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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

31.1.2 Reactivity of Halogenoalkanes vs. Halogenoarenes

In the realm of organic chemistry, understanding the reactivity of different classes of compounds is crucial. This section offers a detailed comparison between the reactivity of halogenoalkanes and halogenoarenes, focusing on the underlying reasons for the observed differences, particularly looking at aspects such as bond strength, stability, and the influence of delocalized π electrons.

Understanding Halogenoalkanes

Halogenoalkanes, commonly known as alkyl halides, are compounds where a halogen atom is bonded to an aliphatic carbon chain.

Structure and Bonding

  • General Structure: Halogenoalkanes consist of a halogen atom (like Cl, Br, or I) attached to a saturated carbon chain.
  • Bond Polarity: The C-X bond (X = halogen) in halogenoalkanes is polar due to the electronegativity difference between carbon and the halogen.
  • Bond Strength: This bond's strength varies, generally decreasing with the increase in the size of the halogen atom.

Reactivity Factors

  • Bond Strength and Reactivity: Weaker C-X bonds in halogenoalkanes facilitate easier breaking, leading to higher reactivity.
  • Steric Hindrance: The reactivity is influenced by the steric hindrance around the carbon-halogen bond. Less hindered halogenoalkanes are more reactive.
  • Polarity and Nucleophilic Substitution: The polar C-X bond makes halogenoalkanes susceptible to attack by nucleophiles, leading to nucleophilic substitution reactions.
The general structure of halogenoalkanes

Image courtesy of MaChe

Understanding Halogenoarenes

Halogenoarenes, or aryl halides, are aromatic compounds where one or more halogen atoms are attached to an aromatic ring, like benzene.

Structure and Bonding

  • General Structure: Halogenoarenes feature a halogen attached to an aromatic ring.
  • Bond Nature: The C-X bond in halogenoarenes has partial double-bond character due to resonance, making it stronger and less reactive.

Reactivity Factors

  • Bond Strength and Reactivity: The stronger, less polar C-X bond in halogenoarenes results in lower reactivity.
  • Delocalized π Electrons: The aromatic ring’s delocalized π electrons add stability and reduce reactivity.
  • Resonance Stabilization: The overlapping of p-orbitals in the aromatic ring with halogen p-orbitals reduces the electrophilic character of the carbon, thus decreasing reactivity.
Structure of Chlorobenzene

Structure of Chlorobenzene, a Halogenoarene

Image courtesy of Bryan Derksen

Comparative Analysis of Reactivity

Bond Strength and Reactivity

  • Halogenoalkanes: The weaker and more polar C-X bonds make these compounds highly reactive, especially in nucleophilic substitution reactions.
  • Halogenoarenes: Stronger, less polar C-X bonds due to resonance stabilization result in significantly lower reactivity.

Mechanism of Reaction

  • Halogenoalkanes: These compounds typically undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions via SN1 (unimolecular nucleophilic substitution) or SN2 (bimolecular nucleophilic substitution) mechanisms.
  • Halogenoarenes: The stable aromatic ring in these compounds makes them less likely to participate in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Steric and Electronic Effects

  • Halogenoalkanes: The reactivity can be significantly influenced by steric hindrance and the electronic nature of the substituent groups.
  • Halogenoarenes: Despite the presence of substituents, the aromatic system's inherent stability often dominates, reducing reactivity.

Reactivity with Nucleophiles

  • Halogenoalkanes: The polar nature of the C-X bond makes them more prone to attack by nucleophiles.
  • Halogenoarenes: Reduced positive character of the carbon atom due to delocalized π electrons in the aromatic ring makes them less reactive towards nucleophiles.

Detailed Insights into Halogenoalkane Reactivity

Types of Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

  • SN1 Reactions: Characterized by a two-step mechanism, where the first step involves the formation of a carbocation intermediate.
Diagram showing a general mechanism of SN1 (Substitution Nucleophilic Unimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Roland1952

  • SN2 Reactions: Involves a one-step mechanism where the nucleophile attacks the carbon atom bearing the halogen directly.
Diagram showing a general mechanism of SN2 (Substitution Nucleophilic Bimolecular) Reaction.

Image courtesy of Saco

Factors Affecting SN1 and SN2 Reactions

  • Nature of the Halogen: Reactivity increases from fluorine to iodine due to decreasing bond strength.
  • Type of Carbon Chain: Tertiary halogenoalkanes are more reactive in SN1, while primary ones favour SN2 reactions.

Detailed Insights into Halogenoarene Reactivity

Nature of Aromatic Substitution Reactions

  • Electrophilic Aromatic Substitution: More common for halogenoarenes, involving the addition of an electrophile to the aromatic ring.
  • Role of Halogen Atoms: Halogens, despite being deactivating, can direct the incoming electrophile to ortho and para positions on the aromatic ring.

Influence of Resonance and Stability

  • The delocalized electrons in halogenoarenes create a stable system that resists reactions that would disrupt the aromaticity.

Concluding Insights

Understanding the reactivity differences between halogenoalkanes and halogenoarenes is pivotal for students and chemists alike. The reactivity in halogenoalkanes is primarily driven by the nature of the carbon-halogen bond and the structure of the carbon chain, while in halogenoarenes, the stability of the aromatic system and resonance effects play a crucial role. These insights into their reactivity patterns form an essential part of the knowledge base in organic chemistry, especially for A-level students, offering a clear understanding of these complex yet fascinating organic compounds.


