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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

32.2.2 Reactions Involving Phenol

Phenol, a simple yet important aromatic compound in organic chemistry, exhibits a variety of reactions due to its unique structure. The following notes delve into these reactions, detailing the chemical processes and their significance.

Phenol with Bases: Formation of Sodium Phenoxide

When phenol reacts with bases, it forms sodium phenoxide, illustrating its acidic nature.

  • Reaction Details: C₆H₅OH (Phenol) + NaOH → C₆H₅ONa (Sodium Phenoxide) + H₂O
  • Mechanism: This reaction involves the deprotonation of the phenol molecule by the hydroxide ion, leading to the formation of water and sodium phenoxide. The oxygen atom in phenol has lone pairs that contribute to its weak acidity, facilitating the removal of the acidic hydrogen atom.
  • Key Concepts:
    • Acid-Base Reaction: This process is a classic acid-base reaction, with phenol acting as a weak acid.
    • Phenol's Acidity: Phenol's acidity is weaker than that of carboxylic acids but stronger than alcohols, making it an interesting study in acid-base chemistry.

Reaction with Sodium

Phenol's reaction with sodium is a testament to its acidic character, different from that of typical alcohols.

  • Chemical Equation: 2 C₆H₅OH + 2 Na → 2 C₆H₅ONa + H₂(g)
  • Observation: The reaction is characterized by effervescence due to the evolution of hydrogen gas.

Chemistry Insights:

  • Generation of Hydrogen Gas: The reaction liberates hydrogen, a feature not common with weak acids.
  • Formation of Sodium Phenoxide: This process again results in the formation of sodium phenoxide, emphasizing the acidic nature of phenol.

Formation of Azo Dyes

Phenol's reaction with diazonium salts to form azo dyes is a cornerstone in the field of synthetic dyes.

  • Process Overview: The diazonium ion reacts with phenol to form an azo bond (-N=N-), linking the two aromatic rings.
  • Reaction Conditions: Typically, a slightly acidic or neutral medium is preferred to facilitate the reaction while preventing the decomposition of the diazonium salt.
  • Applications: This reaction is fundamental in the synthesis of various azo dyes, which are widely used in the textile industry for their vibrant colours and stability.
Phenol's reaction with diazonium salts to form azo dyes

Image courtesy of ChemistryStudent

Nitration at Room Temperature

The ease of nitration of phenol as compared to benzene highlights the activating effect of the -OH group.

  • Reaction Pathway: Phenol + Dilute HNO₃ → Ortho and Para Nitrophenols
  • Mechanism: The presence of the -OH group activates the benzene ring towards electrophilic attack, making the nitration possible under much milder conditions than required for benzene.
  • Product Analysis: The major products are ortho and para nitrophenols, with the para isomer usually predominating due to steric factors.
Nitration of phenol chemical equation

Image courtesy of Choij

Bromination: Formation of 2,4,6-Tribromophenol

Phenol's bromination reaction is an excellent example of electrophilic aromatic substitution.

  • Reaction Mechanism: The reaction involves the substitution of hydrogen atoms in the phenol molecule by bromine atoms, facilitated by the activating nature of the -OH group.
  • Experimental Conditions: The reaction occurs readily even with bromine water at room temperature, unlike benzene which requires a catalyst and elevated temperatures.
  • Product Formation: The primary product is 2,4,6-tribromophenol, characterized by a white precipitate.
Phenol's bromination synthesising 2,4,6-tribromophenol

Image courtesy of akane700

Comparative Analysis with Benzene

Comparing the reactivity of phenol with benzene offers insightful perspectives into aromatic chemistry.

  • Activation by -OH Group: The hydroxyl group in phenol is an activating group, increasing the electron density on the benzene ring and making it more reactive towards electrophiles.
  • Milder Reaction Conditions for Phenol: Phenol undergoes reactions like nitration and bromination under much milder conditions than benzene, indicating its increased reactivity.
  • Directive Influence of -OH Group: The hydroxyl group directs incoming substituents to the ortho and para positions, influencing the product distribution in electrophilic substitution reactions.
General structure of phenol

Image courtesy of M1ss1ontomars2k4

Environmental and Safety Considerations

Handling phenolic compounds requires understanding their environmental and safety implications.

  • Toxicity: Phenolic compounds, including phenol, are generally toxic and can cause burns upon skin contact.
  • Environmental Impact: The production and disposal of phenolic compounds, especially in industrial settings, necessitate considerations regarding their environmental footprint.
  • Safety Measures: Appropriate laboratory safety measures, such as the use of gloves, goggles, and fume hoods, are essential when working with these compounds.

In summary, the study of phenol's reactions offers a rich understanding of organic chemistry principles. Its interactions with bases, sodium, diazonium salts, and its behaviour in nitration and bromination reactions are not only academically intriguing but also hold practical significance in industrial applications. These reactions demonstrate the nuanced nature of organic compounds and their diverse reactivity patterns, making phenol a fascinating topic in A-level Chemistry.


