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IB DP Chemistry HL Study Notes

6.2.11 Electroplating and Practical Applications

Deduction of Equations for Electrode Reactions During Electroplating

Electroplating operates on redox principles: a metal cation gets reduced at the cathode to form a metal layer, whilst an oxidation process occurs at the anode.

Cathode (Reduction):

The cathode, or the surface that is being plated, gains metal from the electrolyte solution as metal ions receive electrons (are reduced) and form a metal layer on the object. The generalised equation is:

Metaln+ + ne- -> Metal

For instance, in copper plating: Cu2+ + 2e- -> Cu

Anode (Oxidation):

This is where the oxidation process occurs. In metals that dissolve easily, they go into solution. For those that do not dissolve readily, the reaction might involve oxygen release from water. The general equation is:

Metal -> Metaln+ + ne-

For copper electroplating, using a copper anode: Cu -> Cu2+ + 2e-

Electroplating of a metal with copper in a copper sulfate bath.

Image courtesy of Torsten Henning

Understanding the Use of an Electrolytic Cell in Electroplating

Basics of the Electrolytic Cell:

  • Power Supply: Direct current is essential. The object to be plated is the cathode, and a piece of the plating metal acts as the anode.
  • Electrolyte Solution: A solution containing ions of the metal intended for plating. For copper, a copper sulphate solution might be used.
  • Cathode (Object being plated): As the power supply provides electrons to the cathode, the cations in the electrolyte undergo reduction, forming a metal layer.
  • Anode (Plating metal): Often, the anode dissolves to replenish the electrolyte with metal ions, maintaining a relatively constant concentration.
  • Duration & Current: By modulating the duration and the current's strength, one can control the plated metal layer's thickness.
Apparatus of electrolytic cell.

Image courtesy of Emanuele Oddo

Significance of the Electrolyte:

The electrolyte plays a pivotal role. It not only supplies the metal ions for plating but also provides the medium for ion movement, ensuring electrical circuit completion.

Practical Applications of Redox Reactions in Everyday Life and Industry

Electroplating’s significance spans various facets of our lives and industrial sectors.

Protective Coating:

Prevention of Corrosion:

  • Iron Objects: A layer of a less reactive metal like zinc (galvanising) can guard against rust.
  • Coastal Areas: Due to the salty and humid environment, metals corrode faster. Electroplated coatings can prove invaluable here.

Prevention of Tarnishing:

  • Silver Items: Though lustrous, silver tarnishes over time. A gold layer can preserve its shine.
Protective coating on different objects.

Image courtesy of Oerlikon

Enhancing Appearance:

Jewellery and Silverware:

  • Cost-Efficiency: Objects can be given a luxurious gold or silver appearance without the high cost.
  • Durability: Electroplated jewellery tends to be more durable and less prone to wear and tear.

Decorative Pieces:

  • Metals like chromium and nickel are often used for their shiny finish and resistance to corrosion.

Electrical Conductivity:

Electronic Components:

  • Connectors: Some connectors, when plated with gold or silver, offer superior conductivity, ensuring efficient device performance.
Gold-plated connectors.

Image courtesy of Designpics

Reduction of Friction:

Engine Components:

  • Parts like pistons can benefit from electroplating, leading to enhanced efficiency and reduced wear.

Industry-Specific Uses:

  • Car Manufacturing: From aesthetics to resisting wear, electroplating is invaluable.
  • Aerospace: Components are plated to withstand high temperatures and friction.
  • Electronics: Ensures efficient connections and enhances the lifespan of parts.

Medical and Health:

  • Antibacterial Equipment: Silver’s antibacterial properties can be harnessed when medical equipment is silver-plated.
  • Implants: Certain metals are biocompatible and, when plated, can be safely used inside the body.

Health, Safety, and Environmental Concerns:

  • Chemical Handling: Electroplating often involves hazardous chemicals. Proper handling and disposal are paramount.
  • Resource Use: The process is electricity-intensive. Renewable energy sources are ideal.
  • Waste Management: Electroplating can produce waste. Recycling and proper waste treatment are crucial.

