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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.2 Redox Reactions and Half-Equations

Redox reactions, a shorthand term for 'reduction-oxidation' reactions, are foundational in the study of chemistry. They describe processes where electrons are transferred between substances, leading to changes in their oxidation states.

Deduction of Redox Half-Equations and Equations

In redox reactions, the movement of electrons can be visualised using half-equations. These split the overall redox equation into its oxidation and reduction components.

Oxidation Half-Equations

Oxidation is characterised by the loss of electrons. An oxidised substance gives away electrons, increasing its oxidation state.

  • For instance, when magnesium reacts, it loses two electrons to form a magnesium ion:Mg -> Mg2+ + 2e-

Reduction Half-Equations

Reduction is the process where a substance gains electrons, leading to a decrease in its oxidation state.

  • Copper(II) ions, when reduced, gain two electrons to form copper metal:Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu

To form a complete redox reaction, combine half-equations, ensuring that the electrons lost in oxidation are equal to the electrons gained in reduction:

Mg + Cu2+ -> Mg2+ + Cu

A diagram showing Redox Half Reaction Parts.

Image courtesy of Cameron Garnham

Redox Titrations: The Concept of Self-Indicating

Redox titrations are invaluable tools in analytical chemistry. They allow chemists to determine the concentration of an unknown oxidant or reductant by reacting it with a substance of known concentration.

Self-Indicating Titrations

While most titrations require an external indicator to signify their endpoint, some redox titrations inherently display a change that signals completion.

  • This can be due to a noticeable colour change in either the titrant or the analyte, eliminating the need for an external indicator. Such titrations are termed “self-indicating”.

Predicting Oxidation and Reduction: A Periodic Perspective

The periodic table isn't just a tabulation of elements; it's a map of reactivity. Elements’ positions can guide predictions about their oxidation or reduction tendencies.

Alkali Metals (Group 1)

Located in the leftmost column, alkali metals such as lithium, sodium, and potassium are notorious for their reactivity. Their eagerness to lose an electron and form cations becomes more pronounced as we descend the group.

Transition Metals

These metals, found in the middle block, have a unique trait: variable oxidation states. Elements like iron can exist in multiple oxidation states (e.g., Fe2+ and Fe3+), leading to diverse chemical behaviour.

Halogens (Group 17)

Residing on the right, just before the noble gases, halogens are highly electronegative. They fervently attract electrons, and their reactivity decreases as we move down the group, with fluorine being the most reactive.

Interpreting Metal and Metal Ion Reactions

Metal displacement reactions, where a metal displaces another from its salt solution, offer insights into relative reactivities.

  • For instance, if zinc is added to a copper sulfate solution:Zn + CuSO4 -> ZnSO4 + Cu

The observation that zinc displaces copper underlines zinc’s higher reactivity.


Generally, for metals, reactivity increases as we move down a group. This is due to the increasing atomic size and decreasing ionisation energy. Hence, caesium is more reactive than lithium.


The scenario flips for non-metals: reactivity decreases as we move down a group. A larger atomic size means more shielding, making it harder to attract and capture electrons. Thus, fluorine, being at the top of the halogens, is highly reactive, while iodine, being at the bottom, is less so.

A diagram of the periodic table showing oxidation states.

Image courtesy of andriano_cz

Observations in Metal-Metal Ion and Halogen-Halide Reactions

Metal and Metal Ion Interactions

When a metal is introduced into a solution containing its ions, several outcomes are possible:

  • If the metal is unreactive (e.g., gold in an auric solution), no reaction occurs.
  • If a reactive metal is introduced into a less reactive metal ion solution, displacement occurs. The solid metal is oxidised, while the ion in solution is reduced.
Increasing reactivity of metals.

Image courtesy of Study Rocket

Halogen-Halide Dynamics

In a scenario where a halogen meets a halide ion:

  • The more reactive halogen can displace the less reactive halide from its salt solution. For instance, chlorine can displace bromide ions from a sodium bromide solution, resulting in the formation of bromine.

Such reactions provide a practical application of the theoretical knowledge gleaned from the study of redox reactions, and they form the basis for more advanced topics in the realm of chemistry.


