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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

33.3.3 Reaction Mechanisms of Acyl Chlorides


Delving into the intricate reaction mechanisms of acyl chlorides is crucial for A-level Chemistry students. This detailed exploration focuses on the addition-elimination mechanisms involving nucleophiles, a cornerstone in understanding organic chemistry reactions.

Overview of Acyl Chlorides

Acyl chlorides, characterised by their functional group -COCl, are renowned for their high reactivity. This reactivity is due to the polarised carbon-oxygen and carbon-chlorine bonds, making the carbonyl carbon an ideal target for nucleophilic attack.

Structure and Reactivity

  • Polarised Carbonyl Group: The double bond between carbon and oxygen is highly polarised, rendering the carbon atom electrophilic.
  • Role of Chlorine Atom: The chlorine atom, being electronegative, enhances the electrophilic character of the carbonyl carbon.
General structure of an acyl chloride.

General structure of an acyl chloride.

Image courtesy of Hbf878

Addition-Elimination Mechanism in Acyl Chlorides

These mechanisms are pivotal in forming a variety of compounds and understanding the reactivity of acyl chlorides.

Formation of Tetrahedral Intermediate

1. Initial Nucleophilic Attack: The reaction commences when a nucleophile, with its lone pair of electrons, attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride.

  • Electron Shift: The double bond electrons between carbon and oxygen shift towards the oxygen atom, forming a temporary negative charge on the oxygen.

2. Tetrahedral Intermediate Formation: The bonding of the nucleophile with the carbonyl carbon leads to a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate is less stable due to the presence of a leaving group (Cl⁻) and a negatively charged oxygen atom.

  • Intermediate Stability: The stability of this intermediate is a key factor that influences the reaction's direction and speed.

Subsequent Elimination

1. Rearrangement and Elimination: The intermediate rearranges itself, leading to the elimination of the chloride ion, a good leaving group.

  • Regeneration of Carbonyl Group: The electrons on the oxygen atom re-form the double bond, regenerating a carbonyl group in the final product.

2. Release of By-products: Typically, hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas is released, especially in reactions with alcohols or amines.

General Reaction of Addition-Elimination Mechanism in Acyl Chlorides

Image courtesy of V8rik

Detailed Reaction Pathways

These reactions are diverse, forming different products based on the nucleophile involved.

Reaction with Water: Formation of Carboxylic Acids

  • Mechanism: Water acts as a nucleophile, attacking the acyl chloride to form a tetrahedral intermediate, which then collapses to form a carboxylic acid and HCl.

Reaction with Alcohols: Formation of Esters

  • Mechanism: Alcohols, serving as nucleophiles, react similarly, leading to the formation of esters.

Reaction with Amines: Formation of Amides

  • Mechanism: Amines attack the acyl chloride to form amides. This pathway is particularly important in the synthesis of peptides and proteins in biochemistry.

Factors Affecting the Reaction Mechanism

The reactivity and course of these reactions depend on various factors.

1. Steric Hindrance: Bulkier substituents on the acyl chloride or nucleophile can slow down the reaction due to steric effects.

2. Electronic Effects: Electron-withdrawing or donating groups in the acyl chloride influence the reactivity by affecting the electron density at the carbonyl carbon.

3. Nature of the Nucleophile: Stronger nucleophiles (e.g., amines) react more readily compared to weaker ones (e.g., water).

Experimental Conditions and Techniques

Controlling the reaction conditions is vital for achieving desired products and yields.

1. Solvent Choice: Solvents can affect the reaction rate and product solubility.

2. Temperature Control: +

Safety and Environmental Considerations

Given the reactive nature of acyl chlorides and the production of HCl, safety measures are paramount.

1. Ventilation and Protective Gear: Adequate ventilation and the use of gloves and goggles are essential.

2. Disposal of By-products: Proper disposal of HCl and other by-products is necessary to minimise environmental impact.

Ventilation and proper Protective Gear in a chemistry lab

Image courtesy of Labconco

Conclusion and Key Takeaways

  • The reaction mechanisms of acyl chlorides with nucleophiles involve addition-elimination steps, leading to various organic compounds.
  • Understanding these mechanisms is crucial for comprehending broader organic synthesis processes.
  • Reaction conditions, nature of reactants, and safety considerations are essential aspects of these reactions.

These detailed insights into acyl chloride reactions provide A-level Chemistry students with a comprehensive understanding, preparing them for advanced studies in organic chemistry and related fields.


Acyl chlorides generally react at room temperature due to their high reactivity, which is a result of the electrophilic nature of the carbonyl carbon. This high reactivity means that the energy barrier for the nucleophilic attack is relatively low, allowing these reactions to proceed readily at ambient temperatures. However, temperature can significantly affect these reactions. Increasing the temperature can accelerate the reaction rate by providing more kinetic energy to the reactant molecules, thus increasing the frequency and energy of collisions between the acyl chloride and the nucleophile. This can be particularly useful when dealing with less reactive nucleophiles or when aiming to increase the yield of the desired product. Conversely, in some cases, especially with highly reactive nucleophiles or when side reactions are a concern, cooling the reaction mixture can be beneficial. Lower temperatures can slow down the reaction, providing better control and potentially leading to higher selectivity. It's important to note that while room temperature is often sufficient, the optimal temperature for a specific reaction involving acyl chlorides can vary based on the reactants and desired outcome.

