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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

29.2.1 Understanding Organic Reaction Mechanisms

Organic chemistry, an essential branch of chemistry, deals with carbon-based compounds and their transformations. This section focuses on two fundamental reaction types in organic chemistry: electrophilic substitution and addition-elimination reactions. These reactions are pivotal in synthetic organic chemistry, underpinning the synthesis of a vast array of complex molecules used in everyday life.

Electrophilic Substitution Reactions

Electrophilic substitution is a reaction where an electrophile replaces a substituent, typically hydrogen, in an organic compound.

Mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution

1. Formation of Electrophile: The reaction commences with the creation of an electrophile, a species that is attracted to electrons and can accept an electron pair.

2. Electrophile Attack: The electrophile targets the electron-rich aromatic ring, temporarily disrupting its stability. This step results in the formation of a sigma complex, where the aromaticity of the ring is lost.

3. Deprotonation: A base then removes a proton from the sigma complex, restoring the aromaticity of the ring. This step is crucial as it regenerates the aromatic system, which is typically more stable than the intermediate.

A diagram showing the mechanism of Electrophilic Substitution in Benzene.

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  • Nitration of Benzene: This involves treating benzene with a mixture of concentrated nitric and sulfuric acids, producing nitrobenzene. The nitronium ion ((NO2+)( \text{NO}_2^+ )), formed in situ, acts as the electrophile.
  • Friedel-Crafts Alkylation: This reaction involves introducing an alkyl group into an aromatic ring using an alkyl halide and a Lewis acid, like aluminium chloride, as a catalyst.
Friedel-Crafts Alkylation reaction using an alkyl halide and aluminium chloride as a catalyst.

Friedel-Crafts Alkylation

Image courtesy of Yikrazuul

Importance in Synthetic Chemistry

Electrophilic substitution is fundamental in creating diverse molecules, such as dyes, fragrances, pharmaceuticals, and polymers. It allows the introduction of various functional groups into aromatic systems, which is a key step in the synthesis of complex organic molecules.

Addition-Elimination Reactions

Addition-elimination reactions, also known as condensation reactions, involve a nucleophile adding to a compound and the subsequent elimination of a small molecule.

Mechanism of Addition-Elimination

1. Nucleophilic Attack: A nucleophile, an electron-rich species, attacks an electrophilic carbon, forming a covalent bond. This step often results in the opening of a ring or the breaking of a pi bond.

2. Elimination: This step involves the removal of a small molecule, such as water or alcohol, leading to the formation of a double bond or a new ring structure, depending on the reactants involved.


  • Formation of Amides: Carboxylic acids react with amines to form amides and water. This reaction is particularly important in the synthesis of proteins and peptides.
  • Aldol Condensation: This reaction involves the formation of a carbon-carbon bond between an enolate ion (derived from an aldehyde or ketone) and another aldehyde or ketone, forming an aldol product. It is a key reaction in the synthesis of various organic compounds, including pharmaceuticals and fragrances.

Importance in Synthetic Chemistry

Addition-elimination reactions are crucial in the synthesis of polymers, pharmaceuticals, and biochemically significant molecules. They offer pathways to construct complex molecular architectures from simpler substances.

Understanding Reaction Mechanisms: The Bigger Picture

Understanding these reaction mechanisms is vital for predicting the behaviour of organic compounds in various conditions, which is essential in drug design, material science, and environmental chemistry. It also helps in understanding the kinetics of reactions and the role of catalysts in facilitating these processes.

In conclusion, the study of electrophilic substitution and addition-elimination reactions opens a window into the intricate world of organic transformations. These reactions not only play a central role in the field of synthetic organic chemistry but also lay the groundwork for advancements in various scientific disciplines. By mastering these concepts, students are equipped with the tools to explore and contribute to the ongoing evolution of chemical science.


Controlling the stereochemistry in addition-elimination reactions is vital for the synthesis of stereochemically pure compounds, which is especially important in pharmaceutical chemistry. Many organic molecules are chiral, and their biological activity can vary significantly depending on their stereochemistry. In an addition-elimination reaction, the formation of new stereocenters can lead to different stereoisomers, each potentially having different biological activities. For instance, one enantiomer of a drug might be therapeutically active, while the other could be inert or even harmful. Therefore, controlling stereochemistry ensures the selective production of the desired isomer, enhancing the efficacy and safety of pharmaceutical products. In addition, understanding and controlling stereochemical outcomes in these reactions are crucial for the synthesis of complex natural products and for understanding biological processes where stereochemistry plays a key role.