When handling phenol in a laboratory setting, several safety precautions are essential due to its toxic and corrosive nature. Firstly, phenol should be handled in a well-ventilated area or under a fume hood to avoid inhalation of fumes. It's important to wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), including gloves, safety goggles, and a lab coat, to prevent skin and eye contact. Phenol can cause severe burns upon contact with skin or eyes, so immediate washing with plenty of water is necessary in case of accidental exposure. Phenol waste should be disposed of properly, following the guidelines for hazardous waste disposal. It's also crucial to avoid mixing phenol with incompatible substances, such as strong oxidising agents, to prevent hazardous reactions. Lastly, always store phenol in a cool, dry place, away from direct sunlight and in well-sealed containers to prevent accidental exposure and degradation of the compound.

The use of phenol and its derivatives in industrial applications raises several environmental concerns. Firstly, phenolic compounds can be toxic to aquatic life and may cause long-term adverse effects in the aquatic environment. Their release into water bodies can lead to pollution and disrupt the ecological balance. Secondly, the production and disposal of phenolic compounds, particularly in the manufacturing of plastics and dyes, can contribute to air and soil pollution. Many phenolic compounds are resistant to degradation, leading to their accumulation in the environment. This persistence poses a risk of bioaccumulation in the food chain, potentially affecting human health and wildlife. Furthermore, the synthesis of phenolic compounds often involves the use of hazardous chemicals, which need to be managed carefully to prevent environmental contamination. Adequate treatment of industrial waste, implementation of green chemistry principles, and development of sustainable alternatives are crucial steps towards mitigating these environmental impacts.

The formation of sodium phenoxide from phenol is an excellent demonstration of acid-base chemistry principles. In this reaction, phenol acts as an acid and sodium hydroxide as a base. The reaction involves the transfer of a proton (H⁺) from phenol to the hydroxide ion (OH⁻) of sodium hydroxide. This proton transfer is a classic example of a Brønsted-Lowry acid-base reaction, where an acid donates a proton and a base accepts it. The outcome of this reaction is the formation of water and sodium phenoxide, which is the conjugate base of phenol. This reaction highlights the concept of conjugate acid-base pairs and the relative strengths of acids and bases. Phenol's ability to donate a proton, albeit weakly, categorises it as an acid, and the hydroxide ion's ability to accept a proton classifies it as a base. The reaction also exemplifies the importance of resonance stabilisation, as the negative charge on the oxygen atom in the phenoxide ion is delocalised across the aromatic ring, making the ion more stable.

In electrophilic substitution reactions, phenol predominantly yields ortho and para products due to the directive influence of the hydroxyl group. The -OH group is an activating and ortho/para-directing group. Its lone pair electrons delocalise into the aromatic ring, increasing electron density particularly at the ortho and para positions. This increased electron density makes these positions more reactive towards electrophiles. The ortho and para positions are favoured sites for electrophilic attack because they allow the electrophile to be involved in resonance stabilisation with the aromatic system. Additionally, steric factors play a role; the para position is often more favoured due to less steric hindrance compared to the ortho position. However, the ortho product is still formed significantly due to the high electron density at this position. This directive influence is a characteristic feature of groups with lone pair electrons that can participate in resonance with the aromatic ring.

The hydroxyl group in phenol significantly influences its acidity, setting it apart from benzene and alcohols. In phenol, the oxygen atom's lone pairs can delocalise into the aromatic ring, stabilising the phenoxide ion formed upon deprotonation. This delocalisation lowers the energy of the phenoxide ion, making phenol more acidic than alcohols, where such resonance stabilisation is absent. In comparison to benzene, phenol is more acidic due to the presence of the hydroxyl group. Benzene lacks an acidic hydrogen; hence, it does not exhibit acidity like phenol. The acidity of phenol is a unique feature arising from the interplay between the electron-withdrawing effect of the sp² hybridised carbon bonded to oxygen and the electron-donating resonance effect of the oxygen's lone pairs. This combination in phenol results in a moderate acidity, stronger than alcohols but weaker than carboxylic acids.

Practice Questions

Explain the mechanism of the bromination of phenol and describe why phenol is more reactive towards bromination than benzene.

The bromination of phenol involves electrophilic aromatic substitution. The -OH group of phenol increases the electron density on the aromatic ring, making it more reactive towards electrophiles like bromine. This activation is due to the lone pair of electrons on the oxygen atom, which is delocalised into the aromatic system, enhancing its nucleophilicity. In contrast, benzene lacks such an activating group, making it less reactive. The reaction mechanism involves the formation of a bromonium ion intermediate, followed by the rapid attack of the aromatic ring, leading to the substitution of hydrogen by bromine. Phenol predominantly forms 2,4,6-tribromophenol due to the ortho and para-directing nature of the -OH group.

Describe the reaction between phenol and diazonium salts to form azo dyes. Include the reaction conditions and the significance of this reaction.

The reaction between phenol and diazonium salts to form azo dyes is a coupling reaction. It takes place in a slightly acidic or neutral medium to prevent the decomposition of the diazonium salt. The mechanism involves the attack of the phenoxide ion, formed from phenol, on the diazonium ion, resulting in the formation of an azo linkage (-N=N-). This reaction is significant as it produces a wide range of brightly coloured azo dyes, which are extensively used in the textile industry. The versatility of azo dyes, in terms of their colour and fastness properties, makes this reaction crucial in dye chemistry. The ability to form stable, coloured compounds through simple aromatic coupling reactions highlights the importance of this process in industrial applications.

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