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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.1.4 Born-Haber Cycles in Lattice Energy Calculations

The Born-Haber cycle is an essential concept in A-level Chemistry, providing a detailed and quantitative understanding of the formation and stability of ionic compounds. This method is particularly significant for compounds with +1 and +2 cations and –1 and –2 anions.

Introduction to Born-Haber Cycles

Born-Haber cycles are thermochemical cycles that facilitate the calculation of lattice energies of ionic solids. They break down the formation of an ionic compound into a series of hypothetical steps, each with associated energy changes. Understanding these cycles is crucial for comprehending the energetic aspects of ionic bond formation.

Fundamental Principles of Born-Haber Cycles

The Concept of Thermochemical Cycles

  • Thermochemical cycles, such as the Born-Haber cycle, are based on Hess's Law. This law states that the total enthalpy change in a chemical reaction is the same, regardless of the pathway taken from reactants to products.
  • These cycles provide a method to calculate the lattice energy ((\Delta H_{lattice})) of an ionic compound, a key indicator of its stability.
A diagrammatic presentation of Hess's Law.

Image courtesy of Anshuman

Components of a Born-Haber Cycle

  • Sublimation: The conversion of a solid element into a gaseous atom, requiring energy input.
  • Dissociation: Involves breaking apart diatomic molecules (like Cl(_2)) into individual gaseous atoms.
  • Ionisation Energy: The energy required to remove an electron from a gaseous atom, forming a cation.
  • Electron Affinity: The energy change when an electron is added to a gaseous atom, forming an anion.
  • Lattice Energy ((\Delta H_{lattice})): The energy released when gaseous ions combine to form an ionic lattice.

Constructing Born-Haber Cycles

For Ionic Solids with +1 and –1 Ions

1. Start with Elements in Standard States: Begin with the elements in their most stable forms, typically solids or diatomic gases.

2. Sublimation/Dissociation: Convert these elements into gaseous atoms, accounting for the associated energy changes.

3. Ionisation of the Metal Atom: Remove an electron from the metal atom to form a cation, involving the first ionisation energy.

4. Electron Addition to the Non-metal Atom: Add an electron to the non-metal atom, forming an anion. This step involves electron affinity.

5. Formation of the Ionic Solid: Combine the gaseous ions to form the solid lattice, releasing the lattice energy.

For Ionic Solids with +2 and –2 Ions

  • The process is similar to that for +1 and –1 ions, but includes additional steps for the second ionisation energy of the cation and the second electron affinity of the anion. These additional steps reflect the removal of a second electron from the metal atom and the addition of a second electron to the non-metal atom, respectively.

Calculating Lattice Energies Using Born-Haber Cycles

Example Calculation for NaCl

1. Na(s) to Na(g): Sublimation of sodium requires energy input.

2. Cl(_2(g)) to 2Cl(g): Dissociation of chlorine molecules into atoms.

3. Na(g) to Na(^+)(g) + e(^-): Ionisation of sodium to form Na(^+).

4. Cl(g) + e(^-) to Cl(^-)(g): Chlorine gains an electron, releasing energy.

5. Na(^+)(g) + Cl(^-)(g) to NaCl(s): Formation of NaCl lattice, releasing energy. This step is crucial for calculating (\Delta H_{lattice}).

Using Enthalpy Values

  • Assign numerical values to each step's enthalpy change, summing them to equate to the enthalpy of formation of the ionic compound from its elements.
  • Rearrange the equation to solve for (\Delta H_{lattice}).
Calculating Lattice Energies Using Born-Haber Cycles for NaCl

Image courtesy of Pathways to Chemistry

Factors Affecting the Born-Haber Cycle

Influence of Ionic Charges

  • The magnitude of the charge on the ions significantly impacts the lattice energy. Higher charges typically lead to a stronger electrostatic attraction between ions, resulting in higher lattice energies.

