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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

34.4.1 Properties and Zwitterions


This section delves into the intriguing acid and base properties of amino acids, their ability to form zwitterions, and the concept of the isoelectric point. These properties significantly influence amino acid behavior in different biochemical and physiological environments.

Acid and Base Properties of Amino Acids

Amino acids are unique molecules possessing both acidic and basic functional groups, enabling them to act as both acids and bases.

Amine Group as a Base

  • Structure and Function: The amine group (-NH₂) in amino acids can act as a Lewis base due to its ability to donate an electron pair. This electron pair can accept a proton (H⁺), leading to the formation of an ammonium ion (-NH₃⁺).
  • Basic Nature: The nitrogen atom's lone pair of electrons makes it an effective proton acceptor. This basic characteristic plays a pivotal role in the amino acid's behaviour, especially in protein interactions and enzyme activities.

Carboxylic Acid Group as an Acid

  • Proton Donation: The carboxylic acid group (-COOH) can release a proton, resulting in the formation of a carboxylate ion (-COO⁻). This proton donation is influenced by the surrounding pH.
  • Acidic Characteristics: The oxygen atoms in the carboxyl group enhance its acidity. The electronegativity of oxygen stabilizes the negative charge of the carboxylate ion, making proton donation more favorable.
General Structure of amino acids

Image courtesy of YassineMrabet

Zwitterion Formation

Zwitterions are unique molecules embodying both positive and negative charges simultaneously, which is a distinctive characteristic of amino acids under certain conditions.

Internal Proton Transfer

  • Mechanism: In an aqueous solution, the carboxylic acid group can lose a proton, which can be accepted by the amine group. This internal proton transfer is pH-dependent and is a reversible process.
  • Zwitterion Structure: The amino acid transforms into a zwitterion with a positively charged ammonium ion (-NH₃⁺) and a negatively charged carboxylate ion (-COO⁻).
Zwitterion Formation in amino acids

Image courtesy of DMacks

Influence of Environmental pH

  • pH Sensitivity: The zwitterionic form of an amino acid is highly sensitive to the pH of the surrounding environment. In acidic conditions, amino acids tend to gain protons, whereas in alkaline conditions, they lose protons.
  • Isoelectric Point Implications: At the isoelectric point, amino acids exhibit minimal solubility and do not migrate in an electric field. This property is crucial in techniques like isoelectric focusing.

The Isoelectric Point (pI)

The isoelectric point is a key concept in understanding the net charge of amino acids under different pH conditions.

Definition and Significance

  • Isoelectric Point: The pH at which an amino acid has no net electric charge is known as its isoelectric point (pI). At this pH, the molecule is electrically neutral.
  • Biochemical Implications: The pI is vital in understanding how amino acids behave in various physiological and experimental conditions, especially in protein structure and function.

Calculation and Application

  • Calculating pI: The isoelectric point is calculated as the average of the pKa values of the carboxylic acid and amine groups. For amino acids with more than two ionizable groups, the relevant pKa values are those closest to the pH at which the amino acid is neutral.
  • Role in Biochemical Techniques: The pI is instrumental in separation techniques like electrophoresis, where amino acids are separated based on their charge at a given pH.

Amino Acids in Different Environments

Amino acids demonstrate diverse behaviors in various environmental conditions, influenced by their acid-base properties.

Behaviour in Acidic and Basic Conditions

  • Acidic Environment: In acidic solutions, amino acids tend to gain protons, increasing their positive charge. This protonation affects their solubility and reactivity.
  • Basic Environment: In alkaline conditions, amino acids are more likely to lose protons, enhancing their negative charge. This deprotonation can impact their binding to other molecules and their overall stability.
Amino acids under different pH conditions

Image courtesy of Chemistry

Biological Relevance

  • Protein Structure Formation: The charge on amino acid side chains influences protein folding and stability. Ionic interactions between charged side chains are key in maintaining protein structure.
  • Enzymatic Function: Amino acids in enzyme active sites can participate in acid-base catalysis, influencing the enzyme's activity and specificity.

Environmental and pH Effects

  • Solubility and Precipitation: The solubility of amino acids varies with pH. Near their isoelectric point, amino acids are less soluble and may precipitate.
  • Electrophoretic Mobility: In electrophoresis, amino acids move according to their charge. Near the pI, their movement is minimal, aiding in their separation and identification.


The acid and base properties of amino acids, the formation of zwitterions, and the concept of the isoelectric point are foundational in understanding the multifaceted roles of these molecules in biology. These principles not only govern the behavior of amino acids in various environments but also provide insights into the broader aspects of protein chemistry and enzymology. The understanding of these concepts is crucial for students embarking on the study of biochemistry and molecular biology, laying the groundwork for more advanced topics in the field.


The isoelectric point (pI) of an amino acid can be altered by modifying its chemical structure, specifically by changing the nature or number of its ionisable groups. One common way to alter the pI is through chemical modifications that introduce additional acidic or basic groups into the amino acid's side chain. For example, adding a carboxyl group (which is acidic) will lower the pI of the amino acid, as it introduces an additional group that can donate a proton. Conversely, adding an amine group (which is basic) will raise the pI, as it introduces an additional group that can accept a proton. Such modifications are often used in research and biotechnology to alter the properties of proteins, such as changing their stability, solubility, or activity. It's important to note that these modifications can significantly affect the amino acid's behaviour and interactions in biological systems, and thus are used judiciously when designing drugs or studying protein functions.

