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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.4.2 Coordinate Bonding

Coordinate bonding, also known as dative covalent bonding, is an essential concept in advanced chemistry, particularly in understanding the structures and reactions of complex molecules. This type of bonding involves a unique sharing of electron pairs between atoms, where both electrons in the shared pair originate from the same atom.

Introduction to Coordinate Bonding

In coordinate bonding, one atom (the donor) provides a lone pair of electrons to form a bond with another atom (the acceptor) that lacks an electron pair. This form of bonding is distinct from traditional covalent bonding, where each atom typically contributes one electron to the bond.

Key Characteristics of Coordinate Bonds

  • Donor Atom: This is the atom that provides both electrons for the bond. It usually has a lone pair of electrons that are not involved in bonding.
  • Acceptor Atom: This atom accepts the electron pair from the donor atom. It typically has an empty orbital that can accommodate the electron pair.
  • Bond Formation: Upon bond formation, the electron pair is shared between the two atoms. However, since both electrons come from the donor atom, the bond has a different character compared to a standard covalent bond.
Formation of Coordinate covalent bond

Image courtesy of Science Notes

Detailed Examples of Coordinate Bonding

Ammonium Ion ([NH₄]⁺)

  • Formation Process: The formation of the ammonium ion is a classic example of coordinate bonding. An ammonia molecule ([NH₃]), which has a lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom, donates this pair to a hydrogen ion (H⁺).
  • Nitrogen as the Donor Atom: In the ammonium ion, nitrogen acts as the donor atom. It provides a pair of electrons to bond with the hydrogen ion, which lacks electrons.
  • Resulting Structure: The bond formed between nitrogen and hydrogen in the ammonium ion is a coordinate bond, characterised by nitrogen donating both electrons.
A diagram of coordinate covalent bonding.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Aluminum Chloride ([AlCl₄]⁻)

  • Formation in Certain Conditions: Aluminum chloride can form a complex ion with chloride ions under specific conditions.
  • Aluminum as the Acceptor Atom: In this complex, aluminum, which has an empty orbital, acts as the acceptor atom. It accepts a pair of electrons from a chloride ion, which has a lone pair.
  • Type of Bonding: The bond formed between aluminum and the additional chloride ion is a classic example of a coordinate bond.

Bond Properties in Coordinate Bonding

Bond Energy and Bond Length

  • Comparative Analysis with Covalent Bonds: Coordinate bonds generally exhibit bond energies and lengths that are comparable to those found in regular covalent bonds.
  • Determining Factors: The specific properties of bond energy and length in coordinate bonds are influenced by various factors, including the nature of the donor and acceptor atoms and the electronic environment around the bond.

Reactivity of Coordinate Bonds

  • General Stability: While coordinate bonds are typically stable, they can exhibit unique reactivity under certain conditions.
  • Influencing Factors for Reactivity: Factors such as the electron density around the donor and acceptor atoms and the overall molecular structure play significant roles in determining the reactivity of coordinate bonds.

Significance in Chemical Structures and Reactions

Understanding coordinate bonding is crucial for comprehending the behaviour of many chemical compounds, especially in the realm of coordination chemistry. In coordination compounds, central metal atoms often form coordinate bonds with ligands, which are molecules or ions that donate a pair of electrons to the metal atom.

Coordinate Bonds in Complex Ions

  • Role in Formation: Coordinate bonding is fundamental in the formation of complex ions, where a central metal ion forms bonds with several ligands.
  • Example: A classic example is the formation of a hexaaqua complex in transition metals, where six water molecules act as ligands, donating electron pairs to the central metal ion.
Hexaaquacopper(II) ion, [Cu(H₂O)₆]²⁺, a coordination complex of copper in the +2 oxidation state.

Image courtesy of breakingatom.

Importance in Acid-Base Chemistry

  • Lewis Acids and Bases: In the Lewis theory of acids and bases, acids are electron pair acceptors, and bases are electron pair donors. Coordinate bonding is a key concept in this theory.
  • Example in Acid-Base Reactions: In the reaction between ammonia and boron trifluoride ([BF₃]), ammonia donates an electron pair to boron trifluoride, forming a coordinate bond and illustrating a classic acid-base reaction in Lewis terms.
A diagram showing the coordination bond in Lewis acid and base.

Image courtesy of Ben Mills

In summary, coordinate bonding is a pivotal concept in A-level Chemistry, offering insights into the structure and reactivity of a wide range of chemical species. From the formation of simple ions like ammonium to the complex structures of coordination compounds, understanding coordinate bonding allows students to appreciate the intricacies of chemical bonding and reactions. This knowledge forms a foundation for further studies in chemistry and related fields.


