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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.3 Reactions of Metals and Acids

Metals, especially those that are reactive, have a natural tendency to react with various substances, and dilute acids are no exception. This fascinating interplay of substances provides a glimpse into the chemical properties of metals and their compounds.

Deduction of Equations for Reactions of Reactive Metals with Dilute Acids

The general reaction between most metals and acids leads to the release of hydrogen gas and the formation of a salt.

Key Reaction Format:

Metal + Acid -> Metal Salt + Hydrogen gas

Explained Examples:

1. Magnesium and Hydrochloric Acid:

  • Reaction: Magnesium reacts vigorously with dilute hydrochloric acid, leading to effervescence due to the rapid evolution of hydrogen gas.
  • Equation:

Mg + 2HCl -> MgCl2 + H2

  • Explanation: Here, magnesium displaces two hydrogen atoms, forming magnesium chloride and releasing hydrogen gas.
    2. Zinc and Sulphuric Acid:
    • Reaction: When zinc encounters dilute sulphuric acid, it produces hydrogen gas and zinc sulphate.
    • Equation:

Zn + H2SO4 -> ZnSO4 + H2

  • Explanation: Zinc ousts the hydrogen from sulphuric acid, resulting in the formation of zinc sulphate and the liberation of hydrogen.
Diagram showing chemical Equations for Reactions of Reactive Metals with Dilute Acids.

Image courtesy of the science hive

Understanding the Reactions between Metals and Aqueous Metal Ions

Displacement reactions take centre stage when metals react with a solution of another metal ion.

Fundamental Principle:

If a metal, say 'A', is more reactive than another metal 'B', then 'A' will displace 'B' from its salt solution.

Key Example:

  • Zinc and Copper Sulphate Solution:
    • Observations: If zinc is introduced into a blue copper sulphate solution, the solution loses its blue colour gradually. Copper metal is seen to deposit on the zinc strip.
    • Equation:

Zn + CuSO4 -> ZnSO4 + Cu

  • Explanation: The more reactive zinc displaces copper ions from the solution, leading to the formation of zinc sulphate. The displaced copper ions get reduced to form copper metal.
Diagram showing single displacement reaction of iron and Copper Sulphate Solution.

Image courtesy of Inna

Predicting the Relative Ease of Oxidation of Metals

The propensity of metals to lose electrons and form positive ions (cations) is a testament to their reactivity.

The Reactivity Series:

A hierarchy of metals based on their reactivity. Metals at the top, like potassium and sodium, are highly reactive, while those at the bottom, like gold and silver, are least reactive.

Determinants of Reactivity:

  • Electron Configuration: The drive of metals to achieve a stable electron configuration prompts them to lose electrons easily.
  • Position in the Periodic Table: Typically, as you move from left to right across a period, metallic character and reactivity decrease. Conversely, as you descend a group, reactivity generally increases, because the outermost electrons are farther from the nucleus and are lost more easily.
A diagram showing the reactivity series of metals.

Image courtesy of Pandai

Predicting the Relative Ease of Reduction of Halogens

Halogens, being non-metals, are on the other end of the spectrum. They tend to gain electrons to achieve a noble gas configuration.

Halogen Reactivity:

From fluorine to iodine, the reactivity of halogens decreases. Fluorine is the most aggressive, often displacing other halogens from their salts, while iodine is the least reactive.

Factors Influencing Halogen Reactivity:

  • Electron Affinity: Halogens possess a high electron affinity. They're always on the lookout for an extra electron to complete their valence shell.
  • Atomic Size: As you move down the halogen group, the atomic size grows. The increased distance between the nucleus and the outermost shell reduces the effective nuclear charge, making it harder for larger halogens to attract and capture electrons compared to smaller ones.
  • Electronegativity: Fluorine is the most electronegative element in the periodic table, meaning it has a high tendency to attract electrons. As you move down the halogen group, electronegativity drops, leading to a decreased reactivity.

