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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

26.2.1 Mechanisms of Catalysis

Catalysis is a fundamental concept in chemistry, significantly affecting the rate of chemical reactions. This section provides an in-depth exploration of the mechanisms of both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts, tailored for A-level Chemistry students.

Introduction to Catalysts

Catalysts are substances that increase the rate of a chemical reaction without undergoing any permanent chemical change themselves. They are essential in various chemical processes, from industrial manufacturing to biological systems.

Homogeneous Catalysts

Homogeneous catalysts are those which exist in the same phase (usually liquid) as the reactants in a reaction mixture. Their uniform distribution throughout the reaction mixture allows for efficient interaction with reactants.

Mechanism of Homogeneous Catalysis

  • Formation of Intermediate Complexes: These catalysts typically work by forming intermediate complexes with reactants. This lowers the activation energy required for the reaction to proceed.
  • Altering Reaction Mechanism: They can offer alternative reaction pathways, reducing the overall energy requirement.
Homogenous catalyst

Image courtesy of Pinterest.ph

Role in Reaction Steps

  • Initiation: Often, they initiate a reaction by forming a reactive intermediate.
  • Propagation: They facilitate the continuation of the reaction by participating in sequential steps.
  • Termination: Finally, they may also be involved in the steps where reaction products are formed.

Examples in Chemical Reactions

  • Acid-Base Catalysis: In reactions like esterification, acids (e.g., sulfuric acid) donate protons to speed up the reaction.
  • Transition Metal Catalysis: Metal complexes, such as palladium in carbon-carbon bond formation, play a vital role in organic synthesis.

Heterogeneous Catalysts

In contrast, heterogeneous catalysts are in a different phase (usually solid) than the reactants. They are particularly significant in industrial processes due to their ease of separation and reuse.

Detailed Mechanism of Action

1. Adsorption: Reactants adsorb onto the catalyst's surface, which may be physical (weak forces) or chemical (strong bonds).

2. Surface Reaction: Reactants, now closer and with weakened bonds, react on the catalyst's surface.

3. Desorption: Products are released from the catalyst's surface, making it available for further reactions.

Specific Processes

  • Hydrogenation Reactions: Catalysts like nickel facilitate the addition of hydrogen to unsaturated organic compounds.
  • Environmental Catalysis: Catalysts are used in processes like the reduction of NOx in automotive exhaust.
Illustration of the mechanism for the hydrogenation of ethene on a solid catalyst, a heterogeneous catalyst

The mechanism for the hydrogenation of ethene on a solid catalyst.

Image courtesy of Cademix Institute of Technology

Comparative Analysis

Understanding the differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts is crucial.

  • Separation and Recovery: Heterogeneous catalysts can be easily separated from the reaction mixture, unlike homogeneous catalysts.
  • Selectivity and Control: Homogeneous catalysts often provide greater control over the reaction, leading to higher selectivity.
  • Reusability: Heterogeneous catalysts are generally more robust and reusable over multiple cycles.

Applications in Industry

Catalysts find extensive applications in various industries.

  • Petroleum Refining: Catalysts are used in processes like cracking and reforming to produce fuels and chemicals.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Homogeneous catalysts are employed in the synthesis of complex organic compounds.
  • Environmental Applications: Catalytic converters in vehicles use heterogeneous catalysts to reduce harmful emissions.
Catalytic converters (heterogeneous catalysts) used in vehicles to reduce harmful emissions.

Image courtesy of Watthana Tirahimonch

Advancements in Catalysis

Recent research focuses on developing more efficient, selective, and environmentally friendly catalysts. This includes the study of nanocatalysts and biocatalysts, which offer unique advantages in terms of reactivity and selectivity.


The study of catalysis is a vibrant and continually evolving field, with both homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts playing pivotal roles in modern chemistry. Understanding their mechanisms provides A-level Chemistry students with essential insights into not only the theoretical aspects but also the practical applications of chemistry in the real world.


Catalysts do not affect the position of equilibrium in a reversible reaction; they only increase the rate at which equilibrium is reached. This is because catalysts speed up both the forward and reverse reactions equally. According to Le Chatelier's Principle, the position of equilibrium depends on factors such as concentration, pressure, and temperature, but not on catalysts. For instance, in the Haber process for the synthesis of ammonia, the use of an iron catalyst accelerates the combination of nitrogen and hydrogen, as well as the decomposition of ammonia back into nitrogen and hydrogen. The net result is a faster attainment of equilibrium, but the proportion of reactants to products at equilibrium remains unchanged. Understanding this concept is vital in industrial applications, where catalysts are used to increase the rate of production without altering the yield of the desired product.

