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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.9 Gibbs Energy and Electrochemical Cells

Determining ΔG⦵ from E⦵ Data

Key Definitions:

  • ΔG⦵: Denotes the standard change in Gibbs energy for a reaction. It serves as an indicator of the energy variation of a process when maintained at a constant temperature and pressure.
  • E⦵: Known as the standard cell potential, it represents the voltage or potential difference of an electrochemical cell under standard conditions.

Establishing the Relationship:

The relationship between the standard Gibbs energy change (ΔG⦵) and the standard cell potential (E⦵) is expressed by the equation: ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵ Where:

  • n signifies the number of moles of electrons transferred during the redox reaction.
  • F represents the Faraday constant, valued at approximately 96485 C mol-1.

Analytical Observations:

  • A negative ΔG⦵ indicates the spontaneous nature of the reaction under standard conditions.
  • Conversely, a positive E⦵ (cell potential) usually leads to a spontaneous reaction, evidenced by a negative ΔG⦵.

Using Thermodynamic Data to Predict Reaction Spontaneity

Thermodynamic Parameters:

For a reaction to spontaneously occur at constant temperature and pressure, the ΔG⦵ needs to be negative.

Probing into Spontaneity:

  • A scenario where E⦵ > 0 typically implies a spontaneous reaction since ΔG⦵ would be negative.
  • Conversely, if E⦵ < 0, the reaction would be deemed non-spontaneous due to a positive ΔG⦵.

Implications in Real-world Scenarios:

  • Redox reactions boasting a positive standard cell potential have a natural propensity to occur, releasing energy in the process.

Deep Dive: Relationship between ΔG⦵ and E⦵ for a Reaction

Core Relationship:

The equation ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵ underpins the relationship between ΔG⦵ and E⦵. It acts as the bridge, connecting electrochemical measurements with vital thermodynamic quantities.

Significance Explored:

  • The magnitude and direction of ΔG⦵ are pivotal for determining the spontaneity of a reaction. A negative ΔG⦵, achieved when E⦵ is positive, signifies a spontaneous reaction.
  • The degree to which E⦵ is positive or negative provides insights into the spontaneity of a reaction and the energy associated with the given process.

Crucial Points of Consideration:

  • It's imperative to note that these relationships hold true under standard conditions. Real-world scenarios might showcase deviations due to factors like changing concentrations, non-standard pressures, and other external conditions.
  • E⦵ values for diverse half-reactions are often listed in data tables. By harnessing these values in tandem with the mentioned equation, one can estimate ΔG⦵ and, subsequently, the spontaneity of the overarching redox reaction.

Application within Electrochemical Cells:

In-depth Understanding:

  • 1. Half-reactions with elevated (more positive) reduction potentials are naturally inclined to undergo reductions in their spontaneous direction.
  • 2. The difference in reduction potentials between two half-reactions in a cell determines its overall potential (E⦵). This difference is paramount as it propels the electron flow and, by extension, the reaction.
  • 3. Cells with a positive E⦵ indicate spontaneous reactions that yield electrical energy. Such cells are categorised as galvanic cells.
  • 4. In contrast, cells with a negative E⦵ require an external energy source to facilitate the reaction. These are identified as electrolytic cells.

Electrochemical Cells: A Broader Perspective

Electrochemical cells serve as the bedrock for a myriad of applications, from batteries powering everyday devices to large-scale industrial processes. Understanding the relationship between Gibbs energy and cell potential can lead to innovations in energy storage and more efficient chemical processes. Additionally, this knowledge base aids in predicting the feasibility and efficiency of new redox reactions, driving advancements in fields like renewable energy.

Mastering the interrelationships between Gibbs energy, electrochemical cell potential, and reaction spontaneity empowers students to decode and harness the myriad possibilities offered by redox reactions. Whether it's in sustainable energy solutions, advanced chemical processes, or academic research, this foundational knowledge is indispensable.


