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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.6.1 Intermolecular Forces: An In-Depth Study

Intermolecular forces are essential in understanding the physical properties and behaviors of substances at a molecular level. These forces play a crucial role in the study of chemistry, especially in the realms of organic, inorganic, and biological systems. For A-Level Chemistry students, a thorough grasp of these concepts is vital.

Types of Intermolecular Forces

Intermolecular forces, the forces that mediate interaction between molecules, are pivotal in determining the physical state and properties of substances. They are primarily classified into several types based on their strength and the nature of the interactions involved.

Hydrogen Bonding

Hydrogen bonding stands out as one of the strongest types of intermolecular forces and is highly significant in both organic and biological chemistry.

  • Definition: A hydrogen bond is a special type of dipole-dipole attraction which occurs when a hydrogen atom, covalently bonded to a highly electronegative atom such as nitrogen (N) or oxygen (O), experiences an attraction to another electronegative atom in a neighbouring molecule.
  • Examples:
    • N-H Groups: In molecules such as ammonia (NH₃), the nitrogen atom exhibits a higher electronegativity compared to hydrogen, resulting in a significant difference in electron density. This difference leads to the formation of a δ- (delta negative) on nitrogen and a δ+ (delta positive) on hydrogen, facilitating hydrogen bonding.
    • O-H Groups: Water (H₂O) is a classic example where oxygen's high electronegativity leads to a strong partial negative charge, while the hydrogen atoms bear a partial positive charge. This polarity within water molecules is the reason behind hydrogen bonding, contributing to water's unique properties like its high boiling point and surface tension.

Understanding hydrogen bonding is crucial in explaining many physical and chemical properties of compounds, including their boiling and melting points, solubility, and viscosity.

A diagram showing Hydrogen bonding between water molecules.

Hydrogen bonding between water molecules. The dotted line represents a hydrogen bond.

Image courtesy of Roland.chem

Van der Waals' Forces

Named after the Dutch scientist Johannes Diderik van der Waals, these forces are weaker than hydrogen bonds but are present in all molecules, regardless of their polarity.

London Dispersion Forces

  • Characteristics: These forces, also known as induced dipole-induced dipole forces, are the weakest among intermolecular forces. They arise due to momentary fluctuations in the electron density within electron clouds of atoms and molecules.
  • Occurrence: London dispersion forces are omnipresent and are found in all molecules, including noble gases and nonpolar molecules. Their strength increases with the size and shape of the molecule, as larger molecules have more electrons which can contribute to these temporary dipoles.
  • Impact: Despite their weakness, London dispersion forces play a significant role in the condensation of gases and determine the boiling and melting points of nonpolar substances.
A diagram showing the formation of Van der Waals' Forces- London Dispersion Forces

The formation of temporary dipoles induces dipoles in adjacent molecules.

Image courtesy of OpenStax

Permanent Dipole Interactions

  • Formation: These forces occur in molecules where there is a permanent separation of charge, leading to a permanent dipole. This happens when atoms in a molecule have different electronegativities.
  • Examples: Molecules like hydrogen chloride (HCl) and hydrogen fluoride (HF) exhibit strong permanent dipole interactions. The significant difference in electronegativity between hydrogen and chlorine or fluorine leads to a permanent dipole in these molecules.
Diagram of Dipole-Dipole Interactions. Attractive interactions occur between the opposite-sign poles of the molecules.

Image courtesy of Adam Rędzikowski

Other Intermolecular Forces

While hydrogen bonding and van der Waals' forces are the most commonly studied, other types of interactions like ion-dipole forces also play a significant role in certain contexts, especially in solutions.

Effects of Electronegativity on Intermolecular Forces

Electronegativity is a key factor in determining the type and strength of intermolecular forces in a substance.

  • Bond Polarity and Dipole Moments: When atoms in a molecule have different electronegativities, it leads to the formation of polar bonds. The greater the difference in electronegativity, the more polar the bond becomes, and the larger the dipole moment. These dipole moments are vectors and have both magnitude and direction, crucial in understanding the molecular geometry and intermolecular interactions in compounds.
  • Influence on Physical Properties: The electronegativity differences and the resulting dipole moments influence a molecule’s physical properties, such as boiling and melting points, solubility, and its state at room temperature.

Bonding vs. Intermolecular Forces

It's vital to distinguish between the forces that hold atoms together within a molecule (intramolecular forces) and the forces that operate between molecules (intermolecular forces).

  • Intramolecular Forces: These include ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds. Ionic bonds are formed through the electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions. Covalent bonds arise from the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. Metallic bonds involve a 'sea' of delocalized electrons surrounding positive metal ions.
  • Comparative Strength: Generally, intramolecular forces are much stronger than intermolecular forces. This difference in strength explains why covalent and ionic compounds have higher melting and boiling points compared to substances where intermolecular forces predominate.
  • Relevance in Chemistry: Understanding the distinction between these two types of forces is crucial in predicting the properties of substances and in explaining their behavior under various conditions. For instance, while intramolecular forces determine the chemical properties of a substance, intermolecular forces are responsible for its physical state (solid, liquid, or gas) at given temperature and pressure conditions.
Intramolecular forces vs. Intermolecular Forces

Image courtesy of Chemicals Learning

In conclusion, the study of intermolecular forces is an integral part of understanding chemistry at the molecular level. These forces, although weaker than the bonds within molecules, play a significant role in determining the physical properties and behaviors of substances. For A-Level Chemistry students, mastering the concepts of intermolecular forces, including hydrogen bonding and van der Waals' forces, is essential for a comprehensive understanding of the subject.


