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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

17.1.3 Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation

Cyanohydrin formation, a key reaction in organic chemistry, involves the nucleophilic addition of hydrogen cyanide to carbonyl compounds, resulting in hydroxynitriles. This mechanism is integral to understanding synthetic pathways and the reactivity of organic molecules. It illustrates the interaction between nucleophiles and electrophiles, central concepts in A-level Chemistry.

Introduction to Cyanohydrins

Cyanohydrins are compounds formed by the addition of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to the carbon-oxygen double bond in carbonyl compounds like aldehydes and ketones. This reaction is pivotal due to the electrophilic character of the carbonyl carbon and the stabilizing role of the cyanide ion.

Chemical Structure of Cyanohydrin

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Electrophilic Nature of Carbonyl Carbon

  • Carbonyl Group Composition: In carbonyl compounds, the carbonyl group consists of a carbon atom double-bonded to an oxygen atom. This group is the focal point of reactivity in these molecules.
  • Polarization and Reactivity: The polarization of the carbonyl group, due to the difference in electronegativity between carbon and oxygen, imparts a partial positive charge on the carbon. This electrophilic character is what makes the carbonyl carbon an attractive site for nucleophilic attack.
  • Influence of Molecular Structure: The surrounding molecular structure can influence the reactivity of the carbonyl group. In aldehydes, the presence of a hydrogen atom makes the carbonyl carbon more susceptible to attack compared to ketones, where two alkyl groups can provide some steric hindrance.
General structure of carbonyl group

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The Cyanide Ion as a Nucleophile

  • Characteristics of the Cyanide Ion: The cyanide ion (CN-) is a strong nucleophile, characterized by a carbon atom triple-bonded to a nitrogen atom with a lone pair of electrons on the carbon.
  • Mechanism of Attack: The lone pair of electrons on the cyanide ion is readily available to form a bond with the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group. This is the initial step in the formation of cyanohydrin.
  • Stabilization Factors: The negative charge of the cyanide ion helps in stabilizing the intermediate formed in the reaction. This stability is crucial for the progression of the reaction towards product formation.
Structure of cyanide ion (CN-)

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Step-by-Step Mechanism

Step 1: Nucleophilic Attack

  • Approach of Cyanide Ion: The cyanide ion approaches the electrophilic carbonyl compound, aligning its lone pair of electrons with the partially positive carbonyl carbon.
  • Formation of C-C Bond: A covalent bond forms between the cyanide carbon and the carbonyl carbon. This step is the nucleophilic addition phase of the reaction.
  • Intermediate Formation: The addition of the cyanide ion to the carbonyl carbon results in the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate. This intermediate is crucial as it marks the transition from the reactants to the product.

Step 2: Protonation

  • Proton Donation: A proton (H+) is donated to the intermediate, often sourced from the solvent or the surrounding medium.
  • Intermediate Stabilization: The capture of the proton by the negatively charged oxygen atom in the intermediate stabilizes the molecule, a key step in the mechanism.
  • Cyanohydrin Completion: The addition of the proton leads to the formation of cyanohydrin, the final product of this reaction.
Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation

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Role of the Base in HCN Addition

  • Base Functionality: A base, such as potassium cyanide (KCN), plays a critical role in the generation of the cyanide ion from hydrogen cyanide.
  • Proton Acceptance: The base in the reaction mixture accepts a proton, which increases the concentration of the cyanide ion, thereby facilitating the reaction.
  • Enhancement of Reaction Rate: The presence of the base enhances the overall speed and efficiency of the cyanohydrin formation, making the reaction more feasible under laboratory conditions.

Significance in Organic Synthesis

  • Synthetic Applications: Cyanohydrins are versatile intermediates in the synthesis of a wide range of organic compounds, including amino acids, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals.
  • Functional Group Transformation: They provide an avenue for introducing the cyano group into organic molecules, which can further be transformed into various functional groups, thus expanding the scope of chemical synthesis.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

  • Handling of Hydrogen Cyanide: Due to the high toxicity of hydrogen cyanide, its handling requires strict safety protocols. Appropriate ventilation and protective equipment are essential.
  • Environmental Impact: The use and disposal of cyanide compounds must be managed carefully to prevent environmental contamination.
Chemistry lab safety protocols- protective equipments

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Laboratory Applications and Techniques

  • Practical Aspects: In a laboratory setting, the cyanohydrin formation reaction is a model for demonstrating nucleophilic addition to carbonyl compounds.
  • Analytical Use: Cyanohydrin formation can also be used analytically to identify the presence of carbonyl groups in unknown compounds.


The study of cyanohydrin formation offers A-level Chemistry students a comprehensive understanding of nucleophilic addition mechanisms. This reaction not only demonstrates the fundamental concepts of organic chemistry but also provides insights into the reactivity and transformations of organic compounds. As a result, cyanohydrin formation remains a vital topic in both academic studies and practical applications in the field of chemistry.


