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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

29.1.3 Systematic Nomenclature of Organic Compounds


Understanding the systematic nomenclature in organic chemistry is pivotal for interpreting and constructing the molecular structures of various compounds. This section provides a comprehensive guide on naming simple aliphatic, aromatic, and cyclic compounds, including key functional groups.

Fundamentals of Organic Nomenclature

Organic nomenclature follows a set of internationally accepted rules that facilitate the clear and concise naming of organic compounds, aiding in their identification and classification.

Aliphatic Compounds

Aliphatic compounds are characterized by chains and rings of carbon atoms. Their nomenclature varies based on structure and saturation.

Straight Chain Alkanes

  • Naming Method: Based on the number of carbon atoms, with a suffix '-ane'.
  • Examples: Methane (CH₄), Ethane (C₂H₆), Propane (C₃H₈).
Straight Chain Alkanes example Propane (C₃H₈).

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Branched Chain Alkanes

  • Determining the Root Chain: The longest continuous carbon chain forms the base name.
  • Identifying and Naming Substituents: Substituents are named as alkyl groups with a prefix denoting their position.
  • Example: 2-methylpropane, where 'methyl' is the substituent on the second carbon of a propane chain.
Branched Chain Alkanes example 2-methylpropane

Image courtesy of T.vanschaik

Unsaturation in Aliphatic Compounds

  • Alkenes: Double bonds, indicated by ‘-ene’.
  • Alkynes: Triple bonds, denoted by ‘-yne’.
Unsaturation in Aliphatic Compounds, alkene and alkyne

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Aromatic Compounds

Aromatic compounds, known for their stable ring structures, have distinct naming conventions.

Simple Aromatic Compounds

  • Benzene Derivatives: Named with substituents in alphabetical order.
  • Example: Methylbenzene (Toluene).

Substituted Aromatic Compounds

  • Position Indicators: Ortho (1,2-), meta (1,3-), and para (1,4-) are used for disubstituted benzenes.
Aromatic compound examples and structures

Image courtesy of Collegedunia

Functional Groups

Functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules.


  • Naming: Prefixes such as fluoro-, chloro-, bromo-, and iodo- are used.
  • Example: 2-bromopropane.

Alcohols and Phenols

  • Alcohols: Suffix ‘-ol’ or prefix ‘hydroxy-’.
  • Phenols: Benzene ring with an -OH group.
  • Example: Propanol, Hydroxybenzene.


  • Naming Convention: Described as alkoxy-alkanes.
  • Example: Methoxyethane (ethyl methyl ether).

Nomenclature of Cyclic Compounds

Cyclic compounds consist of rings of carbon atoms and are named with the prefix 'cyclo-'.

Basic Cyclic Structures

  • Naming: The prefix ‘cyclo-’ followed by the alkane name.
  • Example: Cyclohexane.

Substituted Cyclic Compounds

  • Position Numbering: Numbering starts at the substituent of highest priority.
  • Example: 1-methylcyclohexane.
Structure of 1-methylcyclohexane.

Image courtesy of Emeldir

Systematic Nomenclature for Esters and Amides

Esters and amides are common in organic compounds and have unique naming rules.


  • Derived From: Alcohols and carboxylic acids.
  • Naming Method: Alkyl part from the alcohol and the alkanoate from the acid.
  • Example: Ethyl acetate (ethyl ethanoate).


  • Structure: Carboxylic acids in which the hydroxyl group is replaced by an amine.
  • Naming Convention: ‘-amide’ suffix.
  • Example: Ethanamide.

Practice Exercises for Mastery

To reinforce the concepts, students should engage in exercises involving both the naming of compounds from structures and the drawing of structures from names.

Exercise Set 1: Naming Compounds

Given a series of structural formulas, students should apply systematic nomenclature rules to name each compound accurately.

Exercise Set 2: Drawing Structures

Provided with systematic names, students should accurately draw the corresponding structural formulas.

Exercise Examples

1. Propan-2-ol: Students should draw a three-carbon chain with an -OH group on the second carbon.

2. 1-bromo-4-methylbenzene: Illustrate a benzene ring with a bromo group at position 1 and a methyl group at position 4.

Exercises with Solutions

1. C₅H₁₁Br: 2-bromopentane (a five-carbon chain with a bromine atom on the second carbon).

2. C₆H₅OH: Phenol (a benzene ring with a hydroxyl group).

3. C₂H₅COOCH₃: Methyl ethanoate (an ester formed from ethanol and methanoic acid).

Recap of Key Concepts

  • Aliphatic Compounds: Governed by chain length, branching, and saturation.
  • Aromatic Compounds: Substituent type and position significantly influence naming.
  • Functional Groups: Each has specific prefixes and suffixes.
  • Cyclic Compounds: Identified by the ‘cyclo-’ prefix and numbering of substituents.
  • Esters and Amides: Named based on their constituent alcohol or amine and acid.

