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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

29.4.1 Optical Isomerism and Biological Activity


Optical isomerism, a captivating facet of stereochemistry, plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical sciences. Understanding this concept is essential in appreciating the intricacies of drug development and the diverse biological activities of molecular structures.

Understanding Optical Isomerism

Optical isomerism is a unique form of stereoisomerism where molecules exist in two non-superimposable mirror-image forms, known as enantiomers.


  • Definition and Characteristics: Enantiomers are a type of stereoisomers that are mirror images of each other but cannot be superimposed. This characteristic arises due to the presence of a chiral centre, typically a carbon atom bonded to four different groups.
  • Physical Properties: Despite being mirror images, enantiomers exhibit identical physical properties such as melting points, boiling points, and densities. However, their optical activities, where they rotate plane-polarised light, are distinct and opposite.
Enantiomers of lactic acid- (S)-lactic acid and (R)-lactic acid

Enantiomers of lactic acid- (S)-lactic acid and (R)-lactic acid

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

Interaction with Plane-Polarised Light

  • Optical Activity: A fascinating property of enantiomers is their ability to rotate plane-polarised light. One enantiomer rotates light clockwise (dextrorotatory), while its mirror image rotates it anticlockwise (levorotatory).
  • Measuring Optical Rotation: This rotation can be quantified using a polarimeter, where the degree of rotation is a function of the enantiomer concentration, the length of the light path through the sample, and the light's wavelength.

Enantiomers and Biological Activity

Enantiomers' interactions with biological systems are significant, especially in the context of pharmaceutical chemistry.

Chirality in Biological Systems

  • Specificity: Biological systems exhibit a high degree of chirality, often interacting selectively with one enantiomer over the other. This specificity is due to the three-dimensional arrangement of molecules in biological structures like enzymes and receptors.
  • Biological Activity: In many cases, only one enantiomer of a chiral drug is therapeutically active. The other enantiomer may be inactive or, in some cases, can cause adverse effects.
Chirality- chiral carbon and chiral drugs

Image courtesy of Khan Academy

Implications for Drug Development and Synthesis

  • Safety and Efficacy: Identifying the active enantiomer is crucial for the safety and effectiveness of drugs. Inactive or harmful enantiomers can lead to reduced efficacy and increased risk of side effects.
  • Synthesis Challenges: Synthesizing drugs that consist of only one enantiomer can be challenging. Techniques such as asymmetric synthesis, which uses chiral catalysts, are employed to achieve this.

Real-world Examples

  • Thalidomide Tragedy: A historic example is thalidomide, where one enantiomer was effective as a sedative, while the other caused birth defects. This case underscores the importance of enantiomeric purity in drug development.
Thalidomide Tragedy

Baby born to a mother who had taken thalidomide while pregnant

Image courtesy of Western Oregon University

Racemic Mixtures and Their Resolution

Racemic mixtures, consisting of equal amounts of enantiomers, are common in synthetic chemistry.

Formation and Resolution of Racemic Mixtures

  • Formation: Racemic mixtures typically form when synthesizing a symmetrical molecule from achiral starting materials, resulting in a 50/50 mixture of enantiomers.
  • Resolution Techniques: Resolving these mixtures into individual enantiomers is a crucial process. Techniques include using chiral resolving agents, which form diastereomers with the enantiomers and can be separated due to their differing physical properties, and chiral chromatography.
Racemic mixture of (S)-lactic acid and (R)-lactic acid

Image courtesy of ChemistryScore

Pharmaceutical Importance

  • Enantiomeric Purity: Many drugs require enantiomeric purity for optimal therapeutic effectiveness and safety. The resolution of racemic mixtures is thus a critical step in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Case Studies: Drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen are marketed as racemic mixtures, but often, only one enantiomer is therapeutically active. The inactive enantiomer can sometimes contribute to the drug's metabolism or be completely inert.

Advanced Concepts in Optical Isomerism

Delving deeper, the study of optical isomerism reveals more complex scenarios in chiral chemistry.

Absolute and Relative Configuration

  • Absolute Configuration: Refers to the spatial arrangement of atoms within a molecule, denoted by R (rectus) and S (sinister) configurations.
  • Relative Configuration: Deals with comparing the configuration of a molecule in relation to another molecule.

Pseudoasymmetric Centers

  • Molecules may have pseudoasymmetric centers, where the replacement of two groups leads to a pair of diastereomers instead of enantiomers. This adds another layer of complexity in understanding optical activity and biological interactions.


The study of optical isomerism and its implications in biological activity is a cornerstone in medicinal chemistry. It demands a nuanced understanding of molecular structures and their interactions with biological systems, underlining the importance of chirality in drug design and pharmaceutical development. Aspiring chemists must grasp these concepts to appreciate the complexity and challenges of creating effective and safe pharmaceuticals.