Cyanohydrin formation is not just a theoretical concept but has significant real-world applications in chemistry, particularly in the field of organic synthesis. Cyanohydrins serve as valuable intermediates in the synthesis of various important compounds. For example, they are used in the production of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. Cyanohydrins can also be converted into α-hydroxy acids, compounds that are useful in the pharmaceutical industry for the synthesis of drugs and in the cosmetic industry for skin care products. Moreover, the cyanohydrin reaction forms the basis for the synthesis of certain pesticides and agrochemicals. This reaction is a classic example of how fundamental chemical processes can be applied to create compounds of practical importance in diverse fields.

Cyanohydrin formation primarily occurs with aldehydes and ketones, the two main types of carbonyl compounds. However, not all carbonyl compounds react to form cyanohydrins. The reactivity depends on the nature of the carbonyl group and the surrounding chemical environment. For instance, carboxylic acids and their derivatives, like esters and amides, generally do not undergo cyanohydrin formation under typical conditions. This is because these compounds are less reactive towards nucleophilic addition due to resonance stabilization of the carbonyl group and in some cases, steric hindrance. Additionally, the presence of electron-withdrawing groups on the carbonyl compound can decrease its reactivity towards nucleophiles like the cyanide ion. Thus, while cyanohydrin formation is a common reaction for aldehydes and ketones, it is not universally applicable to all carbonyl-containing compounds.

The formation of cyanohydrins involves the use of hydrogen cyanide (HCN), a highly toxic and potentially lethal substance. This poses significant safety concerns in both laboratory and industrial settings. Strict safety protocols must be adhered to when handling HCN, including the use of protective equipment and adequate ventilation. From an environmental perspective, the disposal of cyanide-containing waste requires careful management to prevent contamination of water and soil. Cyanide compounds can be extremely harmful to aquatic life and can have long-term detrimental effects on ecosystems. Therefore, chemists must ensure that cyanide waste is treated and disposed of in a manner that minimizes its environmental impact, often involving specific detoxification processes to convert cyanide into less harmful substances. The safety and environmental aspects of cyanohydrin formation underscore the importance of responsible chemical practice and adherence to regulations in handling hazardous substances.

The formation of the tetrahedral intermediate is a critical step in the cyanohydrin formation reaction. This intermediate is formed when the cyanide ion, acting as a nucleophile, attacks the electrophilic carbonyl carbon, leading to the addition of the cyanide group to the carbonyl compound. The significance of this intermediate lies in its role as a transitional structure that defines the pathway of the reaction. The tetrahedral geometry results from the sp3 hybridization of the carbonyl carbon after the nucleophilic attack, contrasting with its original sp2 hybridization. The stability of this intermediate is crucial for the subsequent protonation step, which transforms it into the final cyanohydrin product. This intermediate also helps in understanding the mechanism of nucleophilic addition reactions in general, showcasing how the reactivity of carbonyl compounds can be exploited in organic synthesis.

The structure of the carbonyl compound significantly influences the rate of cyanohydrin formation. In aldehydes, where the carbonyl group is attached to at least one hydrogen atom, the rate of reaction tends to be faster compared to ketones, where the carbonyl carbon is bonded to two alkyl groups. This difference in reactivity is primarily due to steric factors and the electronic nature of the substituents. Aldehydes are less sterically hindered, offering easier access for the cyanide ion to attack the carbonyl carbon. Furthermore, alkyl groups are electron-donating, which reduces the electrophilicity of the carbonyl carbon in ketones, making them less reactive towards nucleophilic attack compared to aldehydes. Therefore, aldehydes generally react more readily with hydrogen cyanide to form cyanohydrins than ketones.

Practice Questions

Describe the mechanism of cyanohydrin formation from a ketone. Include the role of the cyanide ion and the subsequent steps leading to the final product.

The cyanohydrin formation mechanism from a ketone begins with the nucleophilic attack of the cyanide ion on the carbonyl carbon. The cyanide ion, being a strong nucleophile, donates its lone pair of electrons to the electrophilic carbon atom in the carbonyl group. This step results in the formation of a tetrahedral intermediate. Following this, a proton (H+) is donated to the negatively charged oxygen in the intermediate, stabilising the molecule. This protonation step is crucial as it leads to the completion of the reaction, resulting in the formation of the cyanohydrin. This process exemplifies the typical nucleophilic addition mechanism, highlighting the reactivity of the carbonyl group and the effectiveness of the cyanide ion as a nucleophile.

Explain the importance of the base in the mechanism of cyanohydrin formation from aldehydes, and how does it affect the reaction?

In the cyanohydrin formation from aldehydes, the base (e.g., potassium cyanide, KCN) plays a crucial role. The base facilitates the reaction by generating the cyanide ion (CN-) from hydrogen cyanide (HCN). This occurs as the base accepts a proton from HCN, increasing the concentration of cyanide ions in the reaction mixture. The presence of the cyanide ion is essential for the nucleophilic attack on the electrophilic carbonyl carbon of the aldehyde. The increased concentration of cyanide ions, due to the base, enhances the rate and efficiency of the cyanohydrin formation. This illustrates the importance of the base in not only generating the necessary reactant but also in accelerating the reaction process.

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