1. Models of the Particulate Nature of Matter1.1 Introduction to the Particulate Nature of Matter0/01.1.1 Understanding Elements1.1.2 Exploring Compounds1.1.3 Mixtures and Their Properties1.1.4 Separation and Purification Techniques1.1.5 Intermolecular Forces and Mixtures1.1.6 Kinetic Molecular Theory and States of Matter1.1.7 Substances and Conditions1.1.8 Temperature, Energy, and Reactions1.2 The Nuclear Atom0/01.2.1 Composition of the Atom1.2.2 Chemical Properties of Atoms1.2.3 Isotopes and Their Properties1.2.4 Mass Spectra and Isotopic Composition1.2.5 Fragmentation Patterns in Mass Spectrometry1.3 Electron Configurations0/01.3.1 Emission Spectra and Energy Levels1.3.2 Hydrogen's Emission Spectrum1.3.3 Main Energy Levels and Electrons1.3.4 Sublevels and Atomic Orbitals1.3.5 Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams1.3.6 Ionization and Spectral Data1.3.7 Successive Ionisation Energy1.4 Counting Particles by Mass: The Mole0/01.4.1 The Mole and Avogadro's Constant1.4.2 Masses and the Mole1.4.3 Empirical and Molecular Formulas1.4.4 Concentration, Solutions, and Dilutions1.4.5 Avogadro’s Law and Real Gases1.5 Ideal Gases0/01.5.1 The Ideal Gas Model1.5.2 Behaviour and Properties of Ideal Gases1.5.3 Gas Laws and Calculations1. Models of the Particulate Nature of Matter1.1 Introduction to the Particulate Nature of Matter0/01.1.1 Understanding Elements1.1.2 Exploring Compounds1.1.3 Mixtures and Their Properties1.1.4 Separation and Purification Techniques1.1.5 Intermolecular Forces and Mixtures1.1.6 Kinetic Molecular Theory and States of Matter1.1.7 Substances and Conditions1.1.8 Temperature, Energy, and Reactions1.2 The Nuclear Atom0/01.2.1 Composition of the Atom1.2.2 Chemical Properties of Atoms1.2.3 Isotopes and Their Properties1.2.4 Mass Spectra and Isotopic Composition1.2.5 Fragmentation Patterns in Mass Spectrometry1.3 Electron Configurations0/01.3.1 Emission Spectra and Energy Levels1.3.2 Hydrogen's Emission Spectrum1.3.3 Main Energy Levels and Electrons1.3.4 Sublevels and Atomic Orbitals1.3.5 Electron Configurations and Orbital Diagrams1.3.6 Ionization and Spectral Data1.3.7 Successive Ionisation Energy1.4 Counting Particles by Mass: The Mole0/01.4.1 The Mole and Avogadro's Constant1.4.2 Masses and the Mole1.4.3 Empirical and Molecular Formulas1.4.4 Concentration, Solutions, and Dilutions1.4.5 Avogadro’s Law and Real Gases1.5 Ideal Gases0/01.5.1 The Ideal Gas Model1.5.2 Behaviour and Properties of Ideal Gases1.5.3 Gas Laws and Calculations2. Models of Bonding and Structure2.1 The Ionic Model0/02.1.1 Ion Formation and Prediction2.1.2 Ionic Bonding and Compound Naming2.1.3 Properties and Structure of Ionic Compounds2.2 The Covalent Model0/02.2.1 Fundamentals of Covalent Bonding2.2.2 Multiplicity in Covalent Bonds2.2.3 Special Case: Coordination Covalent Bonding2.2.4 Predicting Molecular Shapes with VSEPR2.2.5 Electronegativity and Bond Polarity2.2.6 From Bond Polarity to Molecular Polarity2.2.7 Diversity in Covalent Structures: Allotropes and Network Solids2.2.8 Intermolecular Forces: Beyond Covalent Bonds2.2.9 Physical Properties Stemming from Molecular Interactions2.2.10 Chromatography: Interplay of Intermolecular Forces2.2.11 Resonance and Delocalisation in Covalent Bonding2.2.12 Sigma and Pi Bonds: Delving into Molecular Orbitals2.2.13 Hybridisation: Adapting Atomic