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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

29.1.1 Understanding Functional Groups in Organic Chemistry

Functional groups are clusters of atoms within molecules that largely dictate the chemical properties and reactivity of those molecules. This section provides a detailed exploration of various functional groups crucial in organic chemistry.


  • Definition and Structure: Arenes, also known as aromatic hydrocarbons, are characterized by having a benzene ring—a hexagonal arrangement of six carbon atoms, with alternating single and double bonds, creating a stable electron cloud.
  • Properties and Reactions:
    • Stability: The delocalized electrons in the benzene ring contribute to its extraordinary chemical stability.
    • Electrophilic Substitution: Arenes typically undergo electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions where an electrophile replaces a hydrogen atom on the ring.
  • Examples and Uses:
    • Benzene: The simplest arene, used as a solvent and in the production of other chemicals.
    • Toluene: Used in making paints, lacquers, and explosives.
Chemical structure of benzene

Chemical structure of benzene

Image courtesy of Bryan Derksen


  • Definition and Characteristics: Phenols consist of a hydroxyl group (-OH) bonded directly to an aromatic ring. The bond nature between the oxygen and the aromatic ring significantly influences their properties.
  • Properties and Reactions:
    • Acidic Nature: Phenols are weak acids, more acidic than alcohols due to the aromatic ring's ability to stabilize the negative charge of the phenoxide ion formed upon deprotonation.
    • Electrophilic Substitution: Similar to arenes, phenols undergo electrophilic substitution, but at an enhanced rate due to the activating effect of the -OH group.
  • Examples and Applications:
    • Phenol: Used in the production of plastics and pharmaceuticals.
    • Cresols: Found in disinfectants and antiseptics.
Chemical structure of phenol

Chemical structure of phenol

Image courtesy of M1ss1ontomars2k4

Acyl Chlorides

  • Definition and Formation: Acyl chlorides, or acid chlorides, contain the functional group -COCl. They are typically formed by reacting carboxylic acids with agents like thionyl chloride.
  • Reactivity and Uses:
    • High Reactivity: Acyl chlorides are highly reactive, easily undergoing nucleophilic substitution reactions, making them valuable in synthesizing other compounds like esters and amides.
  • Examples and Industrial Importance:
    • Ethanoic chloride: Used in organic synthesis.
The general structure of an acyl chloride.

Image courtesy of Hbf878


  • Definition and Types: Amines are derivatives of ammonia (NH₃), with one or more hydrogen atoms replaced by alkyl or aryl groups. They are categorized as primary, secondary, or tertiary based on the number of organic groups attached to the nitrogen atom.
  • Properties and Biological Significance:
    • Basic Nature: Amines are bases and can form salts with acids.
    • Solubility and Boiling Points: Lower amines are soluble in water and have relatively high boiling points due to hydrogen bonding.
  • Examples and Uses:
    • Methylamine and Aniline: Used in making dyes, drugs, and polymers.
General structure of Primary, secondary, and tertiary amines.

Image courtesy of


  • Structure and Formation: Amides have the functional group -CONH₂ and are typically formed from the reaction of acyl chlorides or carboxylic acids with amines or ammonia.
  • Properties and Applications:
    • Stability: Amides are more stable than esters due to resonance stabilization.
    • Polymers: Many polymers like nylon are based on amide linkages.
  • Examples: Acetamide and urea are common amides, with urea being a significant component in the metabolic cycle of nitrogen compounds in organisms.
General structure formula of amide

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

Amino Acids

  • Definition and Structure: Amino acids are organic compounds that contain both an amine group and a carboxyl group. The general formula is R-CH(NH₂)-COOH, where R represents a side chain.
  • Properties and Biological Role:
    • Amphoteric Nature: Amino acids can react both as acids and bases, existing as zwitterions at certain pH levels.
    • Protein Synthesis: They are the building blocks of proteins, linking together through peptide bonds.
  • Examples: Glycine, alanine, and valine are among the 20 standard amino acids found in proteins.
General chemical structure of amino acids

Image courtesy of YassineMrabet

Impact of Functional Groups on Molecular Properties

  • Solubility: Functional groups like hydroxyl, amino, and carboxyl groups increase solubility in water due to their ability to form hydrogen bonds.
  • Melting and Boiling Points: Polar functional groups can raise a compound's boiling and melting points through intermolecular forces.
  • Chemical Reactivity: The presence and position of functional groups largely determine a molecule's reactivity pattern in chemical reactions, such as addition, substitution, or elimination.

Role in Structural and Chemical Diversity

  • Molecular Shape and Size: The type and arrangement of functional groups impact the three-dimensional shape of the molecule, which in turn affects its interaction with other molecules.
  • Electron Distribution: Functional groups affect the distribution of electrons in a molecule, influencing its chemical behaviour, such as its acidity, basicity, and reactivity with other substances.