The negative sign in the equation ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵ signifies the direction of the spontaneous flow of electrons in an electrochemical cell. A positive E⦵ indicates a spontaneous reaction, and for the reaction to be spontaneous, ΔG⦵ must be negative (indicating a decrease in free energy). The negative sign ensures that when E⦵ is positive, ΔG⦵ will be negative, and vice versa. This relationship aligns with our understanding that for a reaction to be spontaneous, there should be a decrease in Gibbs free energy, ensuring that the mathematics of the equation corresponds with our thermodynamic understanding.

In general, a positive E⦵ value suggests that a reaction is spontaneous under standard conditions. However, this relationship holds true when all substances are in their standard states and at a specific temperature (usually 298K). External factors such as concentration, pressure, and other non-standard conditions can shift the position of equilibrium and impact the spontaneity. Additionally, kinetic factors can also play a role; a reaction might be thermodynamically favourable (positive E⦵) but might not proceed at a noticeable rate due to a high activation energy barrier. So, while E⦵ provides valuable information, it's essential to consider other factors when predicting a reaction's real-world behaviour.

While the equation ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵ provides a direct relationship between Gibbs energy and cell potential at standard conditions, temperature can influence this relationship. The complete relationship considering temperature is given by the equation ΔG = ΔG⦵ + RTlnQ, where R is the universal gas constant, T is the temperature in Kelvin, and Q is the reaction quotient. As temperature changes, it can affect the equilibrium position of the reaction and subsequently ΔG. However, for many reactions, especially those at or near standard conditions, the temperature's influence might be minor, but it's always crucial to consider temperature variations in precise calculations or when operating under significantly non-standard conditions.

The Faraday constant (F) represents the charge carried by one mole of electrons. In electrochemical reactions, the transfer of electrons is central, and the amount of work or energy associated with this transfer is directly related to the quantity of charge transferred. When calculating the Gibbs energy change (ΔG⦵) from the standard cell potential (E⦵), it's essential to account for the charge related to the moles of electrons transferred in the reaction. The Faraday constant allows us to bridge this gap, converting the potential energy (voltage) of the reaction into Gibbs free energy, making it an essential constant in electrochemistry.

While ΔG⦵ provides valuable information about the spontaneity of a reaction under standard conditions, it doesn't give a complete picture of how far a reaction will proceed before reaching equilibrium. ΔG⦵ tells us whether a reaction is spontaneous at the start, but to understand how a reaction progresses as conditions change (e.g., as reactants are consumed), we need to look at the actual Gibbs energy (ΔG) and the reaction quotient (Q). The relationship between ΔG, ΔG⦵, and Q helps us understand the position of equilibrium and the extent to which a reaction will proceed under non-standard conditions.

Practice Questions

Explain the relationship between the standard change in Gibbs energy (ΔG⦵) and the standard cell potential (E⦵) of a reaction. How can this relationship be utilised to determine the spontaneity of a reaction?

The relationship between the standard change in Gibbs energy (ΔG⦵) and the standard cell potential (E⦵) is expressed by the equation ΔG⦵ = -nFE⦵, where "n" represents the number of moles of electrons transferred in the reaction and "F" is the Faraday constant. If E⦵ is positive, it usually implies that the reaction is spontaneous as ΔG⦵ would be negative, indicating a decrease in free energy under standard conditions. Conversely, if E⦵ is negative, the reaction is typically non-spontaneous as ΔG⦵ would be positive. Therefore, by analysing the value of E⦵, one can predict the spontaneity of the reaction.

Describe how standard cell potential values (E⦵) for individual half-reactions can be utilised to predict the overall spontaneity of a full redox reaction.

Standard cell potential values (E⦵) for individual half-reactions, often tabulated in data tables, can be combined to determine the overall cell potential for a full redox reaction. Specifically, the E⦵ of the cathode (reduction half-reaction) is subtracted by the E⦵ of the anode (oxidation half-reaction). If the resultant E⦵ value for the overall reaction is positive, it indicates that the reaction is spontaneous. Conversely, if the overall E⦵ is negative, the reaction is non-spontaneous under standard conditions. Thus, by considering the standard cell potentials of individual half-reactions, we can predict the spontaneity of the combined redox reaction.

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