Enantiomers differ in their interaction with polarised light in that they rotate the plane of polarised light in opposite directions. This property is known as optical activity. When plane-polarised light passes through a solution of a chiral substance, one enantiomer will rotate the light's plane clockwise (referred to as dextrorotatory or (+)-isomer), while the other will rotate it counterclockwise (levorotatory or (-)-isomer). The degree of rotation depends on factors such as the concentration of the enantiomer in solution, the path length of the light through the solution, and the specific optical rotation of the enantiomer, which is an intrinsic property. This phenomenon is essential in stereochemistry and is used to identify and quantify enantiomers in a mixture, as well as to assess the enantiomeric purity of chiral substances.

Optical purity, or enantiomeric excess, is a crucial parameter in pharmaceuticals, indicating the proportion of a desired enantiomer in a mixture. High optical purity is often necessary because the different enantiomers of a chiral drug can have vastly different biological activities. For instance, one enantiomer might be therapeutically beneficial, while the other could be inactive or even harmful. The optical purity of a drug affects its efficacy, safety, and dosage requirements. Drugs with high optical purity are more predictable in their effects and reduce the risk of side effects caused by the undesired enantiomer. Consequently, pharmaceutical companies invest considerable effort in developing synthesis methods that favour the production of the desired enantiomer, as well as techniques for assessing and ensuring the optical purity of their products.

The study of optical isomerism is vital in understanding drug interactions and side effects because the different enantiomers of a chiral drug often exhibit different pharmacological activities. One enantiomer may interact effectively with the intended biological target and produce the desired therapeutic effect, while the other may have reduced efficacy or interact with different biological targets, leading to unwanted side effects. For instance, the R-enantiomer of a drug might be an effective treatment for a condition, but the S-enantiomer might cause toxicity or interact with other medications, leading to adverse drug interactions. Understanding optical isomerism enables chemists and pharmacologists to design and synthesise drugs that maximise therapeutic benefits while minimising harmful effects. This knowledge is also crucial in drug testing and regulatory approval processes, ensuring that drugs are safe and effective for their intended use.

The human body can indeed differentiate between different enantiomers of a drug, owing to the chiral nature of biological molecules. Enzymes, receptors, and other biomolecules in the body have specific three-dimensional structures that allow them to interact more effectively with one enantiomer over the other. This selective interaction can lead to differences in the drug's efficacy and safety. For example, the drug S-warfarin is more potent than its R-enantiomer because it is metabolised more slowly and has a greater affinity for its target protein. This enantioselectivity is a critical consideration in pharmacology, as the wrong enantiomer of a drug can be ineffective or even harmful. It underscores the importance of enantiomeric purity in drug design and necessitates rigorous testing and analysis to ensure that the correct enantiomer is used in medications.

Chirality significantly influences the smell and taste of substances due to the specific interactions between chiral molecules and the chiral receptors in our sensory organs. Our olfactory and taste receptors are chiral, meaning they can differentiate between the enantiomers of a chiral compound, leading to different sensory perceptions. For instance, limonene has two enantiomers: the R-enantiomer smells like oranges, while the S-enantiomer smells like lemons. Similarly, the sweetener aspartame has a chiral centre, and its enantiomers taste differently. This phenomenon is crucial in the food and fragrance industries, where the right enantiomer must be chosen to achieve the desired flavour or scent. The understanding of chirality in these molecules allows chemists and product developers to manipulate and enhance sensory experiences, by selecting the appropriate enantiomer for a specific taste or smell.

Practice Questions

Explain how the concept of optical isomerism is applied in the synthesis of pharmaceutical drugs, giving an example of a drug where this is particularly important.

Optical isomerism plays a crucial role in pharmaceutical drug synthesis due to the specific biological activity of enantiomers. An excellent example is the drug thalidomide. Initially used as a sedative and for morning sickness, thalidomide demonstrated the significance of enantiomeric purity in drugs. One enantiomer was effective as a sedative, while the other caused severe birth defects. This tragedy highlighted the necessity of synthesising and using drugs that contain only the therapeutically beneficial enantiomer. It led to stricter regulations and practices in drug development, ensuring that only the active enantiomer is present in medications to avoid adverse effects.

Describe the process of resolving a racemic mixture and explain why this process is significant in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals.

Resolving a racemic mixture, which contains equal amounts of two enantiomers, involves separating these enantiomers due to their distinct biological activities. One common method is using a chiral resolving agent that reacts with each enantiomer differently, forming diastereomers. These diastereomers have different physical properties and can be separated using techniques like crystallisation or chromatography. This process is significant in pharmaceutical synthesis because often only one enantiomer is biologically active or safe. By resolving racemic mixtures, chemists can isolate the effective enantiomer, ensuring the drug's efficacy and safety. This is vital in developing drugs with minimal side effects and optimal therapeutic benefits.

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