reducing the cell potential. Conversely, in an endothermic reaction, a higher temperature can increase the cell potential by shifting the equilibrium towards the products. Additionally, temperature changes can influence the solubility of electrolytes and the conductivity of the solution, further affecting the E°_cell. It's essential to note that standard electrode potentials are measured at 25°C, and deviations from this temperature can lead to variations in the measured potentials.

The standard cell potential (E°_cell) is directly related to the Gibbs free energy change (ΔG°) of the electrochemical reaction. The relationship is given by the formula:

$( \Delta G° = -nFE°_cell )$

Here, ΔG° is the change in Gibbs free energy, n is the number of moles of electrons transferred in the reaction, F is the Faraday constant (approximately 96,485 C/mol), and E°_cell is the standard cell potential. A negative ΔG° (indicating a spontaneous reaction) corresponds to a positive E°_cell, and vice versa. This relationship is fundamental in thermodynamics and electrochemistry, as it quantitatively links the electrical energy of a cell with the chemical potential energy of the reactants and products. It allows chemists to predict the spontaneity of reactions and calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from an electrochemical cell.

Practice Questions

Calculate the standard cell potential for an electrochemical cell made of magnesium and silver electrodes. Use the following standard electrode potentials: Mg²⁺/Mg = -2.37 V, Ag⁺/Ag = +0.80 V. Also, explain the direction of electron flow and the feasibility of the reaction.

The standard cell potential (E°_cell) is calculated using the formula E°_cell = E°_cathode - E°_anode. Here, Ag⁺/Ag is the cathode (as it has a higher E° of +0.80 V) and Mg²⁺/Mg is the anode (with a lower E° of -2.37 V). Therefore, E°_cell = +0.80 V - (-2.37 V) = +3.17 V. This positive E°_cell indicates that the reaction is spontaneous. Electrons flow from the anode (Mg) to the cathode (Ag), as electrons always move from lower to higher potential.

An electrochemical cell consists of a Cd/Cd²⁺ half-cell and a Ni/Ni²⁺ half-cell. Given that the standard electrode potentials are Cd²⁺/Cd = -0.40 V and Ni²⁺/Ni = -0.25 V, calculate the cell potential and discuss whether the reaction is feasible under standard conditions.

To calculate the cell potential (E°_cell), we need to identify the cathode and anode. The Ni²⁺/Ni half-cell, with a less negative E° of -0.25 V, acts as the cathode, and the Cd/Cd²⁺ half-cell, with an E° of -0.40 V, is the anode. Thus, E°_cell = E°_cathode - E°_anode = -0.25 V - (-0.40 V) = +0.15 V. Since E°_cell is positive, the reaction is feasible and spontaneous under standard conditions. The electron flow will be from the cadmium electrode (anode) to the nickel electrode (cathode).

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