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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

4.1.2 Ideal Gas Characteristics

Ideal gases represent a foundational concept in the study of gases, providing a simplified model that aids in understanding real gas behaviour under various conditions. This concept is essential in the realm of A-level Chemistry for grasping the fundamentals of gas behaviour and the application of various gas laws.

Introduction to Ideal Gases

Ideal gases are theoretical constructs in chemistry. They are based on a set of assumptions that simplify the understanding of gas behaviour. This model assumes that gas molecules occupy negligible space and exhibit no intermolecular forces, thereby allowing for more straightforward calculations and predictions.

Key Assumptions of an Ideal Gas

  • Negligible Volume: In the ideal gas model, the particles are assumed to be point particles with no volume. While in reality, gas particles do occupy space, this assumption is useful for simplifying calculations in gas laws.
  • No Intermolecular Forces: Ideal gases are assumed to have no forces of attraction or repulsion between particles. This contrasts starkly with real gases, where intermolecular forces significantly affect their behaviour, especially under conditions of high pressure or low temperature.
  • Elastic Collisions: The collisions between gas particles, and between particles and the walls of their container, are considered to be perfectly elastic in an ideal gas. This means that there is no net loss or gain in kinetic energy in the system as a result of these collisions.
  • Random, Straight-Line Motion: Gas particles in an ideal gas are assumed to move in random, straight lines until they collide with other particles or with the container walls.
  • Uniform Pressure: The pressure exerted by an ideal gas on the container walls is uniform. This pressure is a result of the force exerted by gas particles colliding with the walls of the container.
Ideal gas molecules in a container.

Image courtesy of Science Facts

Differentiation Between Ideal and Real Gases

Understanding the concept of an ideal gas is crucial because it helps in appreciating the behaviour of real gases, which do not perfectly adhere to these assumptions.

Behaviour of Real Gases

  • Volume of Particles: In real gases, the particles have a finite volume, which becomes significant under high pressure. Intermolecular Forces: Real gases experience intermolecular forces, which are noticeable at low temperatures and high pressures, leading to deviations from ideal behaviour.
  • Non-Elastic Collisions: In real gases, collisions are not perfectly elastic, leading to a transfer of energy that can manifest as heat.
  • Deviation from Ideal Behaviour: Real gases deviate from the ideal behaviour, particularly at high pressures and low temperatures. This deviation is accounted for in more complex gas models like the van der Waals equation.
Difference between real gas vs ideal gas.

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Importance in Chemistry

The study of ideal gases provides a fundamental understanding that is key for chemists in making approximations and predictions about gas behaviour, which is essential in various chemical processes and reactions.

Application in Chemical Calculations

  • Ideal Gas Law: The ideal gas equation pV=nRT is a fundamental equation in chemistry, used for calculating the volume, pressure, temperature, or amount of a gas under theoretical ideal conditions.
  • Theoretical Basis: The ideal gas model serves as a theoretical foundation for understanding real gas behaviours and is essential in extrapolating to more complex situations.
  • Chemical Reactions Involving Gases: In chemical reactions where gases are reactants or products, assuming ideal behaviour can simplify calculations and predictions.
Equation of ideal gas law (PV = nRT) with SI units mentioned.

Image courtesy of Jaouad

Detailed Analysis of Ideal Gas Behaviour

To further delve into the characteristics of ideal gases, it is crucial to understand the molecular-level behaviour and the resulting macroscopic properties.

Kinetic Molecular Theory and Ideal Gases

The Kinetic Molecular Theory provides the basis for the ideal gas assumptions. It postulates that gas particles are in constant, random motion and that the collisions between particles and with the walls of the container are the source of gas pressure.

Temperature and Ideal Gases

Temperature plays a crucial role in the behaviour of an ideal gas. It is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the gas particles. This relationship is fundamental in understanding why gases expand when heated and contract when cooled, under the assumption of ideal behaviour.

Avogadro's Hypothesis and Ideal Gases

Avogadro's hypothesis states that equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of particles. This principle is a cornerstone in the study of ideal gases, as it provides a direct relationship between the amount of gas (in moles) and its volume.

Avogadro's Hypothesis, equal volumes of all gases, at the same temperature and pressure, contain the same number of particles.

Image courtesy of Haiku Deck

Real World Applications of Ideal Gas Concepts

While ideal gases are a theoretical construct, the principles derived from them have real-world applications in various fields.

Environmental Science

In environmental science, the ideal gas law is used to model the behaviour of gases in the atmosphere, such as predicting how pollutants will spread or how changes in pressure or temperature can affect air quality.


In engineering, understanding gas behaviour is essential for designing systems like engines and turbines, where gases are often assumed to behave ideally for simplification.

Research and Development

In the field of research and development, especially in chemistry and physics, the ideal gas model provides a starting point for developing new theories and models that describe the behaviour of gases more accurately.