Role of Ionic Radii

  • The size of the ions also plays a critical role. Smaller ions can pack more closely in the lattice, leading to stronger ionic bonds and higher lattice energies.

Practical Applications of Born-Haber Cycles

Predicting the Stability of Ionic Compounds

  • Compounds with higher lattice energies are generally more stable thermodynamically. The Born-Haber cycle helps predict this stability.

Comparing Different Ionic Compounds

  • By constructing and comparing Born-Haber cycles for different
    compounds, chemists can assess their relative stabilities and properties.

Limitations and Considerations in Born-Haber Cycles

  • While Born-Haber cycles provide valuable insights, they are based on idealised models. In real-world scenarios, additional factors such as covalent character and crystal defects might influence the actual lattice energies.
  • Accurate determination of enthalpy values for each step is crucial for precise lattice energy calculations. Experimental inaccuracies can lead to errors in the calculated lattice energies.

In summary, Born-Haber cycles are a fundamental tool in A-level Chemistry for understanding the energetics of ionic compounds. They illustrate the process of ionic bond formation in a step-by-step manner, highlighting the importance of lattice energy in the stability of ionic solids. By mastering these cycles, students gain a deeper understanding of the thermodynamic aspects of ionic bonding, enhancing their overall grasp of inorganic chemistry.


The Born-Haber cycle is specifically designed for ionic compounds and is not applicable to covalent compounds. This is because the cycle is based on the concept of ionic bonding, where the formation of the compound is viewed as a result of the electrostatic attraction between positively and negatively charged ions. In the Born-Haber cycle, the focus is on the energy changes associated with ionisation, electron affinity, and the formation of an ionic lattice. These processes are characteristic of ionic bonding and are not relevant in the formation of covalent compounds. In contrast, covalent bonding involves the sharing of electrons between atoms, and the energy changes associated with this type of bonding are different. For covalent compounds, concepts like bond enthalpy and molecular orbital theory are more appropriate for understanding their formation and stability. The Born-Haber cycle, therefore, remains a tool exclusive to the study and analysis of ionic compounds, reflecting the unique nature of ionic bonding and lattice formation.

Electron affinity plays a crucial role in the Born-Haber cycle, particularly in compounds with multiple anions such as aluminium oxide (Al(_2)O(_3)). Electron affinity is the energy change that occurs when an electron is added to a gaseous atom, forming an anion. In the case of Al(_2)O(_3), oxygen atoms gain electrons to form O(^{2-}) ions. This process is exothermic for the first electron but often less so or even endothermic for subsequent electrons due to electron-electron repulsion in the negatively charged ion. For Al(_2)O(_3), the electron affinity must be considered for each oxygen atom gaining two electrons. The energy released during these electron affinity steps partially offsets the energy required for ionisation and other endothermic steps in the cycle. Therefore, electron affinities significantly influence the overall calculation of lattice energy, which is a measure of the strength of the ionic bonds in the compound. They contribute to the stabilisation of the compound by counterbalancing the energy required to form cations from their respective elements.

In the Born-Haber cycle for compounds such as calcium chloride $(CaCl(_2))$, it is necessary to include both the first and second ionisation energies due to the formation of $Ca(^{2+})$ ions. Calcium, being a Group 2 element, has two valence electrons. The first ionisation energy is the energy required to remove the first valence electron from a gaseous calcium atom, forming Ca(^+). However, to achieve the charge state present in calcium chloride, a second electron must be removed. This second removal requires energy, known as the second ionisation energy, and is typically higher than the first due to the increased effective nuclear charge experienced by the remaining electron. Including both ionisation energies is crucial for accurately calculating the overall enthalpy change for the formation of CaCl(_2). It reflects the true energetics of forming a divalent cation from its elemental state, ensuring that the Born-Haber cycle accurately represents the energy changes involved in forming an ionic compound.

