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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

36.1.1 Functional Group Identification in Organic Synthesis

In organic chemistry, functional groups are specific groups of atoms within molecules that are responsible for the characteristic chemical reactions of those molecules. The identification of these functional groups is fundamental to understanding and predicting the behaviour of organic compounds. This section delves into various techniques and strategies for identifying organic functional groups, particularly in complex molecules.


Functional groups are key to understanding the reactivity and properties of organic molecules. This module focuses on the identification techniques for these groups using characteristic reactions. It is essential for A-level Chemistry students to grasp these concepts for a deeper understanding of organic synthesis.

Different functional groups in organic chemistry

Image courtesy of Anna Marín

Techniques for Identifying Functional Groups

Visual Inspection and Spectroscopy

  • Visual Inspection: Initial identification often starts with a simple observation of the molecular structure. Key functional groups such as hydroxyl (-OH), carbonyl (>C=O), and amine (-NH₂) groups can sometimes be identified through this method.
  • Spectroscopic Techniques: These are more advanced methods for functional group identification.
    • Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy: This technique is based on the absorption of infrared light, which causes molecular vibrations. Different functional groups absorb characteristic frequencies of IR radiation. For example, the carbonyl group shows a strong peak around 1700 cm⁻¹.
    • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy: Both ¹H and ¹³C NMR spectroscopies are valuable in determining the electronic environment of hydrogen and carbon atoms, respectively. This can help infer the presence of certain functional groups.
Illustration of Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy

Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy

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Chemical Tests

  • General Approach: Simple chemical tests often result in observable changes like color change, precipitation, or the release of gases. These tests are crucial for confirming the presence of certain functional groups.
  • Specific Tests:
    • Alkenes: The bromine water test is a classic example. Alkenes decolorize bromine water, indicating the presence of a C=C bond.
    • Aldehydes and Ketones: Fehling’s solution turns brick red in the presence of aldehydes but not ketones. Tollens’ reagent, on the other hand, produces a silver mirror with aldehydes.
    • Carboxylic Acids: Effervescence with sodium bicarbonate indicates the presence of a carboxylic acid group.
    • Amines: The Hinsberg’s reagent test distinguishes primary, secondary, and tertiary amines based on solubility differences.
Performing simple chemical tests in a laboratory

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Flowcharts for Functional Group Identification

Designing Flowcharts

  • Purpose: Flowcharts offer a systematic and logical approach to identifying functional groups. They are especially useful for students and novice chemists.
  • Components: A typical flowchart starts with broad categorizations, like checking for a C=C bond, and narrows down to more specific tests for different functional groups.

Sample Flowchart

1. Test for Unsaturated Hydrocarbons: Use bromine water for initial indication.

2. Test for Carbonyl Group: Apply the 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNP) test.

3. Differentiating Aldehydes from Ketones: Utilize Fehling’s solution or Tollens’ reagent.

4. Identifying Carboxylic Acids and Esters: React with sodium bicarbonate for acids; esters can be hydrolyzed followed by acidification.

5. Amine Identification: Hinsberg’s test differentiates amines based on solubility.

Characteristic Reactions of Functional Groups

Predictable Reactions

  • Alcohols: Reaction with sodium metal can be used to identify alcohols, as they effervesce, producing hydrogen gas.
  • Carboxylic Acids: These can react with alcohols in the presence of an acid catalyst to form esters, a process known as esterification.
  • Amines: Primary amines react with nitrous acid to form diazonium salts, which are useful in synthetic chemistry.

Application in Synthesis

  • Understanding the characteristic reactions of functional groups is vital. It assists in predicting how a molecule will behave under synthetic conditions and in devising pathways for the synthesis of new compounds.

Case Studies: Application in Real-world Scenarios

Scenario 1: Pharmaceutical Compound Analysis

  • Analyzing a drug molecule involves identifying functional groups to understand its pharmacological activity. For instance, the presence of hydroxyl groups can significantly influence a drug’s solubility and hence its efficacy.
Pharmaceutical Compound Analysis

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Scenario 2: Forensic Chemistry

  • In forensic analysis, identifying functional groups in substances found at crime scenes can be pivotal. It aids in determining the nature of the material, whether it's a narcotic, poison, or other substances.

Functional group identification lays the foundation for understanding the chemical behavior of organic compounds. It is an essential skill in organic chemistry, enabling chemists to decipher the structure and reactivity of complex molecules. This knowledge is not only crucial for academic purposes but also has practical applications in industries such as pharmaceuticals, forensic science, and materials science. Understanding these concepts will enable A-level students to excel in their studies and future endeavors in chemistry-related fields.


Infrared (IR) spectroscopy can be used to differentiate between primary, secondary, and tertiary amines based on their characteristic absorption bands. In primary amines, there are two N-H bonds, leading to two distinct absorption bands in the IR spectrum: one for N-H stretching (around 3300-3500 cm⁻¹) and another for N-H bending (around 1600 cm⁻¹). Secondary amines have only one N-H bond, resulting in a single N-H stretching band in a similar range but generally weaker and less sharp than in primary amines. Tertiary amines, which have no N-H bonds, do not show these N-H stretching or bending bands. Instead, tertiary amines may show weaker bands due to C-N stretching vibrations (around 1020-1350 cm⁻¹). Additionally, the shape and intensity of these bands can provide further information about the amine's structure and environment. Therefore, IR spectroscopy is a useful tool for identifying and distinguishing different types of amines based on their specific IR absorption patterns.