The zwitterionic form of amino acids significantly contributes to their solubility in water. In the zwitterion form, amino acids have both a positive and a negative charge, which enhances their ability to interact with water molecules. Water is a polar solvent, and its molecules can form hydrogen bonds with both the positively charged ammonium group and the negatively charged carboxylate group of the zwitterion. These interactions increase the solubility of amino acids in water, as the charged groups are better able to interact with the polar water molecules compared to uncharged species. Furthermore, the dipolar nature of zwitterions allows them to form ionic and dipole-dipole interactions with other solutes and solvents, further enhancing their solubility. This high solubility in water is crucial for the biological functions of amino acids, as it facilitates their transport in the aqueous environment of the body and their participation in various biochemical reactions.

The acid-base properties of amino acids play a crucial role in protein-protein interactions. The charge of amino acids, determined by their pKa and the pH of the environment, influences how proteins interact with each other. For instance, amino acids with acidic side chains can form ionic bonds with amino acids that have basic side chains. This electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged side chains is a key factor in stabilising protein complexes. Moreover, hydrogen bonding, another form of interaction influenced by the acid-base properties, occurs between polar side chains and backbone atoms, further contributing to the specificity and stability of protein-protein interactions. Additionally, the pH of the environment can affect the ionisation state of amino acids, altering their interaction potential. For example, a change in pH can lead to the protonation or deprotonation of side chains, changing the overall charge distribution on the protein surface and consequently influencing its interaction with other proteins. These interactions are essential in many biological processes, including signal transduction, immune responses, and cellular regulation. Understanding the acid-base properties of amino acids and their influence on protein-protein interactions is therefore critical in the study of cellular mechanisms and the development of therapeutic interventions.

The variation in isoelectric points (pIs) among different amino acids is significant in biological systems for several reasons. Firstly, the pI of an amino acid influences its overall charge at a given pH, affecting how it interacts with other molecules. This is particularly important in proteins, where the arrangement of amino acids with different pIs contributes to the protein's structure and function. For example, amino acids with a pI close to the physiological pH (around 7.4) may have a neutral charge in the body, contributing to the hydrophobic core of proteins, whereas those with pIs far from physiological pH may be charged and participate in ionic interactions on the protein surface. Secondly, the variation in pIs among amino acids is exploited in techniques like isoelectric focusing, used to separate proteins based on their isoelectric points. This method is crucial in analytical biochemistry for protein purification and characterisation. Finally, the pI values of amino acids can affect their behaviour in metabolic pathways. For instance, the charged state of an amino acid at a particular pH can influence its role as a substrate or product in enzymatic reactions, affecting the reaction rate and pathway direction.

The acid and base properties of amino acids are fundamental to their role in enzyme function. Enzymes, which are proteins composed of amino acids, rely on the precise arrangement of these acid and base groups to perform catalysis. In the active site of an enzyme, specific amino acids can donate or accept protons, facilitating the chemical reactions they catalyse. For instance, acidic amino acids like aspartic acid can donate a proton to the substrate, stabilising a negative charge on an intermediate molecule, while basic amino acids like lysine can accept a proton, providing a favourable environment for certain reaction pathways. Furthermore, the ionisation state of these amino acids can change with the pH of the environment, affecting enzyme activity. This characteristic is essential in maintaining the correct three-dimensional structure of the enzyme, which is crucial for its specificity and function. For example, in a low pH environment, excess protons can lead to the protonation of acidic groups, altering the enzyme's structure and potentially inhibiting its activity. Therefore, understanding the acid-base behaviour of amino acids within enzymes is key to comprehending enzyme mechanisms and the factors that influence enzyme activity.

Practice Questions

Explain how the structure of an amino acid allows it to act as both an acid and a base. Include in your answer the concept of zwitterion formation.

Amino acids have a unique structure that enables them to exhibit both acidic and basic properties due to the presence of an amine group (-NH₂) and a carboxylic acid group (-COOH). The amine group can act as a base by accepting a proton, forming an ammonium ion (-NH₃⁺), due to the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom. Conversely, the carboxylic acid group can donate a proton, forming a carboxylate ion (-COO⁻), because of the acidic nature of the hydrogen atom attached to the oxygen. In aqueous solutions, amino acids can undergo internal proton transfer, where the proton from the carboxylic acid group is transferred to the amine group, leading to the formation of a zwitterion. This zwitterion has both a positively charged ammonium ion and a negatively charged carboxylate ion, exemplifying its ability to act as both an acid and a base.

Describe the importance of the isoelectric point (pI) in amino acids and how it can affect their behaviour in different pH environments.

The isoelectric point (pI) of an amino acid is the pH at which it has no net electric charge. At the pI, an amino acid exists predominantly in its zwitterionic form, having equal positive and negative charges. The pI is crucial for understanding the solubility and migration of amino acids in different pH environments. In pH conditions below the pI, amino acids tend to gain protons, becoming positively charged, which increases their solubility in water and affects their mobility in electrophoresis. Conversely, above the pI, amino acids lose protons and become negatively charged, altering their solubility and migration behaviour. The knowledge of the pI is essential in biochemical techniques such as protein purification and electrophoresis, where the charge and solubility of amino acids at different pH levels are critical factors.

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