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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

34.2.3 Basicity of Phenylamine

In A-level Chemistry, a fundamental concept is the basicity of compounds like phenylamine. This section comprehensively explores the basicity of phenylamine, contrasting it with other amines such as ammonia and ethylamine, and elucidates the effect of the aryl group on its basicity, particularly in aqueous solutions.

Introduction to Basicity

Basicity is a chemical property that indicates how readily a compound can accept protons. This property is central to understanding the behavior of amines, including phenylamine. Amines are organic compounds that contain a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons, which is essential for their basic nature.

Understanding Basicity in Amines

  • Basicity in amines is influenced by the availability and location of the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom.
  • This lone pair is key to accepting protons (H⁺), forming a positively charged ammonium ion.
  • The structural features of the amine, such as the type and position of substituents, significantly affect its basicity.

Comparative Analysis of Basicities

Basicity of Ammonia (NH₃)

  • Ammonia, the simplest amine, exhibits basic characteristics due to its lone pair.
  • In aqueous solution, ammonia readily accepts a proton, forming NH₄⁺.
  • It is a standard reference for comparing the basicity of other amines.
Structure of ammonia

Image courtesy of Radio89

Basicity of Ethylamine (C₂H₅NH₂)

  • Ethylamine, a primary aliphatic amine, is more basic than ammonia.
  • The electron-donating alkyl group (ethyl) increases electron density on nitrogen, enhancing its ability to accept a proton.
  • Ethylamine forms C₂H₅NH₃⁺ more easily than ammonia forms NH₄⁺ in water.
Structure of Ethylamine

Image courtesy of Benjah-bmm27

Basicity of Phenylamine (C₆H₅NH₂)

  • Phenylamine, an aromatic amine, is less basic than both ammonia and ethylamine.
  • The attached aryl group (phenyl) imparts unique properties affecting its basicity.
Structure of Phenylamine

Image courtesy of Emeldir

The Influence of the Aryl Group

Effect of the Phenyl Group

  • The phenyl group in phenylamine is an aromatic ring directly attached to the nitrogen atom.
  • This group delocalizes the lone pair of electrons on nitrogen across the ring.
  • Electron delocalization reduces the electron density on the nitrogen, making it less apt to accept protons.

Contrast with Alkyl Groups

  • Alkyl groups, like in ethylamine, donate electrons to the nitrogen atom, increasing its basicity.
  • Aryl groups, however, withdraw electron density, thereby reducing basicity.

Role of Conjugation and Resonance

  • In phenylamine, the lone pair participates in resonance with the aromatic ring, stabilizing the molecule.
  • This stabilization decreases the basicity as the lone pair is less available for bonding with protons.
Resonance structure of alanine or phenylamine

Image courtesy of Toppr

Basicity in Water

  • The interaction of amines with water is also a critical factor in their basicity.
  • Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with the lone pair on nitrogen.
  • The reduced availability of the lone pair in phenylamine lessens its interaction with water molecules, thus lowering its basicity.

Impact on Solubility

  • Basicity influences solubility in water.
  • Phenylamine, being less basic, has different solubility characteristics compared to more basic amines.

Quantitative Measurement of Basicity

  • Basicity is often measured using the pKa values of the ammonium ions formed.
  • A lower pKa value indicates a stronger base.
  • Phenylamine’s ammonium ion exhibits a higher pKa, signifying lower basicity relative to ammonia and ethylamine.

Practical Relevance

  • Understanding amine basicity is crucial in organic synthesis and other chemical processes.
  • The varying basicities influence how amines react in acid-base reactions and their ability to form salts.

Educational Context

  • The A-level Chemistry curriculum emphasizes the importance of understanding these differences in basicity.
  • Laboratory experiments and observations help reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  • Developing analytical skills through studying these concepts is vital for advanced chemistry studies and research.

In-Depth Exploration

  • Further exploration of the molecular orbital theory provides deeper insight into why the electron density on the nitrogen atom is affected differently by aryl and alkyl groups.
  • Investigating the environmental factors that influence amine basicity, such as solvent effects and temperature, can enhance understanding.
  • Discussing the role of amines, particularly phenylamine, in real-world applications, such as dye manufacturing and pharmaceuticals, can contextualize their importance.


This detailed analysis of the basicity of phenylamine, in comparison to ammonia and ethylamine, lays a robust foundation for understanding chemical behavior in organic compounds. The unique influence of the aryl group on phenylamine’s basicity is a critical concept for A-level Chemistry students, pivotal for grasping more complex chemical reactions and processes in future studies.


