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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

23.1.2 Lattice Energy: Understanding ΔH_lattice in Ionic Compounds

Lattice energy, a core concept in A-level Chemistry, is crucial for understanding the formation and stability of ionic compounds. This exploration into lattice energy (ΔH_lattice) will encompass its definition, nature, calculation methods, and its application in explaining properties of ionic compounds.

Introduction to Lattice Energy

Lattice energy, denoted as ΔH_lattice, is the amount of energy released when one mole of an ionic solid is formed from its constituent gaseous ions. This concept is essential in understanding the stability and physical properties of ionic compounds.

Exothermic Nature of Lattice Energy

Lattice energy is inherently exothermic. This means that energy is released when an ionic solid forms, highlighting the stability achieved when ions arrange in an ionic lattice.

Significance of Exothermic Reaction

  • The exothermic nature indicates a move towards a more stable, lower energy state.
  • It explains why ionic compounds are generally stable and have high melting and boiling points.
Illustration of Lattice energy

Image courtesy of GeeksforGeeks

Calculating Lattice Energy

Theoretical Approach: The Born-Haber Cycle

The Born-Haber cycle is a methodical approach to determine lattice energy, employing Hess's Law and multiple thermochemical steps.

Steps in Born-Haber Cycle

1. Atomisation of Elements

  • Involves converting elements into gaseous atoms, requiring atomisation energy.

2. Ionisation of Atoms

  • Atoms are ionised to form cations and anions, with energy changes corresponding to ionisation energies and electron affinities.

3. Formation of Ionic Lattice

  • Gaseous ions combine to form the ionic solid, releasing lattice energy.

Practical Example

  • For sodium chloride (NaCl), the cycle involves atomisation of sodium and chlorine, ionisation of sodium, electron gain by chlorine, and the formation of NaCl lattice.
Born Haber Cycle of NaCl

Image courtesy of Sj Rekon

Experimental Methods

Kapustinskii Equation

The Kapustinskii equation is an empirical formula used to estimate lattice energy, particularly in simple ionic solids. It considers ionic radii and charges, offering a simplified approach to lattice energy calculation.

Factors Affecting Lattice Energy

Influence of Ionic Charge and Radius

1. Ionic Charge

  • Higher charges on ions result in stronger electrostatic forces, leading to greater lattice energies.

2. Ionic Radius

  • Smaller ionic radii bring ions closer in the lattice, intensifying electrostatic attractions and increasing lattice energy.
Diagram showing ionic radius between two ions.

Image courtesy of Zizo

Lattice Energy in Ionic Compounds: Examples and Analysis

Case Studies

  • Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
    • NaCl's high lattice energy explains its high melting point and overall stability.
  • Magnesium Oxide (MgO)
    • MgO has a significantly higher lattice energy than NaCl, owing to the higher charges on Mg²⁺ and O²⁻ ions, thus a higher melting point.

Comparative Analysis

  • Comparing the lattice energies of different ionic compounds like NaCl and MgO provides insight into their varying physical properties.
Lattice Energy of Ionic Compounds

Image courtesy of Pathways to Chemistry

Practical Applications of Lattice Energy

Understanding Physical Properties

  • Lattice energy is a key factor in explaining why ionic compounds typically have high melting and boiling points.
  • It also contributes to our understanding of the hardness and brittleness of ionic solids.

Predicting Solubility

  • Ionic compounds with high lattice energies tend to be less soluble in polar solvents like water, as the energy required to break the ionic bonds is significant.

Detailed Analysis of Lattice Energy Calculation

Born-Haber Cycle in Depth

Ionisation Energy and Electron Affinity

  • Ionisation energy and electron affinity are critical components in calculating lattice energy. The former relates to the energy required to remove an electron from an atom, while the latter concerns the energy change when an electron is added to an atom.

Calculating for Specific Compounds

  • For compounds like calcium fluoride (CaF₂), the Born-Haber cycle becomes more complex due to multiple ionisations and electron gains.

Kapustinskii Equation Explained

  • The equation provides a more direct approach to estimating lattice energy, especially useful when experimental data is lacking.

Application in Predictions

  • This equation allows chemists to predict lattice energies of hypothetical ionic compounds, aiding in theoretical studies.


In conclusion, understanding lattice energy is pivotal in grasping the underlying principles of ionic compounds. Through methods like the Born-Haber cycle and the Kapustinskii equation, students can quantitatively and qualitatively analyse the stability and properties of these compounds. This knowledge not only enhances comprehension of fundamental chemistry concepts but also aids in practical applications such as predicting solubility and understanding physical properties of materials.


Lattice energy cannot be measured directly due to the complex nature of ionic solids and the inability to isolate the process of lattice formation from other energetic processes. It is a hypothetical concept that represents the energy change accompanying the formation of an ionic compound from gaseous ions, a process that cannot be observed or measured in isolation. As a result, lattice energy is calculated indirectly using other measurable energetic changes, such as through the Born-Haber cycle. This cycle cleverly combines various thermochemical steps, like ionisation energy, electron affinity, and enthalpy changes of atomisation and formation, to calculate the lattice energy. These steps represent real, measurable processes, and their cumulative effect approximates the lattice energy. This indirect method is necessary to understand the energetics of ionic compounds, despite the challenges in direct measurement.

