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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

32.2.4 Comparative Reactivity in Nitration and Bromination of Phenol and Benzene

Phenol and benzene, two cornerstone aromatic compounds in organic chemistry, exhibit markedly different reactivities, primarily due to the presence of the hydroxyl group in phenol. This section provides an in-depth comparison of their reactivity, particularly in nitration and bromination reactions, underscoring the role of the phenolic hydroxyl group in activating the benzene ring.

Introduction to Phenol and Benzene Reactivity

Phenol and benzene, while structurally similar, demonstrate divergent chemical behaviors. The hydroxyl group in phenol fundamentally alters its reactivity, especially in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions such as nitration and bromination. A detailed understanding of these differences is essential for students delving into aromatic chemistry.

Structure of benzene and phenol

Image courtesy of Vedantu

The Hydroxyl Group's Influence

  • Activation of the Benzene Ring: The presence of the hydroxyl group in phenol significantly activates the benzene ring towards electrophilic aromatic substitution.
  • Electron Donating Effect: The oxygen atom's lone pair in the hydroxyl group is delocalised into the benzene ring, enhancing the electron density and making it more reactive towards electrophiles.

Nitration of Phenol and Benzene

Phenol Nitration

  • Conditions and Reagents: Phenol reacts with dilute nitric acid even at room temperature.
  • Products: The major products are ortho and para nitrophenols.
  • Reaction Mechanism: The electrophilic nitronium ion, NO2+, generated from nitric acid, attacks the electron-rich ortho and para positions of the phenol ring.
Nitration of phenol chemical equation

Image courtesy of Choij

Benzene Nitration

  • Conditions and Reagents: Requires concentrated nitric acid, along with concentrated sulphuric acid as a catalyst, at approximately 50°C.
  • Product: The primary product is nitrobenzene.
  • Reaction Mechanism: The nitronium ion, formed under the reaction conditions, attacks the benzene ring, typically yielding a mixture of substitution products.
Diagram showing the nitration of benzene

Image courtesy of Innerstream

Comparative Analysis

  • Milder Conditions for Phenol: The increased reactivity of phenol allows nitration under significantly milder conditions compared to benzene.
  • Role of the Hydroxyl Group: The hydroxyl group's electron-donating nature facilitates the electrophilic attack due to increased electron density at the ortho and para positions.

Bromination of Phenol and Benzene

Phenol Bromination

  • Conditions and Reagents: Phenol rapidly reacts with bromine water at room temperature, without the need for a catalyst.
  • Products: The reaction predominantly yields 2,4,6-Tribromophenol, visible as a white precipitate.
  • Reaction Specificity:
Phenol's bromination synthesising 2,4,6-tribromophenol

Image courtesy of akane700

Benzene Bromination

  • Conditions and Reagents: Diagram showing the Benzene Bromination
  • Product: The main product is bromobenzene.
  • Reaction Mechanism:
Diagram showing the Benzene Bromination

Image courtesy of KondratiukM

Comparative Analysis

  • Enhanced Reactivity of Phenol: Phenol demonstrates greater reactivity, undergoing bromination without catalysts or elevated temperatures.
  • Influence of Hydroxyl Group: The group's electron-donating effect promotes substitution at the ortho and para positions, stabilising the intermediate carbocation formed during the reaction.

Substituent Effects in Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution

  • Ortho/Para Directing Nature of OH: The hydroxyl group in phenol is an ortho/para director, guiding electrophiles to these positions.
  • Contrast with Benzene: In benzene, electrophilic substitution occurs more randomly, as there is no directing group to influence the outcome.
  • Mechanism of Substitution: Both reactions involve the formation of a charged intermediate, the arenium ion. In phenol, this intermediate is stabilised more effectively due to resonance with the hydroxyl group.
  • Rate of Reaction: The reactions involving phenol generally proceed faster owing to its activated aromatic ring.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Handling of Reagents: Both nitric acid and bromine are corrosive and toxic, necessitating careful handling and appropriate safety measures.
  • Disposal of Chemicals: The disposal of reaction by-products and unused reagents should adhere to environmental regulations to prevent harm.

Practical Applications in Synthesis

  • Synthesis in Dye and Pharmaceutical Industries: These reactions are fundamental in synthesizing a wide range of dyes and pharmaceutical compounds.
  • Significance in Organic Synthesis:
Dyes and pigments- Azo dyes

Image courtesy of freepik

In summary, the comparative study of phenol and benzene's reactivity in nitration and bromination is a vivid illustration of how functional groups can dramatically alter the chemical behavior of a molecule. These insights form a crucial part of the foundation of organic chemistry and have wide-ranging implications in industrial and synthetic applications.


Environmental and safety considerations are paramount when performing bromination and nitration reactions in a laboratory setting. Both reactions involve hazardous chemicals that require careful handling and appropriate protective equipment.

For bromination, bromine is a highly reactive and corrosive liquid that can cause severe burns on contact with skin and damage respiratory organs if inhaled. It’s vital to perform this reaction in a well-ventilated area, preferably under a fume hood. Safety goggles, gloves, and lab coats are essential to protect against splashes. Any spills should be neutralised and cleaned up immediately.