Phenylamine is essentially aniline, so there is no difference in basicity between the two; both names refer to the same compound, C₆H₅NH₂. Aniline is another name for phenylamine, commonly used in organic chemistry. The structure of phenylamine/aniline consists of a benzene ring attached to an amino group (NH₂). The basicity of this compound is influenced by the interaction between the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen and the aromatic ring. The delocalization of the lone pair into the ring reduces its availability for accepting protons, thereby decreasing the basicity of the compound. This structural feature of the phenyl (or aryl) group directly attached to the nitrogen atom is what defines the basicity of phenylamine/aniline.

Phenylamine is moderately soluble in water but more soluble in organic solvents. Its solubility in water is limited due to the hydrophobic nature of the phenyl group, which resists interaction with water molecules. However, the presence of the amine group does allow for some degree of solubility through hydrogen bonding with water. In organic solvents, especially those that are less polar, phenylamine dissolves more readily due to the non-polar nature of the phenyl group, which interacts more favorably with the organic solvent molecules. This solubility characteristic is crucial in determining its basicity in different environments. In water, its basicity is reduced due to the partial delocalization of the lone pair on nitrogen and its limited solubility. In organic solvents, where the solubility is higher and the effect of delocalization might be less pronounced, the basicity could be slightly higher.

Yes, the basicity of phenylamine can be altered through chemical modifications. One common method is by alkylating the nitrogen atom, adding alkyl groups through a reaction such as the N-alkylation process. Adding alkyl groups increases the electron-donating character of the nitrogen, thereby enhancing its basicity. This happens because the alkyl groups push electron density towards the nitrogen atom, making the lone pair more available for accepting protons. On the other hand, acylation of the nitrogen atom (adding an acyl group) would decrease its basicity. The acyl group, being electron-withdrawing, reduces the electron density on the nitrogen, making the lone pair less available for proton acceptance. These modifications can significantly alter the electronic environment of the nitrogen atom, thus changing the basicity of phenylamine.

The presence of additional substituents on the phenyl ring of phenylamine significantly influences its basicity, and the effect depends on the nature of these substituents. Electron-donating groups, such as methyl or methoxy, increase the electron density on the nitrogen atom, thereby enhancing the basicity of phenylamine. This occurs because these groups push more electron density towards the ring and subsequently to the nitrogen atom. Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups, such as nitro or cyano, decrease the basicity. They pull electron density away from the ring and hence from the nitrogen atom, making the lone pair less available for accepting protons. The position of these substituents also matters; ortho and para substituents have a more pronounced effect due to their proximity and potential for resonance with the nitrogen's lone pair, compared to meta substituents.

The decreased basicity of phenylamine is not inherently a disadvantage; rather, it can be advantageous in specific chemical synthesis scenarios. The moderate basicity of phenylamine makes it less reactive and more selective in certain reactions. For instance, in the synthesis of diazonium salts, the controlled basicity of phenylamine is beneficial. It allows for the formation of diazonium salts under mild acidic conditions without undergoing further unwanted reactions that might occur with more basic amines. Additionally, its lower basicity makes it less prone to quaternary ammonium salt formation when reacting with alkyl halides, offering a distinct advantage in reactions where this is undesirable. In pharmaceutical synthesis, the controlled reactivity of phenylamine can be exploited to produce more specific products with fewer side reactions. Thus, while its reduced basicity might limit its use in some reactions, it opens up avenues for more controlled and selective synthesis in others.

Practice Questions

Explain why phenylamine is less basic than ethylamine, focusing on the structural differences between these molecules and their effects on basicity.

Phenylamine is less basic than ethylamine primarily due to the influence of the aryl group attached to the nitrogen atom. In phenylamine, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom is partially delocalized into the aromatic ring. This delocalization reduces the electron density on the nitrogen atom, making it less available for accepting protons. On the other hand, ethylamine has an alkyl group which donates electron density to the nitrogen, enhancing its ability to accept protons and thus increasing its basicity. This stark contrast in the electronic environment around the nitrogen atom is the fundamental reason behind the differing basicities of these amines.

Describe how the basicity of phenylamine would be affected in a highly polar solvent compared to a less polar solvent. Provide a rationale for your answer.

In a highly polar solvent, phenylamine's basicity is likely to be less pronounced compared to in a less polar solvent. Polar solvents, due to their high dielectric constant, can stabilize ions better. This means that in a highly polar solvent, the ionization of phenylamine to form its corresponding ammonium ion is more favoured. However, since the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen in phenylamine is partially delocalized into the aromatic ring, its ability to accept a proton (and thus its basicity) is already reduced. The increased stabilization of the ammonium ion in a polar solvent further diminishes its basicity compared to in a less polar solvent, where the ammonium ion is less stabilized and the basic character of phenylamine is more apparent.

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