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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

29.1.2 Mastery of Organic Formulas

Understanding organic formulas is a cornerstone in A-level Chemistry, particularly in the study of organic compounds. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies of interpreting and drawing various organic formulas, crucial for understanding the structure and behavior of carbon-based molecules.

Introduction to Organic Formulas

Organic chemistry revolves around the study of carbon compounds. Different types of organic formulas are used to represent these compounds, each serving a specific purpose in elucidating the molecule's structure and properties.

General Formula

  • Definition: A general formula represents a series of compounds in a simplified manner, indicating the ratio of elements present.
  • Example: For alkanes, the general formula is ( CnH2n+2CnH{2n+2} ), where 'n' represents the number of carbon atoms.
  • Application: This formula is fundamental in predicting the molecular structure within a homologous series.
General formula of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes

Image courtesy of 2012 Book Archive

Structural Formula

  • Definition: A structural formula shows the arrangement and connectivity of atoms within a molecule.
  • Detailing Bonds: Each type of bond (single, double, triple) is explicitly shown.
  • Example: Ethanol, a simple alcohol, can be represented as CH₃CH₂OH.
  • Significance: Structural formulas are key in understanding the molecule's geometry and potential chemical reactions.
Structural formula of ethanol

Image courtesy of Benjah-bmm27

Displayed Formula

  • Definition: A displayed formula provides a detailed representation, showing both the atoms and the bonds in a molecule.
  • Visual Aspect: It illustrates the exact layout of bonds, beneficial for visual learners.
  • Example: Displaying ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH) reveals the bonds between hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen atoms.
  • Utility: Critical for understanding detailed molecular structures and predicting chemical behavior.
Display formula of ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH)

Display formula of ethanol (CH₃CH₂OH)

Image courtesy of Cacycle

Skeletal Formula

  • Definition: A skeletal formula is a streamlined representation of organic molecules.
  • Characteristic: Carbon atoms are implied at the ends of lines or at intersections, and hydrogen atoms bonded to carbon are not shown.
  • Example: Benzene, a simple aromatic compound, is often depicted as a hexagon with alternating double bonds.
  • Advantage: Simplifies the depiction of complex molecules, focusing on the core structure.
Chemical structure of benzene

Image courtesy of Bryan Derksen

Differentiating Organic Formulas

Recognizing the distinctions among these formulas is fundamental in organic chemistry.

General vs Structural Formulas

  • General Formula: Useful for summarizing a whole class of compounds without detailed structural information.
  • Structural Formula: Provides a molecule-specific representation, showing how atoms are specifically connected.

Displayed and Skeletal Formulas

  • Displayed Formula: Best for detailed study of molecular structure and reaction mechanisms.
  • Skeletal Formula: Ideal for representing larger molecules, emphasizing the molecular skeleton.

Interpreting Organic Formulas

The interpretation of these formulas is essential in predicting molecular behavior.

Understanding Structural Formulas

  • Functional Groups Identification: Recognizing functional groups is crucial for predicting reactivity and physical properties.
  • Bond Analysis: Evaluating the types of bonds and their arrangements can reveal a lot about a molecule's reactivity and stability.

Utilization of Displayed and Skeletal Formulas

  • Displayed Formulas: Essential in understanding complex reaction mechanisms and intermolecular forces.
  • Skeletal Formulas: Best suited for quick analysis of large organic molecules, particularly in organic synthesis.

Drawing Organic Formulas

Accurately drawing these formulas is a fundamental skill in chemistry.

Techniques and Tips

  • Structural Formulas: Begin with the carbon backbone, adding functional groups and showing all bonds.
  • Displayed Formulas: Pay attention to the accurate representation of all bonds, including pi and sigma bonds.
  • Skeletal Formulas: Focus on the carbon framework; understand which atoms are implied and which need to be explicitly shown.

Practice Exercises for Mastery

  • Exercise 1: Draw the structural and displayed formulas for butanoic acid.
  • Exercise 2: Represent cyclohexane using both skeletal and structural formulas.
  • Exercise 3: Convert the general formula of alkenes (CnH2n) into structural formulas for the first three members.


The mastery of organic formulas is not only about memorizing structures but also about understanding the underlying principles that govern the arrangement of atoms in organic molecules. These skills are vital for A-level Chemistry students, laying the groundwork for advanced studies in organic chemistry. Through this knowledge, students can better appreciate the complexity and beauty of the molecular world.


General formulas in organic chemistry provide a simplified representation of a series of compounds, indicating the overall ratio of elements. However, they have significant limitations. Firstly, general formulas do not convey structural information about how atoms are connected within a molecule. For example, the general formula ( CnH{2n+2} ) for alkanes doesn’t differentiate between straight-chain and branched alkanes. Secondly, they cannot represent the complexity of functional groups or the presence of multiple functional groups in a molecule. This limitation is particularly evident in complex organic molecules where the arrangement and type of functional groups significantly impact the molecule's chemical properties and reactivity. Lastly, general formulas are inadequate for depicting stereochemistry or geometric isomerism, which are crucial in understanding many biological and chemical processes. Therefore, while general formulas are useful for summarising a class of compounds, they are insufficient for detailed structural and functional analysis in organic chemistry.

