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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

11.2.3 Thermal Stability of Hydrogen Halides

Delving into the thermal stability of hydrogen halides is essential for comprehending the nuances of Group 17 elements in chemistry. This comprehensive analysis explores how bond strengths, influenced by the size and electronegativity of halogen atoms, determine the thermal stability of hydrogen halides.

1. Introduction to Hydrogen Halides

Hydrogen halides are binary compounds consisting of hydrogen and halogen atoms. They form a significant part of the study of inorganic chemistry, particularly in understanding the behaviour of Group 17 elements. Key members of this group are hydrogen fluoride (HF), hydrogen chloride (HCl), hydrogen bromide (HBr), and hydrogen iodide (HI). These molecules exhibit varying degrees of thermal stability, primarily dictated by the bond characteristics between hydrogen and the respective halogen atoms.

2. Bond Strength: The Cornerstone of Thermal Stability

The thermal stability of hydrogen halides hinges largely on the strength of the H-X bond, where X denotes a halogen. The bond strength is influenced by several factors, each playing a crucial role in determining the compound's resistance to thermal decomposition.

Bond strength of Hydrogen Halides

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2.1 Bond Enthalpy and Its Influence

  • Understanding Bond Enthalpy: Bond enthalpy refers to the energy required to break a bond in a molecule. Higher bond enthalpies imply stronger bonds, translating to greater thermal stability of the compound.
  • Bond Enthalpy Trends in Hydrogen Halides: Generally, the bond enthalpy decreases as we move down Group 17 from fluorine to iodine. This trend is a critical factor in understanding the varying thermal stabilities of hydrogen halides.
Bond enthalpy

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2.2 Size and Electronegativity of Halogen Atoms

  • The Role of Atomic Size: As the atomic size of the halogen increases, the distance between the bonding electrons and the halogen's nucleus also increases. This leads to a weaker attraction for the bonding electrons, resulting in a decrease in bond strength.
  • Impact of Electronegativity: Electronegativity measures an atom's tendency to attract bonding electrons. Halogens with higher electronegativity values form more polarised and stronger bonds with hydrogen, enhancing the compound's thermal stability.
Electronegativity of hydrogen halides

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3. Comparative Analysis of Individual Hydrogen Halides

3.1 Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)

  • Exceptional Electronegativity of Fluorine: Fluorine, the most electronegative element, forms a highly polarised and strong H-F bond. This results in HF having the highest bond enthalpy among the hydrogen halides.
  • High Thermal Stability: HF's strong bond is the primary reason for its high thermal stability, making it less prone to thermal decomposition compared to other hydrogen halides.
 Hydrogen Fluoride (HF)

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3.2 Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

  • Moderate Electronegativity and Bond Strength: Chlorine, while less electronegative than fluorine, still forms a relatively strong bond with hydrogen. This moderate bond strength grants HCl a fair degree of thermal stability.
  • Stability Implications: HCl's balanced thermal stability makes it stable at room temperature but susceptible to decomposition at higher temperatures.
Hydrogen Chloride (HCl)

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3.3 Hydrogen Bromide (HBr)

  • Lower Electronegativity of Bromine: Bromine's reduced electronegativity leads to a weaker H-Br bond compared to H-F and H-Cl bonds.
  • Implications for Thermal Stability: As a result, HBr exhibits lower thermal stability, making it more reactive and prone to decomposition under thermal stress.
Hydrogen bromide (HBr)

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3.4 Hydrogen Iodide (HI)

  • Iodine's Electronegativity and Bond Strength: Iodine has the lowest electronegativity among these halogens, resulting in the weakest H-I bond.
  • Lowest Thermal Stability: This weak bond is the primary reason for HI's low thermal stability, making it the most reactive and least thermally stable of the hydrogen halides.
Hydrogen Iodide (HI)

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4. Practical Applications and Implications

Understanding the thermal stability of hydrogen halides is not just academically interesting; it has significant practical implications.

  • Chemical Synthesis: The reactivity and stability of hydrogen halides are crucial in various chemical syntheses and industrial processes.
  • Industrial Relevance: Industries that utilize halogen-containing compounds rely on knowledge of these properties for efficient and safe operations.

5. Summary and Key Takeaways

  • Bond Strength as a Determinant: The primary determinant of the thermal stability of hydrogen halides is the bond strength, which is influenced by bond enthalpy, atomic size, and electronegativity of the halogen.
  • Trends Across the Group: There is a clear trend observed across Group 17 elements, with thermal stability decreasing from HF to HI due to decreasing bond strengths.
  • Importance in Chemistry: Understanding these concepts is vital for A-level Chemistry students, providing foundational knowledge for more advanced chemical studies and practical applications.

In conclusion, the exploration of thermal stability in hydrogen halides offers deep insights into the chemical behaviour of Group 17 elements. For A-level Chemistry students, grasping these concepts is not only crucial for academic success but also forms the basis for understanding more complex chemical phenomena and industrial applications.


