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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

11.2.2 Reactions of Halogens with Hydrogen

In A-level chemistry, the study of halogens and their reactions with hydrogen offers insightful perspectives into fundamental chemical principles. This section presents a detailed exploration of the interactions between halogens and hydrogen, particularly focusing on the formation of hydrogen halides and the factors influencing their reactivity.

1. Formation of Hydrogen Halides

Hydrogen halides are a group of binary compounds, composed of hydrogen and halogens. The general reaction forming hydrogen halides is represented as:

( \text{H}_2(g) + \text{X}_2(g) \rightarrow 2\text{HX}(g) )

where X represents a halogen element (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, or Iodine).

1.1 Reactivity Trends of Halogens

  • Fluorine (F), the most reactive of the halogens, combines explosively with hydrogen, even under cold and dark conditions, to form hydrogen fluoride (HF).
  • Chlorine (Cl) shows a less intense reaction with hydrogen, necessitating sunlight or a slight increase in temperature to produce hydrogen chloride (HCl).
  • Bromine (Br) has a more subdued reaction, requiring moderate heating for the formation of hydrogen bromide (HBr).
  • Iodine (I) is the least reactive in this group, needing high temperatures to react with hydrogen to form hydrogen iodide (HI).
Reactivity Trends of Halogens

Image courtesy of L Hong To Rtai

1.2 Physical and Chemical Properties of Hydrogen Halides

  • Physical State and Solubility: These compounds are generally gaseous at room temperature and exhibit high solubility in water.
  • Acidity in Aqueous Solution: When dissolved in water, hydrogen halides typically form strong acids. However, hydrogen fluoride is an exception, displaying weakly acidic behavior due to strong hydrogen bonding and low dissociation in water.

2. Factors Influencing Reactivity

The reactivity of halogens with hydrogen is governed by two primary factors: bond enthalpies and the polarizability of the halogen atoms.

2.1 Bond Enthalpies and Halogen Reactivity

  • Varying Bond Strengths: The bond strength in hydrogen halides decreases down the group. The H-F bond in hydrogen fluoride is the strongest, requiring more energy to dissociate, followed by H-Cl, H-Br, and H-I bonds.
  • Trend in Bond Enthalpy: As we move down the group from fluorine to iodine, bond enthalpies decrease due to the increasing atomic size and diminishing bond strength.
Bond strength of Hydrogen Halides

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2.2 Polarizability of Halogen Atoms

  • Electronegativity and Polarizability: Fluorine, with high electronegativity, forms a less polarizable and more stable bond with hydrogen, resulting in the lower reactivity of HF.
  • Size Effect on Polarizability: Larger halogen atoms such as iodine are more polarizable, leading to weaker H-I bonding and increased reactivity of HI.

3. Practical Applications and Implications

The reactions of halogens with hydrogen have important applications in both industrial and laboratory settings.

3.1 Industrial and Commercial Use

  • Production of Hydrogen Chloride: The reaction of hydrogen with chlorine is employed in the large-scale synthesis of hydrogen chloride, a key industrial chemical.
  • Hydrogen Fluoride in Pharmaceutical Synthesis: The unique reactivity of hydrogen fluoride is utilized in the production of certain pharmaceuticals, where its specificity is advantageous.

3.2 Laboratory Practices and Safety

  • Experimental Precautions: Due to the high reactivity, especially of fluorine and chlorine, strict safety protocols are necessary during laboratory experiments.
  • Analytical Applications: Hydrogen halides, owing to their acidic properties, find use in various analytical techniques, including titrations.
Chemistry Laboratory Practices and Safety

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4. Environmental Aspects and Safety Considerations

The production and utilization of hydrogen halides, particularly those containing chlorine and fluorine, raise environmental concerns.

4.1 Impact on the Environment

  • Ozone Layer Depletion: Chlorine-based compounds can contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer upon their release into the atmosphere.
  • Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Certain hydrogen halides are potent greenhouse gases, contributing to global warming.
Ozone Layer Depletion and chlorine

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4.2 Strategies for Mitigation

  • Regulations and Controls: The industrial use of halogens, especially in processes like refrigeration and aerosol propellants, is regulated to minimize environmental damage.
  • Development of Alternatives: Ongoing research focuses on finding less harmful alternatives to these compounds to reduce their ecological impact.

Through a comprehensive understanding of the chemical behavior of halogens and their reactions with hydrogen, A-level chemistry students gain essential insights into inorganic chemistry. This knowledge is crucial not only for academic success but also for understanding the broader implications of these reactions in industrial processes and environmental conservation. The study of these reactions lays a foundational understanding for students, preparing them for further academic pursuits and practical applications in the field of chemistry.


The polarizability of a halogen atom has a significant impact on the acidity of its hydrogen halide in water. Acidity in this context refers to the ability of the hydrogen halide to donate a proton (H⁺) in an aqueous solution. In larger, more polarizable atoms like iodine, the electron cloud is more easily distorted, weakening the bond between the halogen and hydrogen. This weak bonding in hydrogen iodide (HI) facilitates the release of H⁺ ions in water, making HI a strong acid. Conversely, fluorine, being small and less polarizable, forms a strong bond with hydrogen in hydrogen fluoride (HF). The strong H-F bond in HF is less likely to break and release H⁺ ions, resulting in HF being a weak acid. In summary, the greater the polarizability of the halogen atom, the weaker the bond with hydrogen, and consequently, the stronger the acidity of the hydrogen halide.

