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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

33.1.1 Synthesis of Benzoic Acid

The synthesis of benzoic acid from methylbenzene is a key reaction in organic chemistry, embodying important principles and applications. This process involves the oxidation of methylbenzene with hot alkaline potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) followed by acidification, a fundamental transformation widely studied in A-level Chemistry.

Introduction to Benzoic Acid

Benzoic acid, a fundamental aromatic carboxylic acid, is central to organic chemistry. As a precursor for numerous derivatives, it finds extensive applications in the food, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries. Understanding its synthesis from methylbenzene is crucial for grasping advanced organic chemistry concepts.

Structure of benzoic acid

Image courtesy of Emeldir

Methylbenzene: The Starting Material

Methylbenzene, commonly referred to as toluene, is an aromatic hydrocarbon characterised by a methyl group attached to a benzene ring. This structural aspect significantly influences its chemical behaviour, laying the groundwork for its conversion to benzoic acid.

Characteristics of Methylbenzene

  • Molecular Formula: C₇H₈
  • Physical Properties: It is a colourless liquid with a distinctive smell, volatile at room temperature.
  • Chemical Properties: Methylbenzene exhibits typical aromatic reactivity, participating primarily in electrophilic substitution reactions.
Methylbenzene, also known as toluene

Image courtesy of Wesalius

Oxidation Process

The conversion of methylbenzene to benzoic acid is a multistep oxidation reaction, each step playing a pivotal role in the transformation.

Step 1: Oxidation with Potassium Permanganate

The first step involves the oxidation of methylbenzene using potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) in an alkaline medium.

Reaction Conditions

  • Reagent: KMnO₄, used in an alkaline solution.
  • Temperature: The reaction requires elevated temperatures, often above the boiling point of water.
  • Medium: Alkaline conditions are typically provided by sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH).

Mechanism of Oxidation

1. Electrophilic Attack: The KMnO₄ oxidizes the methyl group of methylbenzene.

2. Formation of Intermediate: This results in an intermediate carboxylate ion.

3. By-product Formation: Manganese dioxide (MnO₂) is formed as a by-product, indicating the progression of the reaction.

Step 2: Acidification

The intermediate product from the first step is then acidified to yield benzoic acid.

Process of Acidification

  • Acid Added: Commonly, a dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl) is used.
  • Formation of Benzoic Acid: The acid converts the carboxylate ion into benzoic acid, which precipitates out of the solution.
synthesis of benzoic acid- oxidation of methylbenzene using potassium permanganate (KMnO₄)

Image courtesy of Pavlo Chemist

Properties of Benzoic Acid

As the end product, benzoic acid possesses distinct properties, relevant both in theoretical and practical contexts.

Physical Properties

  • Appearance: It appears as white, crystalline flakes or granules.
  • Solubility: Benzoic acid is sparingly soluble in water but readily dissolves in organic solvents like ethanol.
Crystals of pure benzoic acid

Crystals of pure benzoic acid

Image courtesy of Devon Fyson

Chemical Properties

  • Acidic Nature: Exhibits typical reactions of carboxylic acids, such as esterification and amide formation.
  • Reactivity with Aromatics: The aromatic ring in benzoic acid allows it to undergo further electrophilic substitution reactions.

Safety and Environmental Considerations

The use of chemicals like KMnO₄ and methylbenzene necessitates strict adherence to safety protocols. Gloves, goggles, and adequate ventilation are essential. Environmental considerations include the responsible disposal of manganese dioxide and other reaction by-products.

Chemistry lab gloves and goggles

Image courtesy of Getty Images

Applications of Benzoic Acid

Benzoic acid's importance extends beyond the laboratory, with applications in several industries.

  • Food Industry: It acts as a preservative, inhibiting the growth of mould, yeast, and some bacteria.
  • Pharmaceuticals: Utilised in the synthesis of various drugs and as an active ingredient in topical antifungal creams.
  • Chemical Industry: Serves as a precursor for the synthesis of numerous organic compounds, including plasticizers, perfumes, and dyes.

Theoretical Importance in Chemistry

This synthesis is not just a chemical reaction but a representation of several key concepts in organic chemistry, including:

  • Oxidation Mechanisms: Illustrates the oxidation of alkyl groups in aromatic compounds.
  • Reactivity of Aromatic Compounds: Demonstrates how substituents on a benzene ring affect its reactivity.
  • Chemical Equilibrium: Highlights the importance of reaction conditions in driving the reaction towards the desired product.


The synthesis of benzoic acid from methylbenzene represents a significant chemical process in A-level Chemistry. It offers insight into the reactivity of aromatic compounds, the intricacies of oxidation reactions, and the practical applications of organic compounds. Understanding this synthesis is crucial for students aiming to excel in the field of organic chemistry.


The structure of methylbenzene significantly influences its reactivity in the oxidation reaction to form benzoic acid. The presence of the methyl group attached to the benzene ring makes methylbenzene more reactive towards oxidation compared to benzene itself. The methyl group, being an electron-donating group, increases the electron density on the benzene ring, particularly at the ortho and para positions relative to the methyl group. This increased electron density makes the methyl group more susceptible to oxidation. In the specific case of oxidation to benzoic acid, the methyl group is the site of attack by the oxidising agent. The electronic effects of the methyl group facilitate the removal of hydrogen atoms during the oxidation process, leading to the formation of the carboxyl group. Additionally, the overall structure of methylbenzene allows for relatively stable intermediates during the reaction, aiding in the smooth progression to benzoic acid.

