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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

1.3.2 Orbital Shapes and Electron Arrangement

Delving into the atomic realm, this section explores the intricacies of orbital shapes and electron arrangements, essential concepts in understanding chemical behaviour and properties.

1. Orbital Shapes and Sizes

S Orbital

  • Shape and Size: The s orbital, characterized by its spherical symmetry, expands in size with increasing principal quantum number (n). Each principal energy level contains one s orbital, starting from the 1s orbital at the lowest energy level.
  • Energy Levels: These orbitals are the lowest energy orbitals in any given principal energy level.
  • Visual Representation: Typically depicted as a uniform sphere, the s orbital represents regions where the probability of finding an electron is the highest.

P Orbital

  • Shape and Orientation: P orbitals exhibit a dumbbell shape and are oriented in three dimensions - px, py, and pz. Each of these orientations corresponds to the x, y, and z axes, respectively, in a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system.
  • Size and Energy Levels: Increasing in size with higher principal quantum numbers, p orbitals start appearing from the second principal energy level (n=2). Each principal energy level above n=2 contains three p orbitals, each with distinct spatial orientations but identical in energy.
  • Electron Capacity: Each p orbital can hold up to two electrons, meaning a set of three p orbitals can accommodate a total of six electrons.
Diagram showing shapes of s p atomic orbitals.

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2. Electron Configuration in Atoms and Ions

Determining Electron Configurations

  • Atomic Number: The atomic number of an element dictates the total number of electrons in a neutral atom. These electrons are distributed across various orbitals following specific rules: the Aufbau principle, which dictates filling of orbitals from lowest to highest energy; Hund's rule, stating that electrons fill degenerate orbitals singly before pairing up; and the Pauli exclusion principle, which prohibits more than two electrons (with opposite spins) in any given orbital.
  • Ions: For ions, electron configurations are adjusted based on the ion's charge. Electrons are removed from the highest energy level orbitals for cations (positively charged ions), while additional electrons are added to the lowest available energy level orbitals in anions (negatively charged ions).

Exceptions in Transition Elements

  • Energy Considerations: Transition elements often show exceptions in their electron configurations. This is due to the closeness in energy of the 3d and 4s orbitals. In some cases, electrons from the 4s orbital are used to fill the 3d orbital, as a partially or completely filled d subshell is more stable.
  • Stability Factors: The stability associated with half-filled or fully filled d subshells leads to deviations from expected electronic configurations. For example, in chromium and copper, an electron from the 4s orbital is used to fill the 3d orbital, resulting in configurations of ((Ar) 3d5 4s1) for chromium and ((Ar) 3d{10} 4s1) for copper.
Chromium and copper expected vs observed electronic configuration

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3. Identification of Free Radicals

Definition and Characteristics

  • Free Radicals: Atoms or molecules with one or more unpaired electrons are known as free radicals. These species are highly reactive due to the presence of these unpaired electrons.
  • Electronic Configuration: Identifying free radicals involves examining the electronic configuration of a species. An unpaired electron in any of the orbitals indicates a radical.
Diagram showing free radical and stable molecule

Image courtesy of reineg

Examples and Implications

  • Oxygen Molecule (O₂): In its ground state, molecular oxygen ((O2)) is a diradical, with two unpaired electrons, one in each of the two antibonding (π*) orbitals. This configuration contributes to oxygen's reactivity and role in biological systems.
  • Nitric Oxide (NO): Nitric oxide, an important signaling molecule in biological systems, has an odd number of electrons. Its electronic configuration leaves one electron unpaired, classifying it as a radical.
  • Reactivity: The unpaired electrons in free radicals make them highly reactive, leading to their involvement in various chemical reactions, including combustion, polymerization, and in some biological processes such as aging and cell damage.

Understanding orbital shapes and electron arrangements is not just a theoretical exercise; it's a window into the behavior and reactivity of elements and compounds. This knowledge is pivotal in fields ranging from materials science to biochemistry, underscoring the fundamental role of electron configurations in the vast expanse of chemistry.


In ions, electron configurations differ from their neutral atoms due to the gain or loss of electrons. Cations, which are positively charged due to electron loss, have fewer electrons than their neutral counterparts. This loss typically occurs from the outermost energy level, altering the electron configuration. For example, a sodium cation (Na⁺) has one electron less than a neutral sodium atom, resulting in the electron configuration of neon (Ne). Anions, negatively charged due to electron gain, have additional electrons, which occupy the next available orbital following the Aufbau principle. The change in electron configuration affects an ion's size, reactivity, and how it bonds with other atoms. For instance, ions with a noble gas configuration are typically more stable and less reactive. Understanding these changes is fundamental in predicting the behaviour of ions in chemical reactions and in ionic compounds.