The lattice energy of an ionic compound becomes more exothermic with ions of higher charges due to the increased electrostatic attraction between the ions. Lattice energy is the energy released when oppositely charged ions in the gaseous state come together to form an ionic lattice. The electrostatic force, as described by Coulomb's Law, is directly proportional to the product of the charges of the interacting ions and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Therefore, when ions have higher charges, the electrostatic attraction between them is significantly stronger, leading to a greater release of energy when these ions form a solid lattice. For example, the lattice energy in magnesium oxide (MgO), where $Mg(^{2+})$ and $O(^{2-})$ ions are present, is more exothermic than in sodium chloride (NaCl) with Na(^+) and Cl(^-) ions. This stronger attraction in MgO results in a more stable ionic lattice, thus releasing more energy during its formation.

Lattice enthalpy and the Born-Haber cycle are related but distinct concepts in understanding ionic compounds. Lattice enthalpy specifically refers to the energy change associated with forming an ionic compound from its constituent ions in the gaseous state or, conversely, the energy required to break an ionic solid into its gaseous ions. It is a measure of the strength of the ionic bonds in a compound. The more negative the lattice enthalpy, the stronger the ionic bonds and the greater the stability of the compound.

The Born-Haber cycle, on the other hand, is a theoretical construct used to calculate lattice enthalpy. It breaks down the formation of an ionic compound into a series of steps, including sublimation, ionisation, electron affinity, and the formation of the ionic solid. Each step has an associated enthalpy change, and by applying Hess's Law, the cycle allows for the indirect calculation of the lattice enthalpy. While lattice enthalpy is a single value representing a specific energy change, the Born-Haber cycle is a comprehensive process that considers all the energy changes involved in the formation of an ionic compound. In essence, while lattice enthalpy provides a quantitative measure of ionic bond strength, the Born-Haber cycle offers a detailed pathway to understanding and calculating that value.

Practice Questions

In a Born-Haber cycle for the formation of magnesium oxide (MgO), identify and explain the steps involved. Include the specific types of enthalpy changes and the general formula for calculating the lattice energy of MgO.

The Born-Haber cycle for magnesium oxide involves several steps. First, the sublimation of solid magnesium to gaseous Mg atoms ((ΔHsub))((\Delta H{sub})). Then, the dissociation of diatomic oxygen to form O atoms ((ΔHdissoc))((\Delta H{dissoc})). This is followed by the ionisation of Mg to form Mg(2+)((ΔHIE))Mg(^{2+}) ((\Delta H{IE})), requiring two steps due to the +2 charge. Next, the addition of electrons to O atoms to form O(2)((ΔHEA))O(^{2-}) ((\Delta H{EA})), again in two steps. Finally, the formation of MgO solid from gaseous ions, releasing lattice energy ((ΔHlattice))((\Delta H{lattice})). The lattice energy is calculated using the formula: (ΔHf=ΔHsub+ΔHdissoc+ΔHIE+ΔHEAΔHlattice)(\Delta H{f} = \Delta H{sub} + \Delta H{dissoc} + \Delta H{IE} + \Delta H{EA} - \Delta H_{lattice}).

Explain how the ionic radius and charge of ions affect the lattice energy in an ionic compound, using sodium chloride (NaCl) and calcium oxide (CaO) as examples.

The lattice energy in ionic compounds is influenced significantly by the ionic radius and charge. In NaCl, the Na(^+) and Cl(^-) ions have a +1 and -1 charge, respectively, resulting in a moderate lattice energy due to the electrostatic attraction between these ions. In contrast, CaO has Ca(2+)Ca(^{2+}) and O(2)O(^{2-}) ions. The higher charges (+2 and -2) lead to a stronger electrostatic attraction, thus increasing the lattice energy compared to NaCl. Additionally, the smaller ionic radius of Ca(2+)Ca(^{2+}) compared to Na(^+) allows ions to be closer in the lattice, further increasing the lattice energy in CaO.

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