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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

28.1.2 Catalytic Properties and Complex Formation of Transition Elements

Transition elements, occupying a central position in the periodic table, exhibit unique properties that make them integral to various chemical processes. Their ability to act as catalysts and form complex ions can be primarily attributed to their electronic configurations, particularly the presence of d orbitals. This section delves into the detailed aspects of these properties, shedding light on their mechanisms and implications in chemistry.

Characteristics of Transition Elements as Catalysts

The catalytic properties of transition elements arise from their distinctive features:

Multiple Oxidation States

  • Definition and Examples: Transition elements can exist in more than one oxidation state. This is due to the relatively small energy difference between their 3d and 4s orbitals, which allows electrons to be removed from or added to these orbitals with relative ease. For instance, iron exhibits oxidation states ranging from +2 to +6, each playing a role in different chemical reactions.
  • Implications in Catalysis: The ability to change oxidation states enables transition elements to participate in redox reactions, acting as intermediaries to transfer electrons. This adaptability is crucial in catalytic processes like the oxidation of ammonia to nitric acid using platinum.
Variable oxidation states of transition elements.

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Vacant d Orbitals

  • Role in Catalysis: The d orbitals in transition elements can form coordinate bonds with reactant molecules. This interaction often leads to the formation of intermediate complexes, which have lower activation energies compared to the original reactants. As a result, the reaction proceeds faster.
  • Examples and Mechanisms: In the catalysis of hydrogen peroxide decomposition, manganese(IV) oxide provides vacant d orbitals that interact with hydrogen peroxide, facilitating its breakdown.

Surface Area and Adsorption

  • Surface Phenomena: Many transition metal catalysts work by providing a surface for the reactants to adsorb onto. The larger the surface area, the more effective the catalyst. For instance, finely divided nickel used in hydrogenation reactions offers a large surface area for reactant molecules to adhere to.
  • Adsorption and Reaction: Once adsorbed, reactants are brought into close proximity, increasing the likelihood of reaction. Moreover, adsorption can weaken bonds within the reactant molecules, further reducing the energy barrier for the reaction.
Transition metals as catalysts providing surface area for the reactants to adsorb onto and increasing the likelihood of a reaction.

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Complex Ion Formation by Transition Elements

The formation of complex ions by transition elements is another area where their unique properties are manifested.

Energetically Accessible d Orbitals

  • Orbital Energy and Complex Formation: The d orbitals in transition elements are at an energy level that allows them to interact with ligands to form complex ions. These interactions involve the donation of electron pairs from the ligands to the vacant d orbitals of the metal ions.
  • Variability in Coordination: Transition metals exhibit a variety of coordination numbers and geometries, depending on the nature and number of ligands. This variability is possible due to the different ways in which the d orbitals can overlap with the orbitals of the ligands.

Examples of Complex Ion Formation

1. (Fe(CN)_6)⁴⁻ Formation: In this complex, iron in the +2 oxidation state forms a complex ion with six cyanide ions. The iron ion provides vacant d orbitals for the lone pair of electrons on the cyanide ions, resulting in a stable octahedral complex.

2. (Cu(NH_3)_4)²⁺: Copper in the +2 oxidation state forms a complex with four ammonia molecules. The lone pairs of electrons on the ammonia molecules occupy the vacant d orbitals of the copper ion, creating a square planar complex.

TetraaminecopperII ion- The lone pairs of electrons on the ammonia molecules occupy the vacant d orbitals of the copper ion, creating a square planar complex.

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Stability and Color of Complex Ions

  • Factors Influencing Stability: The stability of complex ions depends on several factors, including the nature of the metal ion, the type of ligands, and the geometry of the complex. The strength of the metal-ligand bond plays a crucial role in determining the stability.
  • Color: The color of complex ions is due to the d-d transitions of electrons. When light falls on these complexes, electrons in the d orbitals absorb energy and jump to higher energy d orbitals. The specific wavelengths of light absorbed depend on the metal and its environment, resulting in the characteristic colors of these complexes.
Transition Metal Colors in Aqueous Solution

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Summary of Key Points

  • Versatility in Oxidation States: Transition elements display multiple oxidation states, enabling them to act as effective catalysts in a variety of chemical reactions.
  • Role of d Orbitals in Catalysis and Complex Formation: Vacant d orbitals are central to the formation of intermediate complexes in catalysis and the formation of complex ions.
  • Surface Area and Adsorption: The effectiveness of transition metal catalysts is often enhanced by their large surface area and the ability to adsorb reactants.
  • Complex Ion Formation: The ability of transition elements to form complex ions with various ligands is a direct consequence of their energetically accessible d orbitals and variable coordination geometries.
  • Color and Stability of Complex Ions: The color of complex ions is a result of electronic transitions within the d orbitals, while their stability is influenced by the nature of the metal-ligand bond.

