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CIE A-Level Chemistry Study Notes

3.7.1 Illustrating Bonding

The study of chemical bonding is pivotal in understanding the structure and behaviour of molecules. In this section, we delve into the use of dot-and-cross diagrams, an essential tool in representing various types of chemical bonds. We will cover ionic, covalent, and coordinate bonding, as well as scenarios involving expanded octets or molecules with odd numbers of electrons.

Introduction to Dot-and-Cross Diagrams

Dot-and-cross diagrams are graphical representations that showcase the bonding between atoms by illustrating the arrangement of outer shell electrons. These diagrams are vital in understanding the electron transfer or sharing in chemical bonds.

Ionic Bonding in Dot-and-Cross Diagrams

Ionic bonding is characterised by the transfer of electrons from one atom to another, resulting in the formation of ions.

  • Principles of Ionic Bonding:
    • Metals tend to lose electrons, forming cations.
    • Non-metals tend to gain electrons, forming anions.
  • Example: Sodium Chloride (NaCl)
    • Sodium (Na) loses one electron to become Na⁺.
    • Chlorine (Cl) gains that electron to become Cl⁻.
    • The diagram shows Na⁺ with no outer electron and Cl⁻ with an extra electron.
Ionic Bonding in Sodium Chloride Using Dot-and-Cross Diagram

Image courtesy of the science hive

Covalent Bonding in Dot-and-Cross Diagrams

In covalent bonding, atoms share pairs of electrons, typically seen in combinations of non-metallic elements.

  • Key Concepts:
    • Shared pairs of electrons are represented by pairs of dots or crosses.
    • Each shared pair forms a covalent bond.
  • Example: Water Molecule (H₂O)
    • Oxygen shares its electrons with two hydrogen atoms.
    • The diagram depicts oxygen in the centre with shared pairs of electrons with each hydrogen atom.
Covalent Bonding in water using Dot-and-Cross Diagram

Image courtesy of Chem Not Cheem

Coordinate Bonding (Dative Covalent Bonding)

Coordinate bonding involves one atom donating a pair of electrons to form a bond, represented by arrows in diagrams.

  • Understanding Coordinate Bonds:
    • Occurs when an atom with a lone pair donates it to an electron-deficient atom.
    • Common in complex ions and molecules.
  • Example: Ammonium Ion (NH₄⁺)
    • Nitrogen donates a lone pair to a hydrogen ion (H⁺).
    • The diagram shows an arrow from nitrogen to hydrogen, indicating the donation of an electron pair.
A dot and cross diagram of coordinate covalent bonding.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Beyond the Octet Rule: Advanced Concepts

The octet rule is a guideline that atoms tend to have eight electrons in their valence shell in stable molecules. However, there are exceptions.

Expanded Octets

Certain elements can have more than eight electrons in their valence shell, particularly elements in the third period or below.

  • Expanded Octet Examples:
    • Phosphorus Pentachloride (PCl₅): Phosphorus can have 10 electrons.
    • Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF₆): Sulphur can accommodate up to 12 electrons.
  • Diagrams of these molecules show central atoms with more than four electron pairs.
Phosphorus Pentachloride (PCl₅) showing Expanded Octet

Phosphorus Pentachloride (PCl₅)

Image courtesy of Jerónimo Cueto

Odd-Electron Molecules

Molecules with an odd number of electrons can't fulfil the octet rule.

  • Odd-Electron Molecule Example:
    • Nitric Oxide (NO): Contains an unpaired electron, making it a radical.
    • Diagrams illustrate the unpaired electron explicitly.
Nitric Oxide with an unpaired electron

Nitric Oxide with an unpaired electron

Image courtesy of Roland.chem

Creating Accurate Dot-and-Cross Diagrams

  • Identifying Valence Electrons: Determine the number of outer shell electrons in each atom.
  • Ionic Bonds: Show electron transfer clearly, with cations losing and anions gaining electrons.
  • Covalent Bonds: Represent shared electron pairs between atoms.
  • Coordinate Bonds: Use arrows to indicate the donation of electron pairs.
  • Exceptions to the Octet Rule: Acknowledge and illustrate expanded octets or odd-electron molecules accurately.

Significance of Dot-and-Cross Diagrams in Chemistry

Dot-and-Cross diagrams serve as a fundamental tool for visualising and understanding the complexities of chemical bonding. These diagrams help students and chemists alike to predict molecular structures, understand reactivity patterns, and grasp the basic principles of molecular geometry. Mastery of these diagrams is essential for any A-level Chemistry student, providing a foundation for further studies in chemistry and related fields.

In conclusion, dot-and-cross diagrams are more than just simple drawings; they are a window into the microscopic world of atoms and molecules. By accurately representing the type of bonding and the arrangement of electrons, these diagrams play a crucial role in demystifying the complex interactions that govern the behaviour of matter at the molecular level.