Orbitals for Bonding2.3 The Metallic Model0/02.3.1 Nature and Properties of Metallic Bonds2.3.2 Factors Influencing Metallic Bond Strength2.3.3 Transition Elements and Delocalised d-electrons2.4 From Models to Materials0/02.4.1 Understanding Bonding Continuum2.4.2 Compounds in the Bonding Triangle 2.4.3 Exploring Alloys and Polymers2.4.4 Delving into Condensation Polymers2. Models of Bonding and Structure2.1 The Ionic Model0/02.1.1 Ion Formation and Prediction2.1.2 Ionic Bonding and Compound Naming2.1.3 Properties and Structure of Ionic Compounds2.2 The Covalent Model0/02.2.1 Fundamentals of Covalent Bonding2.2.2 Multiplicity in Covalent Bonds2.2.3 Special Case: Coordination Covalent Bonding2.2.4 Predicting Molecular Shapes with VSEPR2.2.5 Electronegativity and Bond Polarity2.2.6 From Bond Polarity to Molecular Polarity2.2.7 Diversity in Covalent Structures: Allotropes and Network Solids2.2.8 Intermolecular Forces: Beyond Covalent Bonds2.2.9 Physical Properties Stemming from Molecular Interactions2.2.10 Chromatography: Interplay of Intermolecular Forces2.2.11 Resonance and Delocalisation in Covalent Bonding2.2.12 Sigma and Pi Bonds: Delving into Molecular Orbitals2.2.13 Hybridisation: Adapting Atomic Orbitals for Bonding2.3 The Metallic Model0/02.3.1 Nature and Properties of Metallic Bonds2.3.2 Factors Influencing Metallic Bond Strength2.3.3 Transition Elements and Delocalised d-electrons2.4 From Models to Materials0/02.4.1 Understanding Bonding Continuum2.4.2 Compounds in the Bonding Triangle 2.4.3 Exploring Alloys and Polymers2.4.4 Delving into Condensation Polymers3. Classification of MatterPremium3.1 The Periodic Table: Classification of Elements0/03.1.1 Periodic Table Fundamentals3.1.2 Electron Configuration and Elemental Groups3.1.3 Periodicity in Elemental Properties3.1.4 Reactivity Trends in Groups 1 and 173.1.5 Metal and Non-Metal Oxides: A Continuum3.1.6 Oxidation States and Their Significance3.1.7 Discontinuities in Ionisation Energy3.1.8 Unique Properties of Transition Elements3.2 Functional Groups: Classification of Organic Compounds0/03.2.1 Organic Compounds: Representation and Uniqueness3.2.2 Functional Groups and Classification3.2.3 Homologous Series and Their Trends3.2.4 Nomenclature and Isomerism3.2.5 Stereoisomers, Chirality, and Optical Activity3.2.6 Analytical Techniques: Mass Spectrometry3.2.7 Infrared and NMR Spectroscopy3.2.8 Advanced NMR Techniques and Combined Analytical Approaches3. Classification of MatterPremium3.1 The Periodic Table: Classification of Elements0/03.1.1 Periodic Table Fundamentals3.1.2 Electron Configuration and Elemental Groups3.1.3 Periodicity in Elemental Properties3.1.4 Reactivity Trends in Groups 1 and 173.1.5 Metal and Non-Metal Oxides: A Continuum3.1.6 Oxidation States and Their Significance3.1.7 Discontinuities in Ionisation Energy3.1.8 Unique Properties of Transition Elements3.2 Functional Groups: Classification of Organic Compounds0/03.2.1 Organic Compounds: Representation and Uniqueness3.2.2 Functional Groups and Classification3.2.3 Homologous Series and Their Trends3.2.4 Nomenclature and Isomerism3.2.5 Stereoisomers, Chirality, and Optical Activity3.2.6 Analytical Techniques: Mass Spectrometry3.2.7 Infrared and NMR Spectroscopy3.2.8 Advanced NMR Techniques and Combined Analytical Approaches4. What Drives Chemical Reactions?Premium4.1 