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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

4.2.2 Physical Properties and Bonding in Solid Structures

Exploring the intricate relationship between the types of bonding and the physical properties of solids is a fundamental aspect of chemistry. This section delves into how varying bonding and structural features impact properties such as melting and boiling points, electrical conductivity, and solubility. It also provides methodologies for predicting and interpreting these influences.

Introduction to Bonding in Solids

Solid structures can exhibit different types of bonding, each imparting unique physical properties to the substance. Understanding these properties is key to comprehending the behaviour of materials in various environments.

Types of Bonding and Their Influence on Physical Properties

Ionic Bonding


  • Ionic bonding involves the electrostatic attraction between positively and negatively charged ions.
  • Typically found in compounds formed between metals and non-metals.
Formation of ionic bond between metal and non-metal

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Impact on Physical Properties

  • Melting and Boiling Points: Ionic compounds, such as sodium chloride (NaCl) and magnesium oxide (MgO), usually have high melting and boiling points. This is due to the significant energy required to overcome the strong ionic bonds.
  • Electrical Conductivity: In their solid state, these compounds do not conduct electricity. However, when dissolved in water or melted, the ions become free to move, allowing the compound to conduct electricity.
  • Solubility: Ionic compounds are generally soluble in polar solvents like water but are insoluble in non-polar solvents. This is because the polar solvent molecules can effectively surround and separate the ions.
solid and molten forms of ionic compounds

Image courtesy of IGCSE Chemistry 2017

Covalent Bonding


  • Covalent bonding involves the sharing of electron pairs between atoms.
  • Predominantly found in compounds of non-metals.
Covalent Bonding between two hydrogens

Image courtesy of ChemistryStudent

Impact on Physical Properties

  • Melting and Boiling Points: Compounds with covalent bonds exhibit a wide range of melting and boiling points. Simple molecular structures like iodine (I₂) and buckminsterfullerene (C₆₀) have lower melting points due to weaker intermolecular forces, whereas giant covalent structures like diamond and silicon dioxide (SiO₂) have very high melting points due to the extensive covalent bonding throughout the lattice.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Covalent compounds are generally non-conductive, as they lack free electrons or ions. Graphite is an exception due to its delocalised electrons.
  • Solubility: The solubility of covalent compounds depends on their polarity. Polar covalent substances (like water) are soluble in polar solvents, whereas non-polar covalent substances (like fats and oils) are soluble in non-polar solvents.

Metallic Bonding


  • Involves the attraction between positively charged metal ions and delocalised electrons.
  • Common in pure metals and alloys.
A diagram of Metallic bonding- electrostatic attractive force between delocalised electrons and metal ions present in the metallic lattice.

Image courtesy of Watthana Tirahimonch

Impact on Physical Properties

  • Melting and Boiling Points: Metallic bonds endow metals like iron, copper, and aluminium with high melting and boiling points.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Metals are excellent conductors of electricity due to the presence of free-moving electrons in the metallic lattice.
  • Solubility: Metals do not dissolve in conventional solvents but can react with some to form compounds.

Giant Covalent Structures


  • Consist of a continuous network of covalent bonds throughout the entire structure.
  • Includes substances like diamond, graphite, and silicon carbide (SiC).

Impact on Physical Properties

  • Melting and Boiling Points: These substances have extremely high melting and boiling points as breaking any part of the lattice requires breaking strong covalent bonds.
  • Electrical Conductivity: Typically non-conductive, with graphite being an exception due to its free electrons.
  • Solubility: Generally insoluble in both polar and non-polar solvents because of the strong covalent bonding.
Giant Covalent Structures, diamond, graphite and silicon dioxide

Image courtesy of Learning by Questions

Predicting and Interpreting Effects Based on Bonding and Structure

Analysing Melting and Boiling Points

  • Prediction Method: The strength and type of bonding are key indicators. Ionic, metallic, and giant covalent bonds suggest higher melting and boiling points due to their strong intermolecular forces.
  • Interpretation: Substances with high melting and boiling points are likely to have strong ionic, metallic, or giant covalent bonds.

Understanding Electrical Conductivity

  • Prediction Method: Identify mobile charge carriers; in ionic compounds, these are ions, while in metals, they are electrons.
  • Interpretation: Solids with delocalised electrons (metals, graphite) or those that form ions in solution (ionic compounds) conduct electricity.

Solubility Predictions

  • Prediction Method: Determine the polarity of the substance and match it with the solvent. The principle of “like dissolves like” applies.
  • Interpretation: Polar substances (like ionic compounds and polar covalent molecules) are soluble in polar solvents, while non-polar substances (like non-polar covalent molecules) dissolve in non-polar solvents.

Applying Knowledge in Practical Contexts

  • These principles are instrumental in deducing the bonding and structure of unknown substances based on their physical properties.
  • Applications range from material selection in engineering to understanding the behaviour of substances in biological systems.

This comprehensive exploration equips A-level Chemistry students with the knowledge to understand and predict the physical properties of solids based on their bonding and structural characteristics. The ability to interpret these properties is essential for practical applications in various scientific fields.

