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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

35.1.3 Repeat Unit Deduction in Condensation Polymers

Condensation polymers represent a crucial area in the field of polymer chemistry, integral to the A-Level Chemistry curriculum. This section explores the intricate process of deducing the repeating unit structure of a condensation polymer from its constituent monomers, focusing on recognising ester and amide linkages and determining the orientation of monomers within the polymer chain.

Introduction to Repeat Unit Deduction

The process of repeat unit deduction in condensation polymers is a vital skill in understanding and predicting the properties of these large molecules. It involves dissecting the polymer's structure to trace back to its monomeric units. This section aims to equip students with the knowledge and techniques to identify ester or amide linkages and understand the monomers' orientation.

Understanding Ester and Amide Linkages

Ester Linkages

  • Formation: Ester linkages in condensation polymers form when a diol, containing two hydroxyl (-OH) groups, reacts with a dicarboxylic acid, which has two carboxyl (-COOH) groups. This reaction results in the elimination of a small molecule, usually water, leading to the formation of an ester linkage.
  • Identification: These linkages are identifiable by the functional group -COO-. The presence of this group within a polymer chain indicates the formation of an ester linkage.
  • Example: In the synthesis of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol react to form ester linkages. The repeat unit of PET, therefore, contains the ester functional group central to its structure.
Synthesis of PET (Polyethylene Terephthalate)

Amide Linkages

  • Formation: Similar to ester linkages, amide linkages in condensation polymers are formed when a diamine (containing two amine -NH2 groups) reacts with a dicarboxylic acid. This reaction also results in the elimination of a small molecule, such as water, leading to the formation of an amide linkage.
  • Identification: Amide linkages are characterised by the functional group -CONH-. The presence of this group indicates the formation of an amide linkage in the polymer chain.
  • Example: Nylon, a common polyamide, is formed by the reaction between adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine. The repeat unit in nylon includes the amide functional group, which is key to its properties.
Nylon 6,6 synthesis from hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid.

Image courtesy of Vedantu

Orientation of Monomers

Identifying Monomer Orientation

  • Observation of Functional Groups: The orientation of monomers in a polymer chain can often be deduced by closely examining the placement and nature of functional groups within the repeat units. The relative positions of these groups can provide insights into how the monomers are aligned.
  • Polymer Symmetry: The symmetry or lack thereof in a polymer can also give clues about the orientation of monomers. A highly symmetrical polymer often suggests a uniform and repetitive arrangement of monomers.

Significance in Polymer Properties

  • Physical Properties: The orientation of monomers within a polymer chain has a direct impact on the physical properties of the material, such as tensile strength, elasticity, and melting point. For instance, a linear arrangement of monomers can result in polymers with higher tensile strength.
  • Chemical Resistance: The chemical resistance of a polymer can also be influenced by the orientation of its monomers. Certain orientations can make the polymer more or less susceptible to chemical attack.

Analytical Techniques


  • IR Spectroscopy: Infrared spectroscopy is a powerful tool for identifying functional groups within a polymer. By analysing the absorption spectra, one can pinpoint the presence of specific groups like esters or amides.
  • NMR Spectroscopy: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy provides detailed information about the structure of a polymer. It is particularly useful in understanding the environment of hydrogen atoms within the polymer and can help deduce the arrangement of monomers.


  • Use in Separating Monomers: Chromatography, especially High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), is useful in separating and thus identifying the individual monomers in a polymer. This technique can be instrumental in understanding the composition of a polymer.
  • Mass Spectrometry: This technique helps in determining the molecular weight and structure of the polymer. Mass spectrometry can provide valuable information about the monomeric units and their arrangement within the polymer.

Case Studies

Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

  • Monomers: The monomers in PET are terephthalic acid and ethylene glycol.
  • Ester Linkages: The ester linkages in PET are identified by the presence of the -COO- group within its structure.
  • Orientation: The orientation of monomers in PET is symmetrical, indicating a uniform and repetitive arrangement, contributing to its properties like clarity and strength.


  • Monomers: Nylon is formed from adipic acid and hexamethylenediamine.
  • Amide Linkages: The amide linkages in nylon are characterised by the -CONH- group.
  • Orientation: Nylon exhibits a consistent and linear orientation of its monomers, which contributes significantly to its high tensile strength and durability.

Practical Implications

Importance in Material Science

  • Understanding the repeat unit structure of condensation polymers is not just academically interesting but also crucial in the field of material science. It allows for the design and synthesis of new materials with specific, desirable properties for various applications.

Environmental Considerations

A thorough understanding of polymer structures is also essential in the context of environmental sustainability. It aids in the development of efficient recycling processes and the creation of biodegradable polymers.

Challenges in Repeat Unit Deduction

  • Complex Structures: Some polymers, especially those with complex or irregular structures, pose significant challenges in repeat unit deduction.
  • Analytical Limitations: Not all analytical techniques are equally effective for all types of polymers. Sometimes, a combination of methods is required to conclusively determine the structure.

In conclusion, the deduction of repeating units in condensation polymers is a multifaceted and essential aspect of polymer chemistry. It necessitates a comprehensive understanding of organic chemistry, particularly the behaviour of functional groups and molecular interactions. Mastery of these concepts allows students to appreciate the intricate nature of polymer structures, their significant role in material science, and their impact on environmental sustainability.