In the intricate world of electron transfer reactions, understanding these basic principles and reactions is crucial. As IB Chemistry students, getting a firm grip on these concepts will not only help in exams but also in appreciating the broader applications in various chemical industries and daily life.


The reactivity series is a list of metals arranged in order of their decreasing reactivity. Metals higher up in the series are more reactive than those below them. This order helps in predicting how a metal will react with dilute acids. For instance, metals high up in the series, like potassium or sodium, will react very vigorously with dilute acids, displacing hydrogen gas. Metals in the middle, like iron or zinc, will react but less intensely. On the other hand, metals towards the bottom, such as gold or platinum, won't react with dilute acids at all. Thus, by knowing a metal's position in the reactivity series, one can anticipate its reaction nature with dilute acids.

The reactivity of halogens in redox reactions decreases as you move down the group in the periodic table. This trend is due to the increasing atomic size and the increasing number of electron shells. As we go down the group, halogens have more electron shells, making it harder for them to attract and gain an extra electron. For instance, fluorine, being at the top of the halogen group, is the most reactive as it can gain an electron more easily than iodine, which is further down the group. Understanding this trend in halogen reactivity can help in predicting the outcome of various redox reactions involving halogens.

Reactive metals such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium react vigorously with acids because they tend to lose electrons easily. When they come into contact with acids, a displacement reaction occurs. In this reaction, the metal displaces the hydrogen ions from the acid, forming metal salts and releasing hydrogen gas. The ease with which these metals lose electrons and their position near the top of the reactivity series makes them highly reactive. The release of gas is a visual cue of the displacement of hydrogen ions from the acid.

Gold and platinum are often referred to as noble metals because of their resistance to corrosion and oxidation in moist air. Their lack of reactivity with dilute acids is primarily attributed to their position in the reactivity series. They are located towards the bottom, meaning they have a very low tendency to lose electrons (i.e., get oxidised). As most dilute acid reactions involve the metal losing electrons and forming positive ions, noble metals like gold and platinum are not prone to this type of chemical change. Their electronic structure also contributes to this stability, providing resistance to the exchange or loss of electrons.

Yes, all reactions between metals and aqueous metal ions are redox reactions. Redox reactions involve the transfer of electrons from one species to another. In reactions between metals and aqueous metal ions, the metal atom loses electrons (is oxidised) and becomes a cation, while the aqueous metal ion gains electrons (is reduced) and forms a metal atom. This simultaneous oxidation and reduction process is why these reactions are classified as redox reactions. It's essential to remember that in every redox reaction, one substance is oxidised, and another is reduced.

Practice Questions

A piece of aluminium metal is added to an aqueous solution of copper(II) sulphate. Describe the observed reaction and provide a balanced chemical equation. Justify the occurrence of this reaction based on the reactivity series of metals.

Aluminium is more reactive than copper. When it's added to copper(II) sulphate solution, a displacement reaction takes place. Aluminium displaces the copper ions, leading to the formation of aluminium sulphate. Concurrently, copper ions in the solution get reduced and form copper metal which is observed as a brownish precipitate. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: 2Al + 3CuSO4 -> Al2(SO4)3 + 3Cu. The occurrence of this reaction can be justified by the reactivity series, where aluminium is above copper, meaning aluminium can displace copper from its salt solution.

Halogens react differently with metal ions due to their reactivity. Using the knowledge of the reactivity trend in halogens, predict the outcome when bromine water is added to an aqueous solution of potassium iodide. Also, provide a balanced chemical equation for the expected reaction.

Bromine, being above iodine in the halogen group, is more reactive. When bromine water is added to potassium iodide solution, a displacement reaction occurs. The bromine displaces iodine from its salt solution. The resulting solution will turn brown due to the formation of iodine, and potassium bromide is formed. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction is: Br2 + 2KI -> 2KBr + I2. This reaction showcases the reactivity trend of halogens, where halogens higher up in the group can displace those below them from their salt solutions.

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