Displayed formulas are instrumental in understanding chemical reactions involving organic compounds because they provide a detailed and accurate representation of the molecular structure, including the specific arrangement of all atoms and the type of bonds between them. By showing the precise location of each atom and bond, displayed formulas allow chemists to visualise how a molecule might interact with other molecules or reagents in a chemical reaction. This is particularly important in organic chemistry, where the reactivity of a molecule can be highly dependent on its structure. For example, in a substitution reaction, a displayed formula can help identify the specific site of reactivity, such as a functional group or a particular bond. Additionally, displayed formulas can show the geometry of a molecule, which is crucial in understanding stereoselective and regioselective reactions. Thus, displayed formulas provide a comprehensive view of a molecule's structure, which is essential for predicting and understanding its behaviour in chemical reactions.

Skeletal formulas are a convenient and effective way to represent many types of organic molecules, particularly large or complex ones, but they do have limitations. One of the main limitations is that they do not explicitly show hydrogen atoms attached to carbon, which can sometimes lead to ambiguity in understanding the molecule's exact structure. This is especially true for molecules where the position or number of hydrogen atoms is critical for understanding the molecule's reactivity or properties. Additionally, skeletal formulas may not effectively represent stereochemistry, which is crucial in many organic compounds, such as drugs and biomolecules. The 3D arrangement of atoms, critical in stereochemistry, is not conveyed in the 2D representation of skeletal formulas. Furthermore, they are not well-suited for representing small or simple molecules, where the detailed representation of every atom and bond, as in displayed formulas, is more informative. In summary, while skeletal formulas are invaluable for simplifying and visualising complex organic structures, they have limitations in conveying certain types of structural information.

Skeletal formulas are preferred for representing large organic molecules due to their simplicity and clarity. In skeletal formulas, the carbon atoms at the ends of lines and at junctions are implied, and hydrogen atoms attached to these carbons are also omitted. This leads to a less cluttered and more readable representation, especially for complex molecules with many atoms. In contrast, displayed formulas, which show all atoms and bonds explicitly, can become overly intricate and difficult to interpret for large molecules. For instance, in a large hydrocarbon chain, a skeletal formula can succinctly represent the molecule with a few lines, whereas the displayed formula would require the depiction of every carbon and hydrogen atom, leading to a crowded and potentially confusing diagram. The skeletal formula's ability to simplify without losing essential structural information makes it highly effective for visualising and understanding the structure of large organic compounds.

Isomers are compounds with the same molecular formula but different structures, and their representation in structural and skeletal formulas highlights this difference. In structural formulas, isomers are distinguished by the specific arrangement of atoms and bonds. For instance, the structural formulas for butanol isomers vary by the position of the OH group and the carbon chain's structure. Skeletal formulas, on the other hand, provide a more streamlined representation, focusing on the carbon skeleton. This makes it easier to distinguish isomers, particularly in complex molecules. For example, the skeletal formula for butanol isomers would show the branching and positioning of the hydroxyl group differently for each isomer. However, skeletal formulas may sometimes be less clear in distinguishing certain types of isomers, such as cis-trans isomers, compared to structural formulas. Thus, both types of formulas offer unique perspectives in representing isomers, with structural formulas giving detailed atom-by-atom representation and skeletal formulas offering a clearer view of the overall carbon framework.

Practice Questions

Draw the skeletal formula for 2,2-dimethylpropane and provide a brief explanation of its molecular structure.

2,2-Dimethylpropane, also known as neopentane, has a skeletal formula consisting of a central carbon atom with four methyl groups attached. In the skeletal representation, the central carbon is depicted at the intersection of four straight lines, each leading to a vertex representing a methyl group. Since hydrogen atoms attached to carbons are not shown in skeletal formulas, only the carbon framework is displayed. This molecule is a branched alkane, and its structure illustrates the tetrahedral geometry around each carbon atom, which is characteristic of saturated hydrocarbons.

Explain the difference between the displayed formula and the skeletal formula of an organic compound, using butan-1-ol as an example.

The displayed formula of butan-1-ol shows all the atoms, including carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen, and the bonds between them. Each bond is represented by a line, illustrating the molecule's complete structural layout. In contrast, the skeletal formula simplifies this by only showing the carbon framework and functional groups. In butan-1-ol's skeletal formula, the carbon backbone is represented as a zig-zag line with three vertices, and the OH (hydroxyl) group is explicitly shown. Hydrogen atoms bonded to carbons are not displayed, making

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