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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

33.3.1 Production of Acyl Chlorides

Acyl chlorides, also known as acid chlorides, are a class of organic compounds widely utilised in chemical synthesis. This section explores the transformation of carboxylic acids into acyl chlorides, focusing on the chemical reactions and conditions involved in this process.

Introduction to Acyl Chlorides

Acyl chlorides are characterised by the presence of a carbonyl group (C=O) bonded to a chlorine atom. These compounds are highly reactive, primarily due to the high reactivity of the C-Cl bond, and are commonly used in the synthesis of esters, amides, and other organic derivatives.

General structure of an acyl chloride.

General structure of an acyl chloride.

Image courtesy of Hbf878

Reacting Carboxylic Acids with PCl₃

The reaction of carboxylic acids with phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) is a conventional method to synthesise acyl chlorides.


  • The process involves mixing a carboxylic acid with PCl₃ in a 1:1 molar ratio.
  • An inert solvent, such as dry benzene or chloroform, is used to facilitate the reaction.
  • The mixture is stirred at room temperature for several hours until the reaction is complete.

Chemical Equation

[ RCOOH + PCl₃ → RCOCl + H₃PO₃ ]

Reaction Mechanism

  • The reaction initiates with the nucleophilic attack of the carboxylic acid on the phosphorus atom of PCl₃.
  • This is followed by the cleavage of the O-H bond and the formation of a P-O bond, resulting in the release of a molecule of HCl.
  • The intermediate then rearranges to form the acyl chloride and phosphorous acid.


  • The reaction is exothermic, and care must be taken to control the temperature.
  • The by-product, phosphorous acid, is typically removed by filtration or extraction.

Utilising PCl₅ for Acyl Chloride Synthesis

Phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) is another reagent that facilitates the conversion of carboxylic acids to acyl chlorides.


  • PCl₅ is added to the carboxylic acid in an anhydrous environment to prevent hydrolysis of the reactants.
  • The reaction mixture is then heated under reflux for several hours.

Chemical Equation

[ RCOOH + PCl₅ → RCOCl + POCl₃ + HCl ]

Key Points

  • This reaction is more vigorous than the PCl₃ method and produces more by-products.
  • The acyl chloride is typically distilled off from the reaction mixture.

Advantages and Disadvantages

  • PCl₅ can react with carboxylic acids without the need for a solvent, making it a convenient reagent.
  • However, the generation of additional by-products like POCl₃ and HCl can complicate the purification process.

Synthesis Using SOCl₂ (Thionyl Chloride)

Thionyl chloride is a preferred reagent for synthesising acyl chlorides due to its mild reaction conditions and simpler by-products.


  • The carboxylic acid is reacted with an excess of SOCl₂.
  • A catalytic amount of DMF (dimethylformamide) is often used to accelerate the reaction.
  • The mixture is stirred at room temperature until the reaction is complete, typically a few hours.

Chemical Equation

[ RCOOH + SOCl₂ → RCOCl + SO₂ + HCl ]


  • The reaction involves the formation of an intermediate complex between the carboxylic acid and SOCl₂.
  • The intermediate decomposes to form the acyl chloride, with the by-products being gases that can be easily removed.


  • SOCl₂ method is advantageous due to the ease of by-product removal.
  • The reaction conditions are milder compared to PCl₅, reducing the risk of side reactions.

Safety and Precautions

  • Due to their reactivity, acyl chlorides must be handled with care, in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood.
  • Protective equipment, including gloves and goggles, is essential to prevent skin and eye irritation.
A chemical fume hood used in chemisry laboratory

A chemical fume hood

Image courtesy of SUNY Geneseo

Handling and Storage

  • Acyl chlorides are moisture-sensitive and should be stored in airtight containers under an inert atmosphere.
  • They should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from bases and moisture.

In summary, the production of acyl chlorides from carboxylic acids is a fundamental reaction in organic chemistry, forming the basis for many synthetic pathways. Understanding the reaction mechanisms, conditions, and safety measures associated with each method is crucial for efficient and safe laboratory practices. The choice of reagent—PCl₃, PCl₅, or SOCl₂—depends on the specific requirements of the synthesis, including the nature of the carboxylic acid, desired yield, and purity of the acyl chloride. Each method offers unique advantages and challenges, making them suitable for different applications in organic synthesis.


In a laboratory setting, acyl chlorides require careful storage and handling due to their reactive nature. They are typically moisture-sensitive and can readily react with water, leading to hydrolysis and degradation. Therefore, acyl chlorides should be stored in airtight containers, preferably under an inert atmosphere like nitrogen or argon, to protect them from moisture in the air. They should be kept in a cool, dry place, away from sources of heat and direct sunlight, which can accelerate decomposition. Additionally, acyl chlorides are often corrosive and can emit fumes that are irritating to the respiratory tract, eyes, and skin. Consequently, they should be handled in a well-ventilated area, such as a fume hood, to avoid inhalation of fumes. Personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, safety glasses, and lab coats, should be worn to prevent direct contact with the skin or eyes. The handling of acyl chlorides also requires the use of proper laboratory techniques to prevent exposure and contamination. Glassware and equipment used with acyl chlorides should be thoroughly cleaned and dried to remove any traces of moisture. Any spills or leaks should be dealt with promptly and safely, following appropriate chemical spill protocols.