In conclusion, the concept of ideal gases, while a simplification, is a fundamental tool in chemistry. It provides a basis for understanding the more complex behaviours of real gases and is essential in various chemical calculations, environmental studies, and engineering designs. Understanding the characteristics of ideal gases and how they differ from real gases is a crucial aspect of A-level Chemistry, laying the groundwork for further study and application in various scientific fields.


The ideal gas law would be a poor model to use in scenarios where the conditions significantly deviate from those under which the assumptions of ideal gases hold true. These scenarios typically include high pressure and low temperature environments. At high pressures, the volume of the gas particles becomes significant relative to the volume of the container, contradicting the assumption of negligible particle volume. This leads to inaccuracies in calculations as the real gas particles occupy more space than assumed. At low temperatures, the kinetic energy of the gas particles is reduced, making intermolecular attractions more pronounced. These attractions cause the gas to deviate from ideal behaviour, as the ideal gas law does not account for intermolecular forces. Thus, in such scenarios, more complex models like the van der Waals equation, which considers particle volume and intermolecular forces, provide a more accurate description of gas behaviour.

In ideal gases, the assumptions of negligible volume and no intermolecular forces simplify gas law calculations by eliminating complex factors that affect gas behaviour. Firstly, by assuming that gas particles have no volume, the ideal gas law does not need to account for the space that the particles themselves occupy. This simplification allows for the direct relationship between pressure, volume, and temperature as shown in the ideal gas equation ( pV = nRT ). Secondly, the absence of intermolecular forces in the model means that gas behaviour is not influenced by attractions or repulsions between particles. This makes the behaviour more predictable and uniform, solely dependent on temperature, pressure, and volume, without needing to consider additional factors like particle size or inter-particle interactions. These assumptions thereby enable straightforward calculations for predicting gas behaviour under various conditions, albeit within the limitations of the ideal gas model.

The ideal gas law can be applied to mixtures of gases through Dalton's Law of Partial Pressures, which states that the total pressure exerted by a mixture of gases is equal to the sum of the partial pressures of each individual gas. A partial pressure is the pressure that a gas would exert if it alone occupied the entire volume of the mixture at the same temperature. In the context of the ideal gas law, each gas in the mixture is considered to behave ideally and independently of the other gases. This means that for each gas, the ideal gas equation ( pV = nRT ) can be applied, where ( p ) is the partial pressure of the gas. The sum of these partial pressures equals the total pressure of the gas mixture. This application assumes that the gases in the mixture do not react chemically and that they follow the ideal gas assumptions, particularly at conditions of low pressure and high temperature where ideal gas behaviour is most accurate.

Ideal gases are assumed to have a uniform pressure in their container due to the random, straight-line motion of the gas particles and the assumption of perfectly elastic collisions with the container walls. In this model, the particles are assumed to collide with the walls with equal frequency and force in all directions, leading to a uniform distribution of pressure. In real gases, however, the presence of intermolecular forces can lead to variations in particle speed and collision frequency, especially under conditions of high pressure or low temperature. These forces can cause the gas to have a non-uniform distribution of particles, leading to variations in pressure within the container. Furthermore, the collisions in real gases are not always perfectly elastic, which can also contribute to non-uniform pressure.

The concept of ideal gases, where gas particles have no volume and no intermolecular forces, provides a baseline to understand the deviations in real gas behaviour at low temperatures. As temperature decreases, the kinetic energy of gas particles also decreases, leading to a reduction in their velocity. This reduced movement makes the intermolecular forces (which are negligible in ideal gases) more significant in real gases. These forces, mainly attraction, cause the particles to move closer together, leading to deviations from the ideal gas law. For instance, real gases tend to liquefy or solidify at low temperatures due to these attractive forces, a behaviour not observed in ideal gases. This contrast helps in understanding the limitations of the ideal gas model and the importance of considering intermolecular forces in real gas behaviour, particularly at low temperatures.

Practice Questions

Explain why real gases deviate from the behaviour of an ideal gas at high pressures. Use the characteristics of ideal gases to support your explanation.

Real gases deviate from ideal gas behaviour at high pressures primarily due to the volume occupied by gas molecules and the intermolecular forces between them. In an ideal gas, the volume of the gas particles is negligible, and there are no intermolecular forces. However, in real gases, as the pressure increases, the particles are compressed closer together, making their finite volume significant. Additionally, the increased proximity of gas particles at high pressures enhances intermolecular attractions, which is not accounted for in ideal gas behaviour. These factors contribute to real gases not obeying the ideal gas law under high pressure conditions.

Describe how the temperature of a gas affects its behaviour according to the Kinetic Molecular Theory and relate this to the concept of an ideal gas.

According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, the temperature of a gas is directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of its particles. In the context of an ideal gas, as the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the gas particles also increases, causing them to move more rapidly. This results in more frequent and forceful collisions with the walls of the container, leading to an increase in pressure, assuming the volume remains constant. Conversely, a decrease in temperature reduces the kinetic energy and motion of the particles, leading to a decrease in pressure. This direct relationship between temperature and kinetic energy is a key aspect of ideal gas behaviour, illustrating how temperature changes can impact gas properties.

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