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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.4.1 Introduction to Covalent Bonding

Covalent bonding represents a cornerstone concept in chemistry, playing a pivotal role in the formation and behaviour of molecules. This section delves into the intricacies of covalent bonding, providing a detailed understanding essential for A-level Chemistry students.

What is Covalent Bonding?

Covalent bonding is a type of chemical bond where atoms share pairs of electrons. This sharing enables each atom in the bond to achieve a stable electron configuration, similar to that of noble gases.

Characteristics of Covalent Bonds

  • Electron Sharing: Atoms in a covalent bond mutually contribute one or more electrons to the shared pair, leading to a stable electron configuration.
  • Bond Strength and Length: The strength of a covalent bond depends on the number of shared electron pairs. Generally, more shared pairs mean stronger bonds. Bond length varies inversely with bond strength; shorter bonds are stronger.
  • Directionality: Covalent bonds have a specific orientation in space, which influences the shape and geometry of molecules.
  • Formation of Molecules: Covalent bonds are responsible for the formation of a vast array of molecules, ranging from simple diatomic elements to complex organic compounds.
Formation of covalent bond- covalent bonding

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Types of Covalent Bonds

Covalent bonds differ based on the number of electron pairs shared, affecting the strength and properties of the bonds.

Single Bonds

A single covalent bond is the simplest form, involving one shared electron pair.

  • Example: In a hydrogen molecule (H₂), two hydrogen atoms share a pair of electrons, each contributing one electron to the bond.

Double Bonds

Double bonds consist of two shared electron pairs, offering greater strength and shorter bond lengths compared to single bonds.

  • Example: In an oxygen molecule (O₂), two oxygen atoms share two pairs of electrons, forming a double bond.

Triple Bonds

Triple bonds are the strongest and shortest, involving three shared electron pairs.

  • Example: In a nitrogen molecule (N₂), two nitrogen atoms share three electron pairs, resulting in a triple bond.
Types of covalent bond- single, double and triple covalent bond

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Bonding in Carbon Compounds

Carbon's ability to form diverse covalent bonds underpins the vast array of organic compounds.

Carbon Dioxide (CO₂)

In CO₂, carbon forms two double bonds, one with each of the two oxygen atoms, leading to a linear molecule.

A diagram showing covalent bonds in Carbon dioxide

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Hydrocarbons demonstrate the versatility of carbon in forming single, double, and triple bonds.

  • Methane (CH₄): Carbon forms single bonds with four hydrogen atoms.
  • Ethene (C₂H₄): Contains a carbon-carbon double bond along with single bonds to hydrogen.
  • Ethyne (C₂H₂): Features a carbon-carbon triple bond, with each carbon also bonded to a hydrogen atom.

Visual Representation of Bonds

Lewis dot structures and structural formulas are essential tools for visualizing covalent bonds.

  • Lewis Structures: These diagrams show valence electrons as dots around the symbols of elements, providing a clear depiction of electron sharing.
  • Structural Formulas: They use lines to represent bonds between atoms, offering a simplified view of molecular structure.
Lewis dot structures and structural formulas

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Bond Energies and Lengths

The energy required to break a bond, known as bond energy, is a critical concept in understanding chemical reactions. Bond energy varies with the type of bond; triple bonds generally have the highest bond energies, followed by double and then single bonds. Similarly, bond length, the distance between the nuclei of two bonded atoms, is shortest for triple bonds and longest for single bonds.

A diagram comparing the length and strength between single, double and triple bonds.

Image courtesy of Kanyaporn

Implications in Chemical Reactions

The bond energy and length significantly influence the reactivity and stability of molecules. Molecules with higher bond energies are typically less reactive, as more energy is required to break the bonds. Conversely, molecules with longer bond lengths (weaker bonds) tend to be more reactive.

Electronegativity and Bond Polarity

Electronegativity, a measure of an atom's ability to attract shared electrons, plays a crucial role in determining the nature of a covalent bond. When two atoms with different electronegativities form a covalent bond, the shared electrons are more attracted to the atom with higher electronegativity, resulting in a polar covalent bond. This partial charge separation within the molecule has significant implications for the molecule's physical properties, like solubility and boiling point.

Nonpolar and Polar Covalent Bonds

  • Nonpolar Covalent Bonds: Occur between atoms with similar electronegativities, resulting in an even distribution of electron density.
  • Polar Covalent Bonds: Form when atoms with different electronegativities share electrons, leading to an uneven electron distribution and partial charges on the atoms.
Nonpolar and Polar Covalent Bonds

Image courtesy of Chemistry Learner

Covalent Bonding in Organic Chemistry

In organic chemistry, the versatility of carbon's covalent bonding leads to an immense variety of organic molecules. The nature of the carbon bonds (single, double, or triple) plays a critical role in defining the structure, reactivity, and properties of organic compounds.

