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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.4 Electrochemical Cells: Basics and Primary Cells

Electrochemical cells are a cornerstone of modern chemistry, revolutionising our understanding of energy conversion and redox reactions. This section provides an in-depth exploration of their foundational principles, placing special emphasis on primary cells.

Picture of an electrochemical cell.

Image courtesy of Chemical Suppliers

Identification of Electrodes and Their Polarities


  • The electrode where oxidation, or the loss of electrons, occurs.
  • Voltaic Cells (Galvanic Cells):
    • The anode is negative.
    • As it undergoes oxidation, it releases electrons into the external circuit.
    • Over time, the anode typically degrades or diminishes in size due to the loss of metal atoms.
  • Electrolytic Cells:
    • The anode is positive.
    • Attracts anions from the solution which then undergo oxidation.
    • Unlike voltaic cells, in electrolytic cells, the anode can gain mass if metal ions from the solution are deposited onto it.


  • The electrode where reduction, or the gain of electrons, takes place.
  • Voltaic Cells (Galvanic Cells):
    • The cathode is positive.
    • Attracts cations from the solution, which then undergo reduction.
    • Typically gains mass as metal ions from the solution are reduced and deposited onto the cathode.
  • Electrolytic Cells:
    • The cathode is negative.
    • Attracts cations which are then reduced.

Reactions at the Electrodes

Voltaic Cells (Galvanic Cells)

  • Anode Reaction:
    • Oxidation happens, resulting in the release of electrons.
    • E.g., in a zinc-copper cell, zinc undergoes oxidation:
      • Zn(s) -> Zn2+(aq) + 2e-
  • Cathode Reaction:
    • Reduction takes place, utilising the electrons released from the anode.
    • Using the same zinc-copper cell as an example, copper ions undergo reduction:
      • Cu2+(aq) + 2e- -> Cu(s)
Diagram of a Galvanic cell.

Image courtesy of Ohiostandard Vector: AntiCompositeNumber

Electrolytic Cells

  • Anode Reaction:
    • Attracts anions from the solution which get oxidised.
    • Example: Electrolysis of molten sodium chloride:
      • 2Cl-(l) -> Cl2(g) + 2e-
  • Cathode Reaction:
    • Attracts cations from the solution which get reduced.
    • Continuing with the electrolysis of sodium chloride:
      • Na+(l) + e- -> Na(s)
A diagram of electrolytic cells.

Image courtesy of udaix

Electron Flow and Ion Movement in Primary Cells

  • Electron Flow:
    • Electrons move from the anode (where they are released) to the cathode (where they are accepted) through the external circuit.
    • This electron movement is what powers devices or performs tasks like electrolysis.
  • Ion Movement:
    • Within the electrolyte, anions move towards the anode, while cations head towards the cathode.
    • This ionic movement maintains the charge balance in the cell, preventing a build-up of positive or negative charges.

Construction of Primary Cells

Constructing an operational primary cell involves:

  • Half-cells:
    • Each half-cell contains a specific metal and its respective metal ion in a solution.
    • These half-reactions represent either the oxidation or reduction half of the overall redox reaction.
    • E.g., a copper half-cell may have a copper electrode immersed in a copper sulfate solution.
  • Electric Circuit:
    • This consists of the anode and cathode connections, allowing electrons to flow.
    • Components include the wire, a load (like a light bulb), and a switch.
  • Salt Bridge:
    • A U-shaped tube filled with a salt solution or a porous disk.
    • Connects the two half-cells and permits the flow of ions between them, ensuring the system remains electrically neutral.
    • Often uses a solution of potassium nitrate or another inert electrolyte.
Diagram showing an operational primary cell- Galvanic cell.

Image courtesy of Gringer

Comparing Energy Derivation: Electrochemical Reactions vs Fossil Fuel Combustion

  • Electrochemical Reactions:
    • Directly transform chemical energy into electrical energy.
    • Often exhibit higher efficiencies than fossil fuel combustion due to direct energy conversion.
    • Produce minimal pollution since no greenhouse gases are emitted directly.
    • Examples include batteries in various devices, especially eco-friendly options like electric cars.
  • Fossil Fuel Combustion:
    • Initially convert chemical energy to thermal energy, which is then often transformed into mechanical or electrical energy.
    • These multiple energy conversion steps can introduce inefficiencies.
    • Burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases, which contribute to global warming and climate change.
    • Examples are traditional vehicles running on petrol or diesel, as well as coal-fired power plants.

