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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.1.3 Electron Affinity in Chemistry

Electron affinity (EA) is an essential concept in advanced chemistry, particularly in understanding atomic and molecular behaviours. This section explores the nature of electron affinities, their exothermic or endothermic characteristics, factors influencing them, and specific trends observed in Groups 16 and 17 of the periodic table.

Understanding Electron Affinity

Electron affinity is a measure of an atom's propensity to attract and add an electron to its structure. It's crucial in predicting the reactivity and bonding behavior of elements.

First Electron Affinity

  • Definition: The first electron affinity is the energy change accompanying the addition of an electron to a neutral atom in its gaseous state to form a negative ion.
  • Exothermic Nature: Generally, this process is exothermic because energy is released when an electron is added to a neutral atom, making the atom more stable.
  • Quantitative Example: Chlorine's first electron affinity can be represented as ( Cl(g) + e^- → Cl^-(g) ), with a ΔH of -349 kJ/mol, indicating energy release.

Subsequent Electron Affinities

  • Further Electron Additions: After the first electron is added, subsequent electron affinities refer to the energy change when an already negatively charged ion accepts an additional electron.
  • Endothermic Nature: These processes are often endothermic. Adding an electron to a negative ion requires energy to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged ion and the incoming electron.
  • Quantitative Example: The addition of an electron to the oxide ion (( O^-(g) )) to form the peroxide ion (( O^{2-}(g) )) requires energy, illustrated by a positive ΔH of +844 kJ/mol.
Diagram showing electron affinity- the energy required to add an electron to a gaseous atom.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Exothermic or Endothermic Nature

  • Exothermic Reactions: Negative electron affinity values indicate that energy is released during the electron addition, making the process exothermic.
  • Endothermic Reactions: Positive values for electron affinity signify energy absorption, making the process endothermic.

Factors Affecting Electron Affinity

Electron affinity is influenced by several atomic properties:

1. Atomic Size: Generally, smaller atoms have higher electron affinities. In smaller atoms, the added electron is closer to the nucleus, enhancing the atom's ability to attract and add electrons.

2. Nuclear Charge: Higher nuclear charge correlates with higher electron affinity. A stronger nuclear charge more effectively attracts the added electron.

3. Electronic Configuration: Atoms with a nearly filled or half-filled valence shell exhibit higher electron affinities due to stability gained upon reaching a filled or half-filled state.

Group 16: Chalcogens

  • General Trend: Electron affinity decreases as you move down Group 16. This trend is due to an increase in atomic size and the shielding effect, which reduce the effective nuclear charge experienced by the added electron.
  • Oxygen's Anomaly: Oxygen has a lower electron affinity than sulfur, contrary to the general trend. This deviation is attributed to the relatively small size of oxygen, leading to increased electron-electron repulsions in its compact valence shell.

Group 17: Halogens

  • General Trend: Halogens exhibit very high electron affinities, generally decreasing down the group.
  • Fluorine's Anomaly: Despite being at the top of the group, fluorine has a lower electron affinity than chlorine. This unexpected trend results from fluorine's small atomic size, causing repulsion between the compact valence shell electrons and the incoming electron.
Electron affinity trends in the periodic table

Image courtesy of Cdang Derivative work: Adrignola

Electron Affinity in Chemical Reactions

Understanding electron affinity is vital in predicting how elements will behave in chemical reactions, especially in the formation of ionic compounds.

  • Formation of Ionic Bonds: Elements with high electron affinities often form negative ions and participate in ionic bond formation with elements having low electron affinities (and high ionization energies).
  • Reactivity of Elements: Elements with higher electron affinities are generally more reactive, as they readily gain electrons to achieve a stable electronic configuration.

Practical Applications of Electron Affinity

  • Material Science: Electron affinity values help in the design and synthesis of materials, especially semiconductors and ionic compounds.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Understanding electron affinity aids in predicting the behavior of molecules, crucial in drug design and synthesis.

Summary of Key Points

  • First EA: Typically exothermic, indicating energy release upon electron addition to a neutral atom.
  • Subsequent EA: Generally endothermic due to repulsion in negatively charged ions.
  • Factors: Atomic size, nuclear charge, and electronic configuration significantly influence electron affinity.
  • Trends: Specific trends in Groups 16 and 17, with notable exceptions like oxygen and fluorine.

This comprehensive exploration of electron affinity, tailored for A-level Chemistry students, provides a deep understanding of the topic. The content is meticulously formatted to facilitate easy comprehension, ensuring students grasp this critical concept in atomic and molecular chemistry.


