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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

28.3.1 Introduction to Orbital Splitting and Colour in Complexes

Understanding the colour of complexes in chemistry involves delving into the intriguing world of orbital splitting. This concept is pivotal for A-level Chemistry students to grasp as it explains the formation of coloured compounds in transition metal complexes.

1. Understanding Degenerate and Non-Degenerate d Orbitals

1.1 Definitions

  • Degenerate Orbitals: Orbitals that have the same energy level. In a free ion, the five d orbitals (d_xy, d_xz, d_yz, d_x2-y2, and d_z2) are degenerate.
  • Non-Degenerate Orbitals: Orbitals with different energy levels. This occurs in a complex due to the influence of ligands.

1.2 Implications

  • The arrangement of electrons in these orbitals is crucial for understanding magnetic properties and the reactivity of complexes.
 Degenerate and Non-Degenerate d Orbitals

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2. Splitting of d Orbitals

2.1 Octahedral Complexes

  • In octahedral complexes, ligands approach along the axes, causing d orbitals to split into two sets: t_2g (lower energy) and e_g (higher energy).
  • This splitting is key in explaining the colour of complexes.

2.2 Tetrahedral Complexes

  • Tetrahedral complexes see a reverse in energy levels compared to octahedral complexes. The t_2 orbitals are higher in energy than the e orbitals.

2.3 Colour Formation

  • The difference in energy between these split orbitals (ΔE) corresponds to visible light. When light is absorbed, an electron jumps from a lower to a higher orbital, and the complex appears coloured.
Transition metals complex ions colours

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3. Ligands and Their Effect on ΔE and Colour

3.1 The Role of Ligands

  • Ligands affect the extent of splitting of d orbitals, altering the colour of the complex.
  • Strong field ligands, like CN^-, cause a larger splitting (high ΔE), often leading to colourless or lightly coloured complexes.
  • Weak field ligands, like Cl^-, result in smaller splitting (low ΔE), producing more intensely coloured complexes.

3.2 Spectrochemical Series

  • A ranking of ligands based on their ability to split d orbitals, known as the spectrochemical series, is essential for predicting complex colours.

4. Ligand Exchange and Colour Change

4.1 Copper(II) Complexes

  • In copper(II) complexes, ligand exchange can significantly alter the colour.
  • Example: The replacement of water (a weak field ligand) with ammonia (a stronger field ligand) in [Cu(H2O)6]^2+ changes the colour from blue to deep violet.
Ligand Exchange and Colour Change  in [Cu(H2O)6]^2+

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4.2 Cobalt(II) Complexes

  • Cobalt(II) complexes demonstrate dramatic colour changes with ligand exchange.
  • Example: In cobalt(II) complexes, exchanging water for chloride ions shifts the colour from pink to blue.

5. Practical Applications and Examples

  • Understanding these concepts is not just academic; it has real-world implications in fields like catalysis and materials science.
  • For instance, the colour changes in copper(II) and cobalt(II) complexes are not merely visually interesting but also indicate changes in chemical environment and reactivity.

This detailed exploration of orbital splitting and colour in complexes provides a comprehensive understanding for A-level Chemistry students, linking theoretical concepts to practical applications. By grasping these principles, students can better appreciate the fascinating interplay between structure, ligands, and colour in the world of chemistry.


The polarity of ligands can influence the colour of complexes by altering the crystal field splitting. Polar ligands, having a significant difference in electronegativity between the donor atom and the rest of the ligand, can modify the electron density around the central metal ion. This change in electron density affects the extent to which d orbitals split. Generally, more polar ligands can lead to a stronger crystal field and greater splitting of d orbitals. For example, a polar ligand such as H₂O may cause a different extent of splitting compared to a less polar ligand like Cl⁻. This difference in splitting alters the energy gap (ΔE) that corresponds to the absorption of visible light, thereby influencing the colour. Additionally, the polarity of ligands can affect the overall charge distribution in the complex, potentially influencing the electronic transitions within the d orbitals. Thus, the polarity of ligands plays a significant role in determining the optical properties of coordination complexes.

The geometry of a complex can significantly affect its colour. This is because the arrangement of ligands around the central metal ion influences the extent of d-orbital splitting. In octahedral complexes, where ligands are positioned along the axes, there is a larger splitting of d orbitals compared to tetrahedral complexes, where ligands are not directly aligned with the orbitals. This difference in splitting patterns results in different energy gaps (ΔE) for electronic transitions, thus affecting the colour. For instance, an octahedral complex may absorb a different wavelength of light compared to its tetrahedral counterpart, leading to a noticeable difference in colour. Moreover, square planar and other less common geometries also exhibit unique splitting patterns. This variation in geometry-induced splitting is particularly evident in complexes of transition metals with different coordination numbers, where a change in geometry can lead to a visible change in colour, demonstrating the impact of molecular geometry on the optical properties of coordination complexes.