Through this comprehensive exploration, students can appreciate the pivotal role of transition elements in catalysis and complex ion formation. These insights not only deepen understanding of inorganic chemistry but also illustrate the practical applications of these elements in industrial and laboratory processes.


The catalytic properties of transition elements have a significant impact on industrial processes. Their ability to accelerate chemical reactions without being consumed is essential in various large-scale industrial applications. For instance, iron is used as a catalyst in the Haber process for ammonia synthesis, which is crucial for producing fertilisers. Similarly, nickel is employed in hydrogenation reactions in the food industry to convert unsaturated fats to saturated fats. The catalytic efficiency of transition elements stems from their multiple oxidation states and the presence of vacant d orbitals, which facilitate the formation of intermediate complexes and lower activation energies. This makes them invaluable in industries ranging from petrochemicals to pharmaceuticals, where they enhance the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of production processes.

The chelate effect is highly significant in the formation of complex ions by transition elements. It refers to the increased stability of complex ions formed when a multidentate ligand, which can form more than one bond with the central metal atom, is involved. The chelate effect arises because multidentate ligands form ring-like structures with the metal ion, creating more stable complexes compared to those formed with monodentate ligands. This increased stability is partly due to the entropy increase when a multidentate ligand replaces several monodentate ligands, leading to more particles in the solution. The chelate effect is exploited in various applications, such as in chelation therapy for metal poisoning and in the design of catalysts and industrial processes. Understanding this effect is crucial in inorganic chemistry, particularly in synthesising stable and efficient complexes for various practical uses.

ions by transition elements?

Crystal Field Stabilisation Energy (CFSE) plays a crucial role in the formation of complex ions by transition elements. CFSE is the stabilising energy gained when metal ions in a complex form bonds with ligands. This stabilisation occurs due to the splitting of d orbitals into different energy levels as a result of the electrostatic field created by the ligands. The distribution of electrons in these split d orbitals leads to a lower overall energy state for the complex. The magnitude of CFSE depends on the nature of the ligands and the geometry of the complex. It is a key factor in determining the stability, color, and magnetic properties of the complex ion. For instance, a high CFSE indicates a more stable complex, which can influence the preference of certain ligands over others and dictate the geometry of the complex.

Ligand field theory is pivotal in understanding the complex ion formation in transition elements. This theory explains how the d orbitals of the central metal ion are affected by the presence of ligands. In ligand field theory, the energy levels of the d orbitals split into different levels due to the approach of ligands. This splitting affects the distribution of electrons in the d orbitals and determines the overall stability and geometry of the complex ion. For example, in an octahedral complex, the d orbitals split into two sets with different energy levels, influencing factors such as the color and magnetic properties of the complex ion. Understanding this theory is fundamental in predicting and explaining the behaviour of complex ions formed by transition elements, particularly in terms of their electronic, optical, and magnetic properties.

The presence of vacant d orbitals in transition elements significantly influences their magnetic properties. In these elements, unpaired electrons in the d orbitals give rise to magnetic moments. The number of unpaired electrons correlates with the strength of the magnetic properties. For example, in iron (Fe), there are unpaired electrons in its d orbitals, which make it paramagnetic. The magnetic properties of transition elements are crucial in their applications, particularly in alloys and compounds where magnetic responsiveness is required. Elements with all paired electrons in their d orbitals exhibit diamagnetic properties, showing only a weak response to magnetic fields. Understanding these magnetic properties is essential in fields such as material science and electronics, where the magnetic behaviour of substances is a critical factor.

Practice Questions

Explain the role of d orbitals in the catalytic action of transition elements.

The d orbitals in transition elements play a crucial role in their catalytic action. These orbitals can form coordinate bonds with reactant molecules, facilitating the formation of intermediate complexes which lower the activation energy for the reaction. This bond formation enhances the rate of reaction by providing an alternative, more energy-efficient pathway. Additionally, the ability of these d orbitals to undergo changes in their oxidation states allows for the transfer of electrons during catalysis. This flexibility in oxidation states is essential in redox reactions, where transition elements often act as catalysts by transferring electrons between reactants, thereby speeding up the overall process.

Describe how transition elements form complex ions and explain the importance of energetically accessible d orbitals in this process.

Transition elements form complex ions by utilising their energetically accessible d orbitals, which can accept electron pairs from ligands. This process involves the donation of lone pairs from the ligands to the metal ion's vacant d orbitals, forming coordinate bonds. The formation of these complex ions is significantly influenced by the energy levels of the d orbitals, which must be suitable for accepting electrons. The ability to form such complexes is a key feature of transition elements, contributing to their chemical versatility. Complex ions are important in various chemical reactions and processes, including catalysis and the colour properties of compounds. The unique geometry and coordination number of these complexes also stem from the arrangement and energy of the d orbitals, highlighting their central role in complex ion formation.

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