The nature of the halogen in halogenoalkanes significantly affects the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution. This is primarily due to the varying bond strengths between the carbon atom and different halogens. In general, the carbon-fluorine bond is the strongest and most difficult to break, while the carbon-iodine bond is the weakest. For halogenoalkanes with a weaker carbon-halogen bond, such as iodides, the bond cleavage is easier, favoring the SN2 mechanism where the bond breaking and bond forming occur in a single step. This single-step mechanism is characterized by a backside attack of the nucleophile, leading to an inversion of configuration at the carbon atom. On the other hand, halogenoalkanes with stronger carbon-halogen bonds, like chlorides and bromides, are more likely to undergo the SN1 mechanism. The SN1 mechanism involves a two-step process starting with the formation of a carbocation intermediate. This intermediate then rapidly reacts with the nucleophile. The choice of mechanism depends on the balance between the bond strength and the stability of the potential carbocation intermediate.

Steric hindrance plays a significant role in determining the reactivity of halogenoalkanes, particularly in nucleophilic substitution reactions. Steric hindrance refers to the physical obstruction caused by the size and arrangement of atoms or groups within a molecule, affecting the accessibility of the reactive site. In halogenoalkanes, the presence of bulky groups near the carbon-halogen bond can hinder the approach of nucleophiles, making the nucleophilic substitution reaction more difficult. For example, tertiary halogenoalkanes, where the carbon atom bonded to the halogen is also connected to three other carbon atoms, exhibit significant steric hindrance. This hindrance affects the mechanism of the reaction; tertiary halogenoalkanes tend to undergo SN1 reactions, where the rate-determining step is the formation of a carbocation intermediate, rather than SN2 reactions, which require a direct attack on the carbon by the nucleophile. In contrast, primary halogenoalkanes, with less steric hindrance, are more reactive in SN2 reactions.

Halogenoarenes typically do not undergo nucleophilic substitution reactions easily. This resistance is primarily due to the stability imparted by the aromatic ring and the partial double-bond character of the carbon-halogen bond resulting from resonance. The resonance in halogenoarenes distributes the electron density across the ring, making the carbon atom less electrophilic and thus less susceptible to attack by nucleophiles. Factors that might influence nucleophilic substitution in halogenoarenes include the nature of the substituents on the aromatic ring and the type of the nucleophile. Electron-withdrawing groups on the ring can make the carbon atom more electrophilic, slightly increasing the susceptibility to nucleophilic attack. Strong, bulky nucleophiles might also increase the chances of substitution, although such reactions are generally difficult and require harsh conditions. It's important to note that nucleophilic aromatic substitution in halogenoarenes often leads to the loss of aromaticity during the reaction intermediate stage, which is energetically unfavorable.

The presence of delocalized π electrons in halogenoarenes greatly affects their reactivity, especially when compared to non-aromatic halogenated compounds like halogenoalkanes. In halogenoarenes, the delocalized π electrons contribute to the overall stability of the aromatic ring through resonance. This resonance leads to a distribution of the positive charge over the entire aromatic system, reducing the electrophilic character of the carbon atom to which the halogen is attached. As a result, halogenoarenes are less susceptible to nucleophilic attack, making them less reactive in nucleophilic substitution reactions. In contrast, non-aromatic halogenated compounds do not have this stabilizing delocalized electron system. The carbon-halogen bond in these compounds is more polar and weaker, making them more prone to nucleophilic attack. This fundamental difference in electronic structure and bond character is key to understanding the reactivity patterns of these two classes of compounds in organic chemistry.

Halogenoalkanes are more reactive towards nucleophiles than halogenoarenes, and this difference stems from the distinct bonding and electronic environments in these two classes of compounds. In halogenoalkanes, the carbon-halogen bond is typically polar and relatively weak, especially when larger halogens like bromine or iodine are involved. This polarity arises from the difference in electronegativity between the carbon and the halogen, leaving the carbon atom with a partial positive charge. As a result, nucleophiles, which are electron-rich species, are attracted to the positively charged carbon, facilitating nucleophilic substitution reactions. In contrast, halogenoarenes have a more stable and less polar carbon-halogen bond due to the delocalization of π electrons across the aromatic ring. This delocalization distributes the positive charge over the entire ring and imparts partial double-bond character to the carbon-halogen bond, making it stronger and less reactive. Consequently, the aromatic ring in halogenoarenes offers significant resistance to nucleophilic attack, making these compounds less reactive towards nucleophiles compared to halogenoalkanes.

Practice Questions

Explain why chloroethane is more reactive than chlorobenzene in a nucleophilic substitution reaction.

Chloroethane is more reactive than chlorobenzene in nucleophilic substitution reactions primarily due to the difference in bond strength and the nature of the carbon-halogen bond. In chloroethane, the carbon-chlorine bond is weaker and more polar, making it easier for nucleophiles to attack and displace the chlorine atom. This is because the carbon atom in chloroethane has a significant partial positive charge due to the electronegativity difference between carbon and chlorine. Conversely, in chlorobenzene, the carbon-chlorine bond is strengthened by the resonance within the aromatic ring, which also delocalizes the positive charge. This resonance stabilization makes the carbon less susceptible to attack by nucleophiles, reducing its reactivity in nucleophilic substitution reactions.

Describe how the reactivity of halogenoalkanes varies with the nature of the halogen and provide a rationale for this variation.

The reactivity of halogenoalkanes in nucleophilic substitution reactions varies significantly with the nature of the halogen attached. Generally, reactivity increases as one moves down the halogen group in the periodic table, from fluorine to iodine. This trend is due to the decreasing bond strength between the carbon and the halogen atom. As the size of the halogen atom increases, the bond length increases, leading to a weaker carbon-halogen bond. For instance, iodine being larger than chlorine, the C-I bond in iodoalkanes is weaker than the C-Cl bond in chloroalkanes, making iodoalkanes more reactive. This is a crucial factor in determining the reactivity of halogenoalkanes, as weaker bonds are more easily broken during chemical reactions.

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