Orbital hybridisation is a concept used to explain the observed shapes of molecules. It involves the mixing of atomic orbitals to form new hybrid orbitals, which can then accommodate bonding and non-bonding electron pairs. The most common types of hybridisation are sp (linear geometry), sp2 (trigonal planar geometry), and sp3 (tetrahedral geometry). For example, in methane (CH₄), the carbon atom undergoes sp3 hybridisation, where one 2s and three 2p orbitals mix to form four equivalent sp3 hybrid orbitals. These orbitals then overlap with the 1s orbitals of hydrogen atoms to form C-H bonds, resulting in a tetrahedral shape. Hybridisation theory is crucial in understanding the structure and bonding in covalent compounds. It provides insights into bond angles, molecular shapes, and the physical and chemical properties of molecules

Electron degeneracy in orbitals refers to the situation where two or more orbitals have the same energy level. This is commonly seen in p, d, and f orbitals. For example, in a given energy level, all three p orbitals (px, py, pz) have the same energy, making them degenerate. Electron degeneracy significantly impacts electron arrangement in atoms, as explained by Hund's rule. According to this rule, electrons will fill degenerate orbitals singly, with parallel spins, before pairing up. This arrangement minimises electron-electron repulsion within the atom. In essence, electron degeneracy allows for a more stable distribution of electrons across orbitals with the same energy level, influencing the chemical properties and reactivity of atoms. Understanding degeneracy is crucial in predicting electron configurations, especially in atoms with more complex electron arrangements such as transition metals and lanthanides.

Electron spin is a fundamental property of electrons, representing a form of angular momentum. Each electron has a spin that can be either 'up' (+½) or 'down' (−½). In determining electron configuration, spin is crucial as it leads to the Pauli exclusion principle, which states that no two electrons in an atom can have the same set of four quantum numbers. This principle directly influences how electrons are arranged in orbitals. Hund's rule complements this by stating that electrons will occupy degenerate (equal energy) orbitals singly before they pair up. The rule is based on the principle that electrons will minimise repulsion by maximising the number of unpaired electrons with parallel spins in degenerate orbitals. This is because electrons with the same spin are less likely to be found in the same spatial region, reducing electron-electron repulsion. Understanding electron spin and Hund's rule is essential in predicting the electron configurations of atoms, which in turn influences their chemical reactivity and bonding.

The d and f orbitals have more complex shapes compared to the simpler s and p orbitals. The d orbitals, starting from the third energy level (n=3), exhibit a cloverleaf shape and consist of five types: (d{xy}), (d{yz}), (d{xz}), (d{x2-y2}), and (d{z2}). These orbitals can be visualised as four-lobed structures for the first four, and the (d{z2}) orbital appears as a two-lobed structure with a doughnut-shaped region around the nucleus. On the other hand, f orbitals, beginning at the fourth energy level (n=4), are even more complex, with seven different types. These orbitals are crucial because they accommodate more electrons, playing a significant role in the chemical properties and behaviour of transition metals and lanthanides. The d orbitals, in particular, contribute to the formation of metallic bonds, colour, magnetic properties, and catalytic activity in transition metals. Understanding these orbitals is key to comprehending the chemistry of these elements, especially in complex formation and their electronic configurations.

Practice Questions

Describe the electron configuration of a chlorine atom. Include a discussion of the orbitals involved and any relevant principles or rules.

A chlorine atom, with an atomic number of 17, has an electron configuration of ((Ne) 3s2 3p5). This configuration is determined following the Aufbau principle, Hund's rule, and the Pauli exclusion principle. The first ten electrons fill the 1s, 2s, and 2p orbitals, following the neon (Ne) core. The remaining seven electrons begin to fill the third shell: two in the 3s orbital and five in the 3p orbitals. According to Hund's rule, these five electrons occupy the three 3p orbitals singly before pairing up, resulting in one unpaired electron in the 3p orbital. This configuration reflects the increasing energy levels of orbitals and the stability imparted by half-filled and fully filled orbitals.

What is a free radical, and provide an example of a free radical, explaining its electron configuration and why it is classified as such

A free radical is an atom or molecule that contains one or more unpaired electrons, making it highly reactive. An example of a free radical is the hydroxyl radical ((OH)). The electron configuration of oxygen is ((He) 2s2 2p4). When it forms the hydroxyl radical, one of the 2p electrons is unpaired. This unpaired electron results from the oxygen atom sharing one electron with a hydrogen atom to form a bond, leaving the other electron in the 2p orbital unpaired. This unpaired electron is what classifies the hydroxyl radical as a free radical, contributing to its high reactivity, particularly in biological and environmental chemistry.

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