Yes, London dispersion forces can exist in polar molecules. While they are the predominant intermolecular force in nonpolar molecules, they are also present in polar molecules alongside other forces such as dipole-dipole interactions and hydrogen bonding. In polar molecules, the distribution of electrons can momentarily become asymmetrical, resulting in temporary dipoles. These temporary dipoles induce similar dipoles in adjacent molecules, leading to London dispersion forces. For example, in a polar molecule like water, apart from the dominant hydrogen bonds, there are also London dispersion forces at play due to the temporary shifts in electron density. The coexistence of different types of intermolecular forces in polar molecules contributes to their overall physical properties, such as boiling and melting points.

Intermolecular forces play a crucial role in determining the solubility of substances. A substance will dissolve in a solvent if the intermolecular forces between the solute and solvent are strong enough to overcome the forces within the solute and solvent themselves. For example, ionic compounds are generally soluble in polar solvents like water due to the strong ion-dipole interactions that occur between the ions and the polar water molecules. On the other hand, nonpolar substances, which are held together by weaker London dispersion forces, tend to dissolve in nonpolar solvents, where similar types of forces exist. The rule of thumb "like dissolves like" stems from this concept: polar solutes dissolve in polar solvents due to similar types of intermolecular forces, and the same applies to nonpolar substances. This principle is fundamental in many chemical processes, including reactions, extractions, and chromatography.

Intermolecular forces are crucial in determining the properties of liquid crystals, a state of matter that exhibits properties between those of conventional liquids and solid crystals. In liquid crystals, molecules are arranged in a more ordered structure compared to a typical liquid but are not as rigidly organized as in a solid crystal. The nature and strength of intermolecular forces, especially van der Waals' forces and dipole-dipole interactions, dictate this ordered fluidity. For example, in thermotropic liquid crystals (those that change with temperature), changes in temperature affect the strength and orientation of these intermolecular forces, leading to different phases with unique optical properties. This sensitivity to temperature and the ability to manipulate the alignment of molecules through external fields, such as electric or magnetic fields, make liquid crystals essential in display technologies, like those used in LCD screens.

Intermolecular forces directly influence the viscosity of liquids. Viscosity, a measure of a liquid’s resistance to flow, is higher in liquids where strong intermolecular forces are present. For instance, in glycerol, a liquid with a high viscosity, the strong hydrogen bonding between its molecules makes it flow more slowly compared to water, which has weaker hydrogen bonds. The more energy needed to overcome these intermolecular attractions, the higher the viscosity. Conversely, liquids like hexane, which are held together by relatively weak London dispersion forces, have lower viscosities. Temperature also plays a role; as temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules increases, weakening the intermolecular forces and hence reducing viscosity. Understanding viscosity is essential in fields ranging from pharmacology, where drug delivery systems depend on the viscosity of solutions, to industrial processes, where the flow properties of liquids are critical.

Temperature significantly impacts hydrogen bonding in water. At lower temperatures, the kinetic energy of water molecules is reduced, allowing them to form stable hydrogen bonds. This results in a structured network, as seen in the lattice structure of ice, where each water molecule is hydrogen-bonded to four others, creating a less dense structure. As the temperature increases, the kinetic energy of the molecules also increases, causing them to move more vigorously. This increased movement disrupts the hydrogen bonds, leading to a decrease in the number of hydrogen bonds at any given time. At boiling point, the energy provided is sufficient to overcome these hydrogen bonds entirely, turning water into vapour. This process is reversible; as water cools, hydrogen bonds reform, leading to condensation and freezing at lower temperatures. This dynamic nature of hydrogen bonding in response to temperature changes is fundamental to understanding water's physical properties.

Practice Questions

Explain the significance of hydrogen bonding in determining the physical properties of water. Provide specific examples.

Hydrogen bonding greatly influences water's unique physical properties. Its high boiling and melting points, compared to other molecules of similar size, are attributed to the strength of hydrogen bonds. Each water molecule can form up to four hydrogen bonds, leading to a structured network in liquid and solid states. This extensive hydrogen bonding is responsible for water's high surface tension, allowing it to form droplets. Additionally, the lower density of ice compared to liquid water is due to the hydrogen bonds forming a lattice structure, making ice less dense and allowing it to float. This property has significant ecological implications, affecting aquatic life and climate.

Describe the differences between London dispersion forces and permanent dipole interactions, providing examples for each.

London dispersion forces are temporary, weak intermolecular forces arising from instantaneous dipoles in all atoms or molecules, irrespective of their polarity. They are significant in nonpolar substances like noble gases (e.g., Argon) and nonpolar molecules like methane. These forces are the only type of intermolecular force in nonpolar compounds and increase in strength with the size of the molecule. On the other hand, permanent dipole interactions occur in polar molecules due to a permanent separation of charge. An example is hydrogen chloride (HCl), where the significant electronegativity difference between hydrogen and chlorine creates a permanent dipole, leading to stronger intermolecular attractions than London dispersion forces.

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