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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

17.1.2 Reduction and Nucleophilic Addition

In this section, we explore the intricate world of aldehydes and ketones, focusing on their reduction and nucleophilic addition reactions. These reactions are pivotal in organic chemistry, providing pathways to transform carbonyl compounds into more complex molecules.

Use of NaBH₄ and LiAlH₄ as Reducing Agents

Reduction of carbonyl groups to alcohols is a fundamental reaction in organic synthesis. We examine two primary reducing agents, Sodium Borohydride (NaBH₄) and Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LiAlH₄), and their roles in these transformations.

Sodium Borohydride (NaBH₄)

  • General Reaction: NaBH₄ is primarily used to reduce aldehydes to primary alcohols and ketones to secondary alcohols.
  • Mechanism:
    • Step 1: The hydride ion (H⁻) from NaBH₄ performs a nucleophilic attack on the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group.
    • Step 2: The addition of the hydride ion results in the formation of an alkoxide ion, which, upon protonation, produces the alcohol.
  • Conditions: NaBH₄ is a mild reducing agent and can be used in aqueous or alcoholic solutions at room temperature.
  • Selectivity: It preferentially reduces aldehydes and ketones over other functional groups, such as esters or amides.
Structural formula of Sodium borohydride (NaBH₄)

Image courtesy of Kemikungen

Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LiAlH₄)

  • General Reaction: LiAlH₄ is used similarly to NaBH₄ for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols.
  • Mechanism: The mechanism is akin to that of NaBH₄ but is more vigorous due to the higher reactivity of LiAlH₄.
  • Conditions: As a strong reducing agent, LiAlH₄ requires anhydrous conditions and is typically employed in ether solvents.
  • Selectivity: It is more reactive than NaBH₄ and can reduce a broader range of functional groups.
Structural formula of Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH₄)

Image courtesy of Kemikungen

Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds with HCN

The reaction of carbonyl compounds with hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to form hydroxynitriles is an important nucleophilic addition reaction.

General Reaction

  • Process: This reaction involves the nucleophilic attack of the cyanide ion (CN⁻) on the carbonyl carbon, leading to hydroxynitriles.
  • Specific Examples: For instance, ethanal reacts with HCN to produce 2-hydroxypropanenitrile, whereas propanone reacts to form 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanenitrile.


  • Step 1: The cyanide ion is generated, usually from KCN in the presence of an acid.
  • Step 2: The cyanide ion attacks the carbonyl carbon nucleophilically.
  • Step 3: The resulting anion is protonated to yield the hydroxynitrile.
Reaction of Carbonyl Compounds with HCN using acetaldehyde as an example

Image courtesy of EMBIBE

Conditions and Safety

  • Catalyst: The reaction is often catalyzed by a weak acid or base to improve efficiency.
  • Safety: Due to the extreme toxicity of HCN, this reaction must be conducted with extreme caution and under controlled conditions.

Significance in Organic Synthesis

These reactions are fundamental in the field of organic chemistry, particularly in the synthesis of complex molecules.

  • Versatility: The ability to convert simple carbonyl compounds into a variety of alcohol structures demonstrates the versatility of these reactions.
  • Synthetic Applications: Hydroxynitriles are important intermediates in the synthesis of amino acids, pharmaceuticals, and agrochemicals.

Detailed Examination of the Mechanisms

To understand these reactions fully, a deeper dive into the mechanisms is necessary.

Detailed Mechanism of NaBH₄ Reduction

  • Initial Stage: The reaction begins with the transfer of a hydride ion from borohydride to the carbonyl carbon.
  • Transition State: This stage involves a four-center transition state where the hydride ion is simultaneously bonded to both the boron and the carbonyl carbon.
  • Completion: The reaction concludes with the formation of an alkoxide ion, which is protonated to yield the alcohol.
Mechanism of Reduction of aldehyde or ketone by NaBH₄

Image courtesy of Master Organic Chemistry

Detailed Mechanism of LiAlH₄ Reduction

  • Initial Interaction: Similar to NaBH₄, the reduction starts with the hydride ion attacking the carbonyl carbon.
  • Complex Formation: A complex is formed between the aluminium hydride and the carbonyl compound before the transfer of the hydride ion.
  • Finalization: The reaction completes with the formation of the alkoxide ion, followed by its protonation.