Electroplating epitomises the blend of theory and application. By grasping its redox foundations, we can further its sustainable utilisation across myriad sectors.


While electroplating can certainly enhance the aesthetic appeal of an object, the process has several functional benefits. Electroplating can significantly improve the corrosion resistance of an object. For example, chrome plating is used on many automotive parts not just for its shiny appearance but also for its durability and resistance to rust. Another functional benefit is increased electrical conductivity. Silver, being one of the best electrical conductors, can be electroplated onto electrical connectors to improve their performance. Electroplating can also provide wear resistance, reduce friction, or create a surface with desired properties that the base material does not possess.

Not all objects are suitable for electroplating. Firstly, the object to be electroplated must be electrically conductive because the process relies on the movement of electrons. This means that most metals can be electroplated, but non-conductive materials like certain plastics cannot unless they undergo a pre-treatment to make their surfaces conductive. Additionally, the object's surface must be clean and free from oils, rust, or other contaminants. Any contaminant can hinder the deposition of metal ions, leading to an uneven or weakly adhered plated layer. In some cases, objects undergo a series of cleaning and preparation steps, including acid cleaning, rinsing, and applying a base layer, before the actual electroplating process.

Ensuring the quality or purity of the deposited layer during electroplating involves several considerations. Firstly, the purity of the electrolyte is of paramount importance; any impurities in the electrolyte could get co-deposited onto the cathode. Regularly refreshing or filtering the electrolyte can help maintain its purity. Additionally, controlling the current density is vital. Too high a current can lead to rapid deposition, which might trap impurities or result in a rough, non-uniform layer. On the other hand, too low a current might not effectively plate the object. Using a controlled, consistent power source and frequently monitoring the process can help achieve a pure, high-quality electroplated layer.

The thickness of the electroplated layer is directly proportional to the duration of the electroplating process, given that all other conditions (like current and concentration of the electrolyte) remain constant. The longer the electroplating is allowed to proceed, the more metal ions are reduced at the cathode, leading to a thicker layer of the metal deposit. It's a cumulative process – the longer the immersion in the electrolytic solution with a constant current, the more deposition occurs. However, it's essential to ensure uniformity in the plating, so consistent agitation or movement might be required to avoid uneven deposition.

The choice of electrolyte is paramount for a successful electroplating process. The electrolyte serves as the source of the metal ions which are to be deposited onto the cathode (the object being plated). Therefore, the electrolyte must contain ions of the desired plating metal. For instance, if we want to plate an object with gold, the electrolyte might be a gold salt solution, providing gold ions for the reduction process. Additionally, the electrolyte plays a role in the conductivity of the solution, ensuring a consistent flow of current. An improper choice of electrolyte could result in an inconsistent or undesired metal layer or even hamper the process entirely.

Practice Questions

Describe the role of an electrolytic cell in the process of electroplating, ensuring you address the cathode, anode, and the significance of the electrolyte.

An electrolytic cell is fundamental to the electroplating process. At the cathode, the object being plated, metal ions from the electrolyte gain electrons (undergo reduction) and deposit as a metal layer on the object. Conversely, at the anode, typically made of the plating metal, the metal may dissolve into the solution, thereby compensating for the ions being plated at the cathode. The electrolyte is crucial as it not only furnishes the metal ions for the plating but also acts as a medium for ion movement, assuring the continuity of the electrical circuit.

Explain two practical applications of electroplating in everyday life or industry, discussing the advantages they offer.

Electroplating finds several practical applications, with two prominent ones being protection and enhancement of appearance. Firstly, electroplating offers a protective coating to objects. For instance, iron objects can be coated with zinc (a process called galvanising) to safeguard them against rust, thereby extending their lifespan. In coastal areas, metals corrode faster due to salty and humid conditions, and a protective layer can stave off corrosion. Secondly, electroplating enhances the aesthetic appeal of items. Jewellery, for instance, can be plated with gold or silver, giving it a luxurious appearance at a fraction of the cost, while also making it more durable against wear and tear.

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