Nitration reactions involve concentrated acids, specifically nitric and sulphuric acids, which are highly corrosive. Direct contact can cause severe skin burns and eye damage, and their vapours can be harmful if inhaled. These reactions should also be conducted in a fume hood with appropriate personal protective equipment. Additionally, concentrated acids should be handled with extreme care, and any spills should be neutralised promptly.

Environmental considerations include proper disposal of waste products. These chemicals should not be poured down the drain as they can harm the environment. Used acids and bromine solutions must be neutralised and disposed of according to local hazardous waste disposal regulations. It’s also crucial to minimise the use of these chemicals to reduce waste and environmental impact.

In the nitration of phenol, ortho and para nitrophenols are the major products due to the directing effect of the hydroxyl group. The hydroxyl group is an activating and ortho/para-directing group, meaning that it not only makes the aromatic ring more reactive but also influences where the electrophile will add to the ring. The oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group donates electron density into the aromatic ring through resonance. This increased electron density is particularly pronounced at the ortho and para positions, making them more nucleophilic and hence more favorable sites for electrophilic attack. In contrast, the meta position does not benefit from this increased electron density and is less likely to be attacked. Therefore, when nitric acid reacts with phenol, the nitronium ion (NO₂⁺), which is the electrophile in this reaction, preferentially attacks the ortho and para positions, leading to the formation of ortho and para nitrophenols as the major products.

The mechanistic differences between the electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions of phenol and benzene primarily stem from the presence of the activating hydroxyl group in phenol.

In benzene, the mechanism involves the initial formation of an electrophile, which then attacks the aromatic ring to form a positively charged intermediate, known as the sigma complex or arenium ion. This intermediate is relatively unstable due to the disruption of the aromaticity of benzene. The reaction proceeds through a series of steps involving the loss of a hydrogen ion to reform the aromatic ring.

In phenol, the presence of the hydroxyl group significantly alters this mechanism. The hydroxyl group donates electron density into the aromatic ring through resonance, increasing the electron density, particularly at the ortho and para positions. This increased electron density makes the ring more reactive towards electrophiles, allowing the reaction to proceed more readily and often at milder conditions compared to benzene. The formation of the arenium ion intermediate is more stabilised in phenol due to the resonance interaction with the hydroxyl group. This stabilisation not only speeds up the reaction but also directs the electrophile predominantly to the ortho and para positions, leading to more specific substitution patterns compared to the relatively non-selective substitution seen in benzene.

Phenol can be brominated using just bromine water due to its activated aromatic ring, which results from the electron-donating effect of the hydroxyl group. This group increases the electron density of the phenol molecule, making it more nucleophilic and reactive towards electrophiles like bromine. As a result, phenol reacts readily with bromine in water, forming a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol. In contrast, benzene's ring is relatively electron-poor and lacks such activating groups, rendering it less reactive towards electrophiles. Therefore, for the bromination of benzene, a halogen carrier like iron(III) bromide (FeBr₃) is needed. This carrier facilitates the formation of a more reactive electrophile, the bromonium ion (Br⁺), which can then attack the benzene ring. The halogen carrier essentially serves to increase the electrophilic nature of the bromine, compensating for the lower reactivity of the benzene ring compared to the activated ring of phenol.

The hydroxyl group in phenol significantly influences the stability of the arenium ion formed during electrophilic aromatic substitution. In these reactions, an electrophile attacks the aromatic ring, forming a positively charged intermediate known as the arenium ion. The stability of this ion is crucial for the reaction to proceed efficiently. In phenol, the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group donates electron density into the aromatic ring through resonance. This delocalisation of electrons helps to stabilise the positive charge on the arenium ion, particularly when the electrophile attacks at the ortho or para positions relative to the hydroxyl group. This increased stability leads to a lower activation energy for the reaction and contributes to the enhanced reactivity of phenol compared to benzene, where such stabilisation is absent. Additionally, the hydroxyl group's ability to stabilise the intermediate explains why certain positions on the ring are favoured over others, leading to a preference for ortho and para products in electrophilic substitution reactions involving phenol.

Practice Questions

Explain why phenol undergoes bromination more readily than benzene, and why it specifically forms 2,4,6-tribromophenol.

Phenol undergoes bromination more readily than benzene due to the activating effect of its hydroxyl group. This group donates electron density into the aromatic ring, making it more electron-rich and therefore more susceptible to electrophilic attack. The bromination of phenol, unlike benzene, does not require a catalyst or elevated temperatures. The formation of 2,4,6-tribromophenol is attributed to the ortho/para-directing nature of the hydroxyl group. This group stabilises the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction at the 2, 4, and 6 positions, leading to substitution at these locations. The high reactivity of the activated ring allows multiple bromine atoms to add, resulting in the tribrominated product.

Compare and contrast the conditions required for the nitration of benzene and phenol. Explain why these conditions differ.

The nitration of benzene requires more stringent conditions than the nitration of phenol. Benzene is nitrated using concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric acid at a temperature of about 50°C. The harsher conditions are necessary due to the relative stability and low reactivity of benzene's electron-rich ring. In contrast, phenol can be nitrated with dilute nitric acid even at room temperature. The difference in conditions is primarily due to the activating effect of the hydroxyl group in phenol. This group donates electrons into the ring, increasing its electron density and making it more reactive towards electrophilic attack. Consequently, phenol's ring is more susceptible to nitration, requiring milder conditions compared to benzene.

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