Detailed Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation

  • Nucleophilic Attack: The cyanide ion attacks the carbonyl carbon, creating a tetrahedral intermediate.
  • Intermediate Stabilization: The intermediate is stabilized by the shifting of electron density.
  • Protonation: The final step is the protonation of the oxygen atom, leading to the formation of hydroxynitrile.
Mechanism of Cyanohydrin Formation

Image courtesy of Academic Accelerator

Practical Applications and Implications

The practical applications of these reactions in the pharmaceutical and synthetic chemistry industries cannot be overstated.

  • Drug Synthesis: Many drugs are synthesized using these reduction reactions, showcasing their importance in medicinal chemistry.
  • Material Science: The ability to create complex alcohols and hydroxynitriles paves the way for the development of new materials and chemicals.

In conclusion, the study of reduction and nucleophilic addition in aldehydes and ketones is not only a fundamental aspect of A-level Chemistry but also a gateway to the vast and dynamic field of organic synthesis. Through these reactions, students gain insights into the transformative power of chemistry, enabling them to appreciate the complexities and possibilities inherent in this fascinating science.


Controlling the reaction temperature is crucial in the reduction of carbonyl compounds to prevent undesired reactions and ensure the safety and efficiency of the process. In reactions involving NaBH₄, which is a relatively mild reducing agent, room temperature is often sufficient to facilitate the reduction of aldehydes and ketones to alcohols. However, excessive heat in these reactions can lead to the decomposition of the reducing agent and the formation of by-products, reducing the yield of the desired alcohol.

In contrast, reactions with LiAlH₄, which is more reactive, must be carefully controlled to avoid too rapid or violent reactions. LiAlH₄ can react exothermically with solvents like ethers, and excessive heat can exacerbate this, leading to hazardous conditions. Additionally, higher temperatures can increase the rate of reaction, potentially leading to over-reduction or the reduction of other sensitive functional groups in the molecule.

Proper temperature control ensures that the reaction proceeds at an optimal rate, allowing for the selective reduction of the carbonyl group while maintaining the integrity of other functional groups in the molecule. It also ensures the stability and safety of the reaction mixture, preventing accidents and ensuring high yields of the desired product.

The use of Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LiAlH₄) and Sodium Borohydride (NaBH₄) in laboratory settings raises several environmental and safety concerns. LiAlH₄ is highly reactive and can ignite in air, posing a significant fire risk. It reacts violently with water, releasing hydrogen gas, which is flammable and can form explosive mixtures in the air. Therefore, LiAlH₄ must be handled under anhydrous conditions and stored in inert atmospheres like argon or nitrogen to prevent accidental exposure to moisture. The disposal of LiAlH₄ waste requires careful neutralization with an alcohol, followed by the addition of an acid or water under controlled conditions to safely decompose the compound.

NaBH₄, while less reactive than LiAlH₄, still poses safety risks. It can also release hydrogen gas when reacting with water, although the reaction is less vigorous. Safe handling of NaBH₄ involves avoiding contact with strong acids, as this can produce hydrogen gas rapidly. Both reagents can be harmful if ingested, inhaled, or come into contact with skin, necessitating appropriate personal protective equipment and ventilation.

From an environmental perspective, the disposal of these reagents requires proper neutralization and treatment to avoid releasing harmful substances into the environment. Special care must be taken to ensure that waste containing these reagents is treated appropriately to minimize environmental impact.

The nucleophilic addition of hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to carbonyl compounds has significant stereochemical implications, particularly regarding the formation of chiral centers. In this reaction, the cyanide ion (CN⁻) attacks the planar carbonyl carbon from either face, leading to the formation of a new chiral center if the starting material is achiral. This can result in the formation of a racemic mixture containing both enantiomers in equal proportions if no chiral influences are present in the reaction.

