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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

36.1.2 Prediction of Properties and Reactions in Organic Molecules


In A-level Chemistry, comprehending the influence of functional groups on the properties and reactions of organic molecules is fundamental. This section offers a detailed exploration of predictive strategies for understanding these molecular behaviors.

Functional Groups: The Cornerstones of Organic Chemistry

Functional groups are specific clusters of atoms within molecules, imparting distinct chemical properties and reactions. The type and arrangement of these groups in an organic compound are key to its reactivity and characteristics.

Identifying Functional Groups

  • Alcohols (R-OH): Characterized by a hydroxyl group (-OH). They typically exhibit polarity, enabling them to form hydrogen bonds. This affects their physical properties like boiling points and solubility in water. Alcohols can be primary, secondary, or tertiary, influencing their reactivity.
  • Carboxylic Acids (R-COOH): Contain a carboxyl group (-COOH). Their acidic nature allows them to engage in reactions such as esterification and amide formation. Carboxylic acids also exhibit strong hydrogen bonding, influencing their boiling points.
  • Amines (R-NH₂): Featuring an amino group (-NH₂), amines are basic compounds. They can participate in reactions like alkylation and acylation, and their ability to donate a pair of electrons makes them nucleophilic.
  • Aldehydes and Ketones (R-CO-R'): Possessing a carbonyl group (C=O), they play a pivotal role in nucleophilic addition reactions. Aldehydes have the carbonyl group at the end of the carbon chain, while ketones have it within the chain.
Different functional groups in organic chemistry

Image courtesy of Anna Marín

Predicting Physical Properties

The physical properties such as melting point, boiling point, and solubility of organic molecules are heavily influenced by their molecular structure, particularly the functional groups they contain.

Boiling and Melting Points

  • Hydrogen Bonding: Molecules with functional groups capable of hydrogen bonding, like alcohols and carboxylic acids, often exhibit higher boiling points compared to similar-sized molecules without these groups.
  • Molecular Weight and Structure: Generally, as molecular weight increases, so do the melting and boiling points. Additionally, the structure plays a role; branched molecules typically have lower boiling points compared to their straight-chain isomers due to reduced surface area and hence weaker van der Waals forces.


  • Polarity and Hydrogen Bonding: Polar molecules, particularly those capable of hydrogen bonding, tend to be soluble in water. For example, short-chain alcohols are highly soluble in water due to their ability to form hydrogen bonds.
  • Hydrocarbon Chains: The presence of long hydrocarbon chains in molecules like fatty acids decreases their solubility in water but increases solubility in non-polar solvents like hexane.

Predicting Chemical Reactions

The functional group in an organic molecule is a primary determinant of the kinds of chemical reactions it can undergo.

Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions

  • Halogenoalkanes: These compounds are prone to nucleophilic substitution reactions, where a nucleophile replaces the halogen atom. The nature of the halogen (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine) affects the reactivity, with iodine being the most reactive due to its weaker C-I bond.
Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction in Halogenoalkanes

Image courtesy of Lumen Learning

Addition Reactions

  • Alkenes and Alkynes: These unsaturated compounds with double or triple bonds are reactive towards addition reactions. For instance, alkenes react with halogens to form dihaloalkanes, and with water (in the presence of a catalyst) to form alcohols.
Diagram showing chemical equation of Electrophilic addition reaction between Symmetrical Alkenes and Water.

Addition reaction between Alkenes and Water.

Image courtesy of JeanMi

Elimination Reactions

  • Formation of Alkenes: Alcohols can undergo dehydration reactions in the presence of an acid catalyst to form alkenes. This involves the elimination of a water molecule from the alcohol.
Dehydration of Alcohols to form alkenes in the presence of catalyst

Image courtesy of Pete Davis

Oxidation and Reduction

  • Oxidation of Alcohols: Primary alcohols are oxidised first to aldehydes and can be further oxidized to carboxylic acids. Secondary alcohols are oxidized to ketones. Tertiary alcohols do not undergo oxidation.
  • Reduction: Involves the addition of hydrogen to a molecule, typically turning ketones and aldehydes into secondary and primary alcohols, respectively.

Order of Reactivity

Predicting the reactivity of functional groups involves understanding their electronic and steric properties.

Relative Reactivity

  • Electrophilic Centers: In carbonyl compounds, the carbon atom of the carbonyl group is an electrophilic center. Aldehydes are generally more reactive than ketones due to less steric hindrance and the presence of only one alkyl group, which is less electron-releasing compared to two in ketones.
  • Leaving Group Ability: In nucleophilic substitution reactions, the ability of the leaving group to leave the molecule influences reactivity. For example, iodide is a better leaving group than chloride due to its larger size and weaker bond strength.

Strategies for Reaction Prediction

To predict the outcome of a reaction, one must consider several factors:

  • Functional Group Reactivity: Knowledge of typical reactions of functional groups is essential. For instance, knowing that alcohols can be oxidised or dehydrated helps in predicting the products of reactions they undergo.
  • Steric Effects: The size and shape of molecules influence their reactivity. For example, bulky groups near reactive sites can hinder certain reactions.
  • Electronic Effects: Electron-donating or withdrawing groups adjacent to reactive centers can significantly affect reactivity. Electron-withdrawing groups can make a molecule more susceptible to nucleophilic attacks.
  • Reaction Conditions: Factors like temperature, pressure, solvent, and presence of catalysts or inhibitors can drastically alter the course of a reaction.
Steric Hindrance example

More methyl groups arround the molecule increases the steric bulk, hence a molecule can be hindered from performing different reactions.

Image courtesy of ChemTalk

Applying Predictive Strategies

By employing these strategies, students can better understand and predict the behavior of organic molecules. For example, predicting whether a given alcohol will undergo oxidation or dehydration depends on the specific conditions and reagents present.