The 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine (2,4-DNP) test is a common method for identifying carbonyl compounds, such as aldehydes and ketones. This test involves the reaction of 2,4-DNP with the carbonyl group to form a yellow, orange, or red precipitate, known as a 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone derivative. The reaction occurs as the nucleophilic nitrogen of the 2,4-DNP reacts with the electrophilic carbon of the carbonyl group, resulting in the formation of a hydrazone linkage. A positive test, indicated by the formation of a brightly colored precipitate, confirms the presence of a carbonyl group. This test is specific and sensitive, allowing the detection of even trace amounts of carbonyl compounds. Moreover, the precipitates formed have distinct melting points, which can be used to further identify the specific aldehyde or ketone present. Thus, the 2,4-DNP test is a valuable tool in organic chemistry for the qualitative analysis of carbonyl-containing compounds.

The silver mirror test, also known as the Tollens' test, is significant in organic chemistry for identifying aldehydes. In this test, the aldehyde is oxidized to a carboxylic acid, while the diamminesilver(I) ion in the Tollens' reagent is reduced to metallic silver, which deposits on the test tube's surface, forming a shiny silver mirror. This reaction occurs because aldehydes are easily oxidized due to the presence of a hydrogen atom attached to the carbonyl carbon, making the carbon atom electron-deficient and susceptible to nucleophilic attack.

Ketones, on the other hand, do not undergo this reaction. This is because ketones lack the hydrogen atom on the carbonyl carbon, making them more resistant to oxidation under mild conditions like those in the Tollens' test. The absence of this hydrogen atom means there is no easy pathway for the oxidation of the ketone to occur, preventing the formation of the silver mirror. Thus, the Tollens' test is a specific and sensitive method for distinguishing aldehydes from ketones, based on their differing oxidation behaviors.

Chromatography, particularly Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) and Gas Chromatography (GC), plays a significant role in the identification of functional groups in organic compounds. In TLC, a mixture is separated on a stationary phase, and the presence of certain functional groups can be inferred based on the Rf values and the behaviour of compounds under UV light or specific staining reagents. For instance, compounds with hydroxyl or amino groups often show different Rf values compared to non-polar compounds. In GC, the retention time of a compound in the column can give clues about its molecular structure and functional groups. Compounds with different functional groups generally have different volatilities and interact differently with the stationary phase in the GC column, leading to distinct retention times. When coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS), the fragmentation patterns can be analysed to provide further insights into the functional groups present. Thus, chromatography is a vital tool in the identification and analysis of functional groups, complementing other techniques like spectroscopy and chemical testing.

The Lucas test is a qualitative method used to distinguish between primary, secondary, and tertiary alcohols based on their reactivity with Lucas reagent (a mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid and zinc chloride). When an alcohol is added to the Lucas reagent, a secondary or tertiary alcohol will react relatively quickly, forming a cloudy solution or a separate layer due to the formation of the corresponding alkyl chloride. Tertiary alcohols react the fastest, often becoming cloudy immediately, while secondary alcohols may take a few minutes to a few hours. Primary alcohols, however, react very slowly or not at all under these conditions, showing little to no change. This difference in reactivity is due to the stability of the carbocation intermediate formed during the reaction. Tertiary carbocations are more stable than secondary ones, which are more stable than primary carbocations. This stability affects the rate at which the alcohols undergo substitution reactions with the Lucas reagent, thus providing a basis for their differentiation.

Practice Questions

Identify the functional group in a compound that shows a strong absorption at 1710 cm⁻¹ in its IR spectrum and gives a positive Tollens' test. Explain the reasoning behind your identification.

The compound most likely contains an aldehyde functional group. The strong absorption at 1710 cm⁻¹ in the IR spectrum is characteristic of the C=O stretch found in carbonyl compounds. Among carbonyl-containing compounds, the positive Tollens' test specifically indicates the presence of an aldehyde. This test is based on the oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids, which reduces the Ag(NH₃)₂⁺ in Tollens' reagent to metallic silver, often seen as a silver mirror on the test tube. This result is distinctive for aldehydes and not observed with ketones, making it a reliable test for aldehyde identification.

Describe the sequence of tests you would perform to distinguish between an alcohol, an aldehyde, and a carboxylic acid. Include the expected observations for each test.

To distinguish between an alcohol, an aldehyde, and a carboxylic acid, I would first perform the sodium bicarbonate test. Only the carboxylic acid will react to form carbon dioxide, indicated by effervescence. Next, I would use the Tollens' reagent test, where a positive result (silver mirror formation) would confirm an aldehyde. Finally, to confirm the presence of an alcohol, I would perform the sodium metal test. The alcohol would react with the sodium metal to produce hydrogen gas, evidenced by effervescence. This systematic approach utilises distinctive reactions of each functional group to accurately identify the compound.

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