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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

32.2.5 Substituent Effects in Phenol

Phenol, a cornerstone in the study of organic chemistry, exhibits fascinating reactivity due to its aromatic structure coupled with a hydroxyl group. This section dives into the intricate world of how substituents, particularly the hydroxyl group, influence electrophilic aromatic substitution (EAS) reactions in phenol, with a focus on the orientation effects leading to substitution at the 2-, 4-, and 6-positions.

1. Introduction to Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution in Phenol

Electrophilic aromatic substitution is a principal reaction type in aromatic chemistry, characterised by the replacement of a hydrogen atom in an aromatic ring by an electrophile. In phenol, the reactivity in these reactions is profoundly impacted by the hydroxyl (-OH) group attached to the benzene ring.

1.1 Role of the Hydroxyl Group

  • Activation of the Benzene Ring: The -OH group acts as an activating group, increasing the electron density on the benzene ring, thereby rendering it more reactive towards electrophilic attack.
  • Resonance Stabilisation: The oxygen's lone pair electrons can delocalise into the aromatic ring, creating resonance structures that enhance the electron density, particularly at the ortho (2- and 6-) and para (4-) positions.
Phenol Resonance Stabilisation

Phenol Resonance

Image courtesy of Choij

2. Directing Effects of the Hydroxyl Group

The hydroxyl group in phenol plays a decisive role in directing electrophilic substitution reactions to specific positions on the ring.

2.1 Ortho, Para-Directing Nature

  • Electron Donation: As an electron-donating group (EDG), the -OH group directs electrophilic substitution to the ortho and para positions relative to itself.
  • Resonance Structures Analysis: Delving into the resonance structures of phenol reveals an increased electron density at the 2, 4, and 6 positions, thus explaining the preferential attack of electrophiles at these sites.
Ortho, meta and para positions

Image courtesy of Cmsgarbi

2.2 Influence on Reactivity

  • Beyond directing the substitution pattern, the -OH group significantly enhances the overall reactivity of phenol compared to benzene, making it more susceptible to electrophilic attacks.

3. Mechanism of Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution in Phenol

To understand the effect of the hydroxyl group on EAS in phenol, it's essential to dissect the mechanism into distinct steps.

3.1 Formation of the Electrophile

  • The generation of electrophiles varies depending on the reaction. This includes nitronium ions in nitration and bromonium ions in bromination.

3.2 Initial Attack and Formation of Sigma Complex

  • Attack at Ortho/Para Position: Electrophiles preferentially attack the ortho or para position due to the heightened electron density at these sites.
  • Formation of Sigma Complex: A sigma complex, a key intermediate, is formed and stabilised by the -OH group’s resonance effect.

3.3 Deprotonation and Restoration of Aromaticity

  • The sigma complex loses a proton to regain aromaticity, finalising the substitution process.

4. Specific Reactions Illustrating the Directing Effects

This section explores specific examples of EAS reactions in phenol to exemplify the directing effects of the hydroxyl group.

4.1 Nitration of Phenol

  • Phenol undergoes nitration to form ortho and para nitrophenols under milder conditions than benzene. The reaction mechanism and conditions are dissected to illustrate these products' formation.
Nitration of phenol chemical equation

Image courtesy of Choij

4.2 Bromination of Phenol

  • Phenol reacts with bromine to form 2,4,6-tribromophenol, a reaction that occurs readily at room temperature, showcasing the ortho-para directing effect of the -OH group.
Phenol's bromination synthesising 2,4,6-tribromophenol

Image courtesy of akane700

4.3 Sulphonation of Phenol

  • Sulphonation of phenol leads to products at the ortho and para positions, again emphasising the influence of the -OH group in directing the substitution pattern.

5. Comparing Reactivity: Phenol vs Benzene

A comparative study of phenol and benzene in EAS reactions reveals the significant influence of the hydroxyl group.

5.1 Rate of Reaction

  • Phenol, due to the activating nature of the -OH group, reacts more rapidly in EAS reactions than benzene, which lacks such an activating group.

5.2 Product Distribution

  • Phenol predominantly yields ortho and para substituted products, whereas benzene, without an EDG, shows a more evenly distributed product formation across ortho, meta, and para positions.

6. Substituent Effects on Other Phenolic Compounds

The principles elucidated in phenol can be extended to other phenolic compounds, such as naphthol, offering a broader understanding of the chemistry of phenols.

6.1 Reactivity Patterns

  • An exploration into how different positions and types of substituents in other phenolic compounds alter their reactivity and product distribution in EAS reactions.

6.2 Practical Applications

  • Application of these concepts in real-world scenarios, such as the synthesis of dyes, drugs, and other important organic compounds, which often involve phenolic substrates.
Dyes and Pigments- azo dyes

Image courtesy of freepik

Through this detailed exploration of the substituent effects in phenol, A-level Chemistry students gain a profound understanding of how the hydroxyl group influences the reactivity and orientation in electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions. This knowledge is not only crucial for academic success but also forms the foundation for understanding more complex organic synthesis processes.


Nitrating phenol to form nitrophenol alters its chemical and physical properties. The introduction of a nitro group (-NO2) to the phenol ring significantly changes the compound's polarity, acidity, and reactivity. Nitrophenols are more acidic than phenol due to the electron-withdrawing nature of the nitro group, which stabilises the conjugate base (phenoxide ion) by delocalising the negative charge. In terms of reactivity, nitrophenols are less reactive towards further electrophilic substitution than phenol because the nitro group is electron-withdrawing and deactivates the ring. Physically, nitrophenols have different melting and boiling points compared to phenol and often exhibit strong colouration, which is not present in phenol.

