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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

4.2.3 Deduction of Bonding Types

Chemical bonding is a cornerstone of understanding in Chemistry, offering insight into the molecular world. At A-Level, students are expected to master the skill of deducing the type of bonding and structure present in a substance. This involves a thorough analysis of various pieces of information, including physical properties and experimental data.

1. Introduction to Bonding Types

Chemical bonds are the forces that hold atoms together in molecules or compounds. These bonds are primarily categorized into ionic, covalent (both simple molecular and giant molecular), and metallic bonds. Each type imparts distinct physical and chemical properties to the substance.

Different types of chemical bondings

Image courtesy of Britannica

2. Physical Properties as Indicators

Physical properties can be revealing indicators of the type of bonding present in a substance.

2.1 Melting and Boiling Points

  • High Melting/Boiling Points: Substances with giant ionic structures (like sodium chloride) or giant molecular structures (like diamond) exhibit high melting and boiling points due to the strength of the ionic or covalent bonds.
  • Low Melting/Boiling Points: Substances with simple molecular structures, such as iodine, display lower melting and boiling points. This is because the forces between the molecules (van der Waals forces) are relatively weak.

2.2 Electrical Conductivity

  • Metallic Conductors: Metals conduct electricity due to their delocalised 'sea' of electrons. These electrons can move freely, carrying charge.
  • Ionic Conductors: Ionic compounds conduct electricity in their molten or dissolved state, as the ions are free to move and carry charge.
  • Non-Conductors: Covalent compounds, both simple and giant molecular structures, generally do not conduct electricity. Their electrons are localised and do not move freely.

2.3 Solubility

  • Ionic Compounds: Many ionic compounds are soluble in water (a polar solvent) but not in non-polar solvents.
  • Covalent Compounds: Covalent compounds tend to be more soluble in non-polar solvents due to the lack of charge separation in their molecules.

3. Experimental Data and Bonding

Experimental data can provide critical insights into the type of bonding in a substance.

3.1 Spectroscopic Analysis

  • Infrared Spectroscopy: Useful for identifying molecular bonds. Different bonds absorb different wavelengths of infrared light.
  • X-Ray Crystallography: This technique can be used to determine the crystal structure of a substance, providing information about the arrangement of atoms and the type of bonding.
Illustration of Infrared Spectroscopy

Image courtesy of PeakD

3.2 Chemical Reactivity

  • Reactivity Patterns: The reactivity of a compound can often indicate its bonding type. For example, ionic compounds typically participate in ion exchange reactions, while covalent compounds may undergo addition reactions or polymerisation.

4. Strategies for Deduction

Developing a systematic approach to deduce bonding types is essential.

4.1 Comparative Analysis

  • Compare the physical properties of an unknown substance with known compounds to predict its bonding type.
  • Use periodic trends, such as electronegativity differences, to anticipate the type of bonding in a compound.

4.2 Use of Chemical Models

  • Lewis structures and molecular models can be instrumental in visualising the type of bonding and predicting the properties of a substance.

4.3 Practical Experiments

  • Simple laboratory tests, like testing conductivity or solubility, can provide direct evidence of the type of bonding.

5. Case Studies in Bonding Types

Examining specific examples is a practical way to understand bonding types.

5.1 Ionic Bonding: Sodium Chloride

  • Exhibits a high melting point and conducts electricity when molten, indicative of ionic bonding.

5.2 Covalent Bonding: Water

  • Has a low melting point and does not conduct electricity, typical of covalent bonding.

5.3 Metallic Bonding: Copper

  • Characterised by high electrical conductivity and malleability, which are hallmarks of metallic bonding.

6. Challenges in Deduction

Despite these strategies, some compounds may exhibit anomalous properties, necessitating a more nuanced analysis. For instance, substances like silicon carbide have exceptionally high melting points, which might suggest ionic bonding, but are actually covalently bonded.

7. Significance in Chemistry

The ability to deduce bonding types is not just academically essential; it's crucial for practical applications in chemistry. This knowledge underpins the development of new materials and pharmaceuticals and aids in understanding chemical reactions and processes.

By enhancing their skills in deducing bonding types, A-Level Chemistry students lay a strong foundation for future studies in chemistry and related fields. This knowledge extends beyond the classroom, providing a basis for understanding the molecular nature of the world around us.


