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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.7 Organic Compounds: Reduction

Deduction of Equations: Reduction of Carboxylic Acids and Ketones

Reduction in organic chemistry typically implies the addition of hydrogen or the removal of oxygen from a molecule, or a combination of these.

Carboxylic Acids

  • General Reduction: Carboxylic acids, when reduced, give primary alcohols. The general equation representing the reduction of a carboxylic acid is:

R-COOH + 2[H] -> R-CH2OH

For example, ethanoic acid, when reduced, produces ethanol.

  • Mechanism: This reduction typically requires strong reducing agents like lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4). The carboxylic acid is first converted to an intermediate aldehyde, which is then further reduced to the alcohol.
Diagram showing the chemical equation of Reduction of Carboxylic Acids.

Image courtesy of Pete Davis


  • General Reduction: Upon reduction, ketones produce secondary alcohols. The general representation of a ketone reduction is:
  • R-CO-R' + 2[H] -> R-CHOH-R' Using propanone as an example, its reduction will give propan-2-ol.
  • Mechanism: The carbonyl group in ketones is polarised, with the oxygen being more electronegative than the carbon. A reducing agent, such as NaBH4 or LiAlH4, provides a hydride ion (H-) which attacks the carbonyl carbon, leading to the formation of an alcohol.
Diagram showing the chemical equation of Reduction of ketones.

Image courtesy of Pete Davis

Role of Hydride Ions in Reduction Reactions

Hydride ions, typically delivered from certain reagents, play a vital role in organic reductions.

  • Mechanism: When a hydride ion donates a hydrogen atom to the carbonyl carbon, it breaks the carbon-oxygen pi bond, converting the carbonyl group into an alcohol group.
  • Common Hydride Sources:
    • Sodium borohydride (NaBH4): Milder and typically used for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones.
    • Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4): A more potent reducing agent, capable of reducing carboxylic acids, esters, and amides in addition to aldehydes and ketones.
A diagram showing reduction using hydride ions.

Image courtesy of Snubcube

Oxidation States in Organic Molecules

Assigning oxidation states in organic molecules is a way to track the changes in carbon atoms' electron environments.

  • Determining Carbon's Oxidation State: Each bond contributes based on electronegativity differences. For carbon:
    • Bonded to hydrogen: +1
    • Bonded to another carbon: 0
    • Bonded to a more electronegative atom (like oxygen): -1 for each bond.
  • Order of Oxidation: Analysing oxidation states provides insights into the order of oxidation in organic molecules:
    • Alkanes: The carbon is bonded only to hydrogens or other carbons, thus having a low oxidation state.
General structure of alkane

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  • Alcohols: The presence of an oxygen atom increases the oxidation state compared to alkanes.
General structure of alcohol

Image courtesy of NEUROtiker

  • Aldehydes/Ketones: The carbonyl carbon has a higher oxidation state than in alcohols.
General structure of aldehyde and ketone

Image courtesy of OpenStax

  • Carboxylic acids: The presence of two oxygen atoms gives this group the highest oxidation state in this list.
General structure of Carboxylic acid

Image courtesy of De.Nobelium

Reactions of Hydrogen with Alkenes and Alkynes

Hydrogenation involves the addition of hydrogen across unsaturated bonds, leading to more saturated compounds.


  • General Reaction: Alkenes produce alkanes upon hydrogenation. CH2=CH2 + H2 -> CH3-CH3 Ethene, for instance, gets converted to ethane using a nickel catalyst.
  • Mechanism: Hydrogenation proceeds via syn-addition, where hydrogen atoms add to the same side of the double bond.
Chemical equation showing Hydrogenation of alkenes to alkanes using a catalyst.

Image courtesy of A Level Chemistry


  • Reaction Products: Depending on conditions, alkynes can produce alkanes or alkenes.
    • Complete hydrogenation: Alkynes -> Alkanes
    • Partial hydrogenation: Alkynes -> Alkenes
  • Mechanism: Hydrogenation of alkynes can also proceed via syn-addition. The choice of catalyst and conditions determine whether complete or partial hydrogenation occurs.
The chemical equation of hydrogenation of an alkyne to alkene and alkane using a catalyst.

Image courtesy of Lumen Learning

Classification of Alkene Reactions

Alkenes, with their pi bonds, exhibit diverse reactivity. Classifying these reactions aids understanding:

  • Addition Reactions: Molecules add across the double bond. Examples: hydrogenation, halogenation, and hydration.
  • Oxidation Reactions: Alkenes can be transformed into diols or cleaved to yield carbonyl compounds.
  • Polymerisation: Alkenes can polymerise, acting as monomers, to produce high molecular weight polymers.

