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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

4.2.1 Lattice Structures

The study of lattice structures in crystalline solids is a pivotal aspect of A-level Chemistry. This comprehensive section explores the intricacies of various lattice structures, highlighting their defining features and implications.

Introduction to Lattice Structures

Lattice structures provide the fundamental framework for crystalline solids, determining their physical and chemical behaviours. These structures are meticulously ordered and repetitive, giving rise to the distinct properties seen in different solid forms.

Giant Ionic Structures

Sodium Chloride (NaCl)

  • Composition: Comprised of alternating sodium (Na⁺) and chloride (Cl⁻) ions.
  • Structure: Features a cubic lattice where each sodium ion is encircled by six chloride ions, creating a symmetric arrangement.
  • Properties:
    • Exhibits high melting (801°C) and boiling points (1413°C), attributed to the strong electrostatic forces between ions.
    • In molten or aqueous states, it becomes an excellent conductor of electricity due to the mobility of ions.
A diagram showing a three-dimensional lattice structure of NaCl.

Image courtesy of Vasilyev Dmitry

Magnesium Oxide (MgO)

  • Composition: Formed from magnesium (Mg²⁺) and oxide (O²⁻) ions.
  • Structure: Resembles sodium chloride but with a greater charge on the ions, leading to a more compact lattice.
  • Properties:
    • Exceptionally high melting point (2852°C) owing to the strong ionic bonds.
    • Acts as an electrical insulator in solid form but conducts electricity when molten.
Magnesium oxide (MgO) lattice structure

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Simple Molecular Structures

Iodine (I₂)

  • Composition: Comprises diatomic iodine molecules.
  • Structure: Held together by weak Van der Waals forces, indicative of a simple molecular lattice.
  • Properties:
    • Moderate melting (113°C) and boiling points (184°C), due to the weak intermolecular forces.
    • Non-conductor of electricity, reflecting its non-metallic nature.
Iodine lattice structure

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

Buckminsterfullerene (C60)

  • Composition: Spherical molecules consisting of 60 carbon atoms.
  • Structure: Resembles a soccer ball with a mix of pentagons and hexagons, showcasing a truncated icosahedron shape.
  • Properties:
    • Soluble in organic solvents like toluene, indicating weak intermolecular forces.
    • Unique electrical properties, offering potential in nanotechnology applications.
Structure of C60 fullerene (buckminsterfullerene).

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Ice (H₂O)

  • Composition: Water molecules (H₂O).
  • Structure: Forms a hexagonal lattice with hydrogen bonds interlinking the molecules.
  • Properties:
    • Less dense than liquid water, an anomaly caused by the lattice structure.
    • Poor electrical conductor, similar to most molecular structures.
Ice crystal lattice structure

Image courtesy of Learn Biochemistry - WordPress.com

Giant Molecular Structures

Silicon(IV) Oxide (SiO₂)

  • Composition: Silicon atoms bonded to oxygen atoms.
  • Structure: Each silicon atom forms covalent bonds with four oxygen atoms, creating a robust tetrahedral network.
  • Properties:
    • Extremely high melting (1710°C) and boiling points (2230°C), reflecting strong covalent bonds.
    • Insoluble in water and most organic solvents, indicative of its stable network.
Subunit of Silicon(IV) Oxide (SiO₂) structure

Image courtesy of Smokefoot


  • Composition: Consists of parallel layers of carbon atoms.
  • Structure: Each carbon atom is covalently bonded to three others in a planar hexagonal pattern, with weak Van der Waals forces between layers.
  • Properties:
    • Conducts electricity due to delocalised electrons within the layers.
    • High melting point and lubricating properties, making it useful in industrial applications.
Graphite crystal structure

Image courtesy of Persia


  • Composition: Carbon atoms in a dense network.
  • Structure: Each carbon atom is tetrahedrally bonded to four others, forming an extremely rigid lattice.
  • Properties:
    • The hardest known natural material, used in cutting and drilling tools.
    • Exceptional thermal conductivity yet an electrical insulator, due to the lack of free electrons.
Diamond crystal structure

Image courtesy of Science Query

Giant Metallic Structures

Copper (Cu)

  • Composition: Comprises copper atoms.
  • Structure: Characterised by a metallic bond with a 'sea' of delocalised electrons surrounding positively charged ions.
  • Properties:
    • Superior electrical and thermal conductivity, essential in electrical wiring.
    • Malleable and ductile, allowing it to be shaped into various forms.
Crystal structure of copper (Cu)

Image courtesy of Vasilyev Dmitry

In-depth understanding of these lattice structures is crucial for comprehending the diverse world of chemistry. Each structure's unique properties not only define their practical applications but also offer insights into the fundamental concepts of chemical bonding and material science.