Importance in Biological Molecules

Covalent bonding is fundamental in forming biological molecules like proteins, carbohydrates, and nucleic acids. The specific arrangement of covalent bonds in these molecules dictates their structure and function in biological systems.

Understanding covalent bonding is essential for comprehending the structure and behaviour of molecules in chemistry. The type of covalent bond – single, double, or triple – profoundly impacts a molecule's properties and its interactions in chemical reactions. This knowledge forms the foundation for further studies in organic chemistry, biochemistry, and other chemistry-related fields.


Resonance is a concept used to describe the delocalisation of electrons in molecules with conjugated systems, where electrons are not confined to a single bond or atom but are distributed over several adjacent atoms. In resonance, a molecule is depicted by several contributing structures, known as resonance structures or canonical forms, which represent different possible arrangements of electrons. These structures are not real entities but are hypothetical extremes that collectively describe a more accurate intermediate structure. The actual molecule is a hybrid of these structures, resulting in increased stability. Resonance significantly influences the chemical properties and stability of molecules. For instance, in benzene (C₆H₆), the delocalised electrons contribute to its unique chemical behaviour and stability.

Covalent bonds typically do not conduct electricity. This is because, in covalent compounds, electrons are shared between specific atoms and are localised in the form of discrete pairs, rather than being free to move throughout the structure. The absence of free-moving charged particles (like electrons or ions) means that covalent compounds cannot conduct an electric current. This is in contrast to ionic compounds, where ions are free to move in solution or in a molten state, allowing them to conduct electricity. However, certain covalent structures, like graphite, have delocalised electrons that can move freely within layers, enabling electrical conductivity along those planes.

Lone pairs, also known as non-bonding electron pairs, play a significant role in covalent bonding, particularly in determining the shape and physical properties of molecules. These are pairs of valence electrons that are not shared with another atom and do not participate in bonding. Lone pairs influence the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule because they occupy space and exert repulsive forces on bonding electron pairs. This effect is illustrated in VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory, which predicts molecular shapes based on the repulsion between electron pairs. For example, in water (H₂O), the oxygen atom has two lone pairs, which lead to a bent molecular shape rather than a linear one. Additionally, lone pairs can affect the molecule's polarity and reactivity, as they can create regions of high electron density.

Bond angles are crucial in covalent bonding as they determine the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule, which in turn affects the molecule's physical and chemical properties. The bond angle is the angle formed between two covalent bonds that originate from the same atom. These angles are influenced by the electronic repulsion between bonding and non-bonding electron pairs, as described by VSEPR theory. For example, in methane (CH₄), the bond angles are 109.5°, corresponding to a tetrahedral geometry. Variations in bond angles can significantly alter molecular shape, impacting properties like polarity, reactivity, and intermolecular interactions. Understanding bond angles helps in predicting the structure and behaviour of molecules in various chemical contexts.

Hybridisation is a key concept in understanding the formation and nature of covalent bonds, particularly in complex molecules. It refers to the mixing of atomic orbitals in an atom to produce new hybrid orbitals. This process occurs in atoms involved in covalent bonding, allowing them to form bonds with specific orientations and shapes. For example, in methane (CH₄), the carbon atom undergoes sp³ hybridisation. Its one s and three p orbitals mix to form four equivalent sp³ hybrid orbitals, each forming a single covalent bond with a hydrogen atom, leading to a tetrahedral shape. Hybridisation helps explain the geometries and bonding capabilities of atoms in molecules, contributing to a deeper understanding of molecular structure and reactivity.

Practice Questions

Explain the concept of bond polarity in covalent bonds, using carbon dioxide (CO₂) as an example. How does the difference in electronegativity between the bonded atoms influence the bond's character?

Bond polarity in covalent bonds arises due to differences in electronegativity between the bonded atoms. In CO₂, the oxygen atoms are more electronegative than the carbon atom, resulting in a shift of electron density towards oxygen. This creates a partial negative charge on the oxygen atoms and a partial positive charge on the carbon atom. Despite CO₂ being an overall nonpolar molecule due to its linear geometry, which balances the polarities on each side, the individual C=O bonds are polar. This polarity influences the physical properties, such as solubility and interaction with other molecules, by creating sites for potential intermolecular interactions.

Describe the difference in bond lengths and bond strengths between single, double, and triple covalent bonds, using nitrogen (N₂), oxygen (O₂), and hydrogen (H₂) as examples.

The bond length decreases while the bond strength increases as we move from single to triple bonds. In a hydrogen molecule (H₂), the single bond is the longest and weakest among the three examples. In oxygen (O₂), the double bond is shorter and stronger than the single bond in H₂ due to the increased electron sharing, which pulls the atoms closer and strengthens the bond. Nitrogen (N₂), with a triple bond, exhibits the shortest and strongest bond. This is because the sharing of three electron pairs creates a very strong attraction between the nitrogen atoms, significantly reducing the bond length and enhancing the bond strength.

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