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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

34.3.2 Amide Reactions

Amides, key compounds in organic chemistry, are characterized by a functional group consisting of a carbonyl group bonded to a nitrogen atom. This section focuses on their significant reactions, specifically the hydrolysis under varying conditions and the reduction of the carbonyl group in amides to amines. These reactions are pivotal in understanding the chemistry of amides and their applications.

Hydrolysis of Amides

Hydrolysis is the chemical process of breaking down a compound by reaction with water. Amides can be hydrolyzed in both alkaline and acidic environments, leading to different products.

Hydrolysis in Alkaline Conditions

  • Process: Amides react with alkali like sodium hydroxide (NaOH) to form a carboxylate salt and an amine or ammonia.
  • Mechanism: In this reaction, the hydroxide ion (OH⁻) from the alkali acts as a nucleophile, attacking the electrophilic carbon atom of the carbonyl group. This leads to the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate.
  • Products: The collapse of this intermediate results in the release of an amine or ammonia and the formation of a carboxylate ion.
  • Example: For instance, hydrolysis of ethanamide (CH₃CONH₂) with NaOH results in sodium ethanoate (CH₃COO⁻Na⁺) and ammonia (NH₃).
  • Equation: CH₃CONH₂ + NaOH → CH₃COO⁻Na⁺ + NH₃

Hydrolysis in Acidic Conditions

  • Process: In an acidic medium, amides react with acids like hydrochloric acid (HCl) to produce a carboxylic acid and an amine or ammonia.
  • Mechanism: The nitrogen in the amide is protonated in the acidic medium, which increases its susceptibility to attack by water molecules. This leads to the formation of a similar tetrahedral intermediate.
  • Products: The intermediate breaks down to form a carboxylic acid and releases an amine or ammonia.
  • Example: Hydrolysis of ethanamide with HCl yields ethanoic acid (CH₃COOH) and ammonia.
  • Equation: CH₃CONH₂ + HCl + H₂O → CH₃COOH + NH₃ + Cl⁻

Reduction of Amides

Reduction of amides is a crucial reaction in organic synthesis, particularly in converting the carbonyl group of amides to amines. The most common reducing agent for this purpose is Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄).

Reduction with LiAlH₄

  • Process: LiAlH₄ is a potent reducing agent capable of breaking the strong carbonyl bond in amides, converting them to amines.
  • Mechanism: The hydride ions (H⁻) from LiAlH₄ attack the carbonyl carbon in the amide, reducing the carbonyl group to a primary alcohol group. The alcohol group is further reduced to an amine.
  • Example: Reduction of ethanamide with LiAlH₄ leads to the formation of ethylamine (CH₃CH₂NH₂).
  • Equation: CH₃CONH₂ + 4[H] (from LiAlH₄) → CH₃CH₂NH₂ + H₂O

Considerations in Reduction

  • Selectivity: LiAlH₄ is highly reactive and can reduce other functional groups in the molecule. Careful consideration of the molecular structure is vital when predicting the products.
  • Safety: LiAlH₄ is reactive with water and air, and must be handled with extreme caution.

Amide Basicity

The basicity of amides is a unique aspect of their chemistry. Compared to amines, amides are weaker bases. This difference in basicity is primarily due to the resonance stabilization in amides and the availability of the nitrogen lone pair for protonation.

Resonance Stabilization in Amides

  • Concept: In amides, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom can delocalize into the carbonyl group. This delocalization leads to the formation of resonance structures, which stabilizes the amide molecule.
  • Effect on Basicity: The delocalization of the nitrogen's lone pair reduces its availability for bonding with protons (H⁺), hence decreasing the basicity of amides.
Major resonance forms of amides

Major resonance forms of amides

Image courtesy of Ckalnmals

Comparison with Amines

  • Amines: In amines, the nitrogen's lone pair is readily available for bonding with protons, making them relatively stronger bases.
  • Amides: In amides, the delocalization of the lone pair on nitrogen due to resonance reduces its availability for bonding, thereby decreasing their basicity.
Amines and amides general structure

Image courtesy of Difference 101

In summary, the study of amide reactions, particularly their hydrolysis in different conditions and reduction to amines, forms a crucial part of the A-level Chemistry syllabus. Understanding these reactions requires not only familiarity with the processes and products but also a grasp of the underlying mechanisms. The unique behavior of amides, such as their reduced basicity compared to amines, highlights the importance of electronic effects in organic chemistry. This comprehensive understanding is essential for students to navigate the complexities of organic reactions and their applications in real-world scenarios.