When handling acyl chlorides in a laboratory setting, strict safety and environmental precautions are necessary due to their high reactivity and the potential hazards associated with their use. Firstly, acyl chlorides should be handled in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhalation of harmful fumes, such as hydrogen chloride gas, which can be released during reactions. Protective gear, including gloves, safety goggles, and lab coats, should be worn to prevent skin and eye contact. Acyl chlorides are also moisture sensitive and can react violently with water, so they must be stored in dry conditions and handled with care to prevent accidental contact with water or moisture. Disposal of acyl chlorides and their reaction by-products should be carried out according to hazardous waste regulations to prevent environmental contamination. This involves neutralising acidic by-products like HCl and disposing of them as per the guidelines for hazardous chemical waste. Additionally, due to their reactivity, acyl chlorides should be used in controlled quantities to minimise risks, and any spills or accidents should be immediately addressed following the laboratory's safety protocols. These precautions are essential to ensure a safe working environment and to mitigate the environmental impact of using acyl chlorides in chemical synthesis.

The electronic nature of substituents attached to the acyl chloride significantly impacts its reactivity in nucleophilic addition-elimination reactions. Substituents that are electron-withdrawing increase the reactivity of acyl chlorides. These groups, such as nitro (-NO₂) or cyano (-CN), pull electron density away from the acyl group, particularly from the carbonyl carbon. This increased electron deficiency at the carbonyl carbon enhances its electrophilic character, making it more susceptible to nucleophilic attack. On the other hand, electron-donating groups, like alkyl groups, can decrease the reactivity of acyl chlorides. These groups donate electron density towards the carbonyl carbon, reducing its electrophilicity and thereby making it less reactive towards nucleophiles. However, the overall effect of electron-donating groups is often less pronounced than that of electron-withdrawing groups. This variance in reactivity based on the electronic nature of substituents is a fundamental concept in understanding the behaviour of acyl chlorides in organic synthesis.

The chloride ion (Cl⁻) is considered an excellent leaving group in the reaction mechanisms of acyl chlorides due to several factors. Firstly, chloride is a relatively stable ion; it has a complete octet and is capable of stabilising the negative charge effectively. This stability is partly due to the larger atomic radius of chlorine, which allows the negative charge to be more dispersed. Additionally, the bond strength between the carbonyl carbon and the chlorine atom in acyl chlorides is relatively weak compared to the bond between the carbonyl carbon and oxygen. This weaker bond facilitates the departure of the chloride ion during the reaction. The ability of Cl⁻ to leave easily is crucial for the addition-elimination mechanism, as it allows the nucleophile to attack the carbonyl carbon and form the tetrahedral intermediate, leading to the subsequent elimination step that regenerates the carbonyl group and forms the final product. The good leaving group nature of Cl⁻ is essential for the high reactivity of acyl chlorides in nucleophilic acyl substitution reactions.

The tetrahedral intermediate is a crucial transient structure in the addition-elimination mechanism of acyl chlorides. Its formation represents the pivotal point where the nucleophile has attacked the electrophilic carbonyl carbon, leading to a change in the geometry of the carbon from planar to tetrahedral. This intermediate is significant because it dictates the direction of the subsequent steps in the reaction mechanism. The intermediate is less stable than both the starting materials and the final products due to several reasons. Firstly, the tetrahedral structure introduces strain into the molecule, as it disrupts the planar arrangement of the carbonyl group. Secondly, the intermediate often carries a formal negative charge on the oxygen atom, which is not as effectively stabilised compared to the neutral carbonyl group in the starting acyl chloride or the final product. Additionally, the presence of a leaving group (such as Cl⁻) in the intermediate contributes to its instability, as the molecule seeks to expel this group to regain stability. The transient and less stable nature of the tetrahedral intermediate drives the reaction forward, leading to the elimination step and the formation of the final product.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of reaction when acyl chloride reacts with ammonia (NH₃) to form an amide. Include each step of the reaction mechanism in your explanation.

In the reaction of acyl chloride with ammonia, the first step involves the nucleophilic attack of ammonia on the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride. This attack results in the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate. During this process, the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom of ammonia is used to form a bond with the carbonyl carbon, while the π electrons of the C=O bond are pushed onto the oxygen atom. Subsequently, the intermediate reorganises, leading to the elimination of the chloride ion (Cl⁻), and the reformation of the carbonyl group. This results in the formation of an amide product. Throughout the reaction, hydrogen chloride (HCl) is released as a by-product. The mechanism highlights the importance of the nucleophilic attack and the stability of the tetrahedral intermediate in determining the course of the reaction.

Compare the reactivity of acyl chlorides with alcohols and water. Discuss the products formed in each case and explain the role of the nucleophile in the reaction mechanism.

Acyl chlorides react with both alcohols and water through nucleophilic addition-elimination mechanisms, but their reactivity differs due to the nature of the nucleophile. When acyl chlorides react with alcohols, esters are formed. Here, the alcohol oxygen acts as the nucleophile, attacking the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the acyl chloride. This forms a tetrahedral intermediate, which then collapses to eliminate Cl⁻ and form an ester. In contrast, when acyl chlorides react with water, carboxylic acids are produced. Water, being a weaker nucleophile compared to alcohols, undergoes a similar mechanism. The hydroxyl oxygen of water attacks the acyl chloride, leading to the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate, and subsequently, the carboxylic acid is formed upon the elimination of Cl⁻. The reactivity in both reactions is driven by the nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon and the stability of the tetrahedral intermediate.

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