The polarity of hydrogen halides indeed offers valuable insights into their thermal stability. Polarity is determined by the difference in electronegativity between the hydrogen atom and the halogen atom. A greater difference leads to a more polar bond. In hydrogen halides, a more polar bond implies a stronger attraction between the bonded atoms, contributing to a higher bond enthalpy. For instance, HF is highly polar due to the significant electronegativity difference between hydrogen and fluorine, resulting in a strong bond and high thermal stability. Conversely, in HI, the smaller difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and iodine results in less polarity, a weaker bond, and thus lower thermal stability. Therefore, the polarity of the bond is a key factor in determining the bond strength and, by extension, the thermal stability of hydrogen halides.

Bond polarizability refers to the ease with which the electron cloud in a bond can be distorted. In the context of hydrogen halides, this concept is crucial for understanding their thermal stability. Larger halogen atoms, such as bromine and iodine in HBr and HI, respectively, have more polarizable bonds due to their larger, more diffuse electron clouds. This increased polarizability leads to weaker bonds, as the electron cloud is more easily distorted, reducing the bond's strength. Consequently, hydrogen halides with larger, more polarizable halogen atoms have lower thermal stability. In contrast, smaller halogen atoms like fluorine in HF have less polarizable bonds, resulting in stronger bonds and higher thermal stability. Therefore, bond polarizability inversely correlates with bond strength and thermal stability in hydrogen halides.

While hydration energy itself does not directly influence the thermal stability of hydrogen halides in their gaseous state, it provides indirect insights into the nature of their bonds. Hydration energy is the energy released when gaseous ions are dissolved in water. Hydrogen halides with stronger H-X bonds typically have lower hydration energies because the bond is less likely to break and form ions in solution. For instance, HF has a high bond strength and relatively low hydration energy compared to HI, which has a weaker bond and higher hydration energy. Thus, while hydration energy is more relevant to the hydrogen halides' behaviour in aqueous solutions, it indirectly reflects the strength of the H-X bond, which is a key factor in determining their thermal stability.

In the solid state, the lattice energy of hydrogen halides can provide an indirect measure of their thermal stability. Lattice energy is the energy released when ions in a gaseous state form a solid ionic lattice. For hydrogen halides, which form molecular crystals rather than ionic lattices, this concept is slightly modified but still applicable. The lattice energy in such cases is related to the intermolecular forces between the molecules in the solid state. Stronger intermolecular forces, as found in HF due to its high polarity and hydrogen bonding capability, result in higher lattice energy, indicating a more stable solid structure. Conversely, hydrogen halides like HI, with weaker intermolecular forces, have lower lattice energies, reflecting a less stable solid structure. Therefore, while lattice energy primarily concerns the solid state, it indirectly correlates with the molecular properties, such as bond strength and polarity, that influence the thermal stability of hydrogen halides.

The bond angle in hydrogen halides does not significantly affect their thermal stability directly, as these are diatomic molecules (H-X) with a linear shape and, therefore, no bond angle in the traditional sense. However, the concept of bond angle indirectly relates to the concept of atomic orbitals. The overlap of atomic orbitals in the formation of the H-X bond is crucial. For instance, in HF, the small size of fluorine allows for a more effective overlap of orbitals with hydrogen, resulting in a stronger bond. In contrast, larger halogens like iodine have less effective orbital overlap due to their larger atomic size, leading to weaker bonds in compounds like HI. Therefore, while the bond angle as such is not a factor for diatomic molecules, the principles underlying bond angles, such as atomic orbital overlap, play a significant role in determining bond strength and, consequently, thermal stability.

Practice Questions

Explain why hydrogen fluoride (HF) has a higher thermal stability compared to hydrogen iodide (HI). Consider bond enthalpy and electronegativity in your answer.

Hydrogen fluoride (HF) exhibits higher thermal stability than hydrogen iodide (HI) primarily due to the significantly higher electronegativity of fluorine compared to iodine. Fluorine, being the most electronegative element, forms a very strong, highly polar bond with hydrogen, resulting in a high bond enthalpy. This high bond enthalpy means more energy is required to break the bond, thereby increasing the thermal stability of HF. In contrast, iodine has a much lower electronegativity, leading to a weaker bond with hydrogen in HI. The lower bond enthalpy of the H-I bond means it requires less energy to break, making HI less thermally stable than HF.

Discuss how the thermal stability of hydrogen halides changes down Group 17 of the periodic table, and relate this to the periodic trends in atomic size and electronegativity.

As we move down Group 17 of the periodic table, the thermal stability of hydrogen halides decreases. This trend is a consequence of the increasing atomic size and decreasing electronegativity of the halogens down the group. Larger halogen atoms, like iodine, have a weaker attraction for the bonding electrons due to the increased electron shell distance from the nucleus, resulting in a lower bond enthalpy and hence reduced thermal stability of the hydrogen halide. Simultaneously, the decreasing electronegativity down the group leads to less polar and weaker H-X bonds. For instance, the H-F bond in hydrogen fluoride is highly polar and strong due to fluorine's high electronegativity, making HF more thermally stable compared to hydrogen iodide (HI), where iodine's lower electronegativity results in a weaker and less stable H-I bond.

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