The structure of the amide significantly influences its rate of hydrolysis in both acidic and alkaline conditions. Factors such as steric hindrance, electronic effects, and the nature of substituents on the amide can affect the reactivity. Sterically hindered amides, where bulky groups are present near the carbonyl group, undergo hydrolysis more slowly due to reduced accessibility of the carbonyl carbon to nucleophiles like OH⁻ or water. Electron-withdrawing groups attached to the carbonyl carbon increase the electrophilicity of the carbon, thereby accelerating the hydrolysis. Conversely, electron-donating groups can have the opposite effect. Furthermore, the nature of the substituent on the nitrogen atom in the amide can influence the stability of the intermediate formed during hydrolysis, thereby affecting the reaction rate. Overall, the rate of hydrolysis is a complex interplay of these structural factors.

Amides can undergo hydrolysis in the absence of catalysts, but this process is typically very slow and inefficient. The carbonyl group in amides is less reactive due to the resonance stabilization, which decreases the electrophilicity of the carbonyl carbon, making it less susceptible to nucleophilic attack. Without catalysts like acids or bases to either protonate the amide nitrogen or provide a strong nucleophile (OH⁻), the hydrolysis reaction proceeds at a significantly reduced rate. In practical terms, this means that under neutral, catalyst-free conditions, amides are relatively stable and resistant to hydrolysis. This stability is a key feature of amides and influences their use in various applications, such as in the formation of polymers and in nature as peptide bonds in proteins.

The use of Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄) in the reduction of amides poses several environmental and safety concerns. LiAlH₄ is highly reactive and can ignite upon exposure to air or moisture, leading to fire and explosion hazards. This necessitates stringent safety protocols, including handling in an inert atmosphere and using proper storage techniques. From an environmental perspective, the disposal of LiAlH₄ and its reaction by-products requires careful consideration. LiAlH₄ can release hydrogen gas upon reaction with water, which is a flammable and potentially explosive hazard. Additionally, the lithium and aluminium components may pose environmental risks if not disposed of properly, as they can be toxic to aquatic life and may contaminate water sources. Therefore, the use of LiAlH₄ in laboratory and industrial processes demands strict adherence to safety guidelines and environmental regulations to mitigate these risks.

LiAlH₄ (Lithium aluminium hydride) is preferred for the reduction of amides to amines due to its high reactivity and specificity in reducing carbonyl groups to amines. LiAlH₄ provides hydride ions (H⁻) that are highly effective in attacking the electrophilic carbonyl carbon in amides. This reduction process involves a two-step mechanism where the carbonyl group is first reduced to an alcohol, which is then further reduced to an amine. Other reducing agents might not possess the same level of reactivity or might not be as selective, potentially affecting other functional groups in the molecule. Moreover, LiAlH₄ can reduce a wide range of carbonyl-containing compounds, making it a versatile agent in organic synthesis. However, its high reactivity also necessitates careful handling and specific conditions, as it can react violently with water and air.

Water plays a crucial role in the hydrolysis of amides, acting as a reactant that breaks the amide bond. In alkaline hydrolysis, water provides a hydroxide ion (OH⁻) that acts as a nucleophile, attacking the carbonyl carbon of the amide. This interaction is fundamental to forming the tetrahedral intermediate, leading to the breakdown of the amide bond and the formation of a carboxylate ion and ammonia or an amine. In acidic hydrolysis, water interacts differently. Here, the amide nitrogen is initially protonated, increasing its susceptibility to nucleophilic attack by a water molecule. This results in a similar tetrahedral intermediate, which collapses to form a carboxylic acid and ammonia or an amine. Thus, while the role of water as a reactant is consistent in both conditions, its interaction with the amide and the resulting products are distinct.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism for the hydrolysis of an amide in alkaline conditions. Include the type of reagents used, the intermediate formed, and the products of the reaction.

In the alkaline hydrolysis of amides, a hydroxide ion (OH⁻), typically from a reagent like sodium hydroxide (NaOH), acts as a nucleophile. It attacks the electrophilic carbon atom of the carbonyl group in the amide, forming a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate is key to the mechanism, as it temporarily incorporates elements of both the amide and the hydroxide ion. The collapse of this intermediate leads to the expulsion of the amine or ammonia and the formation of a carboxylate ion. For example, in the hydrolysis of ethanamide with NaOH, the products are sodium ethanoate and ammonia.

Explain why amides are less basic than amines, using concepts of resonance and electron availability.

Amides are less basic than amines due to the resonance stabilization in their structure. In amides, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom can delocalize into the carbonyl group, forming resonance structures. This delocalization stabilizes the amide molecule but reduces the availability of the nitrogen's lone pair for bonding with protons (H⁺). In contrast, in amines, the lone pair on the nitrogen is more available for protonation, making them stronger bases. The resonance in amides thus decreases their basicity by making the lone pair less accessible for reacting with acids.

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