This comprehensive guide provides the tools for A-level Chemistry students to predict the properties and reactions of organic molecules based on their functional groups. Mastery of these concepts is vital for a thorough understanding of organic chemistry.


The presence of electron-donating or withdrawing groups near a functional group significantly impacts the reactivity of that functional group. Electron-donating groups (EDGs) like alkyl chains increase electron density around the functional group, typically enhancing its nucleophilic character. For example, an EDG near a hydroxyl group in an alcohol can make it more reactive towards dehydration or esterification reactions by increasing the electron density on the oxygen atom. Conversely, electron-withdrawing groups (EWGs) like nitro (-NO₂) or cyano (-CN) groups decrease electron density, often making the functional group more electrophilic. In carbonyl compounds, an EWG can make the carbonyl carbon more susceptible to nucleophilic attack by reducing electron density. These effects are crucial in understanding the reactivity patterns in organic chemistry, as they can either facilitate or hinder certain reactions based on the nature and position of these substituent groups relative to the functional group.

Steric effects, referring to the physical space occupied by atoms or groups within a molecule, can greatly influence the reactivity of functional groups. Large or bulky groups near a functional group can hinder access to that group, reducing its reactivity. This is particularly evident in reactions where the physical approach of reactants to the functional group is crucial. For example, in nucleophilic substitution reactions, a bulky group near a carbonyl group can hinder the approach of nucleophiles, reducing the rate of reaction. Steric hindrance can also affect the stability of reaction intermediates, which in turn impacts the overall reaction pathway and product distribution. In elimination reactions, sterics can determine whether the reaction follows Zaitsev's or Hofmann's rule, leading to the formation of different alkene products. Steric effects are thus a key consideration in organic synthesis, where the size and shape of molecules must be considered to predict and control the course of chemical reactions.

Larger organic molecules generally have higher boiling points than smaller ones due to the increased van der Waals forces (or London dispersion forces) that arise from their larger surface area. These intermolecular forces are proportional to the surface area of the molecule; thus, larger molecules have stronger intermolecular attractions that require more energy (in the form of heat) to overcome. The presence and type of functional groups also significantly affect the boiling point. Functional groups that are capable of hydrogen bonding, such as hydroxyl (-OH) and amine (-NH₂) groups, can raise the boiling point substantially. This is because hydrogen bonding is a strong form of intermolecular attraction, requiring additional energy to break. Polar functional groups can also increase boiling points due to dipole-dipole interactions. Conversely, non-polar groups such as hydrocarbon chains, although they contribute to van der Waals forces, do not have as significant an effect on boiling points as polar groups capable of hydrogen bonding or dipole-dipole interactions.

Amines are more reactive towards nucleophilic substitution compared to alcohols due to their basic nature and the lone pair of electrons on the nitrogen atom. In amines, the nitrogen atom has a lone pair of electrons, making it an excellent nucleophile, ready to donate these electrons to electron-deficient centers or electrophiles. This electron-donating ability of amines is enhanced by the relatively less electronegative nitrogen atom compared to oxygen in alcohols. On the other hand, alcohols are less reactive towards nucleophilic substitution because the oxygen atom is more electronegative, holding onto its lone pairs more tightly. Furthermore, the -OH group in alcohols is a poor leaving group, which hinders their participation in nucleophilic substitution reactions. In contrast, amines can form more stable intermediates and are less hindered by the nature of their leaving groups, making them more reactive in such reactions.

When a molecule contains multiple functional groups, its chemical properties and reactivity become more complex due to the interaction of these groups. Each functional group has its distinct reactivity pattern, but when present together, they can influence each other's behavior. For instance, consider a molecule with both an alcohol (-OH) and a carboxyl (-COOH) group. The presence of the acidic carboxyl group can affect the reactivity of the alcohol group, possibly making it more susceptible to reactions like esterification. Additionally, intramolecular reactions may occur between these functional groups, leading to cyclic compounds. The overall solubility, boiling point, and stability of the molecule can also be altered by the interplay of these groups. For example, the molecule may exhibit higher solubility in water if both groups are polar and capable of hydrogen bonding. However, if one group is non-polar, it might reduce the overall solubility. The electronic effects (like inductive effect and resonance) and steric hindrance caused by the presence of multiple groups further complicate the molecule's reactivity.

Practice Questions

Identify the functional group in the following molecule and predict its primary chemical reactivity: CH₃CH₂OH. Explain the reasoning behind your prediction.

The molecule CH₃CH₂OH contains an alcohol functional group, indicated by the -OH (hydroxyl) group attached to an alkyl chain. The primary chemical reactivity of alcohols involves their ability to participate in dehydration reactions, forming alkenes, and oxidation reactions. In the case of CH₃CH₂OH, a primary alcohol, it can be oxidised to an aldehyde (ethanal) and further to a carboxylic acid (ethanoic acid). The reactivity is due to the hydroxyl group which makes the adjacent carbon atom a target for nucleophilic attack, and the hydrogen atom of the -OH group can be released as a proton, facilitating these reactions.

Predict the solubility in water of the molecule C₈H₁₇OH and explain the factors influencing this property.

C₈H₁₇OH is an alcohol with a long hydrocarbon chain (octyl alcohol). Its solubility in water is limited due to the large non-polar hydrocarbon portion, which is hydrophobic. The hydroxyl group (-OH) does impart some polarity to the molecule, enabling it to form hydrogen bonds with water. However, the dominance of the non-polar hydrocarbon chain overshadows this effect, significantly reducing its overall solubility in water. In shorter-chain alcohols, the hydroxyl group's effect on solubility is more pronounced, but as the hydrocarbon chain length increases, the solubility in water decreases due to the increased hydrophobic character.

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