The alkaline medium in the oxidation of methylbenzene to benzoic acid plays a crucial role in both the reaction mechanism and the yield of the product. Alkaline conditions, typically provided by sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH), are essential for maintaining the oxidative strength of potassium permanganate (KMnO₄). In an alkaline medium, KMnO₄ remains in its high oxidation state (Mn(VII)), which is necessary for its strong oxidising ability. The alkaline environment also helps in stabilising the intermediate carboxylate ion formed during the oxidation process. This stabilisation is important for preventing further oxidation of the carboxylate ion, which could lead to over-oxidation and the formation of undesired by-products. Additionally, the alkaline medium aids in the precipitation of manganese dioxide (MnO₂), the by-product, as a solid, making it easier to separate from the reaction mixture. This separation is crucial for obtaining a clean product and for environmental safety regarding the disposal of MnO₂.

The synthesis of benzoic acid using potassium permanganate raises environmental concerns primarily due to the generation of manganese dioxide (MnO₂) as a by-product. MnO₂ can pose environmental risks if not disposed of correctly, as it can contaminate water sources and soil. To mitigate these concerns, it is essential to collect and dispose of MnO₂ responsibly, often through designated chemical waste disposal services. Additionally, the use of potassium permanganate itself needs to be carefully controlled. Spills or excessive use can lead to environmental contamination. The synthesis should be carried out in a controlled laboratory setting with appropriate waste management protocols. Furthermore, research into greener alternatives or modifications of the existing synthesis could reduce environmental impact. For example, recycling or reusing the MnO₂ in other industrial processes or finding less hazardous oxidising agents could be potential areas of exploration.

Potassium permanganate (KMnO₄) is chosen as the oxidising agent in this synthesis due to its high oxidation potential and its ability to selectively oxidise the methyl group in methylbenzene to a carboxyl group. KMnO₄ is a strong oxidising agent that effectively breaks the C-H bonds in the methyl group and facilitates the formation of a carboxylate ion. Its unique property of being able to oxidise in both acidic and alkaline mediums makes it versatile. Moreover, the distinct colour change from purple to brown (as MnO₂ forms) provides a visual indicator of the reaction’s progress. KMnO₄'s robust oxidative capacity ensures the complete conversion of the methyl group into a carboxylic acid, a key requirement for the synthesis of benzoic acid. Additionally, the use of KMnO₄ in an alkaline medium prevents over-oxidation and unwanted side reactions, which is crucial for obtaining a high yield of benzoic acid.

While potassium permanganate is commonly used for the synthesis of benzoic acid from methylbenzene, other oxidising agents can also be employed. However, the choice of oxidising agent impacts the reaction conditions and the yield of benzoic acid. Possible alternatives include chromic acid (H₂CrO₄) and nitric acid (HNO₃), which can also effectively oxidise the methyl group to a carboxyl group. The choice of an alternative oxidant depends on several factors, such as availability, cost, safety, and environmental impact. Each oxidant has its unique reaction conditions and may require different catalysts or temperatures. For instance, chromic acid offers a different mechanism and may require acidic conditions. However, these alternatives also have environmental and safety concerns, such as the toxicity and disposal issues associated with chromium and nitrogen compounds. Therefore, while alternatives exist, potassium permanganate remains a preferred choice due to its effectiveness and the relative ease of handling and disposal of by-products.

Practice Questions

Describe the chemical reaction and conditions required for the oxidation of methylbenzene to benzoic acid using potassium permanganate (KMnO₄). Explain the role of the alkaline medium in this reaction.

The oxidation of methylbenzene to benzoic acid using KMnO₄ is an electrophilic aromatic substitution reaction. The reaction requires hot KMnO₄ in an alkaline medium, often provided by sodium hydroxide (NaOH) or potassium hydroxide (KOH). The alkaline medium is essential for maintaining the Mn(VII) oxidation state of KMnO₄, which is crucial for its oxidising ability. In this reaction, the methyl group of methylbenzene is oxidised to a carboxyl group, forming benzoic acid. The process generates MnO₂ as a by-product, which is a visible indicator of the reaction's progression. The high temperature is necessary to facilitate the reaction, as it is relatively sluggish at lower temperatures.

Discuss the importance of acidification in the synthesis of benzoic acid from methylbenzene and describe the chemical changes that occur during this step.

Acidification is a critical step in the synthesis of benzoic acid from methylbenzene. After the initial oxidation of methylbenzene with KMnO₄, the intermediate product is a carboxylate ion. The acidification step, typically using a dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl), converts this carboxylate ion into benzoic acid. The addition of the acid protonates the carboxylate ion, leading to the release of water and the formation of benzoic acid. This step is vital as it precipitates the benzoic acid out of the solution, allowing for its separation and purification. Without acidification, the carboxylate ion would remain dissolved in the aqueous solution, making the isolation of benzoic acid challenging.

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