While dot-and-cross diagrams are primarily used to illustrate the arrangement of valence electrons and the type of chemical bonds, they do not directly predict the shapes of molecules. To determine molecular geometry, the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion (VSEPR) theory is typically used. This theory states that electron pairs around a central atom will arrange themselves to minimize repulsion, thus determining the shape of the molecule. For instance, methane (CH₄) has four pairs of shared electrons around the central carbon atom, leading to a tetrahedral shape. Dot-and-cross diagrams provide the foundational information regarding the number and types of bonds, which is a starting point for applying VSEPR theory. However, for an accurate prediction of molecular shape, additional considerations like lone pairs and bond angles based on VSEPR theory are necessary.

Molecules with an odd number of electrons, often known as radicals, are generally highly reactive. The presence of an unpaired electron in these molecules creates a strong tendency to either gain or lose an electron to achieve a stable electronic configuration. This unpaired electron can easily participate in chemical reactions, making the molecule reactive. For example, nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) are radicals with an odd number of electrons. Their reactivity is evident in their roles in various chemical processes, such as combustion and atmospheric reactions. The unpaired electron can form new bonds by pairing with an electron from another atom or molecule, leading to a wide range of chemical reactions. Additionally, these odd-electron molecules often exhibit paramagnetism, which is a direct consequence of their unpaired electrons. The high reactivity of radicals is a critical factor in many biological and environmental processes.

Dot-and-cross diagrams, while useful, have limitations in fully explaining chemical bonding. They are excellent for illustrating the arrangement of valence electrons and the type of bonds formed, but they do not convey information about the spatial arrangement of atoms or the strength and length of the bonds. These diagrams also do not show the movement or delocalization of electrons, which is important in understanding the bonding in molecules like benzene or in metallic bonding. Moreover, dot-and-cross diagrams may oversimplify complex bonding situations, such as resonance structures or hybridization of orbitals, which require more advanced theories to explain. While these diagrams provide a fundamental understanding of bonding, they are just one part of a broader set of tools and theories needed to fully grasp the complexity of chemical bonding in molecules.

Expanded octets are more common in elements from Period 3 onwards due to the presence of d-orbitals in their atomic structure. Starting from the third period, elements such as phosphorus, sulfur, and chlorine have empty d-orbitals in addition to their s and p orbitals. This allows these atoms to accommodate more than eight electrons in their valence shell. For instance, sulfur in sulfur hexafluoride (SF₆) can form six bonds, resulting in a total of twelve valence electrons, which is beyond the octet. The presence of d-orbitals provides the spatial and energy capacity to hold extra electrons that exceed the octet rule. This expanded valence capacity is not possible in elements of the second period, like carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, as they lack d-orbitals. The ability of these larger atoms to expand their octet is crucial in explaining the formation of many complex molecules and their reactivities.

Dot-and-cross diagrams differentiate between polar and non-polar covalent bonds through the arrangement of shared electron pairs. In a non-polar covalent bond, electrons are shared equally between atoms of the same or similar electronegativity, leading to an even distribution of electron density. For example, in a chlorine molecule (Cl₂), the shared pair of electrons is equally distributed between the two chlorine atoms. On the other hand, polar covalent bonds occur between atoms of different electronegativities, resulting in an unequal sharing of electrons. This creates a dipole moment, with partial positive and negative charges on the atoms involved. For instance, in hydrochloric acid (HCl), the shared electrons are more attracted towards the chlorine atom due to its higher electronegativity compared to hydrogen. This results in a partial negative charge on chlorine and a partial positive charge on hydrogen, illustrating a polar covalent bond. The dot-and-cross diagram for HCl would show the shared electrons closer to the chlorine atom, indicating this polarity.

Practice Questions

Draw the dot-and-cross diagram for the formation of magnesium oxide (MgO) from its elements. Describe the type of bonding and explain how the transfer of electrons leads to the formation of this compound.

In the formation of magnesium oxide (MgO), magnesium (Mg) loses two electrons to become a Mg²⁺ ion, and oxygen (O) gains these two electrons to become an O²⁻ ion. The dot-and-cross diagram shows magnesium with no outer electrons and oxygen with eight outer electrons, including the two gained from magnesium. This process represents ionic bonding, where electrons are transferred from a metal (Mg) to a non-metal (O), resulting in the formation of oppositely charged ions. These ions are then held together by strong electrostatic forces of attraction, forming the ionic compound MgO.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) is an example of a molecule with an odd number of electrons. Illustrate this with a dot-and-cross diagram and explain the implications of having an odd number of electrons for the structure and properties of NO₂.

Nitrogen dioxide (NO₂) has an odd number of electrons, making it a radical. The dot-and-cross diagram shows the nitrogen atom with four outer electrons and two oxygen atoms, each sharing two electrons with nitrogen. One of the nitrogen's electrons remains unpaired, indicating the presence of an odd electron. This unpaired electron contributes to the paramagnetic nature of NO₂ and makes it highly reactive. The presence of an unpaired electron in NO₂ leads to a bent molecular geometry due to the repulsion between the lone pair and bonding pairs of electrons. This odd electron configuration influences both the chemical reactivity and physical properties of NO₂.

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