The hydration of ions is closely related to lattice energy, particularly when considering the solubility of ionic compounds in water. When an ionic compound dissolves, its lattice energy must be overcome to separate the ions. These ions are then stabilised by hydration, where water molecules surround and solvate the ions. The energy released during this process is known as the hydration enthalpy. If the hydration enthalpy of the ions is greater than the lattice energy, the compound is likely to be soluble. Conversely, if the lattice energy is higher than the hydration enthalpy, the compound tends to be less soluble. Therefore, understanding lattice energy provides insight into the energetics of dissolution and the solubility of ionic compounds. For example, compounds like sodium chloride, with moderate lattice energies, readily dissolve in water as the hydration enthalpy of Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions is sufficient to overcome the lattice energy.

Ionic compounds with similar lattice structures can exhibit different lattice energies due to variations in ionic sizes and charges. Even with an identical structural arrangement, the nature of the ions themselves plays a significant role in determining lattice energy. For instance, compounds composed of ions with higher charges exhibit stronger electrostatic attractions, resulting in higher lattice energies. Similarly, smaller ions, which can pack more closely in a given lattice structure, also contribute to increased lattice energy due to the shorter distances between ion centres, enhancing electrostatic forces. For example, although NaF and MgO may both crystallise in the same type of lattice structure, MgO has a much higher lattice energy due to the presence of Mg²⁺ and O²⁻ ions, compared to the Na⁺ and F⁻ ions in NaF. Thus, even subtle differences in ionic characteristics can significantly affect the lattice energy, despite similarities in lattice structure.

Polarisability and polarising power are two interrelated concepts that significantly influence lattice energy. Polarisability refers to the ease with which the electron cloud of an ion can be distorted by an external electric field, typically exerted by another ion. Larger, more easily distortable anions are more polarisable. Polarising power, on the other hand, pertains to the ability of a cation to distort the electron cloud of an anion. Small, highly charged cations have a high polarising power. When an ion with high polarising power interacts with a highly polarisable anion, the distortion of the electron cloud leads to partial covalent character in the ionic bond. This covalent character increases the lattice energy because it adds directional, covalent bond-like interactions to the purely ionic ones, thereby strengthening the overall attractions within the lattice. Consequently, compounds with ions that have high polarisability and polarising power typically have higher lattice energies.

The structure of the ionic lattice significantly impacts its lattice energy. Factors such as coordination number, which refers to the number of ions surrounding an ion in the lattice, and the geometrical arrangement of ions, play crucial roles. A higher coordination number generally indicates a more compact lattice, leading to stronger electrostatic forces of attraction and, consequently, a higher lattice energy. For instance, a face-centred cubic (FCC) lattice, where ions have a higher coordination number, will typically have a greater lattice energy than a simple cubic lattice with a lower coordination number. Furthermore, the type of lattice also affects the distance between ions; closer ions mean stronger attractions and higher lattice energies. Therefore, the structural arrangement in the ionic lattice is a key determinant in the magnitude of the lattice energy, influencing the compound's physical properties, like melting point and hardness.

Practice Questions

Explain why magnesium oxide (MgO) has a higher lattice energy compared to sodium chloride (NaCl), and discuss the implications of this on their physical properties.

Magnesium oxide (MgO) has a higher lattice energy than sodium chloride (NaCl) primarily due to the charges on the ions in these compounds. MgO consists of Mg²⁺ and O²⁻ ions, whereas NaCl is composed of Na⁺ and Cl⁻ ions. The higher charges (+2 and -2 for MgO, compared to +1 and -1 for NaCl) result in stronger electrostatic forces of attraction in MgO, leading to a greater lattice energy. This higher lattice energy explains why MgO has a significantly higher melting point and greater stability than NaCl. These properties are crucial in their respective applications, with MgO's high melting point making it suitable for refractory materials, while NaCl's lower melting point allows it to be more easily dissolved and used in various applications.

Using the Born-Haber cycle, describe how lattice energy is calculated for an ionic compound. Illustrate your answer with a specific example.

The Born-Haber cycle is a thermochemical cycle used to calculate the lattice energy of ionic compounds. It involves several steps, starting with the atomisation of the constituent elements to form gaseous atoms. This is followed by the ionisation of the metal atom(s) and the gain of electrons by the non-metal atom(s), represented by ionisation energy and electron affinity, respectively. Finally, the gaseous ions combine to form the ionic compound, releasing the lattice energy. For example, in the case of sodium chloride (NaCl), the cycle includes the atomisation of sodium and chlorine, the ionisation of sodium to form Na⁺, the gain of an electron by chlorine to form Cl⁻, and the formation of NaCl lattice. The sum of these energies, adjusted for the enthalpy change of formation of NaCl, gives the lattice energy. This systematic approach provides insight into the energy changes occurring during the formation of an ionic compound, highlighting the factors influencing its stability and properties.

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