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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.1.9 Proton Transfer Reactions: pOH Scale and Weak Acid/Base Strengths

Interconverting [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH values

Hydrogen Ion Concentration [H+]

The concept of hydrogen ion concentration, denoted as [H+], forms the bedrock of acid-base chemistry. It is a fundamental factor that governs the acidity or basicity of a solution. [H+] is expressed in moles per litre (mol/L), indicating the quantity of hydrogen ions present in the solution. This value serves as a critical parameter in various chemical reactions and calculations.

Example: Consider a solution with [H+] = 1.0 x 10-4 mol/L. This concentration signifies that the solution is less acidic as it contains a relatively low quantity of hydrogen ions.

Hydroxide Ion Concentration [OH–]

The concentration of hydroxide ions, represented as [OH–], acts as a counterpart to [H+], dictating the alkalinity or basicity of a solution. Importantly, there exists an inverse relationship between [H+] and [OH–]: [OH–] = 1 / [H+]. This means that as [H+] increases, [OH–] decreases, and vice versa. Understanding this relationship is crucial for grasping the concept of pH and pOH.

Example: If [H+] = 1.0 x 10-4 mol/L, then [OH–] = 1.0 x 104 mol/L, highlighting the alkaline nature of the solution due to the high concentration of hydroxide ions.

Diagram showing [H+] and [OH–] concentration in acids and bases.

Image courtesy of Teachoo

pH Scale

The pH scale is a logarithmic measure of acidity that provides a numerical representation of the concentration of hydrogen ions in a solution. Mathematically, pH is defined as pH = -log[H+]. This means that each unit change in pH corresponds to a tenfold change in [H+]. The pH scale typically ranges from 0 to 14, where pH < 7 indicates an acidic solution, pH = 7 is considered neutral, and pH > 7 signifies an alkaline or basic solution.

Example: If [H+] = 1.0 x 10-4 mol/L, then pH = 4, indicating that the solution is acidic.

pOH Scale

In parallel to the pH scale, the pOH scale quantifies the alkalinity of a solution by measuring the concentration of hydroxide ions. The pOH of a solution is calculated using the formula pOH = -log[OH–]. Just like pH, pOH is also a logarithmic scale, and its value provides insights into the basicity or alkalinity of the solution.

Example: If [OH–] = 1.0 x 10-4 mol/L, then pOH = 4, indicating that the solution is alkaline.

A diagram showing pH and pOH scale- [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH values.

Image courtesy of A Step

Interpreting the Relative Strengths of Acids and Bases

Now that we have established the fundamental concepts of [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH, let's delve into the practical implications of these measurements when assessing the strengths of acids and bases.

Acid Dissociation Constant (Ka)

The Acid Dissociation Constant, often referred to as Ka, is a fundamental parameter for characterizing the strength of weak acids in aqueous solutions. Ka measures the extent of ionization of a weak acid, providing insight into how readily it donates hydrogen ions. Higher Ka values indicate stronger acids, as they tend to ionize to a greater extent.

For a generic weak acid HA, the expression for Ka is as follows:

Ka = [H+] [A–] / [HA]


  • [H+] is the concentration of hydrogen ions.
  • [A–] is the concentration of the conjugate base.
  • [HA] is the concentration of the weak acid.
Table showing pKa values for some common acids.

Image courtesy of LabXchange

Example: Consider acetic acid (CH3COOH) with a Ka of 1.8 x 10-5 mol/L. This relatively small Ka value indicates that acetic acid is a weak acid as it does not ionize significantly in water.

Diagram showing the scheme of the dissociation of acetic acid. A water molecule is protonated to form a hydronium ion in the process.

The dissociation of acetic acid (a weak acid). A water molecule is protonated to form a hydronium ion and acetic acid is dissociated to acetate.

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Base Dissociation Constant (Kb)

The Base Dissociation Constant, denoted as Kb, is the counterpart of Ka for weak bases. Kb measures the extent to which a weak base ionizes in water, indicating its ability to accept hydrogen ions (protons) from water molecules. Just like Ka, higher Kb values denote stronger bases.

For a generic weak base B, the expression for Kb is as follows:

Kb = [BH+] [OH–] / [B]


  • [BH+] is the concentration of the conjugate acid.
  • [OH–] is the concentration of hydroxide ions.
  • [B] is the concentration of the weak base.

Example: Ammonium hydroxide (NH4OH) has a Kb of 1.8 x 10-5 mol/L, indicating that it is a stronger base compared to methylamine (CH3NH2) with a lower Kb.

 Table showing Kb values for some common bases.

Image courtesy of Chegg

pKa and pKb Values

To simplify the comparison of acid and base strengths, chemists often use pKa and pKb values, which are the negative logarithms of Ka and Kb, respectively. Smaller pKa or pKb values correspond to stronger acids or bases. This notation makes it easier to evaluate and rank the relative strengths of acids and bases.

Example: If a weak acid has a pKa of 3, it is considered stronger than another weak acid with a pKa of 4.

Applications in Chemistry

Understanding the interconversion of [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH values, along with interpreting Ka, Kb, pKa, and pKb values, plays a pivotal role in various branches of chemistry:

  • 1. Analytical Chemistry: pH measurements are essential for the titration of acids and bases, allowing for precise determination of their concentrations.
  • 2. Biochemistry: Maintaining the pH of biological systems is critical for enzymatic reactions and cell function.
  • 3. Environmental Chemistry: pH and pOH values are crucial in assessing the health of natural water bodies, as they affect the solubility of pollutants and aquatic life.
  • 4. Industrial Chemistry: pH control is vital in chemical processes to optimize reaction rates and product yield.
  • 5. Pharmaceutical Chemistry: Understanding acid-base properties helps in drug formulation and pharmacokinetics.