The decrease in bond enthalpies of hydrogen halides down the group is primarily due to the increasing atomic size and decreasing electronegativity of the halogens from fluorine to iodine. In hydrogen fluoride (HF), the fluorine atom is small and highly electronegative, leading to a strong, stable bond with hydrogen. As we move down the group, the halogen atoms become larger with less effective overlap between the halogen's p-orbital and hydrogen's s-orbital. This results in a less effective bond formation, thereby reducing the bond strength. In addition, the decreasing electronegativity of halogens down the group means that the halogen's ability to attract the shared electron pair in the covalent bond weakens, further contributing to the decrease in bond enthalpies. For instance, the H-I bond in hydrogen iodide (HI) is weaker compared to the H-F bond in HF, reflecting the larger atomic size and lower electronegativity of iodine compared to fluorine.

Despite hydrogen halides having strong intermolecular forces like hydrogen bonding, particularly in the case of hydrogen fluoride (HF), they are gases at room temperature due to their relatively small molecular sizes and low molecular weights. The strength of intermolecular forces, such as hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole interactions, and London dispersion forces, is influenced by the size and molecular weight of the molecules. In hydrogen halides, these forces are not strong enough to overcome the kinetic energy of the molecules at room temperature, which keeps them in the gaseous state. Specifically for HF, even though it forms strong hydrogen bonds, these bonds are not sufficient to hold the molecules together in a liquid or solid state at room temperature, due to the overall small size of the HF molecule. This principle is consistent across other hydrogen halides like HCl, HBr, and HI, where the intermolecular forces are weaker, and thus they also exist as gases under standard conditions.

Hydrogen halides, particularly hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF), can contribute to environmental pollution. HCl released into the atmosphere can lead to the formation of hydrochloric acid upon contact with water vapor, contributing to acid rain. This acid rain can have harmful effects on aquatic life, vegetation, and infrastructure. HF is also concerning due to its high toxicity and ability to cause severe environmental damage. It can contaminate water sources and is harmful to both plant and animal life. To control the environmental impact of hydrogen halides, strict regulations and monitoring systems are implemented. Industrial processes that emit these gases are required to have effective scrubbing and neutralization systems. Additionally, the use of alternative materials and technologies is encouraged to minimize the release of these harmful gases. Monitoring air quality and enforcing environmental protection laws are crucial in managing the impact of hydrogen halides on the environment.

Fluorine's reaction with hydrogen is spontaneous and vigorous due to its extremely high electronegativity and small atomic size. These properties make fluorine highly reactive, as it can effectively pull electrons towards itself, forming a strong bond with hydrogen. The reaction is exothermic, releasing enough energy to proceed without any external energy source, such as light. In contrast, chlorine is less electronegative and has a larger atomic size compared to fluorine. As a result, it requires an initial energy input to overcome the activation energy barrier for the reaction with hydrogen. Sunlight provides this energy in the form of photons, which helps to initiate the reaction by breaking the diatomic chlorine molecule into reactive chlorine atoms. These atoms then react with hydrogen to form hydrogen chloride. This difference in reactivity and the requirement for initial energy input for chlorine (but not for fluorine) can be attributed to the variations in electronegativity and atomic size of these halogens.

Practice Questions

Describe the trends in reactivity of the halogens (Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, Iodine) with hydrogen down the group. Explain the reasons for these trends.

The reactivity of halogens with hydrogen decreases down the group from fluorine to iodine. This trend is due to the varying electronegativities and atomic sizes of the halogens. Fluorine, being the most electronegative and having the smallest atomic size, reacts most vigorously with hydrogen. This high reactivity is because it can attract hydrogen's electron more effectively, forming a strong H-F bond. As we move down the group, the atomic size increases and electronegativity decreases, leading to less effective electron attraction by the halogen and weaker H-X bonds. This results in lower reactivity for chlorine, bromine, and iodine when compared to fluorine. Hence, the trend in reactivity correlates with the halogens' ability to attract hydrogen's electron.

Explain why hydrogen fluoride (HF) is a weak acid in aqueous solution, while other hydrogen halides (HCl, HBr, HI) are strong acids.

Hydrogen fluoride (HF) is a weak acid in an aqueous solution primarily due to the strength of the hydrogen-fluorine bond and the high electronegativity of fluorine. The strong H-F bond is not easily broken, making it less likely for HF to dissociate into ions in solution. Additionally, the high electronegativity of fluorine means the fluoride ion is highly stable and less willing to release the hydrogen ion. In contrast, other hydrogen halides like HCl, HBr, and HI form stronger acids as their bonds (H-Cl, H-Br, H-I) are weaker and more easily dissociated in water, allowing them to release hydrogen ions more readily, thereby showing strong acidic behavior.

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