Graphite, a form of carbon, is an exception among non-metals as it can conduct electricity. This electrical conductivity is due to its unique lattice structure. In graphite, each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms in a planar hexagonal lattice, forming layers. One electron from each carbon atom is not used in the bonding and becomes delocalised. These delocalised electrons are free to move across the layers, enabling graphite to conduct electricity. The layers in graphite are held together by weak Van der Waals forces, allowing them to slide over each other easily. This property, combined with its electrical conductivity, makes graphite an ideal material for applications such as electrodes in batteries and electric motors.

Giant ionic structures, such as magnesium oxide (MgO), exhibit high melting and boiling points due to the strong electrostatic attractions between the oppositely charged ions in their lattice. In MgO, each magnesium ion (Mg²⁺) is surrounded by oxide ions (O²⁻), and vice versa, forming a rigid, three-dimensional lattice. The strength of these ionic bonds requires a significant amount of energy to overcome, resulting in high melting and boiling points. The melting point of MgO, for instance, is around 2852°C. These properties contrast sharply with substances that have weaker intermolecular forces, like simple molecular structures, which have much lower melting and boiling points due to the lesser energy required to overcome these weaker forces.

Ice is less dense than water due to its unique lattice structure. In solid form, water molecules form a hexagonal crystalline structure maintained by hydrogen bonds. Each oxygen atom is bonded to two hydrogen atoms, and each hydrogen atom forms a hydrogen bond with an oxygen atom of a neighbouring water molecule. This arrangement creates an open, cage-like structure with a lot of empty space. As a result, ice has a lower density compared to liquid water, where the molecules are closer together without a rigid structure. This anomaly is crucial for the environment; since ice floats on water, it insulates the water below, protecting aquatic life in cold climates. The density of ice also plays a significant role in geophysical processes, such as the formation of icebergs and the seasonal thawing of ice caps.

Silicon(IV) oxide (SiO₂) and sodium chloride (NaCl) have fundamentally different structures, reflecting their distinct bonding types. SiO₂, also known as silica, is a giant covalent structure where each silicon atom is covalently bonded to four oxygen atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This continuous network extends throughout the material, resulting in a very hard and high melting point substance. Unlike ionic compounds, SiO₂ does not contain discrete molecules or ions. In contrast, NaCl is a typical ionic compound comprising a lattice of positively charged sodium ions and negatively charged chloride ions. This ionic lattice is held together by strong electrostatic forces between oppositely charged ions, giving NaCl high melting and boiling points. However, unlike SiO₂, NaCl can conduct electricity when molten or in solution, as its ions are free to move and carry charge.

The solubility of ionic compounds in water, such as sodium chloride (NaCl), is influenced by several factors, primarily the nature of the ionic compound and the solvent, temperature, and pressure. The ionic bonds in NaCl must be overcome by the interaction with water molecules for it to dissolve. Water, a polar solvent, interacts with the ions due to its partial charges; the negatively charged oxygen atoms attract sodium ions, while the positively charged hydrogen atoms attract chloride ions. This interaction helps to separate the ions from the lattice and disperse them into the solution. Generally, increasing the temperature enhances the solubility of solids in liquids as it provides more kinetic energy to overcome the ionic bonds. However, the effect of pressure is minimal on solid solutes like NaCl. The solubility of an ionic compound is also dependent on its lattice energy; the stronger the lattice energy, the less soluble the compound tends to be in water.

Practice Questions

Explain why diamond and graphite, both composed of carbon, have vastly different physical properties.

Diamond and graphite, despite both being allotropes of carbon, exhibit contrasting physical properties due to their differing lattice structures. In diamond, each carbon atom forms four strong covalent bonds in a tetrahedral arrangement, creating a three-dimensional network. This structure imparts extreme hardness and high thermal conductivity, while making it an electrical insulator due to the lack of free electrons. In contrast, graphite comprises layers of carbon atoms bonded in a hexagonal pattern, where each atom is bonded to three others. This leaves one electron per carbon atom delocalised, facilitating electrical conductivity. The layers are held together by weak Van der Waals forces, making graphite soft and slippery.

Compare and contrast the properties of sodium chloride (NaCl) and copper (Cu) in terms of their bonding and structure

Sodium chloride (NaCl) and copper (Cu) exhibit distinct properties stemming from their different bonding and structural arrangements. NaCl, an ionic compound, consists of sodium and chloride ions arranged in a cubic lattice. This ionic bonding leads to high melting and boiling points and electrical conductivity in molten or dissolved states, due to the movement of ions. Conversely, copper, a metal, features a lattice of positive ions immersed in a sea of delocalised electrons, a result of metallic bonding. This endows copper with excellent electrical and thermal conductivity, malleability, and ductility. The disparity in their bonding types underpins these differences in physical properties.

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