Nitrophenols have several industrial and agricultural uses. They are used as intermediates in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, dyes, fungicides, and insecticides. Para-nitrophenol, for instance, is a key intermediate in the production of paracetamol (acetaminophen). Ortho-nitrophenol is used in the manufacture of certain dyes. These compounds are also used in the production of synthetic rubber and certain herbicides. However, their usage is regulated due to their toxicity and potential environmental impact.

Phenol is considered a significant environmental pollutant due to its toxicity and presence in industrial waste. It is a by-product of various industrial processes, including petroleum refining, coal processing, and the manufacture of plastics and pharmaceuticals. Phenol is highly soluble in water, which allows it to easily contaminate water bodies. Its impact on aquatic life is substantial as it is toxic to many forms of aquatic organisms, even at low concentrations. Phenol can damage the gills of fish and other aquatic animals, leading to respiratory distress. It can also disrupt the normal functioning of various enzymes and proteins, causing metabolic and physiological disturbances. Additionally, phenol accumulates in the aquatic ecosystem, leading to long-term effects on food chains. The toxicity of phenol is also dose-dependent, with higher concentrations having more severe impacts, including lethal effects. Thus, monitoring and controlling phenol levels in water bodies is crucial to protect aquatic life and maintain ecological balance.

Phenol plays a crucial role in the synthesis of various polymers, primarily due to its unique chemical structure. The phenol molecule contains both a reactive hydroxyl group and an aromatic ring, making it a versatile building block for polymerisation reactions. One of the most significant polymers derived from phenol is phenol-formaldehyde resin, also known as Bakelite. In this process, phenol undergoes a condensation reaction with formaldehyde. The hydroxyl group of phenol reacts with the aldehyde group of formaldehyde, leading to the formation of hydroxymethyl phenol, which further undergoes polymerisation to form a three-dimensional network structure, giving the resin its strength and thermal stability.

The electron-donating nature of the hydroxyl group in phenol significantly influences its UV-Visible absorption spectrum. In aromatic compounds, UV-Visible absorption is primarily due to π→π* transitions within the aromatic system. The presence of an electron-donating group like the hydroxyl group increases the electron density in the aromatic π-system, which in turn affects these electronic transitions. This increase in electron density typically leads to a red shift in the absorption spectrum of phenol compared to benzene. The red shift means that the wavelength of maximum absorption (λ_max) for phenol is longer compared to benzene. The hydroxyl group also introduces additional n→π* transitions, which are transitions involving non-bonding electrons of the oxygen. These transitions are generally at longer wavelengths and lower energies than π→π* transitions. Consequently, phenol absorbs light in a different region of the UV-Visible spectrum compared to benzene, a characteristic that can be utilised in spectroscopic analysis to distinguish phenol and its derivatives.

The hydroxyl group in phenol significantly increases its acidity compared to benzene, which is not acidic. This is due to the ability of the phenoxide ion (the conjugate base of phenol) to stabilise the negative charge through resonance. When phenol donates a proton, the resultant phenoxide ion distributes the negative charge over the aromatic ring, stabilising it. This distribution occurs via resonance structures where the negative charge is delocalised onto the oxygen and the ortho and para positions of the ring. Benzene, lacking such a functional group, cannot stabilise a negative charge in this manner and therefore does not exhibit acidity. This stabilisation in phenol lowers the energy of the phenoxide ion compared to the phenol molecule, making the release of a proton (H+) more favourable and thus increasing the acidity of phenol. In essence, the presence of the hydroxyl group in phenol transforms it from a non-acidic hydrocarbon, like benzene, to a weak acid.

Practice Questions

Explain the directing influence of the hydroxyl group in phenol during an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. Why does phenol predominantly undergo substitution at the ortho and para positions?

The hydroxyl group in phenol is an electron-donating group (EDG) that exerts a strong activating effect on the benzene ring, enhancing its reactivity towards electrophiles. This occurs through resonance stabilisation, where the lone pair electrons on the oxygen atom delocalise into the aromatic ring, enriching the electron density, especially at the ortho (2,6-) and para (4-) positions. Consequently, electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions in phenol preferentially occur at these positions due to the increased electron density, making them more attractive sites for electrophilic attack. This phenomenon is a classic example of the ortho-para directing nature of electron-donating substituents in aromatic chemistry.

Describe the mechanism of bromination of phenol and explain why 2,4,6-tribromophenol is the major product.

In the bromination of phenol, the bromine molecule interacts with the electron-rich benzene ring of phenol, initially forming a bromonium ion. The attack occurs preferentially at the ortho and para positions, directed by the electron-donating hydroxyl group. This results in the formation of a sigma complex, wherein the bromine is temporarily bonded to the ring. Subsequent loss of a hydrogen ion (proton) restores the aromaticity, leading to the formation of brominated phenols. Due to the high electron density at the ortho and para positions, 2,4,6-tribromophenol becomes the major product. The hydroxyl group's activating effect and ortho-para directing nature are key to this preferential substitution pattern, making the formation of 2,4,6-tribromophenol more favourable than other potential products.

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