In electrophilic substitution reactions such as the Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, Lewis acids serve as crucial catalysts. They function by increasing the reactivity of the electrophile, facilitating its interaction with the aromatic ring. In the Friedel-Crafts Alkylation, the Lewis acid (e.g., AlCl₃) reacts with the alkyl halide, making the alkyl group a more powerful electrophile. The Lewis acid binds to the halogen atom, pulling electron density away from the alkyl group. This action stabilizes the carbocation formed when the alkyl group attaches to the aromatic ring. Without a Lewis acid catalyst, the alkyl halide would not be electrophilic enough to react efficiently with the aromatic ring. Therefore, Lewis acids are indispensable in these reactions for enhancing the electrophilicity of potential electrophiles and stabilizing intermediates, thereby driving the reaction forward.

Conjugation significantly affects the reactivity of aromatic compounds in electrophilic substitution reactions. Conjugation refers to the overlap of p-orbitals across adjacent double bonds or between a double bond and a lone pair, leading to delocalized electron systems. In aromatic compounds, this delocalization stabilizes the molecule, making it less reactive towards electrophilic attack compared to non-aromatic conjugated systems. However, within the realm of aromatic chemistry, the presence of additional conjugated systems (like benzene rings) can enhance reactivity. For example, in polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, the extended conjugation increases the electron density of the rings, making them more susceptible to electrophilic attack. Conversely, interrupting the conjugation through the introduction of electron-withdrawing groups can decrease the reactivity of the aromatic ring. Thus, the presence and nature of conjugation in aromatic compounds play a pivotal role in determining their reactivity in electrophilic substitution reactions.

The Aldol Condensation stands out from other addition-elimination reactions due to its unique mechanism and product formation. This reaction involves the formation of a carbon-carbon bond between the alpha carbon of an enolate ion (formed from an aldehyde or ketone) and the carbonyl carbon of another aldehyde or ketone. The process starts with the formation of the enolate ion, followed by the nucleophilic attack of this ion on another carbonyl compound. This sequence results in the formation of a β-hydroxyaldehyde or β-hydroxyketone (the Aldol product). The reaction can proceed further through a dehydration step, leading to the formation of an α,β-unsaturated aldehyde or ketone. This ability to create complex molecules with new carbon-carbon bonds distinguishes Aldol Condensation from other addition-elimination reactions, which typically involve simpler nucleophilic attacks on carbonyl compounds. It’s a vital reaction in organic synthesis, allowing for the construction of complex molecular structures that are pivotal in synthesizing pharmaceuticals and natural products.

The rate of electrophilic substitution reactions in aromatic compounds is influenced by several factors, primarily the nature of the substituents already present on the aromatic ring, the type of electrophile, and the reaction conditions. Substituents on the aromatic ring can have either an activating or deactivating effect. Electron-donating groups, such as alkyl groups, activate the ring by increasing its electron density, making it more reactive towards electrophiles. Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups, like nitro groups, deactivate the ring by decreasing its electron density, thus slowing down the reaction. The strength and stability of the electrophile also play a crucial role; more stable or reactive electrophiles tend to react faster. Additionally, reaction conditions like temperature and solvent can significantly affect the reaction rate. Solvents that stabilize carbocations can facilitate these reactions, and higher temperatures generally increase reaction rates, albeit with a risk of reduced selectivity.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of the Friedel-Crafts alkylation reaction, including the role of the catalyst. Illustrate your answer with an example reaction.

The Friedel-Crafts alkylation involves the introduction of an alkyl group into an aromatic ring, such as benzene, using an alkyl halide and a Lewis acid catalyst like aluminium chloride (AlCl₃). The mechanism starts with the catalyst forming a complex with the alkyl halide, making the halide more electrophilic. This complex then reacts with the benzene, forming a carbocation intermediate. The aromatic ring regains its stability by losing a proton, which the AlCl₃ catalyst assists in removing. An example is the reaction of benzene with chloromethane in the presence of AlCl₃, forming toluene. This reaction showcases the utility of electrophilic substitution in adding alkyl groups to aromatic rings.

Explain the process of an addition-elimination reaction using the formation of an amide from a carboxylic acid and an amine. What is the significance of this reaction in organic chemistry?

The formation of an amide from a carboxylic acid and an amine is a classic example of an addition-elimination reaction. Initially, the nucleophilic amine attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the carboxylic acid, forming a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate then collapses, releasing a molecule of water and forming the amide bond. This reaction is significant as it mirrors the peptide bond formation in biochemistry, crucial for protein synthesis. Understanding this reaction offers insight into biochemical processes and has implications in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals and polymers, highlighting the versatility of addition-elimination reactions in organic chemistry.

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