By understanding the intricate workings of electrochemical cells and comparing them with traditional energy sources, we gain a deeper appreciation of their potential in shaping a sustainable future. As the global community increasingly looks for eco-friendly energy alternatives, the significance of these cells in our daily lives and industries continues to grow.


Temperature has a noticeable effect on the functioning of a primary cell. Increasing the temperature typically speeds up the rate of chemical reactions, leading to an increase in the rate of electron flow. However, too high a temperature can also disrupt the internal chemistry of the cell, potentially damaging it or causing it to leak. On the other hand, decreasing the temperature can slow down the reactions, reducing the cell's performance. Some primary cells may not work effectively or at all in extremely cold conditions, which is a critical consideration for their use in specific environments or applications.

Metal corrosion in electrochemical reactions is essentially an oxidation process. Metals have varying tendencies to lose electrons and undergo oxidation, a property inherent in their atomic structure and influenced by their position in the periodic table. Metals that are more reactive, like alkali and alkaline earth metals, are more prone to oxidation and, hence, corrosion. On the other hand, noble metals like gold and platinum are less reactive and resist corrosion. Factors like the presence of certain chemicals in the environment, exposure to oxygen, and even the pH of surrounding mediums can further influence the corrosion susceptibility of metals.

The choice of electrode materials plays a crucial role in determining the voltage of a primary cell. Different metals have varying tendencies to lose or gain electrons, referred to as their electrode potentials. The difference in electrode potentials of the two half-cells determines the overall cell potential or voltage. A greater difference in potentials will yield a higher voltage. Hence, selecting metals with significantly different electrode potentials can optimise the voltage of the cell, which can be especially important in applications requiring specific energy outputs.

Primary cells cease producing electricity when one or more of the reactants in the electrochemical reactions gets depleted. In primary cells, the electrochemical reactions are not easily reversible. Once the chemicals are exhausted or if products from the reactions build up and hinder further reactions, the cell can no longer produce electricity. Primary cells are designed for one-time use and cannot be recharged efficiently. Recharging attempts might not restore the cell to its initial state and can sometimes result in the cell leaking or, in extreme cases, exploding.

Removing the salt bridge during the operation of a galvanic cell will interrupt the cell's functioning. The salt bridge serves to maintain electrical neutrality within the internal circuit of the cell by permitting the flow of ions. Without the salt bridge, positive ions would accumulate at the anode and negative ions at the cathode, leading to a charge imbalance. This imbalance would prevent the continued flow of electrons in the external circuit, effectively halting the redox reaction. The cell would quickly reach equilibrium, and no further potential difference would be observed between the two electrodes.

Practice Questions

In a galvanic cell consisting of copper and zinc half-cells, identify the anode and cathode. Further, explain the electron flow in this cell and the role of a salt bridge in the electrochemical process.

The anode in this galvanic cell is zinc, as it undergoes oxidation by releasing electrons. The cathode is copper, which undergoes reduction by accepting electrons. Electrons flow from the zinc electrode (anode) through the external circuit to the copper electrode (cathode), driving the electrical work in devices connected to the cell. The salt bridge allows for the movement of ions between the two half-cells, maintaining electrical neutrality in the cell. Without a salt bridge, the solution in one half-cell would accumulate positive charge, and the other would accumulate negative charge, stopping the electron flow.

Compare the energy derivation in terms of efficiency and environmental impact between electrochemical reactions, as seen in batteries, and fossil fuel combustion.

Electrochemical reactions, as observed in batteries, directly convert chemical energy into electrical energy, often with higher efficiency than fossil fuel combustion. This is because fossil fuel combustion involves converting chemical energy first to thermal energy, which is then transformed into mechanical or electrical energy, leading to energy losses at each stage. Environmentally, batteries produce minimal direct pollution, since no greenhouse gases are emitted during energy conversion. In contrast, burning fossil fuels releases greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming and other environmental challenges. Thus, from both efficiency and environmental perspectives, electrochemical reactions in batteries are advantageous compared to fossil fuel combustion.

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