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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.1 Understanding Oxidation and Reduction

Oxidation and reduction, commonly referred to as redox reactions, are intrinsic in chemistry. These pivotal reactions involve electron transfers and underpin numerous chemical processes including energy production, metal corrosion, and organic transformations.

Definitions of Oxidation and Reduction

Understanding redox reactions begins with grasping the core definitions of oxidation and reduction.

Electron Transfer

  • Oxidation is essentially the loss of electrons from a species.
    • Historical definition hinged on the addition of oxygen to substances.
    • The modern understanding emphasises electron transfer.
  • Reduction is the gain of electrons by a species.
    • Historically tied to the removal of oxygen.
    • Currently focuses on electron acquisition.

Change in Oxidation State

  • Oxidation entails an increase in the oxidation number of an atom within a compound.
    • This change can be subtle (a shift of one electron) or more pronounced.
  • Reduction involves a decrease in the oxidation number.
    • Similarly, the range of change can vary.
Diagram showing Redox Half Reaction Parts- Change is oxidation state.

Image courtesy of Cameron Garnham

Oxygen Gain/Loss

  • Oxidation is often associated with the gain of oxygen atoms.
    • E.g., when magnesium reacts with oxygen to form magnesium oxide.
  • Reduction often involves the loss or removal of oxygen atoms.
Diagram showing oxidation and reduction- loss and gain of oxygen.

Image courtesy of SPM Chemistry

Hydrogen Loss/Gain

  • Oxidation is also characterised by the loss of hydrogen atoms.
    • Common in organic chemistry where compounds can lose hydrogen atoms and get oxidised.
  • Reduction typically sees the gain of hydrogen atoms.
Diagram showing oxidation and reduction- loss and gain of hydrogen.

Image courtesy of SPM Chemistry

Deduction of Oxidation States in Compounds or Ions

Deriving oxidation numbers requires understanding certain rules.

  • Oxidation number represents a theoretical charge of an atom in a molecule or ion.
  • For a neutral molecule, the sum of oxidation numbers always equates to zero.
  • For a polyatomic ion, the sum equals the charge of the ion.

Rules to Remember:

  • Pure elements in their elemental form (like O2 or N2) have an oxidation state of zero.
  • Alkali metals (Group 1 elements) always possess an oxidation state of +1 in compounds.
  • Alkaline earth metals (Group 2 elements) have an oxidation state of +2 in compounds.
  • Oxygen usually has an oxidation state of -2, with exceptions in peroxides or superoxides.
  • Hydrogen generally possesses a +1 oxidation state, but can be -1 in some metal hydrides.
Periodic table showing different oxidation states of elements.

Image courtesy of andriano_cz

Identification in Reactions

Being able to pinpoint which elements are oxidised or reduced is vital for understanding redox reactions.

Oxidised and Reduced Species

  • The species undergoing electron loss (or increase in oxidation state) is being oxidised.
  • The species undergoing electron gain (or decrease in oxidation state) is reduced.

Oxidising and Reducing Agents

  • The oxidising agent facilitates oxidation, undergoes reduction itself, and hence gains electrons.
    • For example, in the reaction of sodium and chlorine to produce salt, chlorine is the oxidising agent.
  • The reducing agent aids reduction and is oxidised in the process.
    • Using the above reaction, sodium acts as the reducing agent.
A diagram showing general redox reaction.

Image courtesy of VectorMine

Examples of Variable Oxidation States

Certain elements can exist in multiple oxidation states, offering them versatility in chemical reactions.

Transition Elements

  • Transition metals frequently exhibit variable oxidation states.
    • Copper, for instance, can have +1 (in Cu2O) and +2 (in CuO) oxidation states.
    • Manganese displays a multitude, from +2 (Mn2+) to a high of +7 (MnO4-).

Main Group Non-metals

  • Non-metals like phosphorus and nitrogen can also showcase multiple oxidation states.
    • Nitrogen ranges from -3 in ammonia (NH3) to +5 in nitrate ions (NO3-).

Using Oxidation Numbers in Naming Compounds

Oxidation numbers play a role in nomenclature, particularly when an element has multiple oxidation states.

  • Using parentheses, the oxidation state is specified.
    • Tin(IV) chloride (SnCl4) where tin has a +4 oxidation state.
    • Tin(II) chloride (SnCl2) where tin exhibits a +2 oxidation state.

Advantages and Limitations of Oxidation States

Using oxidation states has its benefits, but one must also be aware of its confines.


  • Provides a framework for balancing redox reactions.
  • Offers insights into electron movement in chemical reactions.
  • Assists in naming compounds especially those with elements in multiple oxidation states.


