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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.8 Standard Electrode Potentials

Interpreting Standard Electrode Potential Data

What is Standard Electrode Potential (E⦵)?

  • Definition: The potential difference measured under standard conditions when a half-cell is connected to a standard hydrogen electrode.
  • Importance: E⦵ offers a quantifiable measure to predict the direction and feasibility of redox reactions. It provides an ordered list from which one can determine the relative strength of oxidising and reducing agents.

Using the Table of Standard Electrode Potentials:

  • Organisation: The table is usually arranged with the strongest oxidising agents (most positive E⦵) at the top and the strongest reducing agents (most negative E⦵) at the bottom.
    • Higher E⦵ Values: Elements with higher positive E⦵ values have a natural inclination to accept electrons. Thus, they act as electron acceptors or oxidising agents.
    • Lower E⦵ Values: Elements with lower or more negative E⦵ values tend to donate electrons. Hence, they act as electron donors or reducing agents.
A table of Standard electrode potentials.

Image courtesy of Reuel Sa

Considerations in Data Interpretation:

  • Direction of Reaction: While the table provides data under standard conditions, real-life situations might not always be standard. Concentration, temperature, and other factors can shift the equilibrium, influencing the direction of the reaction.
  • Compatibility: Not all substances will react as indicated by E⦵. Reaction kinetics, activation energy barriers, or other non-thermodynamic factors can prevent reactions from occurring.

Convention of Assigning Electrode Potential to Hydrogen

The Reference Electrode:

  • Hydrogen Electrode: Often termed the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE), it's the benchmark for measuring and assigning electrode potentials for all other electrodes.
  • Why Zero?: The value of zero volts for the hydrogen electrode is a convention. It provides a reference point, much like how sea level is used as a reference for measuring altitude.
A diagram of standard hydrogen electrode (SHE).

Image courtesy of Sandip

Calculating and Interpreting Standard Cell Potential

The Maths Behind E⦵cell:

  • Formula Breakdown: E⦵cell = E⦵cathode - E⦵anode The formula helps predict the net potential of a cell by taking into account the individual potentials of both the anode and cathode.
  • Cathode and Anode Determination: Always choose the substance with the higher E⦵ value as the cathode, as it will undergo reduction. The other substance will be the anode, undergoing oxidation.

Gleaning Insights from E⦵cell:

  • Spontaneity: A positive E⦵cell signals a spontaneous redox reaction, while a negative value indicates a non-spontaneous reaction under standard conditions.
  • Rechargeable Batteries: In systems like rechargeable batteries, the direction of spontaneity can be reversed by applying an external potential.
  • Quantitative Analysis: Knowing the E⦵cell aids chemists in quantitative techniques like potentiometry.

Predicting the Spontaneity of Reactions from E⦵ Data

Going Beyond Intuition:

  • Tangible Metrics: E⦵ values provide tangible metrics. While intuition might suggest that all metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas, E⦵ data shows that metals like copper do not do so with dilute sulphuric acid.
  • Interlink with Thermodynamics:
    • Gibbs Free Energy (ΔG⦵): This thermodynamic quantity is linked with E⦵cell by the equation: ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵cell. A negative ΔG⦵ indicates a spontaneous process.

Complex Predictions:

  • Competing Reactions: In complex solutions, multiple species might compete to be oxidised or reduced. Here, the E⦵ data aids in predicting the major product.
  • Influence of Concentration: Using the Nernst equation, one can adjust the E⦵ value based on actual concentrations, enabling predictions even when conditions aren't standard.

Practical Implications of E⦵ Data

Real-world Applications:

  • Corrosion Prevention: By understanding which metals are more prone to oxidation, engineers can make informed decisions to prevent rusting and corrosion.
  • Metal Extraction: In metallurgy, E⦵ data is pivotal. For instance, aluminium's extraction via electrolysis is understood through its E⦵ value.
  • Innovative Battery Designs: Designing batteries with higher efficiency and energy density often involves manipulating and understanding reactions through E⦵ values.
Picture showing prevention of rusting.