This extensive analysis aims to provide a thorough understanding of the relationship between bonding types, structures, and the resultant physical properties of solids, tailored for A-level Chemistry students.


Substances with simple molecular structures, such as iodine (I₂) or methane (CH₄), typically exhibit low melting and boiling points due to the nature of the intermolecular forces that hold their molecules together. These substances are composed of individual molecules held together by relatively weak forces known as Van der Waals forces (including London dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interactions). These intermolecular forces are much weaker than the covalent bonds within the molecules or the ionic bonds in ionic compounds. As a result, only a small amount of energy is required to overcome these forces, enabling the molecules to move apart and change state from solid to liquid or from liquid to gas. The size and shape of the molecules and the number of electrons they contain influence the strength of these forces; however, in simple molecular structures, these forces are generally not strong enough to confer high melting or boiling points.

In ionic compounds, electrical conductivity is heavily influenced by their structure in both solid and molten states. In the solid state, ionic compounds consist of a regular lattice of positively and negatively charged ions. This lattice is rigid, and the ions are fixed in place, unable to move freely. Consequently, there are no mobile charge carriers available, rendering the solid ionic compound non-conductive. However, when an ionic compound is melted, the rigid lattice structure breaks down, allowing the ions to move freely. This mobility of ions in the molten state facilitates the flow of electric current. Similarly, when an ionic compound is dissolved in a polar solvent like water, the ions become solvated and are free to move in the solution, which also allows the substance to conduct electricity. The transition from a non-conductive solid to a conductive liquid or solution highlights the crucial role the structural arrangement plays in the electrical properties of ionic compounds.

Giant covalent structures, like diamond, graphite, and silicon carbide (SiC), exhibit extremely low solubility in both polar and non-polar solvents due to their unique bonding and structural properties. These structures are composed of a vast network of covalently bonded atoms. The strength of these covalent bonds is very high, requiring a significant amount of energy to break. Solvents, whether polar or non-polar, are generally incapable of providing enough energy to disrupt these bonds. Additionally, the lack of distinct positive and negative poles in these structures means that there is minimal interaction with polar solvents, which typically dissolve substances through ion-dipole interactions. Similarly, the extensive covalent bonding network does not allow for interactions with non-polar solvents, which dissolve substances through Van der Waals forces. Thus, the robustness of the covalent bonds and the lack of charge polarity in giant covalent structures make them virtually insoluble in both types of solvents.

The high melting points of metals can be attributed to the unique structure of the metallic lattice. In this lattice, metal atoms are arranged in a closely packed, orderly manner, and they lose some of their outer electrons. These electrons become delocalised and are free to move throughout the lattice, forming a 'sea of electrons'. This results in strong metallic bonds between the positively charged metal ions and the delocalised electrons. The strength of these bonds is a key factor in the high melting points of metals. The energy required to break these metallic bonds is significant, as it involves overcoming the electrostatic attraction between the ions and the delocalised electrons. Additionally, the dense packing of atoms in the lattice further stabilises the structure, contributing to the high melting points. Metals with stronger metallic bonds and more delocalised electrons, such as iron or tungsten, exhibit even higher melting points.

Giant molecular structures, like diamond and silicon dioxide (SiO₂), are generally non-conductive due to the absence of free-moving charge carriers within their structures. However, an exception is graphite, a form of carbon with a giant molecular structure that can conduct electricity. In graphite, each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three other carbon atoms, forming flat layers of hexagonal rings. This bonding leaves one electron from each carbon atom free and delocalised. These delocalised electrons are able to move freely throughout the layers, acting as charge carriers and enabling graphite to conduct electricity. This conductive property is unique among giant molecular structures and is a result of graphite's specific bonding and structural arrangement. Other giant molecular structures lack this arrangement of delocalised electrons and, therefore, do not conduct electricity.

Practice Questions

Explain how the type of bonding in a substance influences its electrical conductivity. Provide two examples to illustrate your answer.

The type of bonding in a substance significantly affects its electrical conductivity. In ionic compounds, like sodium chloride (NaCl), conductivity is poor in the solid state due to the fixed positions of ions, preventing the flow of charge. However, when melted or dissolved in water, these compounds conduct electricity as ions become mobile. In contrast, metallic substances like copper exhibit high electrical conductivity in the solid state. This is due to the presence of delocalised electrons that move freely throughout the metallic lattice, allowing the transfer of electric charge.

Discuss the solubility of ionic and covalent compounds in water, providing reasons for their behaviour.

Ionic compounds, such as sodium chloride (NaCl), are generally soluble in water. This solubility is due to the polar nature of water molecules, which can surround and separate the positive and negative ions in the ionic lattice, facilitating dissolution. On the other hand, covalent compounds can vary in their solubility. Polar covalent compounds, like sugar, dissolve in water as the polar water molecules can interact with the polar molecules of the compound. However, non-polar covalent compounds, like oil, are insoluble in water since there is no attraction between the non-polar molecules and the polar water molecules.

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