Coordinate bonding plays a crucial role in the formation and stability of metal complexes. In these complexes, central metal atoms form coordinate bonds with ligands, which are molecules or ions that donate electron pairs. These ligands act as Lewis bases (electron pair donors), while the metal ions act as Lewis acids (electron pair acceptors). For instance, in the hexaaqua iron(II) complex ($[Fe(H_2O)_6]^{2+}$), six water molecules (ligands) each donate a pair of electrons to the iron ion through coordinate bonds. These bonds are crucial for the complex's stability and define its geometric structure, reactivity, and other chemical properties. Understanding the nature of these coordinate bonds is vital for comprehending the chemistry of transition metals and their role in various biological and industrial processes.

Hybridisation significantly influences the formation and characteristics of coordinate bonds. Hybridisation involves the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals that can form bonds. In coordinate bonding, the hybridisation state of the donor and acceptor atoms affects the bond angles, bond strength, and overall molecular geometry. For example, in ammonia ($(NH_3)$), nitrogen is sp³ hybridised. This hybridisation allows for the formation of three regular covalent bonds and one coordinate bond in the ammonium ion ($(NH_4^+)$). The sp³ hybridisation creates a tetrahedral geometry, which is crucial for the formation of the coordinate bond with a hydrogen ion. Thus, hybridisation is a key factor in determining how coordinate bonds are formed and how they contribute to the molecular structure.

Coordinate bonding is fundamental in various biological systems, playing a critical role in the function of enzymes, the transport of gases like oxygen, and the stability of complex biomolecules. For example, in haemoglobin, the iron ion in the heme group forms coordinate bonds with the nitrogen atoms of the porphyrin ring and with oxygen molecules. These bonds are crucial for the transport of oxygen in the bloodstream. Another example is in enzyme active sites, where metal ions often form coordinate bonds with substrates or cofactors, facilitating biochemical reactions. Understanding coordinate bonding in these contexts reveals how crucial this type of bonding is in enabling and regulating key biological processes.

Yes, a molecule can have both coordinate and regular covalent bonds. A prime example is sulfur dioxide ($(SO_2)$). In ($SO_2$), there are two oxygen atoms bonded to a sulfur atom. One of these oxygen atoms forms a double bond with sulfur through regular covalent bonding (each atom providing one electron). However, the other oxygen atom forms a coordinate bond with sulfur, donating both electrons for one of the bonds in what appears as a double bond. This structure is significant because it demonstrates how coordinate bonds can coexist with regular covalent bonds in the same molecule, contributing to the molecule's unique properties and reactivity.

Formal charge is a concept used to understand the distribution of electrons in a molecule or ion, especially in structures involving coordinate bonds. In coordinate bonding, even though both electrons come from the donor atom, the bond is treated as shared equally between the donor and acceptor atoms for the purpose of calculating formal charges. This is an important consideration in predicting the reactivity and stability of molecules with coordinate bonds. For example, in the ammonium ion ($(NH_4^+)$), the nitrogen atom has a formal charge of 0, despite donating an electron pair to a hydrogen ion. This is because the nitrogen atom 'shares' its lone pair across four bonds, including the coordinate bond. The formal charge calculation helps in understanding the distribution of electrons in the molecule, indicating that despite the unusual bonding, the overall charge distribution remains balanced.

Practice Questions

Explain the formation of the ammonium ion ((NH_4^+)) through coordinate bonding, highlighting the roles of the donor and acceptor atoms.

The ammonium ion is formed when an ammonia molecule (NH3)(NH_3) donates a lone pair of electrons to a hydrogen ion (H+)(H^+). In this process, the nitrogen atom in ammonia acts as the donor atom. It provides both electrons for the bond due to its lone pair. The hydrogen ion, which lacks an electron pair, acts as the acceptor atom. The formation of the (NH4+NH_4^+) ion involves the nitrogen atom using its lone pair to form a coordinate bond with the hydrogen ion. This bond is different from a regular covalent bond, as both electrons are contributed by the same atom, nitrogen, in this case.

Describe how the properties of coordinate bonds differ from those of typical covalent bonds, and provide an example to illustrate your point.

Coordinate bonds, while sharing similarities with typical covalent bonds in terms of bond energies and lengths, are unique as both electrons in the bond come from the same atom. For example, in the formation of the aluminum chloride complex ((AlCl4)(AlCl_4^-)), the aluminum atom accepts a pair of electrons from a chloride ion. Unlike typical covalent bonds where each atom contributes one electron, in this coordinate bond, the chloride ion provides both electrons. This results in a bond with characteristics similar to covalent bonds, but with a distinct electron donation process, highlighting the uniqueness of coordinate bonds in chemical structures.

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