The repeat unit structure of a polymer is generally stable and does not change over time under normal conditions. However, environmental factors such as exposure to UV light, heat, chemicals, or mechanical stress can lead to degradation or modification of the polymer structure. For instance, prolonged exposure to UV light can cause photo-oxidative degradation, breaking down the polymer chains and altering the repeat unit structure, often leading to brittleness or discoloration. Similarly, exposure to high temperatures can cause thermal degradation, which may result in the breaking of bonds within the polymer chain, changing its structure and properties. Chemical degradation can occur when polymers are exposed to aggressive chemicals that break chemical bonds within the polymer, altering the repeat unit structure. However, under controlled and normal conditions, the repeat unit structure of a polymer remains consistent.

The presence of specific functional groups in monomers is crucial in determining the type of linkages formed in condensation polymers. For instance, monomers with carboxylic acid (-COOH) and hydroxyl (-OH) groups typically form ester linkages (-COO-) in the resulting polymer, as seen in polyesters like PET. The reaction between the acid and alcohol groups leads to the elimination of water and the formation of an ester bond. Similarly, monomers with amine (-NH2) and carboxylic acid groups result in amide linkages (-CONH-) in polyamides like nylon. The reaction between these groups also involves the elimination of a molecule of water. Additionally, functional groups determine the sites of polymerization and the potential for cross-linking or branching. For instance, monomers with more than two functional groups can lead to cross-linked or branched polymers, significantly affecting the polymer's physical and chemical properties.

The repeat unit structure of a polymer significantly influences its recyclability. Polymers with simple and uniform repeat units, such as PET, are easier to recycle because they can be depolymerised or melted down and reformed without significant loss of properties. The uniform structure allows for predictable and consistent processing during recycling. In contrast, polymers with complex or cross-linked structures, such as thermosetting plastics or heavily branched polymers, are more challenging to recycle. Their complex structures resist melting or depolymerisation, making mechanical recycling difficult or impossible. Additionally, the presence of different types of monomers or additives can complicate the recycling process, as they may require separation or special processing. Understanding the repeat unit structure helps in designing recycling processes and developing strategies for effective waste management of different types of polymers.

The orientation of monomers in a polymer chain plays a pivotal role in determining its physical properties. For instance, a linear arrangement of monomers, as seen in high-density polyethylene, tends to produce polymers with higher tensile strength and melting points. This is because linear chains can pack closely together, leading to stronger intermolecular forces (like Van der Waals forces), thus making the polymer more rigid and heat resistant. In contrast, a branched or cross-linked arrangement, as found in low-density polyethylene, results in a polymer with lower density, lesser rigidity, and increased flexibility. The branching prevents the chains from packing closely, reducing the strength of intermolecular forces. Additionally, the orientation affects crystallinity; a highly ordered arrangement leads to a more crystalline polymer with distinct melting points, while a random or branched arrangement results in an amorphous polymer with a range of softening temperatures.

The study of repeat unit deduction in polymers is directly related to numerous real-world applications and industries. In material science, understanding the repeat units of polymers helps in designing new materials with specific properties for use in various applications such as packaging, automotive parts, and medical devices. For instance, knowledge of polymer structure is crucial in creating biodegradable plastics for sustainable packaging solutions. In the pharmaceutical industry, polymers with specific repeat units are used in drug delivery systems where the polymer's degradation rate can control the release of medication. The textile industry relies on understanding polymer structures to develop synthetic fibres like nylon and polyester, which have specific strength, elasticity, and dye-absorbing properties. Additionally, in environmental science, understanding polymer structures is essential for developing efficient recycling methods and biodegradable polymers, contributing to waste reduction and sustainability. Thus, the principles of repeat unit deduction are foundational in various fields, driving innovation and sustainability in the polymer industry.

Practice Questions

Given a polymer formed from the condensation reaction of hexane-1,6-dioic acid and hexane-1,6-diamine, deduce the structure of the repeating unit in the polymer. Explain the presence of any specific linkages.

The repeating unit in the polymer formed from hexane-1,6-dioic acid and hexane-1,6-diamine is characterised by amide linkages. This is because the reaction between a diamine and a dioic acid typically results in the formation of an amide linkage. The polymer, in this case, is a type of nylon, where each repeating unit contains two amide groups (-CONH-) formed from the reaction of the amine group of hexane-1,6-diamine with the carboxylic acid group of hexane-1,6-dioic acid. The six-carbon alkane chain from each monomer forms the main backbone of the polymer, with the amide linkages providing points of flexibility and contributing to the polymer’s overall strength and stability.

A student is given a sample of a condensation polymer and asked to identify the monomers involved in its formation. Describe the steps and analytical techniques the student could use to deduce the structure of the monomers.

To deduce the structure of the monomers in a given condensation polymer, the student should initially perform IR spectroscopy to identify the functional groups present, such as ester (-COO-) or amide (-CONH-) linkages. This step will indicate whether the polymer is a polyester, polyamide, or other types. Next, the student should employ NMR spectroscopy to gain detailed information about the environment of hydrogen atoms, providing insights into the polymer backbone and the nature of the monomers. Additionally, mass spectrometry could be used to determine the molecular weights of the monomers, aiding in their identification. Finally, chromatography, particularly HPLC, could be useful in separating the polymer into its constituent monomers for further analysis. Combining these techniques would allow the student to accurately deduce the structure of the monomers.

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