Acyl chlorides are highly versatile intermediates in organic synthesis and have numerous applications, particularly in the pharmaceutical industry. Due to their high reactivity, they are commonly used in the formation of various other functional groups. For example, acyl chlorides readily react with alcohols to form esters, with amines to form amides, and with water to yield carboxylic acids. These reactions are fundamental in synthesising a wide range of organic compounds, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, and polymers. In pharmaceuticals, acyl chlorides are employed in the synthesis of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs). They are used to introduce acyl groups into molecules, which can modify the biological activity of the compound, improve its pharmacokinetic properties, or enhance its stability. Additionally, acyl chlorides are used in peptide synthesis, as they can react with amino acids or peptides to form peptide bonds, a critical step in the production of synthetic peptides and proteins. The ability to selectively react with different nucleophiles also makes acyl chlorides valuable in the synthesis of complex molecules, where controlling the reactivity and selectivity is crucial. Furthermore, their use in the synthesis of dyestuffs, fragrances, and other fine chemicals highlights their broad applicability in various sectors of the chemical industry.

The use of phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) in the synthesis of acyl chlorides poses several environmental and safety concerns. Firstly, PCl₅ is highly reactive and can be hazardous if not handled correctly. It reacts violently with water to produce hydrochloric acid and heat, which can lead to dangerous situations in the presence of moisture. This necessitates strict anhydrous conditions and careful handling to avoid accidental exposure to water. Additionally, the reaction of PCl₅ with carboxylic acids produces not only the desired acyl chloride but also phosphoryl chloride (POCl₃) and hydrogen chloride (HCl), both of which are harmful. POCl₃ is toxic and can pose health hazards if inhaled or if it comes into contact with the skin. Hydrogen chloride, on the other hand, is corrosive and can lead to respiratory issues if inhaled. The disposal of these by-products must be managed carefully to minimise environmental impact. The handling and disposal of PCl₅ and its by-products require adherence to strict environmental regulations and safety protocols to prevent contamination and protect both human health and the environment. Proper ventilation, use of personal protective equipment (PPE), and containment measures are essential when working with PCl₅.

Thionyl chloride (SOCl₂) is frequently preferred over phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) and phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) for converting carboxylic acids to acyl chlorides due to several advantages. Firstly, the reaction with SOCl₂ usually proceeds at a lower temperature and under milder conditions compared to PCl₃ and PCl₅. This reduces the risk of unwanted side reactions and makes it safer to handle. Secondly, the by-products of the reaction with SOCl₂ are sulfur dioxide (SO₂) and hydrogen chloride (HCl), both of which are gases at room temperature. This makes the separation of the acyl chloride product from the reaction mixture much simpler and more efficient, as the gaseous by-products can be easily removed by venting. Additionally, SOCl₂ is a more selective reagent. It does not generally react with other functional groups present in the molecule, which is particularly advantageous when dealing with complex molecules. This selectivity allows for greater control over the reaction and minimises the production of undesired side products. Moreover, SOCl₂ can often react directly with the carboxylic acid without the need for an additional solvent, making the process more convenient and environmentally friendly.

Acyl chlorides are significantly more reactive than other acid derivatives such as esters or amides. This increased reactivity is primarily due to the presence of the chlorine atom, which is a very good leaving group. In acyl chlorides, the carbon-chlorine bond is polarised, with the chlorine atom being more electronegative. This polarization makes the carbonyl carbon more susceptible to nucleophilic attack. In contrast, esters and amides have less polarisable oxygen and nitrogen atoms, respectively, as the adjacent atom to the carbonyl carbon. These atoms are less electronegative compared to chlorine, making esters and amides less reactive towards nucleophiles. Amides, in particular, are the least reactive among common acyl derivatives due to the presence of a nitrogen atom that can donate electron density to the carbonyl group, thereby reducing its electrophilicity. The high reactivity of acyl chlorides makes them excellent intermediates in organic synthesis, as they can readily react with a wide range of nucleophiles to form various other functional groups, such as esters, amides, and carboxylic acids, under relatively mild conditions.

Practice Questions

Describe the reaction mechanism when a carboxylic acid is converted to an acyl chloride using thionyl chloride (SOCl₂). Include the key steps and the types of intermediates formed in this process.

The reaction mechanism for the conversion of a carboxylic acid to an acyl chloride using SOCl₂ involves several key steps. Initially, the carboxylic acid reacts with SOCl₂, forming an intermediate complex. In this complex, the oxygen atom of the carboxylic acid is bonded to the sulfur atom of SOCl₂. This step is crucial as it activates the carboxylic acid for the subsequent reaction steps. Next, a rearrangement occurs where the chloride ion from SOCl₂ replaces the hydroxyl group of the carboxylic acid, leading to the formation of the acyl chloride and a molecule of SO₂. This step is facilitated by the good leaving group ability of SO₂ and Cl⁻. Finally, the acyl chloride is formed, and the by-products, SO₂ and HCl, are released. These by-products are gases at room temperature and can be easily removed from the reaction mixture. The mechanism highlights the nucleophilic acyl substitution reaction, where the carboxylic acid's hydroxyl group is substituted by a chloride ion.

Compare and contrast the use of phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) and phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) for the synthesis of acyl chlorides from carboxylic acids. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each reagent.

Phosphorus trichloride (PCl₃) and phosphorus pentachloride (PCl₅) are both used for synthesising acyl chlorides from carboxylic acids, but they have distinct differences. PCl₃ is generally preferred for its milder reaction conditions and simpler stoichiometry. The reaction of PCl₃ with a carboxylic acid produces acyl chloride and phosphorous acid (H₃PO₃) as the only by-product. This reaction is exothermic, but it occurs at room temperature and usually requires an inert solvent for completion. On the other hand, PCl₅ reacts more vigorously and produces acyl chloride along with POCl₃ and HCl. While PCl₅ can react without a solvent, making it convenient, the generation of additional by-products complicates the purification process. Furthermore, the PCl₅ reaction is highly exothermic, necessitating careful temperature control. In conclusion, PCl₃ is often chosen for its simplicity and milder conditions, whereas PCl₅ can be advantageous for its solvent-free reaction environment, despite its more complex by-product profile.

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