Diving deep into the intricacies of reduction in organic chemistry not only demystifies the reactions but also brings to the fore the beauty of the subject, offering students a glimpse into the vast world of organic transformations.


Yes, there are significant safety concerns associated with the use of lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4). It is a highly reactive compound and can be pyrophoric, meaning it can ignite spontaneously upon exposure to air. Additionally, LiAlH4 reacts violently with water, releasing hydrogen gas, which can pose an explosion hazard. Due to these characteristics, it should be handled with extreme care in a dry, inert atmosphere, typically under nitrogen or argon, and away from any sources of moisture. Proper protective equipment, including gloves and safety goggles, is essential, and any reactions involving LiAlH4 should be conducted behind a safety shield.

Tertiary alcohols are already in a highly reduced state and have no hydrogen attached to the carbon bearing the hydroxyl group. This configuration means there's no available hydrogen to be removed from the carbon atom of the hydroxyl group. Moreover, the carbon bonded to the hydroxyl group in tertiary alcohols is not electrophilic, making it less susceptible to nucleophilic attack. Thus, under typical reduction conditions, tertiary alcohols remain unchanged, whereas primary and secondary alcohols could potentially undergo other types of reactions, albeit not straightforward reductions.

Technically, primary and secondary alcohols are already reduced forms of carbonyl compounds. When subjected to reducing conditions, they don't undergo the same type of reduction reactions as carbonyl compounds. However, if exposed to very strong reducing agents under specific conditions, primary alcohols can potentially undergo a series of reactions leading to the removal of the hydroxyl group, forming alkanes. Secondary alcohols, on the other hand, are less prone to further reduction. It's worth noting that such transformations are rarely sought in organic synthesis, and these conditions are usually avoided when working with alcohols.

The oxidation state of carbon in organic molecules helps chemists to understand the type and extent of bonds that carbon forms with other atoms, especially with more electronegative atoms like oxygen. By determining the oxidation state, one can deduce how oxidised or reduced a particular carbon atom is in the context of the molecule. In organic chemistry, this concept is used to track the changes that occur during redox reactions. When a molecule is subjected to reducing conditions, the carbon atoms in the molecule are generally transformed from a higher oxidation state to a lower one. This understanding aids in predicting the products of redox reactions and planning synthetic routes in organic chemistry.

Lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4) is a much stronger reducing agent than sodium borohydride (NaBH4). Carboxylic acids are more resistant to reduction than other carbonyl compounds, like aldehydes or ketones. This is due to the presence of the electronegative oxygen atom adjacent to the carbonyl, which makes carboxylic acids less reactive to nucleophilic attack. Because of this resistance, a stronger reducing agent, such as LiAlH4, is required to break the carbonyl group and reduce the carboxylic acid to an alcohol. In contrast, NaBH4 is milder and is typically used for the reduction of aldehydes and ketones but is ineffective for carboxylic acids.

Practice Questions

A student is tasked with converting a carboxylic acid to a primary alcohol. Describe the general process, including the suitable reducing agent. Further, explain how a hydride ion contributes to this conversion.

The general process of converting a carboxylic acid to a primary alcohol involves the use of a strong reducing agent, specifically lithium aluminium hydride (LiAlH4). In the presence of this reducing agent, the carboxylic acid is first converted to an intermediate aldehyde, which is then further reduced to the desired primary alcohol. The role of the hydride ion, which is provided by the reducing agent, is pivotal. The hydride ion (H-) donates a hydrogen atom to the carbonyl carbon of the intermediate aldehyde, breaking the carbon-oxygen pi bond, thereby converting the carbonyl group into an alcohol group.

Distinguish between the hydrogenation of alkenes and alkynes. In the context of this, what is meant by ‘partial hydrogenation’ and how does it differ from ‘complete hydrogenation’ of an alkyne?

Hydrogenation involves the addition of hydrogen across unsaturated bonds. In the case of alkenes, hydrogenation adds hydrogen to the carbon atoms linked by a double bond, producing alkanes. On the other hand, alkynes, with their triple bonds, can undergo two different types of hydrogenation: complete and partial. 'Complete hydrogenation' of an alkyne leads to the formation of an alkane, with the triple bond being fully saturated. 'Partial hydrogenation', however, results in the formation of an alkene, where the triple bond of the alkyne is reduced to a double bond. The choice of catalyst and reaction conditions dictate whether an alkyne undergoes complete or partial hydrogenation.

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