Yes, a substance can act as both a homogeneous and heterogeneous catalyst in different reactions, depending on the reaction conditions and the state of the reactants. A classic example is platinum. In the Ostwald process for the production of nitric acid, platinum acts as a heterogeneous catalyst. It catalyses the oxidation of ammonia gas to nitric oxide on its solid surface. On the other hand, in certain organic reactions, platinum compounds, such as chloroplatinic acid (H₂PtCl₆), can act as homogeneous catalysts when dissolved in a suitable solvent like water. This versatility highlights the importance of understanding the physical state and chemical nature of reactants and catalysts in designing efficient and effective catalytic processes.

Advancements in nanotechnology are revolutionizing the development of new catalysts by exploiting the unique properties of materials at the nanoscale. Nanocatalysts, with their exceptionally high surface area to volume ratio, offer significantly enhanced catalytic activity and selectivity compared to their bulk counterparts. This increased surface area provides more active sites for reactions, improving efficiency. Additionally, nanoparticles can exhibit different electronic properties compared to larger particles, which can be harnessed to catalyse reactions that are difficult or slow with traditional catalysts. Researchers are also developing nanostructured catalysts with specific shapes, sizes, and compositions to target particular reactions, enhancing selectivity and reducing unwanted by-products. Furthermore, nanotechnology enables the creation of catalysts that operate under milder conditions, reducing energy consumption and environmental impact. This field is a key area of research, with potential applications in green chemistry, pharmaceuticals, and sustainable energy solutions.

Recycling heterogeneous catalysts poses several challenges, primarily due to contamination, deactivation, and the complexity of recovery processes. Over time, catalysts can become contaminated with reaction by-products or poisons, which bind to the catalyst surface and reduce its effectiveness. Additionally, the structural and chemical integrity of the catalyst can degrade, leading to a decrease in activity. Addressing these challenges involves developing methods for catalyst regeneration and purification. This includes techniques like calcination (heating to high temperatures to burn off contaminants), reduction (using hydrogen to restore the catalyst's active sites), and washing with solvents. There's also ongoing research into designing more robust catalysts that resist deactivation and are easier to regenerate. Moreover, advancements in material science are leading to the development of catalysts made from more sustainable and easily recoverable materials.

The use of heterogeneous catalysts in industrial processes can have significant environmental impacts, both positive and negative. On the positive side, these catalysts are crucial in reducing harmful emissions. For example, in automotive catalytic converters, they help convert toxic gases like nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and unburned hydrocarbons into less harmful substances like nitrogen (N₂), carbon dioxide (CO₂), and water vapour. This greatly reduces air pollution and its associated health risks. However, the production of these catalysts often involves rare and sometimes toxic materials, which can have environmental impacts during mining and manufacturing. Additionally, the disposal of spent catalysts poses a challenge due to potential contamination with toxic substances. As such, research is ongoing to develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly catalysts, including biocatalysts and those derived from more abundant materials.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of adsorption in heterogeneous catalysis and explain how it contributes to the catalytic action. Include an example of a reaction where this process is crucial.

Adsorption in heterogeneous catalysis is the initial step where reactants adhere to the surface of the solid catalyst. This process brings the reactants into close proximity, enhancing their interaction. Adsorption significantly lowers the activation energy needed for the reaction. There are two types of adsorption: physical, involving weak van der Waals forces, and chemical, involving stronger bonds. An example of this is the hydrogenation of ethene using a nickel catalyst. In this reaction, ethene molecules adsorb onto the nickel surface, facilitating the addition of hydrogen atoms to the ethene, forming ethane.

Explain how homogeneous catalysts differ from heterogeneous catalysts in terms of their interaction with reactants and their recovery after the reaction. Give an example of a homogeneous catalyst and its role in a specific reaction.

Homogeneous catalysts differ from heterogeneous ones primarily in their phase relative to reactants and their recovery post-reaction. Homogeneous catalysts are in the same phase as reactants, typically liquid, allowing for a more uniform and efficient interaction. However, their recovery is more challenging due to their mixing with reactants. In contrast, heterogeneous catalysts, usually solid, are easily separable from the reaction mixture. An example of a homogeneous catalyst is the Wilkinson’s catalyst (RhCl(PPh₃)₃), used in hydrogenation reactions. It facilitates the addition of hydrogen to alkene bonds by temporarily bonding with reactant molecules, thereby lowering the activation energy.

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