  • It doesn't truly represent the actual electron distribution in a molecule.
  • Some compounds, especially those with metal-metal bonds, can exhibit fractional oxidation states.

Consequences of Metal Corrosion

Corrosion is a natural redox process that can have significant impacts.

  • Corrosion is the gradual destruction of metals due to reactions with environmental agents.
    • Iron, for instance, reacts with oxygen in moist environments to form rust.


  • Structural integrity of infrastructure like bridges can be compromised.
  • Economic implications arise due to repair, maintenance, and replacement of corroded structures.
  • Loss in aesthetic value as corroded surfaces degrade in appearance.

With a clear grasp of oxidation and reduction, one can understand the plethora of redox reactions that drive the chemical world.


Transition elements have variable oxidation states because of the proximity in energy of their 4s and 3d orbitals. As a result, different numbers of electrons from these orbitals can participate in bonding, leading to various oxidation states. Noble gases, on the other hand, have a filled valence shell of electrons. This electronic configuration is very stable, meaning noble gases are generally unreactive and tend not to form compounds with other elements. However, there are exceptions, like xenon hexafluoroplatinate (XePtF6), but such compounds are rare and often require specific conditions to form.

Transition elements, found in the d-block of the periodic table, exhibit a range of oxidation states. This variability is because both the 4s and 3d electrons can be involved in bonding, leading to multiple possible oxidation states. For example, iron exhibits oxidation states of +2 and +3 in its compounds. In contrast, main group elements, particularly those in Groups 1 and 2 (s-block), have more predictable oxidation states based on their group number. For instance, Group 1 elements typically have an oxidation state of +1. However, other main group elements, especially p-block elements, can also display multiple oxidation states, but the range is often not as extensive as with transition metals.

Oxidation numbers provide a systematic way to name compounds, especially when multiple oxidation states are possible for an element. By specifying the oxidation number, one can differentiate between compounds that might otherwise have similar names, such as iron(II) oxide (FeO) and iron(III) oxide (Fe2O3). However, the assignment of oxidation numbers is based on a set of rules that treat all bonds as if they were ionic. In reality, many bonds, especially those between nonmetals, are covalent, meaning electrons are shared rather than transferred. Thus, while oxidation numbers are useful for naming and balancing redox reactions, they do not always represent the true nature of chemical bonding.

While the terms "oxidation state" and "oxidation number" are often used interchangeably, there are subtle differences. The oxidation number is a hypothetical charge assigned to an atom in a molecule or ion based on a set of rules. It represents the number of electrons an atom appears to have gained or lost if we assume all bonds are ionic. On the other hand, the oxidation state, in many contexts, is essentially the same but might differ when discussing multiatomic ions or compounds with metal-metal bonds. For most practical purposes in IB Chemistry, especially in simple inorganic compounds, the two terms are synonymous.

Historically, oxidation was initially understood as a process in which substances gained oxygen, as many reactions observed involved substances reacting with oxygen from the air. This perception prevailed because many oxidation processes that were studied involved the combination of substances with oxygen, like the rusting of iron or the burning of carbon. However, as chemical knowledge expanded and more reactions were studied, it became apparent that not all oxidation processes involved oxygen. It was then recognised that the loss of electrons was a more comprehensive description of oxidation, but the historical terminology, rooted in the oxygen-gain concept, persisted and is still used today alongside the modern definition.

Practice Questions

Define oxidation in terms of electron transfer and oxygen gain, and explain the role of an oxidising agent in a redox reaction.

Oxidation can be defined in two principal ways. Firstly, in terms of electron transfer, oxidation is the process where a substance loses electrons. This typically results in an increase in its oxidation state. Secondly, in historical terms related to oxygen, oxidation refers to the gain of oxygen atoms by a substance. An oxidising agent plays a critical role in a redox reaction; it facilitates the oxidation of another substance. In doing so, the oxidising agent itself is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. It is vital for driving the redox reaction forward by accepting electrons from the species it oxidises.

Describe the limitations of using oxidation states when analysing chemical reactions, and elucidate on the consequences of metal corrosion.

Using oxidation states to analyse chemical reactions provides a structured approach but comes with certain limitations. Primarily, oxidation numbers don't accurately depict the actual electron distribution in a molecule; they are a theoretical representation. Furthermore, certain compounds, especially those involving metal-metal bonds, might exhibit fractional oxidation states, which complicates the concept. Metal corrosion, particularly concerning materials like iron, has significant ramifications. It's a redox process wherein metals are gradually destroyed due to environmental reactions. Corrosion not only affects the structural integrity of materials, leading to safety concerns, but also results in economic implications due to the costs of repair, maintenance, and replacement. Additionally, the aesthetic value of materials diminishes due to corrosion.

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