In conclusion, the interconversion of [H+], [OH–], pH, and pOH values, as well as the interpretation of Ka, Kb, pKa, and pKb values, are foundational concepts in chemistry. Mastery of these principles equips IB Chemistry students with the tools to analyze and manipulate acidic and basic solutions, facilitating a deeper understanding of chemical reactions and their applications in various fields.


The strength of an acid or base is directly linked to the magnitude of its dissociation constant, Ka (acid) or Kb (base). A higher Ka or Kb value signifies a stronger acid or base. Ka represents the extent of ionization of a weak acid in water, with a larger Ka indicating more complete ionization. Conversely, for bases, Kb measures the extent of ionization, and a higher Kb reflects a stronger base. For example, a weak acid with a Ka of 1 x 10-3 mol/L is stronger than a weak acid with a Ka of 1 x 10-4 mol/L because it ionizes to a greater degree, producing more hydrogen ions (H+). This understanding is crucial when comparing the strengths of different acids and bases in various chemical reactions.

To interconvert pOH and pH values, you can use the equation pH + pOH = 14 at 25°C. This equation signifies that the sum of pH and pOH in any solution is always equal to 14. This interconversion is highly valuable in determining the overall nature of a solution. For instance, if you know the pH, you can easily calculate the pOH and vice versa. It helps in assessing the acidity or alkalinity of a solution comprehensively. If you have a solution with a pH of 3, you can deduce that its pOH is 11, indicating it is alkaline. This knowledge is essential for chemists in various applications, including analytical chemistry, environmental science, and pharmaceuticals.

Certainly! Let's consider acetic acid (CH3COOH). Its Ka value is 1.8 x 10-5 mol/L. To find the pKa, we use the formula pKa = -log(Ka). In this case, pKa = -log(1.8 x 10-5) ≈ 4.74. The pKa value indicates the acid's tendency to donate protons (H+ ions). A lower pKa signifies a stronger acid, as it suggests a higher concentration of dissociated H+ ions in solution. Acetic acid's pKa of 4.74 indicates that it is a relatively weak acid compared to stronger acids with lower pKa values. Understanding pKa values allows chemists to predict the behaviour of acids in reactions, helping in the selection of appropriate reagents and conditions for specific chemical processes.

pKa values are crucial in pharmaceutical chemistry, particularly in drug design and formulation. By knowing the pKa of a drug compound, pharmaceutical scientists can make informed decisions about its solubility and bioavailability. When designing medications, it's essential that a drug is in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body. Compounds with pKa values close to physiological pH (around 7.4) are advantageous, as they exist in both ionized and non-ionized forms, allowing for better absorption through biological membranes. Additionally, pKa values influence the choice of excipients and the design of drug delivery systems to enhance drug stability and efficacy. Thus, understanding pKa values is integral to the development of effective pharmaceuticals.

The pOH scale is a logarithmic measure of the alkalinity of a solution, just as the pH scale measures acidity. While pH focuses on the concentration of hydrogen ions ([H+]), pOH quantifies the concentration of hydroxide ions ([OH–]). The two are related through the equation: pH + pOH = 14 at 25°C. This means that as pH decreases (indicating increased acidity), pOH increases (indicating increased alkalinity), and vice versa. Understanding this relationship is vital in determining the overall nature of a solution. For instance, if a solution has a pH of 3, its pOH would be 11 (14 - 3), indicating it is alkaline. This interplay between pH and pOH provides a comprehensive view of a solution's acid-base characteristics.

Practice Questions

Explain the relationship between [H+], pH, and pOH in a solution. Provide an example and calculate the pOH of a solution with [H+] = 5.0 x 10^-6 mol/L.

The concentration of hydrogen ions, [H+], in a solution is inversely proportional to its pH. This relationship is defined by the equation pH = -log[H+]. Therefore, as [H+] decreases, the pH value increases, indicating a more alkaline solution.

To calculate the pOH of a solution with [H+] = 5.0 x 10-6 mol/L, we first use the formula pOH = -log[OH–], and since [OH–] is related to [H+] by [OH–] = 1 / [H+], we find [OH–] = 1 / (5.0 x 10-6) = 2.0 x 105 mol/L. Taking the negative logarithm, we get pOH = -log(2.0 x 105) = 5.70. Therefore, the pOH of the solution is 5.70.

Two weak acids, A and B, have pKa values of 3.5 and 4.0, respectively. Which of these acids is stronger, and why? Provide an explanation of the significance of pKa in assessing acid strength.

Acid A is stronger than acid B because it has a lower pKa value. The pKa value represents the negative logarithm of the acid dissociation constant (Ka), and a smaller pKa indicates a stronger acid. In this case, since pKa(A) = 3.5 and pKa(B) = 4.0, acid A has a lower pKa and therefore a higher Ka, signifying that it undergoes dissociation to a greater extent. This results in a higher concentration of H+ ions in solution, making it a stronger acid. The pKa values are critical in comparing and ranking the strengths of weak acids, enabling chemists to make informed decisions in various chemical reactions and applications.

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