In conclusion, an in-depth understanding of functional groups is essential for students studying A-level Chemistry. It forms the basis for comprehending how organic molecules interact, react, and function in various chemical contexts. This knowledge is not only fundamental to grasping the complexities of organic chemistry but also pivotal in applications across pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, and materials science.


Acyl chlorides are highly reactive due to the polar nature of the carbon-chlorine bond and the partial positive charge on the carbonyl carbon atom. The chlorine atom, being electronegative, draws electron density away from the carbonyl carbon, making it highly electrophilic and susceptible to nucleophilic attack. This electrophilic character leads to acyl chlorides commonly undergoing nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions. In these reactions, a nucleophile, such as water, alcohols, or amines, attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon, followed by the departure of the chlorine atom as a chloride ion. The outcome of the reaction depends on the nucleophile involved, leading to the formation of carboxylic acids, esters, or amides.

The basicity of amines is primarily determined by the availability of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom for protonation. Factors that affect this availability include the inductive effect, steric hindrance, and the nature of the substituents attached to the nitrogen atom. Alkyl groups are electron-donating, which increases electron density on the nitrogen, enhancing basicity. However, larger alkyl groups can also introduce steric hindrance, making it difficult for protons to access the nitrogen atom, thus reducing basicity. Aromatic amines are less basic than aliphatic amines because the lone pair on the nitrogen atom in aromatic amines is partially delocalised into the aromatic ring, making it less available for bonding with a proton.

Functional groups play a pivotal role in the formation and properties of polymers. Polymers are large molecules formed by the repetitive bonding of monomers, and functional groups in these monomers determine the type of bonding that occurs. For example, the hydroxyl (-OH) and carboxyl (-COOH) groups in monomers facilitate the formation of ester linkages in polyesters, while the amine (-NH₂) and carboxyl groups lead to amide linkages in polyamides like nylon. The nature of the functional groups also affects the polymer's properties. Polymers with polar functional groups, like hydroxyl or amide, exhibit increased intermolecular forces (like hydrogen bonding), leading to higher melting points and greater mechanical strength. In contrast, nonpolar functional groups result in polymers that are more hydrophobic and have lower melting points. Functional groups can also impart specific chemical reactivity to polymers, enabling further

Phenols are more acidic than alcohols due to the stability of their conjugate base, the phenoxide ion. In phenols, the negative charge of the phenoxide ion formed upon deprotonation can be delocalised over the aromatic ring through resonance, stabilising the ion. This delocalisation is not possible in alcohols, where the negative charge remains localised on the oxygen atom. The structure of the phenol also influences its acidity. Substituents on the aromatic ring that are electron-withdrawing increase the acidity of phenols by stabilising the phenoxide ion further through additional resonance or inductive effects. Conversely, electron-donating substituents decrease the acidity by reducing the stability of the phenoxide ion.

Electron-donating groups (EDGs) and electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) significantly influence the reactivity of arenes in electrophilic substitution reactions. EDGs, like alkyl or methoxy groups, donate electrons to the arene ring, increasing its electron density. This makes the ring more nucleophilic, thereby enhancing its reactivity towards electrophiles. In contrast, EWGs, such as nitro or carbonyl groups, withdraw electron density from the ring, reducing its nucleophilicity and consequently, its reactivity towards electrophiles. Moreover, the presence of these groups also influences the regioselectivity of the reaction, determining where on the ring the electrophilic attack will occur. EDGs typically direct electrophilic substitution to the ortho and para positions relative to themselves due to resonance and inductive effects, while EWGs direct the substitution to the meta position, as they destabilise the carbocation intermediates formed at the ortho and para positions.

Practice Questions

Identify and explain the reactivity of phenol compared to benzene in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.

Phenol exhibits enhanced reactivity in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions compared to benzene due to the presence of the hydroxyl group. The -OH group is an electron-donating group, which increases the electron density on the aromatic ring, making it more susceptible to attack by electrophiles. The lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group can delocalise into the aromatic ring, further stabilising the intermediate carbocation formed during the reaction. This stabilisation lowers the activation energy required for the reaction, thus making phenol react more readily than benzene.

Describe the formation and stability of amides, and explain why they are less reactive towards nucleophilic attack than acyl chlorides.

Amides are formed by the reaction of a carboxylic acid or its derivative (like an acyl chloride) with ammonia or an amine. They exhibit high stability due to the resonance between the carbonyl group and the nitrogen atom's lone pair of electrons. This delocalisation of electrons spreads the positive charge over the molecule, lowering its reactivity. In contrast, acyl chlorides are more reactive towards nucleophilic attack because the chlorine atom is a good leaving group and there is no such resonance stabilisation as in amides. Thus, the carbonyl carbon in acyl chlorides is more electrophilic and susceptible to attack by nucleophiles.

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