The stereochemistry of the product is influenced by factors such as the steric hindrance and electronic effects of the substituents on the carbonyl compound. For asymmetric ketones or aldehydes, the approach of the cyanide ion can be preferentially from the less hindered side, leading to major and minor enantiomers. This aspect is particularly important in the synthesis of chiral compounds in pharmaceuticals, where the biological activity can differ significantly between enantiomers.

In some cases, the reaction can be carried out in the presence of chiral catalysts or auxiliary groups to induce enantioselectivity, producing predominantly one enantiomer over the other. Understanding and controlling these stereochemical outcomes is a key aspect of modern organic synthesis, especially in the field of medicinal chemistry, where the purity and configuration of chiral centers are crucial.

Yes, other reducing agents can be used instead of NaBH₄ and LiAlH₄, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For example, DIBAL-H (Diisobutylaluminium hydride) is often used for the selective reduction of esters to aldehydes without further reducing the aldehyde to an alcohol, a task that LiAlH₄ cannot accomplish selectively. Another agent, Red-Al (Sodium bis(2-methoxyethoxy)aluminium hydride), is similar to LiAlH₄ but offers better control and less reactivity, making it suitable for delicate reductions.

Catalytic hydrogenation, involving hydrogen gas in the presence of a catalyst like palladium on carbon, is another alternative. This method is particularly useful for reducing carbon-carbon double or triple bonds, but it can also reduce carbonyl groups under certain conditions. However, it requires special equipment to handle hydrogen gas safely.

Each of these agents has its unique reactivity profile and selectivity, which influences their suitability for different types of reduction reactions. The choice of reducing agent is thus based on factors such as the functional groups present, the desired level of reduction, and the need for selectivity in a complex molecule. Additionally, practical considerations like reaction conditions, safety, and availability of reagents also play a role in the choice of a reducing agent.

The choice between Sodium Borohydride (NaBH₄) and Lithium Aluminium Hydride (LiAlH₄) significantly affects the reduction reaction's outcome due to their differing reactivities and selectivities. NaBH₄ is a milder reducing agent and is often used in aqueous or alcoholic solutions at room temperature. It selectively reduces aldehydes and ketones to alcohols while leaving other functional groups like esters and amides unaffected. This selectivity makes NaBH₄ ideal for reducing specific functional groups in complex molecules without disturbing other sensitive groups.

In contrast, LiAlH₄ is a much stronger reducing agent and requires anhydrous conditions, typically using ether as a solvent. Its high reactivity allows it to reduce a wider range of functional groups, including esters, amides, and even carboxylic acids, in addition to aldehydes and ketones. This broad reactivity makes LiAlH₄ a more versatile agent for comprehensive reductions but less suitable for selective reductions in multifunctional molecules. Thus, the choice between these two agents depends on the specific requirements of the reduction reaction, taking into account the complexity of the molecule and the desired selectivity.

Practice Questions

Explain the mechanism of the reduction of propanone to 2-propanol using NaBH₄. Include the role of each reactant and the conditions under which the reaction takes place.

Propanone is reduced to 2-propanol using Sodium Borohydride (NaBH₄) through a nucleophilic addition reaction. In this mechanism, the hydride ion (H⁻) from NaBH₄ acts as a nucleophile and attacks the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group in propanone. This leads to the formation of an alkoxide intermediate. The reaction typically takes place in a mild environment, often in aqueous or alcoholic solutions at room temperature. NaBH₄, being a mild reducing agent, selectively targets the carbonyl group without affecting other functional groups in the molecule. The alkoxide intermediate is then protonated to yield 2-propanol as the final product.

Describe the process and mechanism by which ethanal reacts with HCN to form hydroxynitriles, highlighting the role of the base in the reaction.

Ethanal reacts with hydrogen cyanide (HCN) to form hydroxynitriles through a nucleophilic addition reaction. The base, typically a weak acid or base like KCN, facilitates the generation of the cyanide ion (CN⁻). This ion acts as a nucleophile and attacks the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group in ethanal. The addition of the cyanide ion forms a tetrahedral intermediate, which is then stabilized. The reaction proceeds with the protonation of the negatively charged oxygen in the intermediate, leading to the formation of hydroxynitrile. The base plays a crucial role in maintaining a conducive environment for the reaction and stabilizing the intermediate.

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