Image courtesy of AdvicerHome

With a firm grasp of standard electrode potentials, students are well-equipped to predict, analyse, and appreciate the vast array of redox reactions that power both natural phenomena and human-made innovations.


Yes, it's possible to determine the electrode potential for a half-cell even if it's not directly measured against the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE). One common method involves using a secondary reference electrode, whose potential relative to SHE is known. By measuring the potential difference between the half-cell in question and this secondary reference, and then accounting for the known potential of the secondary reference relative to SHE, one can infer the electrode potential of the half-cell. In essence, this is a way of indirectly referencing the SHE without having to use it in every measurement.

The electrode potential of an element can be influenced by the pH of the solution, which affects the concentration of H+ ions present. For redox reactions that involve H+ ions, changing the pH can shift the position of the equilibrium, thereby altering the observed electrode potential. In acid solutions, there's a high concentration of H+ ions, while in alkaline solutions, the concentration is much lower. This change in H+ ion concentration can favour or inhibit certain redox reactions, leading to different electrode potentials in acid compared to alkaline solutions. Thus, when tabulating or using electrode potentials, it's essential to specify the pH or nature of the solution.

Standard electrode potentials are relative values. They represent the tendency of a species to gain or lose electrons compared to the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE), which has been arbitrarily assigned a potential of zero volts. Since every other electrode potential is measured against this reference, the values are not absolute; they only give information about the relative reactivity of different species in electrochemical reactions. This relativity is why it's crucial to always specify the reference electrode (usually the SHE) when discussing or comparing electrode potentials.

Overpotential, also known as overvoltage, refers to the extra potential (voltage) that must be applied beyond the theoretical value to initiate a specific electrochemical reaction. It's a phenomenon that can occur due to kinetic factors like the slow rate of electron transfer or the build-up of gas on the surface of an electrode. When overpotential is present, the actual voltage required to drive a reaction may differ from what would be predicted based on standard electrode potentials. This discrepancy can lead to inaccuracies when predicting the spontaneity or direction of electrochemical reactions unless the overpotential is taken into account.

Standard conditions, typically set at a temperature of 25°C and a concentration of 1 M, provide a consistent baseline from which to measure and compare the electrode potentials of different species. By ensuring that all measurements are made under the same conditions, we eliminate variations that might arise due to differing temperatures, concentrations, or pressures. This standardisation helps ensure that electrode potentials from different sources or experiments are directly comparable. If each potential were measured under unique conditions, it would be nearly impossible to determine relative reactivities or predict the outcome of reactions without additional context or data.

Practice Questions

Given the standard electrode potentials of two half-cells: Zn^2+ + 2e^- → Zn is -0.76 V and Cu^2+ + 2e^- → Cu is +0.34 V, predict the spontaneity and direction of the net reaction when these half-cells are connected. Explain your reasoning using the given data.

When the two half-cells are connected, the Zn will be the anode because it has a more negative electrode potential, implying that it has a natural tendency to lose electrons (be oxidised). The Cu2+ will be the cathode, as it has a more positive electrode potential, signifying its propensity to gain electrons (be reduced). The net cell potential (E⦵cell) can be calculated using the formula: E⦵cell = E⦵cathode - E⦵anode. Plugging in the given values: E⦵cell = 0.34 V - (-0.76 V) = 1.10 V. Since E⦵cell is positive, the redox reaction will be spontaneous, with Zn being oxidised to Zn2+ and Cu2+ being reduced to Cu.

Why is the standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) assigned a potential of zero volts? Explain its importance in the realm of electrochemistry.

The standard hydrogen electrode (SHE) is assigned a potential of zero volts as a matter of convention. This assignment provides a reference point or benchmark against which the electrode potentials of all other electrodes can be measured. In essence, the SHE serves a similar purpose to the role of 'sea level' in measuring altitude. By establishing this common reference, it allows chemists and scientists to compare the tendencies of different species to gain or lose electrons. Thus, SHE is instrumental in creating a consistent and universal scale, aiding in the understanding and prediction of redox reactions in the world of electrochemistry.

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