Electronegativity is a key factor in determining the type of bonding in a compound. It refers to the ability of an atom to attract shared electrons in a chemical bond. When the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms is large (typically greater than 1.7), the bond is likely to be ionic, as one atom will essentially 'take' an electron from the other, forming ions. In cases where the electronegativity difference is smaller, the bond tends to be covalent, as the electrons will be more evenly shared. For atoms with very similar or identical electronegativities, the bond will be purely covalent, as seen in diatomic molecules like O2. Understanding electronegativity differences is crucial for predicting bonding types and understanding the resulting chemical properties.

Metallic bonds differ significantly from ionic and covalent bonds in terms of electron movement. In metallic bonding, atoms in a metal release some of their electrons, which become delocalised and move freely throughout the entire structure. This 'sea' of delocalised electrons is what gives metals their characteristic properties, like electrical conductivity and malleability. In contrast, ionic bonds involve the transfer of electrons from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of positively and negatively charged ions. These ions are held together by electrostatic forces. In covalent bonds, electrons are shared between atoms, but they are localised in specific areas between the bonded atoms, unlike the free movement of electrons in metallic bonds.

Some covalent compounds can conduct electricity, which at first glance seems to contradict the typical insulating nature of covalent bonds. This conductivity is usually observed in covalent network solids like graphite and silicon carbide. In graphite, for example, each carbon atom is bonded to three others, forming layers of hexagonal rings. One electron from each carbon atom is delocalised and can move freely within the layers, allowing graphite to conduct electricity along the planes of these layers. This is a unique property of graphite and a few other covalent substances where the structure allows for some mobility of electrons, in contrast to the usual localised electrons in covalent compounds.

Dative covalent bonds, also known as coordinate bonds, can indeed affect the deduction of bonding types in a substance. In a dative covalent bond, both electrons in the bond are provided by one of the bonding atoms. This type of bonding is typically found in complex ions and certain molecules like ammonia borane. While the presence of dative bonds does not change the overall physical properties of a substance drastically, it can influence certain characteristics. For instance, compounds with dative covalent bonds might display unique reactivity patterns or spectroscopic signatures. Therefore, when deducing bonding types, it's important to consider the possibility of dative bonding, especially in the context of molecular structures and reactivity data.

Diamond is an excellent example of a substance where structure is a direct indication of its bonding type. It consists of a giant molecular structure where each carbon atom forms four strong covalent bonds with other carbon atoms in a tetrahedral arrangement. This structure results in a rigid, three-dimensional lattice that extends throughout the diamond. This extensive network of strong covalent bonds is the reason for diamond's remarkable properties, such as its exceptional hardness, very high melting point, and excellent thermal conductivity. Unlike ionic or metallic solids, diamond does not conduct electricity, as there are no free electrons or ions. The clear, colourless appearance of diamond is also due to its bonding, as there are no free electrons to absorb and re-emit light.

Practice Questions

Identify the type of bonding in silicon carbide (SiC) and explain how its bonding type influences its physical properties.

Silicon carbide (SiC) exhibits covalent bonding. In this compound, silicon and carbon atoms are bonded together by sharing electrons, forming a giant covalent structure. This type of bonding accounts for SiC's extremely high melting point and hardness. The strong covalent bonds require a significant amount of energy to break, explaining the high melting point. Similarly, the hardness of SiC is due to the rigid, tetrahedral network of covalently bonded atoms, making it one of the hardest substances known. These properties make silicon carbide an ideal material for abrasive and refractory applications.

Given a substance with a high melting point, conducts electricity in the molten state but not in the solid state, and is soluble in water, deduce the type of bonding. Provide a justification for your answer.

The substance likely exhibits ionic bonding. The high melting point suggests strong forces of attraction, which are characteristic of ionic bonds. The ability to conduct electricity in the molten state, but not in the solid state, is a hallmark of ionic compounds. In the molten state, the ionic bonds are broken, allowing the ions to move freely and conduct electricity. In the solid state, the ions are fixed in place and cannot conduct electricity. Furthermore, the solubility in water indicates that the substance is polar, which is typical for ionic compounds, as they tend to dissolve in polar solvents like water.

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