Measuring Enthalpy Changes0/04.1.1 Energy Transfer in Chemical Reactions4.1.2 Stability and Energy Profiles4.1.3 Standard Enthalpy Change (ΔH⦵)4.2 Energy Cycles in Reactions0/04.2.1 Bond Energies and Reactions4.2.2 Hess’s Law and Enthalpy Changes4.2.3 Applications of Hess's Law4.2.4 Born–Haber Cycles for Ionic Compounds4.3 Energy from Fuels0/04.3.1 Combustion Reactions4.3.2 Incomplete Combustion and Risks4.3.3 Fossil Fuels and Environmental Impact4.3.4 Biofuels and Sustainability4.3.5 Fuel Cells and Energy Conversion4.4 Entropy and Spontaneity0/04.4.1 Understanding Entropy4.4.2 Gibbs Energy and Reaction Spontaneity4.4.3 Entropy, Equilibrium, and Gibbs Energy 4.4.4 Spontaneity in Electrochemical Reactions4.4.5 Entropy at Absolute Zero4. What Drives Chemical Reactions?Premium4.1 Measuring Enthalpy Changes0/04.1.1 Energy Transfer in Chemical Reactions4.1.2 Stability and Energy Profiles4.1.3 Standard Enthalpy Change (ΔH⦵)4.2 Energy Cycles in Reactions0/04.2.1 Bond Energies and Reactions4.2.2 Hess’s Law and Enthalpy Changes4.2.3 Applications of Hess's Law4.2.4 Born–Haber Cycles for Ionic Compounds4.3 Energy from Fuels0/04.3.1 Combustion Reactions4.3.2 Incomplete Combustion and Risks4.3.3 Fossil Fuels and Environmental Impact4.3.4 Biofuels and Sustainability4.3.5 Fuel Cells and Energy Conversion4.4 Entropy and Spontaneity0/04.4.1 Understanding Entropy4.4.2 Gibbs Energy and Reaction Spontaneity4.4.3 Entropy, Equilibrium, and Gibbs Energy 4.4.4 Spontaneity in Electrochemical Reactions4.4.5 Entropy at Absolute Zero5. How Much, How Fast and How Far?Premium5.1 How Much? The Amount of Chemical Change0/05.1.1 Chemical Equations and Reacting Ratios5.1.2 Mole Ratios and Reacting Quantities5.1.3 Yield Calculations and Limiting Reactants5.1.4 Atom Economy and Green Chemistry5.2 How Fast? The Rate of Chemical Change0/05.2.1 Rate of Reaction and Measurement Techniques5.2.2 Collision Theory and Kinetic Energy5.2.3 Factors Influencing Reaction Rates5.2.4 Activation Energy and Reaction Probability5.2.5 Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions5.2.6 Reaction Mechanisms and Intermediates5.2.7 Energy Profiles in Multi-step Reactions5.2.8 Molecularity of Reactions5.2.9 Rate Equations and Reaction Orders5.2.10 Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy5.3 How Far? The Extent of Chemical Change0/05.3.1 Dynamic Equilibrium5.3.2 The Equilibrium Law5.3.3 Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant5.3.4 Le Châtelier’s Principle5.3.5 Reaction Quotient and Equilibrium5.3.6 Equilibrium, Gibbs Energy, and Reaction Position5. How Much, How Fast and How Far?Premium5.1 How Much? The Amount of Chemical Change0/05.1.1 Chemical Equations and Reacting Ratios5.1.2 Mole Ratios and Reacting Quantities5.1.3 Yield Calculations and Limiting Reactants5.1.4 Atom Economy and Green Chemistry5.2 How Fast? The Rate of Chemical Change0/05.2.1 Rate of Reaction and Measurement Techniques5.2.2 Collision Theory and Kinetic Energy5.2.3 Factors Influencing Reaction Rates5.2.4 Activation Energy and Reaction Probability5.2.5 Role of Catalysts in Chemical Reactions5.2.6 Reaction Mechanisms and Intermediates5.2.7 Energy Profiles in Multi-step Reactions5.2.8 Molecularity of Reactions5.2.9 Rate Equations and Reaction Orders5.2.10 Arrhenius Equation and Activation Energy5.3 How Far? The Extent of Chemical