The first electron affinity of oxygen is exothermic because energy is released when an electron is added to the neutral oxygen atom, resulting in the formation of an oxide ion (O⁻). This process is favourable as it moves the oxygen atom towards a more stable electronic configuration. However, the second electron affinity of oxygen is endothermic. When a second electron is added to the already negatively charged oxide ion, energy must be supplied to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged ion and the incoming electron. The addition of this second electron results in the formation of a peroxide ion (O²⁻), which is less stable than the oxide ion. This decrease in stability requires energy input, making the process endothermic.

Yes, electron affinity can be negative, and this is actually the common case. A negative electron affinity signifies that the process of adding an electron to a neutral atom is exothermic, meaning that energy is released during the addition. In such cases, the energy of the system decreases as the electron is added. This decrease in energy is because the electron is entering a more stable state, being attracted by the positively charged nucleus. Negative electron affinity indicates that an atom has a tendency to gain an electron, which is a characteristic of non-metals, especially the halogens. These elements are close to achieving a stable noble gas configuration, and the addition of an electron allows them to reach this state, thereby releasing energy in the process.

Electron affinity plays a crucial role in chemical bonding, particularly in the formation of ionic compounds. In ionic bonding, electrons are transferred from one atom (usually a metal with low ionization energy) to another (usually a non-metal with high electron affinity). The non-metal's high electron affinity means it has a strong tendency to gain electrons, while the metal readily loses electrons. This electron transfer leads to the formation of positively charged cations and negatively charged anions, which are held together by strong electrostatic forces, forming ionic compounds. Understanding electron affinities helps predict which elements are likely to form ionic bonds. Elements with higher electron affinities (such as halogens) are more likely to gain electrons and form anions, thus participating in ionic bond formation with metals, which typically have lower electron affinities and readily lose electrons to form cations.

The electron affinity of an atom is closely related to its position in the periodic table, particularly its group and period. Generally, electron affinity increases across a period from left to right. This increase is due to a decrease in atomic radius and an increase in effective nuclear charge across a period, which enhances the atom's ability to attract additional electrons. Vertically, electron affinity typically decreases down a group because the atomic size increases, resulting in a greater distance between the nucleus and the valence shell where the electron is added. This greater distance reduces the nuclear attraction on the added electron, leading to a lower release of energy. However, there are exceptions to these trends, often influenced by electronic configuration stability, such as filled or half-filled subshells, which can affect an atom's desire to accept additional electrons.

The addition of an electron to a neutral atom generally releases energy due to the electrostatic attraction between the negatively charged electron and the positively charged nucleus. When an electron is added to a neutral atom, it occupies a region of space where it is attracted by the nucleus. This attraction leads to a decrease in potential energy, which is released as energy. In most atoms, especially those seeking to achieve a stable electronic configuration, such as a full valence shell, this process is exothermic. The energy released is a result of the atom moving to a more stable, lower energy state. However, the exact amount of energy released varies depending on the atom’s size, nuclear charge, and electronic configuration. For example, elements with a nearly complete valence shell (like the halogens) release more energy upon gaining an electron, as they achieve a stable noble gas configuration.

Practice Questions

Explain why the first electron affinity of chlorine is exothermic, while the second electron affinity of oxygen is endothermic. Provide an understanding of the electron configurations of both elements to support your explanation.

The first electron affinity of chlorine is exothermic because energy is released when chlorine, which has a high electronegativity, gains an electron to achieve a stable octet configuration. Chlorine's valence shell configuration (3p⁵) allows it to readily accept an electron, resulting in a stable, negatively charged chloride ion (Cl⁻). This addition of an electron releases energy due to the strong electrostatic attraction between the incoming electron and the positively charged nucleus. On the other hand, the second electron affinity of oxygen is endothermic because energy must be supplied to overcome the electrostatic repulsion between the negatively charged oxide ion (O⁻) and the incoming electron. The addition of a second electron to the already negatively charged ion is energetically unfavourable, as it disrupts the stable electronic configuration of the oxide ion.

Discuss the trends in electron affinity across Period 3 from sodium to argon, and explain any anomalies in the trend.

Across Period 3 from sodium to argon, the general trend is an increase in electron affinity. This increase is due to a decrease in atomic radius and an increase in nuclear charge across the period, which enhances the ability of the atoms to attract and accept additional electrons. However, there are anomalies in this trend. For instance, magnesium and phosphorus have lower electron affinities than expected. This is because their electron configurations have filled and half-filled subshells, respectively, offering extra stability. Adding an electron to these stable configurations requires energy, leading to relatively lower electron affinities. Similarly, sulfur's electron affinity is lower than expected due to increased electron-electron repulsion in its 3p subshell, which already contains four electrons. This repulsion reduces the energy released when an additional electron is added, resulting in a lower electron affinity than anticipated.

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