The systematic approach outlined here equips A-level chemistry students with the tools needed to navigate the complex world of organic compound nomenclature. Mastery of these principles is essential for understanding and articulating the diverse array of organic substances encountered in advanced chemistry studies.


When an organic compound contains both double and triple bonds, the compound is classified as an enyne. The naming follows the usual rules for alkenes and alkynes, with the addition of specifying the location of both the double and triple bonds. The root of the name is based on the total number of carbon atoms in the longest chain containing both the double and triple bonds. The numbering of the carbon chain starts from the end nearest to the first multiple bond, irrespective of its nature (double or triple). The positions of the double and triple bonds are indicated by the corresponding numbers, with 'ene' and 'yne' suffixes added in the order of the location of the double and triple bonds, respectively. For instance, in a compound with a double bond between the second and third carbons and a triple bond between the fifth and sixth carbons, the name would be something like 'hex-2-ene-5-yne'.

In organic compounds containing both halogen and hydroxyl groups, the compound is named following the IUPAC rules where the principal functional group determines the suffix, and the other group is named as a substituent. The principal functional group is usually the one with higher priority according to IUPAC rules, and in the case of halogens (like chlorine, bromine) and hydroxyl groups, the hydroxyl group has higher priority. Therefore, the compound takes the suffix '-ol' for alcohol. The halogen is named with a suitable prefix (e.g., chloro-, bromo-), and its position is indicated with a number. The numbering of the carbon chain starts from the end nearest to the hydroxyl group. For example, 2-chloropropan-1-ol is a three-carbon chain with a hydroxyl group on the first carbon and a chlorine atom on the second carbon.

Spiro compounds are a unique class of organic compounds where two rings are joined at a single carbon atom, known as the spiroatom. The naming of spiro compounds begins with the prefix ‘spiro’ followed by brackets that contain two numbers separated by a dot. These numbers indicate the number of atoms (excluding the spiroatom) in each of the connected rings, starting with the smaller ring. After the brackets, the rest of the name follows the usual rules for naming cyclic compounds. For example, a compound with a three-membered ring and a five-membered ring joined at a common carbon atom is named as spiro[3.5]decane, indicating a total of ten carbon atoms (‘decane’). The numbering of the compound starts from the spiroatom and proceeds first through the smaller ring before continuing through the larger ring. The spiro nomenclature is essential for accurately describing the structure of these complex organic compounds.

Bicyclic compounds, which consist of two connected rings of carbon atoms, have specific naming rules. The prefix ‘bicyclo’ is used, followed by brackets containing three numbers. These numbers, separated by periods, represent the count of carbon atoms in each part of the molecule that connects the bridgeheads (the shared carbon atoms between the two rings). The numbers are ordered from largest to smallest. The rest of the name follows the usual alkane naming rules, with the total number of carbon atoms determining the root name. For instance, in bicyclo[2.2.1]heptane, there are two carbons in two of the connecting parts and one carbon in the third, with a total of seven carbons (heptane). Bicyclic compounds often pose a unique challenge in nomenclature due to their complex structures, and thus understanding their naming convention is vital for accurately identifying and discussing these molecules.

When naming a compound with multiple functional groups, priority rules set by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) are followed. These rules are crucial because they dictate the suffix and, in some cases, the numbering of the carbon chain. The order of priority from highest to lower for some common functional groups is as follows: Carboxylic acids, anhydrides, esters, amides, nitriles, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols, amines, ethers, and alkyl groups. The highest priority functional group gives its suffix to the compound name, and the carbon chain is numbered to give the lowest possible numbers to the functional groups. For example, in a molecule containing an alcohol and an aldehyde group, the aldehyde group has higher priority and thus determines the suffix (-al), with the alcohol group indicated as a hydroxy- substituent. This systematic approach ensures consistent and clear communication among chemists regarding compound structures.

Practice Questions

Identify and name the following compound: CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂COOH. Explain the rationale behind the naming convention used.

The compound CH₃CH₂CH₂CH₂COOH is named Pentanoic Acid. This systematic naming is derived from the fact that the compound is a carboxylic acid with a five-carbon chain, which is indicated by the prefix 'pent'. The '-oic acid' suffix is standard for carboxylic acids. The carbon chain is unbranched and saturated, hence the straight-chain nomenclature is applied. The name 'Pentanoic Acid' succinctly communicates the presence of a five-carbon backbone ending with a carboxylic acid group, following IUPAC naming conventions essential in organic chemistry.

Draw the structural formula for 3-methylhex-2-ene and describe its key features.

3-Methylhex-2-ene is an organic compound with a six-carbon main chain (hex-) and a double bond located between the second and third carbons (-2-ene). Additionally, there is a methyl group attached to the third carbon (3-methyl). The key features of this compound include the hexane backbone, indicative of a six-carbon chain, the presence of a double bond, which classifies it as an alkene, and a methyl substituent that makes it a branched molecule. The double bond introduces elements of unsaturation into the molecule, affecting its reactivity and physical properties compared to its saturated counterparts.

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