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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

33.3.2 Reactions Involving Acyl Chlorides

Acyl chlorides, known for their reactivity in organic chemistry, participate in a variety of reactions. This segment delves into their behaviour, especially their hydrolysis and reactions with alcohols, phenols, and amines.

Introduction to Acyl Chlorides

  • Acyl chlorides, or acid chlorides, are organic compounds characterised by a carbonyl group bonded to a chlorine atom.
  • Highly reactive due to the presence of the electron-withdrawing chlorine atom.
  • Commonly used in the synthesis of carboxylic acid derivatives like esters and amides.
General structure of an acyl chloride.

General structure of an acyl chloride.

Image courtesy of Hbf878

Hydrolysis of Acyl Chlorides

Reaction with Water

  • Acyl chlorides readily react with water to yield carboxylic acids.
  • The reaction is a classic example of hydrolysis, where water breaks a chemical bond.

Reaction Conditions

Typically occurs at room temperature.

No need for catalysts as the reaction is spontaneous.

Chemical Equation

[RCOCl+H₂ORCOOH+HCl][ \text{RCOCl} + \text{H₂O} \rightarrow \text{RCOOH} + \text{HCl} ] Where R is an alkyl or aryl group.

Hydrolysis of Acyl halide

Hydrolysis of Acyl halid, where X represents halides such as chloride in this case

Image courtesy of H Padleckas


  • Shows the high reactivity of acyl chlorides towards water.
  • Production of HCl gas can serve as an indicator of the reaction’s progress.

Reactions with Nucleophiles

Reaction with Alcohols: Ester Formation


  • Alcohols react with acyl chlorides to form esters, a fundamental reaction in organic synthesis.

Reaction Conditions

  • Occurs readily at room temperature.
  • Catalysts like pyridine may be used to neutralise the acidic by-product, HCl.

Chemical Equation

[RCOCl+R’OHRCOOR’+HCl][ \text{RCOCl} + \text{R'OH} \rightarrow \text{RCOOR'} + \text{HCl} ] Here, R and R' are alkyl or aryl groups.

Reaction of acyl halide with alcohol yielding ester

Image courtesy of H Padleckas

Reaction with Phenols: Ester Formation


  • Phenols are less reactive than alcohols, making the reaction slower.
  • Catalysts might be required for efficient reaction.


  • Formation of phenyl esters.
  • Release of HCl gas as a by-product.

Reaction with Amines: Amide Formation


  • Amines react with acyl chlorides to produce amides, another significant class of organic compounds.

Reaction Conditions

  • Typically proceeds at room temperature without a catalyst.

Chemical Equation

[RCOCl+R’NH₂RCONHR’+HCl][ \text{RCOCl} + \text{R'NH₂} \rightarrow \text{RCONHR'} + \text{HCl} ] R and R' denote alkyl or aryl groups.

Detailed Reaction Mechanisms

Nucleophilic Acyl Substitution

  • A general mechanism for these reactions where a nucleophile replaces the chloride ion in the acyl chloride.

Formation of Tetrahedral Intermediate

  • The nucleophile attacks the electrophilic carbon, forming a tetrahedral intermediate.
  • This intermediate is key to understanding the reaction pathway.

Elimination of Chloride Ion

  • The chloride ion is eliminated, leading to the formation of the final product.
  • The process is typically exothermic, releasing energy.
General reaction of Nucleophilic acyl substitution

Nucleophilic acyl substitution with nucleophile (Nu) and leaving group (L).

Image courtesy of V8rik

Role in Organic Synthesis

  • These reactions are crucial for synthesising a variety of esters and amides.
  • They demonstrate the versatility of acyl chlorides as reagents in organic synthesis.

Safety and Handling

  • Due to their high reactivity and corrosiveness, acyl chlorides must be handled with care.
  • Protective gear like gloves and goggles is essential.
  • Working in a well-ventilated area is recommended to avoid inhalation of harmful gases.


Understanding the reactions of acyl chlorides is fundamental in A-level Chemistry. These reactions not only showcase the reactivity of these compounds but also provide a foundation for synthesising various organic compounds. Mastery of these concepts is crucial for students aspiring to excel in organic chemistry, particularly in the field of synthetic organic chemistry.


Yes, acyl chlorides can react with a variety of compounds besides alcohols, phenols, and amines. They are versatile reagents in organic synthesis. For instance, they can react with water (hydrolysis) to form carboxylic acids and hydrogen chloride. With ammonia or primary amines, acyl chlorides form primary amides, while secondary amines yield secondary amides. Grignard reagents react with acyl chlorides to produce tertiary alcohols. Additionally, acyl chlorides can undergo Friedel-Crafts acylation with aromatic compounds to introduce acyl groups onto benzene rings. The reactivity of acyl chlorides also extends to reaction with organometallic reagents like lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄) to yield alcohols. These reactions are fundamental in creating a wide array of organic compounds and are pivotal in the field of organic synthesis.