Change0/05.3.1 Dynamic Equilibrium5.3.2 The Equilibrium Law5.3.3 Magnitude of the Equilibrium Constant5.3.4 Le Châtelier’s Principle5.3.5 Reaction Quotient and Equilibrium5.3.6 Equilibrium, Gibbs Energy, and Reaction Position6. What are the Mechanisms of Chemical Change?Premium6.1 Proton Transfer Reactions0/06.1.1 Brønsted–Lowry Acids and Bases6.1.2 Conjugate Acid–Base Pairs6.1.3 Amphiprotic Species6.1.4 The pH Scale6.1.5 Ion Product Constant of Water (Kw)6.1.6 Strong vs Weak Acids and Bases6.1.7 Neutralisation Reactions6.1.8 pH Curves in Neutralisation6.1.9 Proton Transfer Reactions: pOH Scale and Weak Acid/Base Strengths6.1.10 Ka and Kb Relationships6.1.11 pH of Salt Solutions6.1.12 pH Curves and Indicators6.1.13 Buffer Solutions6.2 Electron Transfer Reactions0/06.2.1 Understanding Oxidation and Reduction6.2.2 Redox Reactions and Half-Equations6.2.3 Reactions of Metals and Acids6.2.4 Electrochemical Cells: Basics and Primary Cells6.2.5 Secondary Cells and Electrolytic Cells6.2.6 Organic Compounds: Oxidation6.2.7 Organic Compounds: Reduction6.2.8 Standard Electrode Potentials6.2.9 Gibbs Energy and Electrochemical Cells6.2.10 Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions6.2.11 Electroplating and Practical Applications6.3 Electron Sharing Reactions0/06.3.2 Radical Reactions with Alkanes6.3.1 Understanding Radicals and Their Formation6.4 Electron-pair Sharing Reactions0/06.4.1 Understanding Nucleophiles and Electrophiles6.4.2 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions6.4.3 Electrophilic Reactions of Alkenes6.4.4 Lewis Acids and Bases6.4.5 Coordination Bonds and Complex Ions6.4.6 Mechanisms of Nucleophilic Substitution6.4.7 Factors Influencing Substitution Reactions6.4.8 Electrophilic Addition Reactions6.4.9 Electrophilic Substitution in Aromatic Compounds6. What are the Mechanisms of Chemical Change?Premium6.1 Proton Transfer Reactions0/06.1.1 Brønsted–Lowry Acids and Bases6.1.2 Conjugate Acid–Base Pairs6.1.3 Amphiprotic Species6.1.4 The pH Scale6.1.5 Ion Product Constant of Water (Kw)6.1.6 Strong vs Weak Acids and Bases6.1.7 Neutralisation Reactions6.1.8 pH Curves in Neutralisation6.1.9 Proton Transfer Reactions: pOH Scale and Weak Acid/Base Strengths6.1.10 Ka and Kb Relationships6.1.11 pH of Salt Solutions6.1.12 pH Curves and Indicators6.1.13 Buffer Solutions6.2 Electron Transfer Reactions0/06.2.1 Understanding Oxidation and Reduction6.2.2 Redox Reactions and Half-Equations6.2.3 Reactions of Metals and Acids6.2.4 Electrochemical Cells: Basics and Primary Cells6.2.5 Secondary Cells and Electrolytic Cells6.2.6 Organic Compounds: Oxidation6.2.7 Organic Compounds: Reduction6.2.8 Standard Electrode Potentials6.2.9 Gibbs Energy and Electrochemical Cells6.2.10 Electrolysis of Aqueous Solutions6.2.11 Electroplating and Practical Applications6.3 Electron Sharing Reactions0/06.3.2 Radical Reactions with Alkanes6.3.1 Understanding Radicals and Their Formation6.4 Electron-pair Sharing Reactions0/06.4.1 Understanding Nucleophiles and Electrophiles6.4.2 Nucleophilic Substitution Reactions6.4.3 Electrophilic Reactions of Alkenes6.4.4 Lewis Acids and Bases6.4.5 Coordination Bonds and Complex Ions6.4.6 Mechanisms of Nucleophilic Substitution6.4.7 Factors Influencing Substitution Reactions6.4.8 Electrophilic Addition Reactions6.4.9 Electrophilic Substitution in Aromatic Compounds