Transition metals, unlike s-block elements, have d-orbitals that can accommodate varying numbers of electrons. This flexibility arises from the closeness in energy levels of the 4s and 3d orbitals. As a result, these metals can lose different numbers of electrons from both s and d orbitals, leading to a variety of oxidation states. For example, iron can exist in both +2 (Fe2+) and +3 (Fe3+) oxidation states. The ability to adopt multiple oxidation states is essential for the versatile chemistry of transition metals, allowing them to participate in a broad range of chemical reactions, including multiple redox processes.

Elements within the same group (vertical column) of the periodic table possess the same number of valence electrons. This common electron configuration leads to similarities in chemical reactivity, especially in terms of oxidation and reduction. For example, alkali metals all have one valence electron and, in general, prefer to lose this electron during reactions, making them good reducing agents. On the other hand, halogens, which are one electron short of a full outer shell, tend to gain electrons and act as oxidising agents. The similarities in redox behaviours among elements in the same group arise from their analogous electron configurations.

When a solution of a halogen is mixed with a solution of a halide ion from a less reactive halogen, a displacement reaction can occur. The more reactive halogen will displace the less reactive one. For example, if chlorine (a more reactive halogen) is added to a solution of potassium bromide, the chlorine will displace the bromide ion to form bromine. The resulting solution will undergo a colour change due to the formation of bromine. If, however, a less reactive halogen like iodine is added to a solution of potassium chloride, no reaction will take place as iodine cannot displace the chloride ion. Observing these displacement reactions can help deduce the reactivity series of the halogens.

Half-equations play a crucial role in understanding redox reactions because they allow us to dissect a reaction into its separate oxidation and reduction components. Each half-equation represents either the loss (oxidation) or gain (reduction) of electrons by species involved in the reaction. By splitting a reaction into half-equations, we can easily identify which reactants are oxidised and which are reduced. Furthermore, half-equations are essential in balancing redox reactions, especially in complex chemical environments like acidic or basic solutions. They provide clarity and help students and chemists visualise the electron movement, which is central to redox chemistry.

In redox titrations, the point of equivalence (where moles of the titrant are stoichiometrically equal to the moles of the analyte) can be detected using an indicator that undergoes a colour change at a particular electrode potential. However, some redox reactions involve reagents that undergo a visible colour change as they are oxidised or reduced. These reagents are termed "self-indicating". In such titrations, there's no need for a separate indicator. The colour change of the reagent itself signals the endpoint of the titration. This simplifies the process and minimises the sources of error since the titration endpoint is directly related to the analyte concentration.

Practice Questions

Describe the process of deriving a complete redox reaction from half-equations. Illustrate your answer with the oxidation of magnesium and the reduction of copper(II) ions.

To derive a complete redox reaction from half-equations, one must first break down the given reaction into its oxidation and reduction components. For the oxidation of magnesium, the magnesium atom loses two electrons to form a magnesium ion, represented by the half-equation: Mg -> Mg2+ + 2e-. In the reduction of copper(II) ions, the copper ion gains these two electrons to form a copper metal, shown as: Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu. To form the complete redox reaction, these half-equations are combined, ensuring that the electrons lost in the oxidation are equal to the electrons gained in the reduction. Thus, the overall equation is: Mg + Cu2+ -> Mg2+ + Cu.

Using the periodic table as a reference, explain why alkali metals tend to lose electrons easily while halogens tend to gain electrons. Relate this to their position in the periodic table.

Alkali metals, situated in the leftmost column of the periodic table, have one electron in their outermost shell. This single electron is relatively far from the nucleus due to the increasing atomic radius as you move down the group, making it easier to lose. By losing this electron, alkali metals can achieve a stable electronic configuration similar to noble gases. On the other hand, halogens, positioned just before the noble gases on the right of the periodic table, have seven electrons in their outermost shell. They require just one more electron to attain a full shell, similar to noble gases. Given their high electronegativity and proximity to the noble gases, halogens have a strong tendency to attract and capture an extra electron, making them highly reactive.

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