The structure of the acyl group in acyl chlorides significantly influences their reactivity. The electronic and steric effects play a crucial role. Electron-donating groups attached to the acyl group, such as alkyl groups, can reduce the electrophilicity of the carbonyl carbon, thereby making the acyl chloride less reactive. Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups, like nitro or cyano groups, increase the carbonyl carbon's electrophilicity, enhancing reactivity. Steric hindrance is another factor; bulky groups near the carbonyl group can hinder the approach of nucleophiles, making the acyl chloride less reactive. Thus, the rate and feasibility of reactions involving acyl chlorides can be manipulated by altering the nature of the substituents on the acyl group.

When working with acyl chlorides in the laboratory, it's crucial to observe strict safety precautions due to their high reactivity and corrosive nature. Firstly, always work in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhaling toxic fumes, particularly hydrogen chloride gas that can be released during reactions. Use personal protective equipment, including gloves, goggles, and a lab coat, to protect the skin and eyes from corrosive substances. Be cautious of moisture, as acyl chlorides react vigorously with water, and this reaction can lead to splashing or the release of heat. Store acyl chlorides in a cool, dry place, away from incompatible substances like bases or alcohols. Lastly, be prepared to neutralize any accidental spills with a weak base, and dispose of waste materials safely according to your institution’s guidelines.

Acyl chlorides are more reactive than other acid derivatives like esters and amides due to the presence of the chlorine atom, which is a very good leaving group. The chlorine atom is highly electronegative, which makes the carbonyl carbon in acyl chlorides more electrophilic and thus more susceptible to nucleophilic attack. In contrast, esters and amides have less electrophilic carbonyl carbons because their oxygen and nitrogen atoms, respectively, are less effective at withdrawing electron density from the carbonyl carbon compared to chlorine. Additionally, the lone pairs on the oxygen in esters and the nitrogen in amides can donate electron density back to the carbonyl carbon through resonance, further reducing its electrophilicity. This resonance stabilization is not possible in acyl chlorides, making them more reactive towards nucleophiles.

The environmental impact of acyl chlorides and their by-products, especially in industrial settings, can be significant. Acyl chlorides are typically corrosive and can pose hazards if released into the environment. They can react with moisture in the air or water sources, leading to the formation of hydrochloric acid, which is harmful to aquatic life and can contribute to the acidification of water bodies. The production and disposal of acyl chlorides must be managed carefully to prevent environmental contamination. Industries using acyl chlorides are usually subject to strict environmental regulations, requiring them to implement proper waste management and treatment systems. This includes neutralizing acidic by-products and ensuring that emissions and effluents meet environmental safety standards. Additionally, the synthesis of acyl chlorides often involves chlorination processes, which can produce chlorinated organic by-products that may be persistent in the environment and potentially toxic. Hence, monitoring and controlling the environmental impact of acyl chlorides is crucial in industrial applications.

Practice Questions

Explain the mechanism of the reaction between acyl chloride and ethanol to form an ester, highlighting the key intermediate and the role of the by-product.

The reaction between acyl chloride and ethanol to form an ester follows a nucleophilic acyl substitution mechanism. Initially, the lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom of ethanol attacks the electrophilic carbon atom of the acyl chloride, leading to the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate is characterised by a temporary negative charge on the oxygen atom previously bonded to the chlorine. The chloride ion, being a good leaving group, is then expelled, restoring the carbonyl group and forming the ester. The by-product of this reaction is hydrogen chloride (HCl), which can be neutralised using a base like pyridine if necessary. This mechanism is a classic example of how a nucleophile replaces a better-leaving group in organic chemistry.

Compare and contrast the reactivity of acyl chlorides with alcohols and phenols. Include a brief discussion on the conditions necessary for these reactions and the nature of the products formed.

Acyl chlorides react with both alcohols and phenols to form esters, but their reactivity varies. With alcohols, the reaction is more rapid and can occur under milder conditions, typically at room temperature without a catalyst. The product formed is an alkyl ester, and hydrogen chloride (HCl) is released as a by-product. In contrast, the reaction with phenols is comparatively slower due to the lesser reactivity of phenols compared to alcohols. This reaction might require a catalyst or more rigorous conditions to proceed efficiently. The product is a phenyl ester, again accompanied by the release of HCl. In both cases, the reactions showcase the high reactivity of acyl chlorides and the formation of esters through nucleophilic acyl substitution, with the nature of the alcohol or phenol influencing the reaction rate and conditions.

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