The Jahn-Teller effect is a distortion observed in certain coordination complexes, particularly those with an uneven distribution of electrons in the d orbitals. This effect occurs to lower the overall energy of the system. In complexes where the degeneracy of orbitals is lifted due to the uneven distribution of electrons, the complex undergoes structural changes to achieve a more stable state. This distortion affects the d-orbital splitting and, consequently, the colour of the complex. For example, in an octahedral complex with an e_g orbital partially filled, the complex might undergo a distortion to elongate or compress along one axis, altering the energy levels of the d orbitals. This change in energy levels leads to a different ΔE for electronic transitions, thereby affecting the absorption of light and the observed colour. The Jahn-Teller effect is particularly noticeable in copper(II) complexes, where it can lead to significant changes in colour due to the altered electronic structure and energy levels. Understanding this effect is crucial for explaining the variations in colour observed in coordination complexes with certain electronic configurations.

Some complexes appear colourless despite having split d orbitals due to the specific energy differences between the split levels. If the energy gap (ΔE) between the split d orbitals does not correspond to the energy of visible light photons, no visible light is absorbed, and the complex appears colourless. This scenario often occurs in complexes with a large ΔE, typically found in complexes with strong field ligands or with central metal ions in a high oxidation state. In these cases, the energy required for an electron to transition between the split d orbitals is either too low (in the infrared region) or too high (in the ultraviolet region), both outside the visible spectrum. For example, the zinc ion (Zn²⁺) with a completely filled d¹⁰ configuration does not have available d orbitals for such transitions, resulting in colourless complexes. Similarly, strong field ligands like CN⁻ can increase the ΔE to a point where the energy required for electronic transitions falls outside the visible range, leading to colourless complexes.

Central metal ions play a crucial role in determining the colour of a complex. The specific d-orbital configuration of the metal ion, its oxidation state, and the number of d-electrons all significantly influence the crystal field splitting. For instance, a transition metal ion with a d³ or d⁸ electronic configuration often forms strong-field complexes leading to a large ΔE, which might result in the absorption of higher energy (shorter wavelength) light. This can yield complexes with distinct colours compared to those with different d-electron configurations. Moreover, the oxidation state of the metal ion affects the splitting pattern and strength. Higher oxidation states usually increase the splitting due to the increased positive charge, which attracts ligands more strongly, enhancing the field strength. This can cause a noticeable change in the observed colour. For example, the colour of a manganese complex can vary significantly with changes in its oxidation state, illustrating how the nature of the central metal ion, its electronic configuration, and oxidation state play a pivotal role in determining the colour of a complex.

Practice Questions

Describe how the splitting of d orbitals in an octahedral complex leads to the absorption of visible light and the subsequent appearance of colour. Include in your answer the role of ligands and the difference in energy levels of the split orbitals.

In an octahedral complex, the approach of ligands along the axes causes the degenerate d orbitals to split into two energy levels: the t_2g orbitals (lower energy) and the e_g orbitals (higher energy). This splitting, known as crystal field splitting, varies depending on the strength of the field produced by the ligands. When visible light hits the complex, photons of a specific energy are absorbed to promote an electron from a t_2g to an e_g orbital. The energy of the absorbed photon corresponds to the energy difference (ΔE) between these split orbitals. The non-absorbed wavelengths of light are reflected or transmitted, and this is what gives the complex its characteristic colour. Thus, the type of ligands and their field strength directly influence the colour observed in these complexes.

Explain the effect of replacing a weak field ligand with a strong field ligand in a cobalt(II) complex on the colour observed. Provide an example to illustrate your explanation.

Replacing a weak field ligand with a strong field ligand in a cobalt(II) complex increases the crystal field splitting (ΔE). For instance, if water molecules in a cobalt(II) complex are replaced by ammonia molecules, the stronger field created by ammonia causes a larger splitting of the d orbitals. This increased ΔE means that higher energy photons (shorter wavelength light) are needed for electronic transitions between the split d orbitals. Consequently, the colour observed shifts towards the opposite end of the visible spectrum. If the original complex was pink (indicating absorption in the green region), the new complex might appear greenish-blue, absorbing in the red region instead. This example demonstrates how ligand exchange can dramatically alter the observed colour of a cobalt(II) complex.

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